edh-realm · 10 years
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Look at what just arrived … My brand new commander 2014 decks !!!
I have to say this set is really really strong, with many powerful reprint, wurmcoil, priestess of titania, thran dynamo,stroke of genius and all the titans. The new cards are no slouch either, the new lieutenants are really a beating, Malicious Affliction and Containtment Priest are probably gonna see legacy play this decks rocks !!!
I intend to make a deck for each color and first up will be Ghoulcaller Gisa. i have so much ideas for the deck. Can't wait to put it together test it and do deck tech on it ^^
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edh-realm · 10 years
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edh-realm · 10 years
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edh-realm · 10 years
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I'm so bored of playing combo deck all the time... with that said what deck should I make next ? Azusa mono green stompy, Zegana Simic stompy or Stonebrow gruul stompy which one do you guys thinks is better ?
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edh-realm · 10 years
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edh-realm · 10 years
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Hey guys, sorry for the super long break but i have been super busy due to work and personal reason, but now i will be back to posting regularly, without further ado i present  to you my Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind EDH deck or what my playgroup like to call it "Top of the hinder priority list"
First thing i would like to say is that this a combo deck that rely heavily on Niv-Mizzet as a win condition. However there are other ways to win just in case your Niv-Mizzet gets tucked or get removed to many times.
Combo 1
Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind + Curiosity/ Ophidian Eye/ Tandem lookout +(Laboratory Maniac)/(Overblaze)
This is the bread and butter combo of the deck, Enchant/Soulbond any of this card on Niv-Mizzet and if you do it at the right time you can kill the whole table. Basically how the combo work is that whenever you draw a card Niv-Mizzet will deal 1 damage and if he is enchanted/soulbonded with either Curiosity/Ophidian Eye/Tamdem Lookouk whenever Niv-Mizzet deals damage you can draw a card, creating a loop in other word you turn the remaining cards in your deck into a point of damage and drawing a big chunk if not your whole deck.
You can make the combo more potent by casting Overblaze which doublethe damage dealt, the earliest i have assembled the combo in a 4 man free for all is on turn 7, which means 2(99-7-7-3) = 164 points of damage, which is more than enough to kill the whole table. Even better if you have Laboratory Maniac on the battlefield which just out right win you the game.
Please note that Ophidian eye and Curiosity you can stop the loop at any point of time because the card states "you may draw a card" however with Tandem Lookout you will have to draw your whole deck.
Combo 2
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith + X spells
 This is a simple infinite colorless mana combo, When you activate Basalt Monolith's untap ability, that triggers rings of brighthearth. If you have another 2 mana, you can pay for that, and it will untap basalt monolith. You can then tap basalt monlith between the rings trigger untap and the original untap, as well as after the original untap, generating 6 mana for a cost of 5 netting you an extra 1 colorless mana. With access to red mana you have many fireball effect at your disposal, my personal choice is Banefire and Invoke The Firemind, but if you wanna go old school i have Stroke Of Genius and Blue-Sun's Zenith inside the deck forcing your opponent to draw their entire deck or again if Laboratory Maniac is in play just target yourself and win the game that way.
Combo 3
Heartless Hidetsugu + Overblaze/Dictate Of The Twin Gods.
There will be games where you just cant see yourself winning and you have Heartless Hidetsugu with Overblaze or Dictate Of the Twin Gods in your hand. If you can't win my advice to you is take everyone down with you. Cast your Hidetsugu give him a new shiny pair of Greaves or Boots and proceed to blow shit up.
Final Thoughts
Again as usual how you want to build the rest of the deck is up to you, i have see dragon tribal, izzet control and iozzet burn. For me i run lots of draw/Scry cards to assemble the combo as soon as possible, i have a total of about 8 counterspell to protect the combo and afe stealy face cards like Sower of temptation, Bribery and Control Magic for you know borrowing cards ^^ and of course this deck relies heavily on artifact for any form of ramp. If your looking for a fast and clean combo deck Niv-Mizzet might just be your man/dragon. 
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edh-realm · 10 years
Unless I'm wrong they will hit the graveyard then instantly exile so it's still considered going to the graveyard... I think
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Card of the day: Bitter Ordeal Combos with: having a free sac outlet and a lotta tokens, getting board wiped or wiping on your turn. Reanimator or graveyard decks. Self mill. Pros: Remember how I talked about sadistic sacrament? This card is leagues better in any deck that likes putting anything in the graveyard. If storm was a broken mechanic because you could cast a bunch of ramp and cantrip spells, grave storm is about a hundred times more broken. Lets say your playing Mimeoplasm or any other u/b self. You cast traumatize on yourself milling 40 or so cards, then follow it up with this. Unless they have stifle or mind break trap in hand, you win. Even if its a 4-way just use 1 on each of them, note their win cons and use the rest accordingly. My god, it doesn’t even care who’s yard it goes to?! Fuck, traumatize them and cast it, disk the board and cast it, blasphemous act for 1 and cast it! Thats 4 mana to exile minimum 9 cards. This card is goddamn masterpiece. Just even something as simple as dredging grave troll will hinder most any deck. For three mana. Cons: You’ll lose friends. Rating: Put it on every deck where a lot of stuff hits the yard on your turn EDH wise. Its not in standard and I’m not a legacy or modern guy. Fun fact: Tarmagoyf went for 3$ presale outta future sight and held that for a while. It now enjoys something like a 5000% price increase
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edh-realm · 10 years
Fun MTG-related asks (Pick one and put it in my ask)
1. What's your favorite Color
2. Favorite Creature Type
3. Favorite MTG terminology
4. Last Deck you played with
5. Last MTG-related argument with your friends
6. Last format you played in
7. If something could stop you from playing MTG for life, what would it be?
8. Would you ever date a person who disliked MTG?
9. If you could go back in time and purchase a playset of any card (excluding the p9s) what would it be?
10. What is your biggest MTG-related regret you've ever had?
11. If you could have a creature from MTG become your pet, what would it be?
12. What would you be spending on if you weren't playing MTG?
13. If who you are now were to be transformed into a planeswalker card, what would your ultimate be?
14. ignoring all the broken things it might unleash, If you could have just one card reprinted in standard, what would it be?
15. If you could change any rule in the MTG Comprehensive rules, what would it be, and why?
16. Would you want to teach MTG to your children, and why or why not?
17. For how much longer do you forsee yourself playing MTG?
18. Why do you play MTG?
19. Have you ever competed in an event with more than 30 people?
20. Worst deal you pushed through with
21. Rituals/habits you do while playing (cardflicking/shuffling/etc)
22. Are there other cardgames you play?
23. how do you determine who goes first during a casual game? (die roll for highest/lowest, coin flip, etc.)
24. Do you own any MTG-related Paraphernalia? (posters, mugs, etc)
25. Do you have an MTG-related nickname in your playgroup?
26. What decks are you always known for in your playgroup?
27. Most difficult word to spell/pronounce you've come across while playing MTG
28. Do you organize your cards a certain way?
29. Have you ever physically destroyed MTG cards before?
30. What format would you love to play, disregarding cost of entry
31. Most notable flavor text
32. How do you tap your cards?
33. Lands over creatures, or vice-versa?
34. What do you think about the current storyline of MTG?
35. Which deck do you think is the most dominant deck in standard?
36. Which deck do you think is the most under-utilized deck in standard?
37. In your opinion, which card is the absolute worst card ever printed?
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edh-realm · 10 years
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#commanderselfie ? I hope I'm not to late to join in the fun. From the right I have: Ghost council of orzhova Lavinia of the tenth Karametra, God of harvest Prime speaker Zegana Derevi, empyrial tactician Roon of the hidden realm Numot, the devastator Merieke Ri Berit Gahiji, honored One Scion of the Ur-Dragon Heads Hazid, profiteer Mayael the anima Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind The mimeoplasm Zo-zu the punisher On nixilis, the fallen Sun Quan, Lord of wu Omnath, locus of mana I rotate around this guys very regularly. Love mtg, love Edh #commanderselfie. Hopefully I can get the time to deck tech one of this bad boys for you guys
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edh-realm · 10 years
I know how this feels
The Great Dilemma
Making more decks vs. Optimizing a few decks.
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edh-realm · 10 years
M15 !!! EDH Cards (planeswalker)
With M15 hitting store wide soon i was thinking about writing a few posts about cards that in my opinion really good, that may or may not make it into your other 99. To start things off let’s talk planeswalker, Planeswalker are good really really goof. Every deck will almost have at least 1 for their ability if not just for their sheer awesomeness.
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"Nice board you have there, it would be a shame if someone has a terminus at top of their deck" - Me threatening my friends
Lets start with the oldest planeswalker in the list Liliana Vess, she first made her debut in Lorwyn with the original 5. She may not have the power of the veil here but with great power comes a heavier price tag. Her strength is the fact that she is a tutor, although a slow one it is a tutor that you can use TWICE, did i mention you don’t have to reveal those cards. Though she lacks the Raw power of Liliana of the Veil, she is almost an auto include in any deck running black cause tutors are always good.
Before there was Rise of the dark realm, there was liliana Ves.
Opinion: Always play her if you can, tutors are tutors no matter how slow
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"She doesn’t suck anymore !!!" - Competitive magic player
I won’t lie to you guys back when i was still playing a lot of standard, i almost shed a tear when i saw her in spoiler season. I have always loved Chandra but she was never good enough for standard or almost any competitive setting, i still have 4 copies of her for my standard deck but for EDH in my opinion her abilities pale in comparison to Firebrand and ablze. However don’t get me wrong her 0 ability is “card draw” if not at least a filter, but when you use it on turn 5 and flip open you big ass dragon you will really really sad.
Opinion: Play her if you really like Chandra.
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"Time to assemble the justice league" -Me
SUPER FRIENDS !!! i really love planeswalker especially Ajani, this guy is the final push i needed to jam every single planeswalker into a deck. With him and rings of brightheart you just added 2 loyalty on every planeswalker on your side of the field. This guy will suddenly come in an enables at least one if not two of your walkers to ultimate and trust me having a planeswalker emblem on your side of the field really really helps out. Even if you don’t minus him making a “banesleyer” for a turn with his +1 will feel really good too. Overall he all his ability will make you feel really warm and fuzzy as you slaughter your foes.
Opinion: Play him if you have the slot, baneslayer angel is good. For superfriends yes 100% yes.
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"it says non-land permanent" - My friend when he bounced my helix pinnacle at 80+ counter.
A bit of back story, my friend loves blue and loves any form of Jace so when Living Guildpact he promptly made 4 proxy to test out. I was playing my Vorel of the hull clade deck and he was playing his Jhoira of the Ghitu deck, he cast Vandalblast on my liquimetal coating, which i in response activate turning my Helix pinnacle into a artifact and doubling it’s counter with Vorel. He then run this guy out -3 targeting my Pinnacle i was like you can’t do that, he then promptly pointed me to the word “permanent” with my jaws dropped i took back my helix pinnacle, with 5 mana he undid all the effort i invested for 3 turns. Morale of the story is read the text properly. He may not be mind sculptor or even as good as beleren but jace will always be jace and jace will always be good
Opinion: Run him cause why the not, card filter and bounce he ain’t that bad, there is no better feeling then putting that Temporal mastery at the top and a flashback card in the graveyard.
(thank you christhumchinda for pointing out that helix pinnacle has shroud making both my friend and I look like idiots hahaha since it can't be targeted both by jace and liquimetal coating )
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" That is a +1 not a -1 Untap 4 forest" - My friend on whatsapp
Again at first glace i misread it as -1 untap 4 forest and i thought she was really good. Now that i know is +1 she is just insane, definitely gonna add her to my Mael, Omnath and Rhys the redeemed deck. It’s 4 forest which includes your Stomping ground, overgrown tomb and for you rich folks your taiga and bayou. She slices and dices she is the planeswalker that will make any green player happy, there will never be a bad time to top deck her.
Opinion: Yes, just yes if you play any form of midrage deck that has the color green in it just yes.
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"That way the emblem is worded is damn CB" - My bestfriend in the bus
Fun fact, this if someone doesn’t blink his Aetherling in response to you casting card that is a dead aetherling and 5 life to you. Also destroying an opposing planeswalker or even better and oposing garruk with the first +1 ability is gonna feel real good. All of his ability will always be relevant at any point of the game especially in EDH, where planeswalkers are a big threat. I really like this Garruk, honestly i would almost never ultimate him, with him stalking the board no body will want to play their planeswalker just to get destroyed by garruk
Opinion: His cost is really high but if you are in the color and you can afford to just play him you wont regret it trust me.
Which Planeswalker are you most excited for ? My personal favourite is Ajani because i really like Ajani and SUPER FRIENDS !!! i will make it a thing trust me.
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edh-realm · 10 years
Let me just say this, sorrin is like a bad Ass dad. Searching the whole plane for his baby girl and slaughtering anyone in his way.
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"Avacyn, my angel. What has befallen you? I will find you. And those who block me shall answer to my sword.”
— Sorin Markov, Dark Ascension Trailer
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edh-realm · 10 years
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I would like yo present to you Momir Vig, SimicVisionary, A.K.A Boring Vig. Don't get me wrong this deck is really strong and Momir is arguably one of the strongest Simic commander, but he plays the same every game, he is so consistent to the point that it gets a little boring. However if your looking for a Simic Commander and is stuck i present to you my Momir the Flasher.
Prophet of Kruphix
Momir Vig
Teferi + Seedborn Muse
*this is assuming you are playing a 4 person game, the timing will have to be altered depending on the number of players
Combo 1:
Sun Quan, Lord of Wu + Avenger of Zendikar + Master Biomancer
This is a simple chain, cast Master Biomance using Momir's ability fetch Avenger of Zendikar, if you have enough mana try to clone your Master Biomancer on your turn if not flash in the clone on the next player's turn, so you will have 2 Biomancer one will be a 2/4 and another 4/6. On the third player's turn flash in Avenger, first triggering Momir to fetch Sun Quan putting him on the top of your deck, Assuming you only exactly enough mana to cast avenger you will get 7 saproling which will come into play as a 6/7 because of the 2 Master Biomancer. On the 4th player turn you can leave mana up for counter spell of if you are greedy, bounce Avenger with either Crystal Shard or Erratic Portal and re-casting him for more 6/7 saproling. Finally on your turn cast Sun Quan and finish someone if not the whole table off with a big alpha swing.
Combo 2:
Biovisonary + Progenitor Mimic
A little backstory i was challenged by my friend to make a deck that uses biovisionary as one of the main win con.
This combo is a little easier to pull off, on your turn cast Bivisionary and using Momir fetch Progenitor Mimic, on the next player's turn cast Progenitor Mimic *this can be done on any player's turn as long as it's before yours* using Momir again fetch clone or any form of clone be it Sakashima etc, howerver if you wanna play safe fetching Mystic Snake is a good idea. On your upkeep you will get a token that is a copy of Biovisionary, clone any of the Biovisionary and enf your turn for a win.
Combo 3:
Eternal Witness + Crystal Shard/Erratic Portal/Aether Vial +Conterspell + Seedborn Muse.
Eternal Witness + Cryptic command
A few years back there was a modern deck that was called eternal command. Basically you will use cryptic command to bounce eternal Witness back to hand and counter the opposing player's spell. Using Aether Vial you will flash Eternal Witness into play, taking back Cryptic Command which resulting in a not so soft, soft lock. This deck does the same with Prophet of Kruphix giving Eternal Witness flash and untapping your land.
The longer more obscure road is using Crystal Shard to bounce Eternal witness back to hand and untapping with Seedborn Muse but this allows you to use any counterspell.
Final Thoughts
All the combo above is assuming you have either Prophet of Kruphix, Seedborn + Flash enabling Permanents, in play. The combo looks a little fragile but being green and blue you almost always will have a counterspell back up.Worst come to worst you can always fetch Mystic Snake to counter a spell then fetch the creature you want. The rest of the deck is very standard, Counterspells, Ramp, Draw Power and utility.
Thank you to those who follows me, like and reblog my posts, the next deck would either be Muzzio, Visionary Architect or Sliver Legion.
My play group is doing a mono colored challenge, i was thinking of playing white with Avacyn as my commander. If anyone has any ideas or suggestion for a fun/interesting mono color commander do share it with me.
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edh-realm · 10 years
I was about to post my momir-vig deck when I saw this post how fitting. That prophet .... *drool*
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Check out the new Clash Packs for Magic 2015!
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edh-realm · 10 years
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After the long delay here is my Mayael, the Anima deck.
Mayael is a commanders that allow you to cheat in creature with power 5 or greater directly into play. With that said i recommend running about 20 - 22 big creatures so her ability will hit constantly. There are lots of creatures with power 5 or more and how which creature you want is up to you.
Chord of calling
Worldly tutor
Green Sun Zenith
Tooth and Nail
Wordly tutor makes sure that you will definitely get the creature you want out of Mayael's effect, for example someone plays a wrath you can wordly tutor for Avacyn, put it on the top of your deck and activate mayael to save your creature, chord works in a same way just that it cost more to cast and buy, but with the ramp in the deck paying 13 for an instant Avacyn or Archetype of endurance is no problem, green sun is a sorcery chord but getting a seedborn muse will put the deck in overdrive. Finally tooth and nail, Tooth and nail, Vorinclex + Avacyn, Avacyn + Archetype of Endurance, Archetype of Endurance + Vorinclex or Avacyn + Blazing Archon, with this card the world is our oyster.
Mana Doubler:
Mana Reflection
Mirari Wake
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
This is really self explanatory, Doubles your mana play big X spell and play big creature.
Privileged Position
Archetype of Endurance
Avacyn, Angel of Hope
Blazing Archon
Sigarda, Host of Heron
This cards are the cards that Protects and Defend, the first 3 cards Privileged Position, Asceticism and  Archetype of Endurance prtects your creature from pesky Commander like Rubinia and Merieke, cards like swords to plowshare, Sower of temptation basically any single target problem cards. Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Avacyn is just a beast she is, Cards like damnation, Decree of pain, Austere Command and the terror or standard Supreme Verdict does nothing to you. Sometimes you need the protection and that is where Blazing Archon comes it prevents you from getting overwhelmed by quantity or quality creature player. Finally, With Sigarda + Avacyn + any of the first 3 protection cards the only out to your board state will be cards like mass tuck, terminus, mass bounce, Cyclonic rift and finally mass exile like living end.
Karmic Guide
Angel of Serenity
Eternal Witness
If somehow your opponent manage to kill your creature or mill them away this cards got your back. Karmic guide let the Big fat creature which got discarded or milled to come back straight from the jaws of hell to join your army. AoS is Removal/Recursion it helps you get rid of pesky creature and or get creatures from your graveyard back to hand when she leaves play. Last is of course the best green recursion card, Eternal Witness it gets anything land, enchantment, spell or creature you name she gets it.  
Lurking Predator
Fires of Yamivaya
Urabrask, the Hidden
Greater Good
Sylvan Library
Sensei Top
This cards basically supports the deck, lurking predator and deathrender lets you cheat your monsters into play. Fires and Urabrask gives everything Haste. Greater Good is a good card draw engine that can save some of your more important creature from being exiled. Sylvan Library and Sensei top lets you alter your top deck making Mayael's ability more reliable.
If your a Timmy like my Mayael is a good naya commander to lead your army of creature to stomp your enemies to dust. There is no clear cut way to build her creature base, she allows the player to be flavorful or just outright unfair.
This are the Big monster that are in my deck:
Blazing Archon
Avacyn, Angel Of Hope
Akroma, Angel of Fury
Akroma, Angel of Wrath
Nylea, God of the Hunt
Aegis Angel
Spellbreaker Behemoth
Angel of Serenity
Sigarda, Host of Heron
Soul of the Harvest
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
Garruk's horde
Archetype of Endurance
Woodfall Primus
Regal Force
Pelakka wurm
Gruul Ragebeast
Admonition Angel
Iona, Shield of Emeria
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edh-realm · 10 years
it has been a few days since i posted anything... but those days were not spent on nothing. Stand by for 3 post each for my new commanders, Mael the Anima, Isperia Supreme Judge and Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
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edh-realm · 10 years
Reblog if you’re not Tumblr famous, and you post the stuff because you like it, and you follow people because you actually like their blog.
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