elliekaspbrack · 4 years
i had no clue i shipped this until reading this. @soraceress is so talented
"You like my pussy, daddy?" Henry groans and slaps a rough hand down on Patrick's ass as his boy wriggles it with a sly grin over his shoulder. They're in Henry's bedroom, and Butch's snores are drifting in from the living room, still audible over the football game.
Henry didn't bother being quiet; when his old man was passed out, he could sleep through a hurricane. The alarm clock on Henry's nightstand reads 1:04 A.M. in blinking, glowing green numbers. The room stinks of weed and cigarettes and beer Henry snuck in from Butch's stash. He'd get a whipping for it later, but for now, he was enjoying having his dick up his best friend's ass.
"My pussy, you mean?" Henry growls, slapping one of Patrick's ass cheeks. Patrick moans; he likes the pain.
"Your pussy, daddy, all yours." Patrick whines, and Henry knows it's an act. Patrick likes to fight Henry, get and give a few punches until they're both covered in bruises and bite marks. But tonight he snuck into Patrick's bed and spread his legs. His hole was wet and slick and stretched out and Henry didn't think twice.
"Fuck, I'm gonna fucking come." Henry's thrusts speed up, and the bed squeaks underneath them. It smacks against the wall, louder and faster, Henry's grip on Patrick's thighs growing tighter until bruises would eventually form.
Patrick cries out as Henry comes inside him, putting his hand back and rubbing Henry's leg. It was their form of affection, the only one Henry really allowed.
"That was so good." Patrick sighs, his voice softer than Henry had ever heard it. Only Henry was ever allowed.
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
at this point i only judge people from their sign + their favorite shakespeare play. reblog this post and write yours in the tags
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
what if i were to write a poly!losers chatfic
just for fun
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
a concept. richie's ending scene except when he finishes recarving R + E and gets into his car, we see, further down the bridge, e + r
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
women with red hair
do yall have a type
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
show more love to my man stan 🥺 c’mon guys
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
Stuck on You - Poly!Losers Club x OC | Chapter 2
word count: 934
a/n: hi loves! i hope you enjoy this chapter!!! please like and reblog and LEAVE COMMENTS!!! i’d love to hear what you guys think ;)
warnings: mention of patrick hockstetter (hes his own warning lmao), mentions of abusive, mentions of sex
josie decided that since bill was seemingly busy, she would start dinner. she walked over into their kitchen when her phone started to ring. she looked at the caller ID. “bev <3” was calling her. josephine picked up her phone and immediately accepted the call.
“hey, gorgeous,” bev says, and jo’s heart just about burst out of her chest. bev calling her little pet names wasn’t unusual, it was actually a pretty common occurrence. bev and josie were basically friendship soulmates… and possibly romantic soulmates too, but josie knew it was very unlikely that she had seven soulmates, so she didn’t really like to think about that.
“hey, bevvie, what’s up?” josie asks, trying not to sound nervous.
“i was actually wondering if you were free tonight? everybody kinda wants to hang out, and you and bill have the nicest apartment, so we were wondering if we could come over there.” bev says, and josie grins. the losers couldn’t normally go two days without hanging out, so this wasn’t an unusual occurrence for them, “eddie’s at work until 7, but he said he’ll come over as soon as he’s done. we were thinking about coming over at like 6?” josie looks at the clock, and it was only 4.
“yeah, of course! i was actually about to get dinner started, i can make pizza or something, or we can just get takeout, whatever you guys want is fine. i think b would be fine with it, i’ll check with him real quick though, give me a second.” josie says, putting her phone down and walking over to knock on the bathroom door, “hey, baby, do you think everyone could come over and hang out tonight? it’s okay if not.” she says, knowing that her boyfriend would say yes.
“yeah, of c-c-course, do i need to g-go get food or something?” bill says, making josie smile a little bit. she could never understand how henry had made fun of bill’s stutter. josie loved it, mainly because she was super in love with bill and everything about bill was incredibly beautiful and perfect to her, so she just liked it.
“nah, i think i’m just gonna cook.” josie says, thinking briefly about what she heard bill doing shortly earlier. she wanted so badly to bring it up, but she knew now wasn’t the time. she walked back into the kitchen to tell bev they could come over. after she got off the phone with beverly, she started to tidy up around the house, spending about thirty minutes getting the house ready for the losers to come over. as she leaned against the wall, checking her texts, she felt arms wrap around her waist.
“j-jo, you do r-realize that they’ve s-s-seen our house messier than this before, right? y-you don’t have to clean up.” bill says, pressing his lips to her temple. josie leaned back into the much taller man’s arms, sighing. she would never get used to how good it felt to be held. the only other man she had dated was patrick, and while he was pretty touchy, it never felt good to jo.
bill touching her, on the other hand, never failed to give her butterflies. he was always so soft and gentle with her, knowing what she had been through and not wanting to hurt her. even during sex, bill was always so sweet. sometimes she wished that he would be more rough with her. she wasn’t made of glass, she could handle it, but she was also perfectly okay with how bill was with her.
that’s just how bill was.
sometimes, however, she thought about what being with the other losers would be like. when she watched richie and eddie, she saw how playful yet still kinda rough richie was with eddie. she saw how he didn’t ever hesitate to pull eddie into his lap and kiss him in front of everyone. she saw how richie would slap eddie’s ass, and eddie would turn bright red, and she couldn’t help but wish to be in eddie’s situation. same with how eddie was with richie. how he would get fake annoyed when richie said something stupid, but he would smile his way afterwards.
whenever mike was dating someone, she was always a little bit jealous. he was seemingly an incredible boyfriend. same with stan. they were both just the most loving individuals and they were, from what she had heard, great in bed.
beverly and ben were just the perfect couple. ben was a lot like bill in the way that he treated bev. he was always so gentle and he never stopped looking out for bev. josie and ben had always been close, their hugs had always lingered a little too long, and they had kissed a few times, but it was nothing romantic. bev had told josie that she was pretty much always the dom during sex, which sounded fun to jos, as she and bill rarely ever did anything kinky, as they had figured out that they both mostly liked to sub.
she wanted to do everything with her losers. she wanted to be able to kiss them, and cuddle with them (non-platonically), and she really wanted to have sex with them. she loved them. bill dragged her out of her thoughts by turning her in his arms and rubbing her back gently.
“y-you okay, sweet girl?” bill whispers into her hair, kissing the top of her head gently. josie shrugged in his arms, “what’s up? y-you can t-t-talk to me, love.”
“billy, please, please don’t get upset with me… i think i have feelings for the other losers.”
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
Stuck On You - Poly!Losers x OC
A/N: This is gonna be my first series on here! I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time and I’ve finally decided to write it down. I hope you guys enjoy it! The losers are in their early twenties in this.
warnings: mentions of abuse, OC is a bowers, brief mention of sex, some language, mention of masturbation
josephine couldn’t wrap her brain around the fact that somehow, she had fallen in love with all seven of her friends. she and bill had been together for a little over a year, and although she loved him very, very much, she wanted more.
every time bill brought up getting engaged or getting married, josie froze up. she didn’t want to lock herself into anything. yeah, she loved bill and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him... but she loved richie and eddie and stan and bev and ben and mike too. so much. every time she looked at any of them she felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest.
richie, even though he’s an ass, has been everything to her forever. his always messy, wavy, beautiful hair was one of her favorite things about him. she had recently convinced him to let her braid it, and it looked adorable. he was one of her favorite people. and she loved him. every time she was upset, he would just joke around and try to make her laugh. he would always succeed, of course, but every time she smiled, it would make him smile. josie wanted to think this was because he was in love with her, but she was almost positive that he just thought of her as a friend. just like everyone else.
beverly. the girl who josie was convinced was the most beautiful woman in the world. every time bev looked at jos, her heart bounced out of its chest. bev was perfect. beautiful. and just so kind. she was also incredibly talented. bev had recently gotten into fashion design, and had started to make a few custom pieces, so josie sometimes modeled for her. and nothing made her happier.
her haystack. ben hanscom. she adored ben, for as shy and sometimes annoying he could be. he had been incredibly handsome forever, and at first josie was almost sad that he decided to lose weight. she loved how he looked. but seeing how happy it made ben made josie swoon. he still gave the best hugs ever, and she always knew who to text whenever she had interior design questions.
mike “sexiest man alive” hanlon was, of course, one of, if not the sexiest man in the world. he was her first kiss, when she was thirteen and she wanted to know what it was like to kiss a boy. so mike showed her, and jos was pretty sure that was the moment she fell in love with him. every time he spent the night at the denbrough-bowers apartment, bill and josie would fall sleep in the living room with him because they couldn’t make themselves leave him and go to their room.
eddie was maybe the most adorable human being on the face of the earth. josie and eddie were the shortest people in the group, josie at 4’11 and eddie at 5’4, but josie still loved seeing how fake irritated he got when she made fun of him for his height. “josephine, you’re the average height of a ten year old. shut up.” that sentence, as mean as it might sound coming from anyone else, never failed to make her laugh coming from eddie.
every time josie looked at stanley uris, she couldn’t help but smile. his kind eyes and his gorgeous hair, his perfect smile and his cute, lanky body... he was just stunning. utterly stunning. and jos loved him. well, she loved all the losers, but she couldn’t help but feel a kind of different love for stan. stan and richie had been tormented by her brother, and although everyone had assured josie that she wasn’t henry, she couldn’t help but feel like shit every time she thought about how he had treated her friends. he was in prison now, and couldn’t hurt them, but she still felt an urge to protect them from him.
and finally, bill. her billy. her boyfriend. the only loser she had managed to make fall in love with her. bill was pretty much the perfect boyfriend. he was incredible in bed, kind and protective, the sweetest person she had ever met, and just the most attentive, loving man she had ever been with. her last relationship, with patrick, was horrifically abusive. he didn’t love her, he only told her that so it would hurt her more when he did things to her. bill was the opposite. he truly loved her. every time he looked at her, his eyes lit up and a smile floated its way onto her face. he was just perfect.
but she still couldn’t help but feel like it wasn’t enough. it was nothing that bill could do anything about... she just wanted her birthday ther losers too. her bevvie. and ben. and eddie. and stan. and richie. and mike... all of them, she just loved them all so fucking much.
so when she got home from work one day and heard bill moaning mike’s name in the bathroom... she couldn’t feel mad.
in fact; she felt relieved.
A/N: my dumbass couldn’t figure out a way to end to end this chapter so HERE YA GO :) anyways hope y’all enjoyed this!!! i’m very excited to write more. i’d love to write some requests this week, if anybody has any!
thank you for reading!
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
misc soulmate ideas
first touch
friends/partners who never touch bc theyre scared they aren’t soulmates
colors/marks on first touch 
drawing on skin/writing on yourself
being able to see when your soulmate is bleeding lol
shared scars
matching tattoos
only certain things show up (i.e. no words)
everything you draw on your skin is permanent on your soulmate’s body
soulmates who show their love with lots of drawings or vice versa soulmates who consider drawing sacred and only do a few
soulmate drawing ceremonies
first touch x drawing on skin
after you meet/first touch whatever you draw will appear on the soulmates skin
leaving temporary marks whenever you touch
any drawings on your skin change color whenever you touch
shared dreams 
shared NIGHTMARES haha
your dreams are really unclear/you forget a lot of it until you meet your soulmate for the first time
shared daydreams
shared “dreams” (future goals/aspirations/desires)
the closer you are to meeting your soulmate the more vivid your dreams become/the more aspects you learn about your soulmate
you get a last shared dream before death?
being able to manipulate your dreamspace together
inducing sleep to see your soulmate
sleep deprivation to avoid your soulmate
dream interpretation forums/classes
voices in your head
soulmates going silent
soulmates whove rejected each other/got into an argument/other still hear the others thoughts
only hear your soulmate when they’re in danger
telepathic soulmates in danger/in pain but the only thing you can do is comfort from afar
hearing the bad thoughts your soulmate has about you
saving your real voice for your soulmate only to hear
hearing your soulmate up until you meet
hearing your soulmate in times of great emotion 
strong emotions again, but only when you experience great happiness. bc the universe has decided soulmates get to share the happiest moments of their lives together
telepathy + times soulmates admitted they care about each other
tfw trying to get surprise gifts/plan celebrations for a soulmate who can maybe hear your thoughts is a herculean task, and includes many distractions
all the times u get distracted during class/the Most Secret Way of Passing Notes is with ur soulmate
feel free to reblog/use these as inspiration! i don’t own the concepts, but i did brainstorm with all of these… no credit needed, but appreciated!
please note: i wrote a lot of these with the intention of them being open to both platonic and romantic soulmates. don’t limit yourself!
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elliekaspbrack · 4 years
ily: i love you
ilysm: i love you so much
itybiftyidwdiyfypmitfymmwtswydmiafchanightktfcwttlca: i told you, bill. i fucking told you. i don’t wanna die. it’s your fault. you punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you dragged me into a fucking crackhead house. and now… i’m gonna have to kill this fucking clown. welcome to the losers’ club, asshole!
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