elerosselavellan · 4 years
Yue didn’t think he’d ever come to love someone so much as he love the man beside him. Yet here he was, basking in the warm afterglow with him, content as can be. 
He settled on his side to match his lover, smiling at the kisses and the gentle brush of their noses. Such tender, small gestures, but it made his heart soar to know just how loved he was. He never wanted this to end.
“I love you too, Elerosse,” he murmured, settling closer wrap his arms around his lover again. Drifting to sleep like this, tangled around each other while the rain continued to pour outside seemed the perfect way to end the day.
Here, he was safe. He was loved, cherished, and never wanted to leave the sanctuary that was Yue’s arms. The sound of the rain outside soothed him, and the comforting warmth of his lover around him was exactly how Elerosse wanted to end his day, and every day he possibly could for the rest of his life.
As Yue settled closer, El shuffled down a little bit more to tuck his head under his lover’s chin, his face pressed right up against the other elf’s neck, where he pressed a quick kiss to his collar bone. His leg brushed against Yue’s as they nestled against each other, and for the moment, Elerosse was entirely at peace.
He didn’t mean to doze off so soon, and he’d probably be embarrassed when he woke up, but he just felt so secure and so perfectly sated, and after only a few minutes of snuggling, the Inquisitor’s breath evened as he sank into slumber. 
Caught in the Rain
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
//I’m going to be migrating over to my new multimuse blog over the next couple of weeks, so if you’re followed by tellmeofthemoons, that’s just me! I’ll make a proper promo in a few days probably, but just wanted to give a heads up
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
[Who would you be in a fantasy society?]
The angry peasant
you're out for blood. you want justice and you want it now. go ahead, take some heads.
Tagged by: @kaaras-adaar
Tagging: Everybody! :D Steal the thing!
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
This was for Yue, and Yue alone. Here in his tower, he didn’t have to be the Inquisitor, he didn’t have to be the First, didn’t have to be anything besides Yue’s lover, just Elerosse. 
As he lay panting on the bed, El laughed softly and leaned over to kiss Yue’s forehead as his lover did the same to his shoulder. They’d need to bathe at some point, but for now all he wanted was to be close to Yue, and as soon as he had the chance--and had the energy--he rolled onto his side and draped his arm over Yue’s side.
“Love you, Vhenan...” he whispered, grinning at his love’s words and brushed their noses together as he brushed his leg against Yue’s.
Caught in the Rain
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
i am forever a sucker for the trope where the inquisitor’s LI helps them with their hair after the loss of their hand
it’s just 
the tenderness of it all, y’know?
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
[What body part are you?]
Hands can do so much, they’re extremely versatile much like yourself. They can nourish, they can pray, they can comfort. But we both know that’s not what you use yours for is it? You know as well as I do how hands can maim, can strangle, can destroy. They are unthinking and unfeeling, and unlike the others they do not act off instinct but off of command. Every act you commit is purposeful, filled with an intent, sometimes to be cruel and sometimes to be kind. You know who is deserving of your hurt, who is deserving of your love. Always make sure you can tell them apart before you wrap those hands around them.
Tagged by: @pcrseverance (Thank you!!)
Tagging: @dragonagedmage @crossing-the-threshcld (For Pelle!) 
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
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When Yue pulled off, even just to give him permission to finish, Elerosse whined desperately, both at the loss of that sensation and the sudden chill on his most sensitive flesh. His thighs tensed, trembling beside Yue’s head, as he tried so hard not to squirm and his fingers dug desperately into the fabric of his sheets.
The anticipation, even for just a moment, was going to be the end of him.
Sure enough, the sudden warmth of Yue’s mouth around him again, following that moment of desperate anticipation was enough to draw the Inquisitor right to his peak with a quickly escalating series of  breathy moans. His head dropped back and his hips bucked just slightly as he called out his lover’s name and spilled hard into Yue’s mouth.
El’s body trembled as he rode through his climax and eventually sagged back onto the bed to catch his breath, laughing tiredly.
“Creators... you’re good at that...”
Caught in the Rain
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
//I stg the hardest part of putting a new blog together is picking a good name. 8l
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
Yue was going to be the end of him, El was absolutely certain of that, but what a way to go, losing his mind under the perfect heat of his lover’s mouth. That desperate, whimpering noise continued all the way until Yue reached the tip of his hard shaft and crested in a gasp as he was so suddenly enveloped.
Fuck, it was hard not to just let go right then and there.
The Inquisitor shakily propped himself up on his elbows so he could meet Yue’s eyes and watch the way his erection disappeared into his advisor’s mouth as he chewed on his lip to stifle anymore embarrassing noises, though he knew that was a losing battle. 
“Yue...” he panted, shifting a little under the other elf. “Yue, I’m so close...”
Caught in the Rain
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
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Taking care of his lover, making him feel good with the skill of his own hands--and the rest of his body--was a thrill Elerosse gladly wanted to chase again. Even if it was still relatively new to him, Yue gave him the confidence to try, to explore new things beyond the more submissive role he comfortably fell into usually.
That said, though, he wouldn’t trade this kind of attention for anything. Everything from the ticklish brush of Yue’s hair against his skin, to the teasing warmth of his breath when he came so close to El’s length where it rested hard against his stomach earned a needy whine from the Inquisitor. 
The teasing pass was one thing, but the bite to his inner thigh, knowing that mark would remain, caused his breath to hitch in a gasp as he dug his fingers into Yue’s hair and gripped. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but definitely enough to encourage, and to communicate that he wanted more when all he could manage for a moment were little, whimpering moans.
Caught in the Rain
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
Elerosse went easily as Yue pushed him onto his back and arched, stretching just slightly to get comfortable beneath his lover again. He bit his lower lip to stifle another needy, little whine at the sight of Yue above him, and the firm strokes to his achingly hard length. For as much as the other elf came apart under his hands, El was hardly doing any better, and it definitely didn’t look like it would take much to push him over the edge for a second time that night.
“Yeah,” he admitted shyly, his breath hitching just slightly as his love started kissing down his body, his skin heated from the thrill of watching Yue peak the way he did, under El’s hands. “Maybe... maybe I’ll try it more often.”
Caught in the Rain
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
all these tall ass muses... and then there’s 5′3″ Elerosse 
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
//Today I cried because I made a beautiful avocado toast with a fried egg on top... and dropped it egg-side-down on the floor, so that’s how my day is going 
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
 reblog this is you have ever gotten emotional over a thread
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
Reblog if you’re part of team “I want to talk to you but I’m terrible at ooc communication and I think you find me annoying and I don’t want to bother you.”
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
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Elerosse made a small hum of agreement, they could clean up in a little bit, and instead savor the closeness they so rarely got to enjoy. He was about to respond, cheekily voice his similar feelings, when he felt Yue’s hand brush over the sensitive tip of his erection, only just starting to go soft again, and had to bite back a truly embarrassing squeak of surprised pleasure.
“You know I’m not going to say no to that,” he laughed, leaning up to catch his lover for a quick kiss. He gave a slow, encouraging roll of his hips, pressing his hard length into Yue’s hand. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so close to finishing just from... watching.”
Caught in the Rain
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