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Just some fun photos of my Au Ra in Kugane UwU
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Man, I’m too addicted to this game now. 
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I always wondered about what would happen if these two boys ever met. I think they would have gotten along fabulously due to the mutual adoration for the WoL.
Extra bonus cause best friends *cries*
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When you're at work and realize suddenly you have an obsession.
Sweet hell, why do I love you so much!?
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sorry not sorry (credits to @arianwen44 for the artwork)
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Reblogging because it's so good!
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Writing Advice: it doesn’t matter if an idea has been done before. It’s never been done by you. So long as you do it well, and in your own way, it’s a wonderful contribution.
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Basically I imagined this.
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I can’t believe there are people out there that haven’t seen this before
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Lithôniel Lavellan - Loki Laufeyson
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Which Superhero or villain is your Inquisitor most like?
Sae Lavellan - Gambit
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Mass Effect: Steam Reviews
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Bioware Patch 1.08
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Alright before I begin allow me to list what exactly patch 1.08 for Mass Effect Andromeda added (I’ll leave the one’s for multiplayer out of this post):
Two new heads for male and female Ryder
Male Ryder can now romance Jaal (FUCK YES!)
Ryder’s appearance can now be changed onboard the Tempest
Expanded the range of options available in the character creator
Dialogue for Hainly Abrams was adjusted to change the flow of personal information she discusses with Ryder.
Fixed issue with Nomad upgrades Shield Crafting quest.
Nexus level and cryo pod points are retroactively grantedVendors now carry weapon mods for Level 60-71 players.
Vendors now sell weapon augmentations for automatic fire, burst fire, and single-shot fire.
Improved clarity of descriptions for augmentations.
Plasma Charge system now works properly for shotguns.
Beam Emitter augmentation now causes guns to fire a constant beam with scaling damage based on the weapon’s damage per second.
Ryder Sr. can remain default appearance when customizing your Ryders.
Now firstly, I can say I’m much more happy to know that we have an option to change the look of Ryder anytime we wish during the game on the Tempest. Perhaps they should have introduced this earlier in the first place but I’m definitely not complaining that this is an actual option that we as players have, it is much like Dragon Age where you can use Mirror of Transformation on both your Hawke and Inquisitor so I was pleasantly surprised that they had added this since this really hasn’t been really an option before in previous Mass Effect games. 
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They also added a new complexion and some more skin tones and I like the fact that Bioware unlocked all the hairstyles to both Ryders. Though Character Customization had improved with things like texture I’m still a bit meh to be honest and hope that they continue to patch up the game over time. I’m not sure if I’m considering it wishful thinking that if it were to be possible to have the flexibility of a character creation like Dragon Age: Inquisition. I’ve made so many wonderful and diverse characters and all with many different personalities and backgrounds I like to cook up (I can talk all day about my Lavellans, Adaars, Cadashes, and Trevelyans). 
Additional thing: I’m so glad I can choose default Ryder Sr or not, that is so cool! Cause I actually really like default papa Ryder. 
Another thing I adore to bits is the fact my male Ryder can romance Jaal! And I’m sure many others are excited about that too! Though I’m not just going to throw lovely Gil and Reyes (haven’t done their romance yet but I look forward to it) under the bus but it is exciting to have same sex romance with Jaal because to simply put it, he’s not human like Gil and Reyes and come on, everyone enjoys a hunky Andromeda Alien like Jaal? And one of my male Ryders is crying tears of joy
But I’m curious to see what others have to say about this new patch aside from myself. 
Thoughts anyone on the new update?
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I'm canadian but I fucking died seeing that so I really gotta thank you for the enlightenment that made my day so much better @the-queen-of-thedas and @becausedragonage ^^
british romanticism: i went into the woods and i found a beautiful woman, but she wasn’t really a woman, she was my Muse and the woods is my mind
american romanticism: i went into the woods and found the devil and he gave me a clock, but the clock was actually the industrial revolution and it fucking killed me
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Peter Sallis, the voice of Wallace from Wallace and Gromit, has passed away peacefully. Thank you for the love and laughs.
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I watched the last two episodes of season 10 of Samurai Jack and it was so sad! I knew something like that was coming! So I started to doodle and I realized I was drawing Ashi. Apparently I still haven’t gotten over her because I really thought she was a wonderful character! 
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