eekagk Ā· 3 months
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They took too long grocery shopping and somebody was getting hungry
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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"i wish luffy didnt fall asleep listening to peoples backstories-" ok well i hope he falls asleep listening to his own backstory
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
"As you focus on the task at hand, Law's thoughts wander, his heart yearning to express the depth of his feelings. Outside the portholes, shafts of sunlight filter down from the surface, illuminating the underwater world with an otherworldly glow. Schools of fish dart past, their iridescent scales catching the light in a dazzling display of color."
THIS PAINTS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. i was in awe like damn... i wish i could experience that.
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The Quiet Kind
per this request!
ā¤ļøŽ trafalgar law x reader ā¤ļøŽ (no pronouns mentioned)
š–¤ā‚ŠĖš.ą¼„ (fluff) š–¤ā‚ŠĖš.ą¼„
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cw/summary: reader is mute & very shy! law helps reader with task, cheek kisses, fluff, fluff, fluff.
word count: ~700
tagging: @bby-deerling @risenwrites @strawheart-pirate @uchihabbynic @nina-ya @mandiemegatron@shamblespirate@eelnoise@maddddstuff @lowkeycasanova @stuckinthewrongworld @laylaloves-ed @leftladyluminary
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The Quiet Kind
Amidst the steady hum of the Polar Tang, your sanctuary liesā€”a haven of tranquil silence amidst the bustling chaos of pirate life. As a member of the Heart Pirates, you navigate the world with a quiet grace, your shy demeanor concealing a heart brimming with untold emotions.
Trafalgar Law, your captain, finds himself inexplicably drawn to your silent presence. His stoic facade belies a heart that quickens at the sight of your timid smile, each brush of your gentle hands.Ā 
He admires the way you carry yourself, despite your lack of words.
One day, as you find yourself in need of assistance with a task aboard the Polar Tang, you cast a shy glance towards Law, silently pleading for his help. With keen perception, Law understands your unspoken request, offering his assistance with a reassuring nod.
Amidst the subdued lighting of the sub's repair bay, you and Law stand side by side, focused on the task at hand. The metallic clang of tools against machinery reverberates through the chamber as you work together to repair a crucial component of the submarine's propulsion system.
Law's instructions are steady and sure, his hands deftly maneuvering the tools as he explains each step of the process with a calm patience.Ā 
He guides you with a patience born of his affection for you; quietly, carefully. Despite your lack of verbal communication, his words are clear and concise, aiding you through the intricate workings of the machinery with ease.
ā€œThatā€™s it,ā€ he says softly as he watches you work. The dim lighting within the submarine casts a soft glow over the metallic corridors, creating an atmosphere of subdued tranquility as the Polar Tang glides gracefully through the underwater realm.
You follow his lead, your movements careful and precise as you assist in disassembling and repairing the damaged parts.
As you focus on the task at hand, Law's thoughts wander, his heart yearning to express the depth of his feelings. Outside the portholes, shafts of sunlight filter down from the surface, illuminating the underwater world with an otherworldly glow. Schools of fish dart past, their iridescent scales catching the light in a dazzling display of color.
"You're doing great," Law murmurs softly, his voice a mere whisper amidst the quiet of the room. Though his words are meant for your ears alone, they carry the weight of his unspoken longing, a silent confession hidden in the cadence of his voice.
With each fleeting glance exchanged, Law's heart sings with unspoken desires, his gaze lingering on your form with a tenderness he dare not voice aloud. He longs to tell you of the emotions that swirl within him, but the words remain trapped behind the cold walls of his stone-face.
As the task nears completion, Law steals another glance at you, "Thank you," he murmurs once more, his voice barely a whisper as he fights to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to spill from his lips.Ā 
As the final pieces fall into place, you steal a glance at Law, your eyes expressing not only undeniable gratitude but also a hint of something more ā€” affection, perhaps?
ā€œYou did great,ā€ Law smiles softly, "I barely helped," he chuckles, humility evident in his tone. "That was all you."
You blush at his praise, smiling softly and glancing down at the floor before shyly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.Ā 
Unable to speak your feelings aloud, you summon your courage and swallow dryly before pressing a soft kiss to your captainā€™s cheek.
Law's heart skips a beat at the unexpected touch, his face flushing faintly as he gazes at you.Ā 
In that fleeting moment, amidst the quiet of the room and the enchanting underwater world outside, your unspoken bond deepens, intertwining like the intricate threads of the ocean's currents.
With a shy smile, you turn to leave the room, your heart fluttering with newfound courage.
And as Law watches you go, a smile tugs at his lips, his admiration blossoming into something deeperā€”a silent sort of love.
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
Straw Hats- Reversed AU HCs
AU: In which YOU are the character of a very famous franchise, and they are regular people who are fans of your series.
Note: GN!Reader, crack, very unserious
Thinks youā€™re neat! Super cool!
People think he doesnā€™t really ā€œgetā€ you and just likes you for your awesome powers and/or cool appearance, but he drops like an innocent yet profound tidbit about you that shows he really is thinking of you.
Honestly probably only has a bootleg figure of you courtesy of Ace. Itā€™s goofy as hell but he adores it.
Maybe has one of those printed graphic tees.
Ace and Sabo joke about his love for you but then Luffy throws his slippers at them.
If he sees anything with you on it, heā€™s just gushing over it.
Loves finding funny comics with you online.
Guy who likes you for your powers.
The same guy who is also a weeb in front of the mirror and tries to replicate your awesome moves.
Help his roommates caught him-
I think heā€™d get those compression shirts/shorts with you or a symbol of yours for when he works out.
Also the guy whoā€™s working out to your voice like those ASMR videos so he can pretend youā€™re praising him and congratulating him.
Gets into fights with Sanji about whoā€™s the bigger fan.
I donā€™t see Zoro as the type to ā€œcollectā€ things, but heā€™d probably have a keychain of you around his belt or something as a good luck charm.
Might even have an action and poseable figure of you like a Figma.
Likes you lots, but also recognizes your merch potential.
Works alongside Usopp to produce fan merch or zines for you to make money.
Has a unique piece of jewelry with your symbol/iconography to wear.
Sheā€™s not wearing ā€œobviousā€ for merch, because she just isnā€™t about that.
Probably has a few very expensive figures of yours that are special edition or anniversary editions that she managed to get at a steep discount.
Reads a bit of fanfic but tends to mostly peruse fanart of you.
Tends to have multiple ships for you- she doesnā€™t really favor one over the other she just thinks theyā€™re interesting.
Likes to do cosplays of your fits, though. Sheā€™s gotten very popular for her lovely cosplays. She tends to handmake most of her cosplays, but Usopp and Franky add to the amazing accessories.
Plays the gacha game for your series, and her amazing luck means she gets practically all your units easily.
The artist of the group who has seen and had to do heinous things for a commission.
Unlike the others, he IS making a self insert and HE IS DOING ART AND COMICS WITH YOU AND HIM AS THE MAIN COUPLE!
Has made a name for himself of making doujins and art for you. His store has seen lots of purchases for his doujins.
Nami basically is his account manager and has made him raise commission prices many times in order to pay their rent and so he can realize how valued his work is.
He mostly just posts his work but does like answering questions from fans and posting about how awesome you looked in the new episode.
Always making art and stories from you.
Has done fanfiction for you but itā€™s mostly with his OC/SI and his artwork tends to be more well-known.
Always does special drawings for your birthday and various holidays.
Plays the gacha and has bad luck so he has to whale for your unit. He insists he prefers just regular console or PC gaming instead of gacha.
Number one fan, he WILL get into arguments about you and inject you into everything.
All your figures, all your merch, all of it in one specific room dedicated to you. Sanji even has a lifesize figure of you in a cool/cute pose he religiously cleans (and prays to ngl) every day because AINT NO WAY HIS LOVE IS GOING TO GET A SPECK OF DUST ON THEM!!
His work as a chef makes him busy, but he likes to wear small things of you like a brooch or something on his uniform to cheer him up through the day.
Makes videos cooking things you cooked or dishes you liked within the series.
He sometimes shows off his collection and Zoro calls him a loser and they get into fights in the comments.
Commissions art of you (probably Usopp) to hang up in the (Y/n) room.
I feel like he would do a persona/self-insert but also I feel like heā€™d be like no!!!! I cannot sully my beloved like that!!! So he focuses on just you.
Blocks people who are fans of you and does not like shipping anyone with you, hell no his mellorine is HIS!!!
Has done fanfic, mostly self-insert, and thatā€™s pretty much all he reads. No ships.
ā€œOh, (Y/n)? Yes, they are an interesting character. I like them.ā€
[1 Million word count fic series, tagged: slow burn, character exploration, heavy angst, found family, Book 4 of 7]
ā€œI just think theyā€™re neat.ā€
Probably the mother fic writer for you and/or one of your ships.
Doesnā€™t socialize much online, just tends to post and scroll through the fics for you and answers comments under her fic.
Likes to support her fellow creators so she does look into the art and projects other fans have made.
Does try to create her own aesthetics for her blog and fics, but sometimes she just commissions Usopp to make her things for her fics to fit her vision.
Is really into unique and often abstract or ā€œdarkā€ art of you.
Yes youā€™re her favorite character, yes she will still make you suffer in her fics and art for the ~development~.
Itā€™s a running gag with her peers where they ask her how she will torture them next.
She finds the Nendoroids of you are quite cute, so she bought one to go on her desk.
Franky likes making garage set figures of you.
Heā€™s also a bit of a dork, so he will often make you pose with a super sentai outfit or large gundam robots (since theyā€™re also a part of his crafting hobby).
Makes videos showing off the new figures he made of you.
He loves you cuz youā€™re his hero, you just amaze him!
Printed a photo of the art your creator did where you guys were all dressed like super heroes or something- suuuuppper up his alley and he loved seeing it.
He likes collecting the manga/comics for your series and keeps them on his personal shelf.
Franky also helps Nami/others with specific cosplay accessories. Franky is known for his craftsmanship, so heā€™s made plenty of cosplay gear for others that are above and beyond.
Him and Usopp have collabed to create the original figures of you that Franky adores.
Does those videos where he takes cheaper/smaller figures of you and adds to the base and design to make it more ā€œepicā€.
What the hell is ā€œfanfictionā€?
Goes by the username ā€œSoul Kingā€ and uploads his covers of your franchiseā€™s music.
He really loves you though so heā€™s often rocking your shirts while heā€™s recording the music.
He does a lot of different genres for your theme covers- jazz, heavy metal, lofi, piano, music box- heā€™s done em all.
Whenever heā€™s not recording covers of his music and does streams, he very proudly shows his figure of you and a poster he has hanging up on his wall.
Also plays the gacha game, has pretty good luck but never with your units.
ā€œWow! 5 Sugo-rares! Who are they- GOD DAMN IT ITā€™S JUST THE OTHERS!!! RATE UP IS A LIE!!!ā€
Brook is a menace though and Iā€™m gonna keep that under wraps for various reasons.
Maybe in the future I might explain further.
Jinbei is classy, unlike many of the others here (we will not name names).
Heā€™s more likely to ā€œmakeā€ his own merchandise for you.
Handmade doll with a lovingly sewn kimono, for example.
Fancy tea set that is painted with your symbols but itā€™s so subtle and chic that some of his viewers donā€™t even realize itā€™s from some random franchise he likes.
He prides himself on his traditional and handmade crafts and youā€™re just an avenue to experiment with them.
He likes to design the kimonos and outfits with you in mind and the season. He shows the process of creating it in these calm and quiet BTS videos.
Really they are beautiful and the amount of love and skillmanship put into the work he does is fantastic, itā€™s awe inspiring.
Does not know what a fanfic, a gacha, or what a ā€œfan editā€ is. Heā€™s an old man heā€™s got things to do, man.
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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Some One Piece Minks drawingsĀ Iā€™ve been accumulating (technically I know some of them donā€™t fit under the mink category but lets just say they are still all minks).
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
I miss when nami wore tshirts with mini skirts or shorts all the time
I know she wears skirts/shorts post ts too but the vibe is different .. her old looks were so cute and casual. Something I would wear when out and about in summer. girly meets comfort style
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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Don't stop talking about Palestine
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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it's all about freedom really
Credit goes to An Sifakah for the poem. Enjoy!
Support me on Ko-fi maybe?
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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chilchuck handed him the infodump on a silver platter and laios went 'not my department'
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
Nicknames with Sanji, Zoro, & Kid
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Content: Gender Neutral reader, no NSFW here.
LOVES using any type of nicknames on you, and will do it more than calling you by your actual name
Just one? Absolutely not
Sanji would call you anything you asked him to
Prince/Princess, sweetheart, swan, my love (obviously!)
But the idea of him calling you food related nicknames is so ingrained into him
Honey, Sugar, Pumpkin
he just starts listing ingredients to that dayā€™s dessert
Itā€™s also very unconsciously done. If heā€™s busy cooking or washing up, or if his attention is on literally anything else at that moment- not that it would be for long with you standing anywhere near him, heā€™d quickly turn away from whatever heā€™s doing to see your pretty face -heā€™ll answer you and casually drop a nickname as he does
ā€œThanks for the offer, but Iā€™m just fine, Angel Cake.ā€
Heā€™d be over the moon if you returned the nicknames, too!
Heā€™s such a sucker for praise and kind words that heā€™s happy with any sweet thing youā€™d call him, but heā€™d also be lying if he didnā€™t favor when you called him, ā€˜my loveā€™, or ā€˜my dearā€™
Feels so valued when his expressions of love are reciprocated
Zoroā€™s not so much one for nicknames, but he wonā€™t turn up his nose at them either
Itā€™ll probably take some prodding from him to get him to call you something special- this man is the type that if you want something, you have to communicate with him for it. He canā€™t read your mind, and itā€™ll only frustrate him if you expect him to just know things.
Take him seriously though- requesting him to call you something sickeningly sweet and reminiscent of something the cook might call you might defeat any chances of getting a cute little nickname. See: Pookie
Very traditional. Babe/baby & sweetheart would probably be the most comfortably used
ā€œIā€™m almost done training, be down in a sec, babe.ā€
The majority of the time he also uses nicknames very absent-mindedly. If Sanji teases him for it, heā€™ll stick to his guns and double down on it just because
ā€œYeah, I called them ā€˜babeā€™. You got a problem with that?ā€
On the other hand, Zoro wonā€™t really reject anything you might call him.
The first time you call him anything, he pauses, turns to look at you with a brow raised, and repeats what youā€™d called him
It almost looks like heā€™s upset at first, but then he smirks and turns back to his training
While heā€™s not so romantically expressive with his words, he appreciates a S/O that is
Good luck with this guy
The most affectionate nickname youā€™re going to get from him are things like ā€˜dumbassā€™, ā€˜idiotā€™, and ā€˜loserā€™
He throws them at you so aggressively, sometimes for seemingly no reason. You re literally just standing there half the time and heā€™ll call you a loser
But donā€™t be fooled- much like Zoro, he isnā€™t one for words and instead resorts to other methods of affection
You know, like loving insults!
ā€œHow did you manage to burn yourself while cooking? Idiot, come here and let me see.ā€
He seems so fed up with people all the time, but in reality heā€™s just so used to cussing and riling people up for fights that insults are just a normal part of his vocabulary
If you expressed that you wanted to be called something else or that his version of nicknames was hurtful, at first heā€™d dismiss you
ā€œSuck it up and quit being so sensitive.ā€
But itā€™ll haunt him all day- how you frowned every time he called you a name, how you would look down at your shoes after every chat with him. How sometimes, after a particularly bad day or a rough fight, how youā€™d disappear and hide in your room for the day after he would dig into you for getting in his way, or missing your shot on that one guy
Damn you for making him feel things. Especially guilt.
Eventually heā€™ll upgrade you to ā€˜Prince/Princess/ā€™, after jokingly making the comment of how spoiled you were that you would ask to be called something special from the rest of the crew
Itā€™s a win-win. He doesnā€™t need to apologize and bruise his ego, and you get to be called something actually nice.
Now, turn it around and call him a Prince? That would be another hill to get over
ā€œPsh, Iā€™m the King, Prince(ss). Get it right.ā€
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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Laios I would marry you even though you're broke as fuck and could barely afford a horse and a few goats (embarrassing)
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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its always sunny on the grand line
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
im definitely the only warden magellan and vice warden hannyabal shipper. no one sees the vision i see.
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
"Trafalgar law is a very serious character'
Why Law is just a silly little guy:
Despite him being introduced as slightly menacing and mysterious, he slowly falls victim to the Strawhat's shenanigans and eventually reveals his immense hatred of bread.
2. He constantly Bepo as a pillow, even when's trying to be menacing.
3. He has a weakness for cute things. Chopper, Sugar, especially Bepo.
4. He's a big ol nerd. He can pretend all he wants that everyone in the North Blue knows Sora warrior of the sea by heart but the look in his eyes proves otherwise. And he too fell victim to how cool the ninja was.
5. Literally half his screentime is him getting beat up in the most babygirl way ever
6. His crew basically acts like a cheerleading squad while he sulks in the corner like an emo teen as if he isnt a grown man
7. The entirety of his screentime in one piece party
8. The seen in the light novel where he literally compares himself to being a stray kitten being adopted
9. His best idea for a disguise is wearing a mustache, sunglasses and his hood up. With his tattoos very visible. And his hat. And the jacket with "Corazon" on the back, something Doflamingo and the Donquixote family would instantly recognize.
10. in dressrosa when he's being basically carried around like a potato sack and at one point cavendish is just hanging him over his horse.
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
memories are bullets
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eekagk Ā· 3 months
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my favorite part was when he ate the dungeon
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