eleikra-blog · 7 years
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Kickboxing This trip was a journey of many first's. My first day in school unifirm, first time trying to speak Russin, first time of trying Kazakh foods... 🍜🧀 One of theses many first's was my kickboxing lesson. My amazing hostsister Zarina took me to her kickboxing lesson and thought me the basics of this sport. I have never done anything like that and keeping all the rules in mind is tiering but it is also a lot of fun. After a little while I got into the rhythm and I definitely learned a lot during that lesson and might even try it again. 🔜
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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1st day of school I am in Kazakhstan as part of a school exchange which includes visiting the classes at our new partner school, the NIS. The day started with an assembly in which we, the visitors,  where introduced. Followed by a school tour and choosing our classes for the day. 📑📚 I found it remarkable how friendly and helpful everyone was towards me. In every class I attended I found all students very nice and inviting. They also always made sure that I was fine and had someone to show me my next class. During the afternoon the school had asked us to present a presentation about Hannover and ISHR, which we already prepared back in Germany. I enjoyed how interested everyone was in our culture and school. Not only during the presentation, but also during and between classes. I believe that this kind of exchange of knowledge is one of the most valuables. 💫 Something new is also the school uniform, which everyone is required to wear. Peer and I had the choice of wearing it and of course we both wanted to try it. It was a completely new experience for us to come dressed up so formally to school.
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
Hier noch mal ein paar Eindrücke von meinem ersten Tag in Astana.
More impressions of my arrival and my first day in Astana
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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Nach einem langem Flug sind wir früh morgens in Astana gelandet. Doch viel Zeit zum ausruhen hatte wir nicht, da wir am Vormittag schon gleich wieder los sind. Zur EXPO 🔜 🌏 Am 10.9 war der letzte Tag der Expo in Astana ud wir hatten das Glück diesen noch genießen zu können. Das Motto der diesjährigen Expo lautete: Future energy. Es war unglaublich schön die verschiedenen Pavillons zu besuchen und die unterschiedlichen Energy Konzepte der Länder zu erfahren. Die gesamten Eindrücke sind schwer zusammen zu fassen, deshalb lasse ich einfach die Bilder sprechen.
After a long flight we landed earliy in the morning in Astana. But there was no time to rest. After meeting our host family’s we went to the Expo. 🌐 We were extremely lucky,  because the 10th of September was the last day of the expo. This year the Motto was: Future energy. It was extremely fascinating to visit the different pavilions and to learn more about the energy concept of each country. It was an amazing experience which is indescribable. Therefore I will just let the pictures speak
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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I am off to a new adventure! 🛫
For the week from the 9th of September till the 15th I am taking part in a student exchange to Kazakhstan.🗺 The exchange is organized by my school and our new partner school in Kazakhstan, the NIZ school. My school chooses 2 students and 1 teacher to represent ISHR. In order to take part in this great opportunity, I had to apply, which meant filling out questions about me, my extracurricular work and my motivation for this exchange. I can’t put in word how excited I am for this opportunity. 😊
Our first two days in Astana have already passed and we have already learned many new things! More will follow later.
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
Saying goodbye is never easy... but never forever
It has been a while since my last adventure. I returned to Germany in August and started school a week later. I had such an amazing time in the USA and already missed everything in my plane back to Germany. Saying goodbye is always hard, but I know it's not forever. I have already proven that by returning to Kansas this summer. I am very thankful to those who mad this summer such a special time for me. Thank you soooo much! Now I am a senior and it feels surreal that I will be graduating in less than a year! It seems like time just passed by so quickly! But before I finish my high school career I have a lot planned...
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
This is for everyone who wonders what kind of artists played at the Warped Tour. Therefore I put a little after movie together.
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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Vans Warped Tour
It’s adventure time! Last Tuesday I went on a 4-day Trip together with three friends to see our favorite Bands at the Warped Tour.
The Warped Tour is a Rock festival, which tours all across America, with over 20 amazing Bands. We didn’t only see the Bands performing, we also got to meet many of them. I brought my German flag, which is now filled with signatures and good memories. I even met a Bandmember that is originally from Germany and he was very happy to have someone to speak German to again.
Thank you so much for this amazing time! I made so many good memories on this Trip, which will always be with me.
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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Believe it or not, but I started running again Right at the beginning of my summer break, I convinced myself to get back to running and challenged myself to even longer distance. Even though I like to complain a lot about it, there is some sort of satisfaction in it and I am glad that I started again. I am continuing in America and even ran in the 5k Glow run at Pioneer day Friday. Together with Thumper I mastered the fun race and I am very proud of my doggy, because it was his first race.
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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The first days of my vacation here in Kansas are already over and a lot has happened. It was wonderful to see my family and my friends again, as well as our doggys and horses. I also got to meet the wonderful Deutsch, who already has place in my heart.
The past days I have stayed at Camp Lakeside, to help them out after one of their staff members got injured. It was very spontaneous, but I don’t regret my decision to come up here. I had such a great time here and I am happy that I had the pleasure to work with such wonderful people. Hopefully, this won’t be the last time we will see each other.
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
After a round about 24h Trip I landed in Wichita, without any further troubles. Unfortunately this post is a little bit late, but I still like to share this. I just didn't have time to post this earlier. #Usa #Kanada #Germany #flight #airport
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eleikra-blog · 7 years
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It is now more than 1 year ago that I graduated from High school and had to say goodbye to many amazing people, dogs and horses. Since then a lot happened. I started attending my new school and found many new friends from all over the world. I took part in two MUN conferences and passed my JuLeiCa. I also had the pleasure to work with an awesome, sometimes quite silly, horse. Together we learned so much from each other that I am excited for or next year. Everything would be too much to list here, but I am thankful for everything that happened last year. For the moments full of laughter and the support of my friends during examen time. But now it is time to leave this behind and say "Hello" to America again. I will be leaving Germany Tuesday morning and can’t wait to see my friends and family again.
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eleikra-blog · 8 years
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Party after Prom 🎉🎉🎉 Bei der Party after Prom gab es jede Menge kleine Attraktionen wie Nervgun shooting, ein Volleyball turnier, Mario cart und vieles mehr. Der Höhepunkt war der Hypnoteseur. Um 5 Uhr morgens war alles entgültig vorüber. ✌ I had a blast at the party after prom, especially whit the main attraction the Hypnosis. At 5 in the morning was the party finally over.👌
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eleikra-blog · 8 years
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Die wohl amerikanischete Erfahrungen die ich bisher erlebt habe ist Prom.🎉 Was ich bisher nur aus amerikanischen Teenager filmen kannte ist Wirklichkeit geworden. Die Vorbereitungen haben schon am morgen mit Hair & Make up angefangen.💇💅 Am späten Nachmittag hat das Banquet für Juniors und Seniors statt gefunden. Gegen 6 war die Prom Parade, bei der wir Paar für Paar in den Saal einmarschiert sind. Nach der Parade ist es Zeit für alle Zuschauer zu gehen und die Party kann starten. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß beim meinem ersten und leider letztem Prom. Um 12 ist Prom zu ende und die Party after Prom ist gestartet.🎀 Prom was a very american and unique experience, which I enjoyed a lot. The preparation started early in the morning, even if Prom didn't start till afternoon. 🎊 At first we went to the Banquet and after the Parade, tge party started. At 12 Prom was over and the party after prom started.
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eleikra-blog · 8 years
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My painting made it into the League Art show. 🎊 Meine Zeichnung hat es in die League Kunst show, der Schulen in süd-west Kansas, geschafft. 🎨
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eleikra-blog · 8 years
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💕 They said yes! Congratulations 🎊
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eleikra-blog · 8 years
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Spring break During Spring break I finally got to meet my awesome sister Jasmin and her friend Franzi. Together we celebrated a German - American eastern. 🌹 In den Osterferien hatte ich endlich die Chance meine Schwester Jasmin und ihre Freundin kennenlernen. Die beiden haben uns für 2 Wochen besucht und zusammen hatten wir jede Menge Spaß. Gemeinsam haben wir ein deutsch - amerikanisches Osterfest gefeiert. 🌻
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