#about elerosse
elerosselavellan · 4 years
//Heck yeah, jumping on this scent headcanon bandwagon.
If he’s been casting recently, there’s a persistent scent of burning--particularly burning cedar wood. 
Very often, he smells like potions for easing breathing, especially if he’s been sick recently. Similarly, poultices and potions for easing pain, which is near constantly as Inquisitor.
Any bath product is usually either unscented or uses a very mild herbal, citrusy scent, and he prefers a similar sort of blend for any scents he uses otherwise.
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tolkienrsb · 4 years
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Welcome to the TRSB 2020 Summer Showcase!  No standard banner on this one, because today we bring you a lovely TRSB artist:
DA: ArlenianChronicles - Hobbyist, Digital Artist 
I drew my first digital piece of Silmarillion fanart in 2017, featuring Maedhros and Elrond, but I didn't start drawing regular fanart until 2018. That was when I entered the Tolkien fandom.
My fandom activities include drawing designs for the Silmarillion characters, developing my AU for Maedhros, Elured, and Elurin, thinking about the platonic and familial relationships in the Silmarillion, and worrying a lot over future adaptations of Tolkien's works.
My non-fannish hobbies include drawing my original characters and writing their stories, sitting at the computer, and eating food.
How I'm joining in TRSB20: I'm an artist! :D
Link to my piece:
Piece title: Star-dome
Piece rating: G
Info about my piece:
After finishing this painting, I was Inspired to write this quote for it:
"Elerondo you named me; your Vault of Heaven. Throughout the sky will I stretch, and the stars shall be my eyes."
This painting goes more with Tolkien's other version of canon where Maedhros and Maglor found the twins in a cave near a waterfall. If I remember correctly, Elrond stayed in the cave while Elros played in the waterfall. They were named as such, and I assume that Maglor was the one to name them (and perhaps Maedhros, as well).
My headcanon for this version of events is that Maglor called them Elerondo and Elerosse (the attested Quenya translations of Elrond and Elros) whenever he spoke to Maedhros about them, and the twins caught on to it. Eventually, Maglor made the decision to formally name them in Sindarin, since they wouldn't have known Quenya at the time.
Both Star-dome and Vault of Heaven are translations for Elrond's name (and they essentially mean the same thing too XD). Tolkien once translated it as "Elf of the Cave." I thought I'd draw Elrond and Maglor together because I haven't drawn the Feanorians with the El twins for a long while (save for Maedhros and the Elu twins lol), and those guys were the ones I got into when I first entered the Tolkien fandom. Elrond is glowing here because ... maybe he's doing some healing business? :D
And yes, that's a star-dome behind Maglor XDD
Tips for fellow participants: Remember to breathe, drink water, stay safe, and have fun. You're doing great! :D
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tellmeofthemoons · 4 years
@dragonagedmage​ continued from [HERE]
Yue usually didn’t expect much after a War Room meeting. A few simple questions, the five of them filing out of the room one by one. Perhaps even a few notes being written down hastily before he returned to his duties for the day in the mage tower.
He’d heard the rest of the advisors leave the room, leaving himself and Elerosse alone as he leaned over the table to jot down the last few notes. He’d suspected that El had wanted to talk to him about something or had wanted to walk out together after the other had left.
He hadn’t at all expected to have his bum groped by the Inquisitor. He jumped, the quill in his hand scratching ink across the lower part of the notes he’d written. Still legible of course, but he’d have to really focus to read them.
Regardless of the accident, he grinned, chuckling and turning to face his lover.
“Being cheeky in the War Room, are we?”
Elerosse, at the very least, had the grace to look a tiny bit apologetic for ruining his lover’s notes, but only a very tiny bit. Besides, how could he resist? It wasn’t often they were the last two out of the war room, and Yue’s backside was just so wonderfully grabbable. Besides, the Inquisitor had been in such a strange, playful mood all day that made slogging through meetings nearly unbearable, and now that he had a moment to unwind, he just wanted to be close to his love.
Leaning his hip against the rough wood of the war table, El cocked his head to the side and shot a crooked, little grin up at the other elf, his hand just resting on Yue’s hip now as they faced each other.
“Oh, I’m the cheeky one here?” He teased, boosting himself up on his tiptoes to reach for a kiss as his hand stroked over the curve of Yue’s rear one more time. “Maybe a little bit... but I’ve missed getting to be close to you all day.”
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👀 - what’s your role play guilty pleasure? / ⚡️ - How often does inspiration strike you to write your muse? / 🎱 - Do you prefer to leave your IC stuff to chance or do you like to plot?
👀 - what’s your role play guilty pleasure?
ROMANCE!! I am a sucker for shipping and romance and everything sweet and fluffy. The fact that I can explore so many different unique variations on love and relationships with a character I love as much as Ezra is one of the things that makes me adore roleplaying! That’s not to say I don’t also like RPing friends or rivals, but that’s the stuff that I really, really like.
⚡️ - How often does inspiration strike you to write your muse?
It’s a near constant thing, especially if I’m actively writing and keeping up with threads. I’m in the process of coming back to DARP after almost two and a half years off, mostly because that inspiration got so strong again! I will say, though, that Ezra can be a tricky and stubborn muse sometimes, and I find my other character [Elerosse] is consistently easier to write. Ezra is a more interesting character, just by virtue of having more life experience and a more canon-divergent backstory, but can be difficult to write occasionally.
🎱 - Do you prefer to leave your IC stuff to chance or do you like to plot?
I like a little bit of both. It can be fun to see where things go by chance, but if it’s going to be a longer thread or incorporate things like specific in-canon events, or may be happening pre-game, at least a little bit of discussion about details can be good so everybody is on the same page. Even mid-thread, it can be good to step back and ask where both parties want things to go if it’s becoming too open-ended.
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✓ :D
send me ✓and my muse will state one thing they find attractive about your muse
He smiles. “What isn’t there to like? His freckles for one. How he fits so well against me. How kindly he treats others. The way his nose scrunches when he’s concentrating on something. How shy he is. Ah...I am getting ahead of myself.”
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive? ♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare? ♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing?
[ Naughty Little Meme ]
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive?
Some of El’s favorite places to be touched--and kissed, and bitten--are along the sides of his neck and his collar bone sort of area. He has an extension of his vallaslin that covers his clavicle and upper chest, and to have his partner follow that is both incredibly intimate to him, and also feels very good. He also enjoys being touched on the inside of his thighs, not quite touching his junk, but so tantilizingly close.
♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
YES! Elerosse is already an extremely cuddly, tactile kind of lover, and it’s basically a requirement that he get a little bit of snuggling after sex. He is the kind of person who falls asleep almost immediately afterwards, but he’s absolutely going to make the most of what time he has before that to be close to his partner. If their play has gotten a little more rough and he’s feeling a bit more vulnerable, it’s even more important and even if he has a hard time asking for it sometimes, he adores being taken care of and pampered a little bit. Even something as simple as helping him clean up afterwards and letting him relax a little bit, that goes a long way.
♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing?
El doesn’t have any noticeable birthmarks or even any majorly noticeable scars before coming to the Inquisition. After that, he’s understandably very shy about the anchor, but the only major scars that cause any issues are the claw marks on his hip and upper thigh from the wyvern in Crestwood. They got badly infected during healing and left behind a lot of very jagged scarring that he thinks is extremely ugly. He might not bring it up, but it’s definitely on his mind if he’s going to get intimate after it heals.
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elerosselavellan · 5 years
Random Headcanon Time
When Elerosse attempts to keep a journal early on in Haven, most of his entries are a bit of a word-salad jumble of confusion and upset, but every so often there’s one that’s something like
“I saw a weasel today, so there is still good in the world.”
with no other elaboration.
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elerosselavellan · 5 years
[Random Headcanon Time]
//Elerosse is so overwhelmed and homesick early on in the game that he definitely tears up a little the first time another Dalish elf calls him Lethallin, and probably makes things awkward. ;-;
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
//All these tall handsomes running around, and then there’s Elerosse...
...who is 5′4″ and built like a beanpole.
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
[Talk About Your Muse]
@crossing-the-threshcld Thank you!! :D
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
El sort of unintentionally collects wishing rocks (pebbles with a perfect stripe around them), in the sense that he'll find one he likes, put it in his pocket and accidentally takes it home. 
send 💣 for a stress headcanon 
Elerosse is a naturally anxious person, so stress is just kind of a constant state of existence for him. It’s not especially healthy, but the primary way he deals with it is avoidance, whether that means throwing himself headlong into other work at an unhealthy pace or actively avoiding the thing that’s stressing him out until it’s either entirely unavoidable, or he has a meltdown over it. Rarely in between those extremes. He had a pretty good support system back with his clan to help him cope a bit better, but he’s struggled a lot since coming to the Inquisition.
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
El is a firm believer in finding happiness wherever he can, in the little things that might otherwise go unnoticed. It’s one of the more positive ways he deals with stress, picking out and focusing on things that make him happy. At its core, though, comfort and security are what make him happiest--being around people he trusts, in a safe place he’s familiar with. He does his best to make his tower at Skyhold into a little sanctuary of sorts to recreate that feeling, but it only does so much.
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
Random Headcanon Time
//While Elerosse never goes fully 100% grey, he does get some very defined streaks along his temples. He definitely starts to notice not long after Trespasser, but they don’t come in fully until he’s in his early 40′s, and once they do it’s quite striking.
He also keeps his hair long after growing it out between endgame and Trespasser, usually around mid-back, never past his elbows and never above his shoulders. If he doesn’t need it fully out of his way, he wears it half pulled back with a clip, but otherwise left loose.
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
bruised knuckles. bloody noses. eye rolling. empty bottles. messy hair. sarcasm. lip biting. unwashed jeans. coffee breath. loud music. broken neon signs. chipped nail polish. leather jackets. always wearing headphones. swearing. sneaking out at 3 am. dark lipstick. frown creases. burning cigarettes. plaid shirts. under eye circles. dark colors.
honey tea. flower crowns. giggling. blowing kisses. dancing without worries. white lace. soft textures. fluffy throw pillows. using too many heart emojis. empathy. constant daydreaming. handwritten letters. fairy lights. bullet journals. designated driver. warm hugs. garden picnics. quiet. smile lines. optimism. flowy clothes. pastel colors.
Tagged by: stolen from @dalishunter and @fadelilted <3 Tagging: e v e r y o n e
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
[Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have]
I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about this before, but one of the few things Elerosse legitimately collects--especially after getting to Skyhold where he has the space and the money--is just real trashy, romantic novels. He loves the idea of love and being swept off his feet, and getting to experience that vicariously through a story’s protagonist is one of his favorite things. 
He originally found one, which ended up being one of his favorites, while learning how to trade with humans as a teenager and never looked back. He doesn’t have a huge collection, but especially if he can find one with respectful portrayals of elves or two men as the primary couple, then it’s pretty much guaranteed a spot in his collection.
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elerosselavellan · 5 years
[Random Headcanon Time]
Now that we've gotten all the naughty out, I just want to say that Elerosse is an unapologetic chronic snuggler when he sleeps. If there's another person in the bed with him, or even just a vaguely person-sized pile of pillows, they're probably getting cuddled by one very bony elf.
Most of the time he doesnt even realize he's doing it, even if he intentionally goes to sleep separate from them, it happens anyway while he's asleep.
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
all these tall ass muses... and then there’s 5′3″ Elerosse 
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elerosselavellan · 4 years
[What form of gentle affection are you?]
Slow Dancing in the Kitchen
feeling your loved one's form pressed against your own... the soft melody of a song that will always remind you of this moment... the tender forehead kisses... you are a hopeless romantic who yearns to meet that someone you will be able to spend the rest of your life with. you want a deep and settled love, something that makes you feel stable and comfortable. you want someone who will hold you at night, and kiss you every morning. you want someone who will always stand by you until the end. please try to remember that any failed romance was not a waste of time; it was an opportunity to grow and understand yourself. your perfect person will find you, and you are a complete person until then.
Tagged by: Stolen!
Tagging: Steal it!
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