elby-and-a-blog · 2 hours
on catholicism and cults
what separates organized religion from a cult is the genuine amount of control the figurehead has. for example, catholicism has done horrendous stuff, but does her leader command respect and blind obedience and blind service? just based on catholics online, the pope is doing a bad job at being a cult leader. people are just casually leaving catholicism because of scandals with no official reprecussion (sedevacantism), people are free to disagree with the pope, a lot of catholics consider catholicism as going to church sometimes on christmas and easter, to the point where there is slang for it, at least in hong kong (ceo; christmas easter only). a cult is a high-control group, like the maoist red guard, which actually did public shaming, and did the 1960s equivalent of doxxing then persecuting dissidents and their families. there were actual reprecussions for not agreeing with the leader. people are compelled to obey, not just by word only, because if you don't persecute others, you too are next, thus a cycle of keeping people in line continues. if we want the word "cukt" to keep the impact it has, using it for everything does not help scorn organized religion -- it actually obfuscates problems religions have, and it's a shame people use cult willy-nilly, to the point where a lot of people doubt if the "cult experience" is actually that harmful. (for example, christianity institutionally it has been tied with imperalism, colonialism and nationalism. leaving it at "cult" just obfuscates the problem. buddhist monks have been associated with hypocrisy and corupption and even bodily abuse over here -- does calling buddhism a cult bring any of these problems to light?)
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elby-and-a-blog · 1 day
oh. you mean THOSE people.
Pjo fans who wish the worldbuilding was more Ancient Greece because it would've been 'cooler' have the same energy as old time-y american media fans who wish things were still like they were back then for the aesthetic.You get what i mean right
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elby-and-a-blog · 2 days
Okay, I like Origen of Alexandria's allegorical reading of the fall of Jericho wherein Jericho is a type of the world and Rahab is a personification of the Church.
But I think the allegorical interpretation would have worked better if Rahab had married Joshua, as the Rabbis say it, rather than Salmon, as the Gospel of Matthew teaches us
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elby-and-a-blog · 3 days
He wanted her out, but Sethe had let her in and he couldn't put her out of a house that wasn't his. It was one thing to beat up a ghost, quite another to throw a helpless coloredgirl out in territory infected by the Klan. Desperately thirsty for black blood, without which it could not live, the dragon swam the Ohio at will.
Toni Morrison (Beloved, page 79). Bolded emphasis added.
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an early Ku Klux Klan flag, circa 1865, featuring a black dragon on a peach field and the Latin phrase Quod Semper, Quod Ubique, Quod Ab Omnibus. Source: Digital Public Library of America
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elby-and-a-blog · 3 days
you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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elby-and-a-blog · 3 days
Everyone, here is another fundraiser which @yousefmoner has asked me to share with you.
Karam is Yousef and @mohamedmoner1994 's brother. He is also trying to raise funds for himself, his wife Maram, and their baby Anas, who is only 6 months old and was born during the war. On their gofundme it says that they are in Rafah and are trying to reunite with the rest of the family in Al Mawassi.
Please consider donating to Karam's gofundme today! They have only just started their fundraiser so it's still extremely low on funds: only £237 of £25,000 goal as of this post.
Please help give it traction by donating even if you can only spare a little. Help me reblog this post so that we can find more people willing to donate 🙏
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elby-and-a-blog · 3 days
our chinese history books teach that a french missionary being executed was a major factor in the second opium war, in our 56% christian school education system
still thinking about "decolonising" missionary work.
the way you decolonise missionary work is by not doing missionary work
the way you decolonise missionaries is like this:
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elby-and-a-blog · 4 days
If someone tells you that you hurt them, your reaction shouldn’t be “oh my god, I’m such a terrible person. You shouldn’t even be friends with me.”
No matter how bad you feel, don’t do it. Even if you hurt them completely by accident. Even if you genuinely believe you’re a terrible person. Don’t do it. It’s manipulative, whether you intend it to be or not and can make the other person feel a need to comfort you and no longer feel safe coming to you in the future.
Your feelings are valid, but don’t make your guilt spiral theirs to deal with.
If you want to express feeling bad, that’s valid but it should be done with something like this “I’m really sorry I hurt you. I feel really bad that I did that because I care about your feelings. I will work to do better in the future.”
You need to be a safe person for your loved ones to come to when they feel upset or hurt. Otherwise, you risk long term damage to your relationship.
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elby-and-a-blog · 5 days
I feel like ive seen quite a few gfms getting passed around and ive observed that a lot of them have stories of such exceptional people who have achieved so much, or were going to before the genocide cut it off. And i really commend them for it, i really do.
But it breaks my heart that palestinians reaching out to us feel the need to have to prove that they are they are good people who are worth the support, like theyre only worth being supported if they had a good gpa or were exceptional in some way.
They shouldnt have to prove that theyre beneficial to the economy somehow to be worth the support. They shouldnt have to be exceptional to deserve help. Our governments are putting them through this, both in the west and around the world too. They shouldnt have to prove anything. We owe them this
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elby-and-a-blog · 6 days
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elby-and-a-blog · 6 days
Palestinian Dabke in a school turned into an evacuation center, Gaza. Palestinian joy is resistance ❤️
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elby-and-a-blog · 6 days
Please, I need to share my family's story to help them have a better life, I hope you can help me spread the Gofundme account to reach the goal I hope that your humanity calls you to help me
Donate now
من فضلك، انا بحاجة لنشر قصة عائلتي لكي أساعدها في الحصول على حياة اجمل، أتمنى أن تساعدني في نشر حساب Gofundme لبلوغ الهدف وكلي أمل أن انسانيتك تدعوك لمساعدتي
Donate now
May Saint Gabriel help you too.
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elby-and-a-blog · 6 days
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive 🇵🇸
My children have been
🍉living in fear and terror for over 250 days.
🍉For more than 250 days, they have been fleeing from bombing and death.
🍉 For over 250 days, they have not found shelter or a home.
🍉For over 250 days, there has been no safe entertainment or outings.
🍉For over 250 days, they have been without education or school.
🍉For more than 250 days, they haven't returned to see our destroyed home.
🍉 For over 250 days, they have been living on the streets in a tent.
🍉For over 250 days, they have been sleeping without a bed.
🍉For over 250 days, they haven't known fruits or chocolates.
🍉For over 250 days, they have been without happy dreams.
action now, whether by
reblog or donating or Share
, can make the difference between
life and death for a family suffering from war in Gaza. Don't wait; saving a life is within reach. Let's act together now."
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elby-and-a-blog · 6 days
I donated to 4gofundmes today, I hope all of you will consider making a small financial sacrifice today and matching as many as you can
£5 to Iman and her family
£5 to Rania and her family
€5 to Nader and his family
€5 to Laila and her family
This will be my last daily donation match post for a little bit, as I just found out I have a large expense due by July. I will only be able to donate €5-15 a week for the time being and will make these posts every Friday from now on.
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elby-and-a-blog · 6 days
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Happy (almost) Father's Day!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: In American Human Slang, coffee is sometimes called a "cup of joe" (a term of debated origin). In this cartoon, St. Joseph (Jesus's earthly foster-father) enjoys a steaming cup of coffee and refers to it as a "cup o' joe." Jesus asks why he calls it that, and Joseph jests that coffee is called a "cup of joe" because it's made out of people named Joe. Jesus correctly reminds Joseph that he's named Joe ("Joe" is short for "Joseph"). Joseph pretends to be realizing this for the first time, then also "realizes" that his arm is missing. He's actually tucked it into his cloak, leaving his sleeve empty, all for the purpose of convincing Jesus that someone made this pot of coffee out of Joseph's own body parts.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: ///FILE ACCESS APPROVED ///SUBJECT :: T-161 ///FIRST CONTACT :: 2017-02-22 ///CLASSIFICATIONS :: Anac + Para/Wp + SoL + FF/PfP ///THREAT LEVEL :: Safe for Non-Physical Observation (Under Review) ///FIELD REPORT 001-26-11-00002 :: I found one of my old cartoons! Probably originally drawn around 1905. Now that the Great War has hit a lull, perhaps we can pull THAT off. You know: a Tomics Resurrection. I've heard of them before. We could redraw this old cartoon, improving the saturation, swapping the cold green hue for a warmer yellow, and updating the character designs with their current variants as of [REDACTED]. With the new technologies available, there's even a guaranteed survival rate of 26%, so the odds are in favor of at least one of us living past the process of [REDACTED] with minimal organ damage. Oh, and before I forget, here's the original cartoon, de-aged to a legible status once more.
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elby-and-a-blog · 7 days
“You must ask for God’s help… After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and try again.”
-C.S. Lewis
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elby-and-a-blog · 8 days
yeah but like in return there is like... no greek culture at all for a greek myth series
for a mythology whose ancient culture has been taken and twisted for western european purposes (from liberals to literal hitler) for centuries, it's kinda sad that greek myth media isn't relevant to... greek people beyond the names of their gods.
i mean we don't have to go back to ANCIENT GREECE but like show some continuation of greek culture y'know??? because greece is also a modern country with modern culture, with heritage linking back to the ancient period? and a country's mythology shouldn't be used as fandom lore?
Pjo fans who wish the worldbuilding was more Ancient Greece because it would've been 'cooler' have the same energy as old time-y american media fans who wish things were still like they were back then for the aesthetic.You get what i mean right
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