em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
All Hallows Write
Thanks for tagging me, @michellerdickie!
The Rules:
#1 – Provide a BRIEF description of your novel before starting. #2 – Don’t use the same character for more than 3 answers.
I definitely broke the rules, but in my defense, I only have three major characters and some of the answers are pairs. Sorry ‘bout it.
Of course I’ll use my NaNo project for this year: Hey, Fancy.
Griz and Fancy had been best friends since birth--that is, until Fancy ran away just before high school graduation. Now in their early 20s, they’ve been estranged in the years since. Upon her return, Fancy gives Griz the letters she wrote to him but never sent, as much an apology as an explanation. Each one brings back memories from their high school days as Griz tries to put the pieces together.
Gahh, I’m dreading the day I have to think of a logline. The summary is hard enough as it is.
The Questions:
1. It’s Halloween night! What is your protagonist dressed up as?  
Fancy would probably dress up as some vague amalgamation of psychics and clairvoyants and gypsies, mostly just to dress in a bohemian style. Big skirt, shawl and other miscellaneous drapery, coins and tassels, lots of rings, colorful fabrics in a variety of textures, all that.
2. Who in your cast refuses to dress up and shows up at the Halloween party without a costume?
Griz, probably, because of some mix of embarrassment and self-consciousness. But of course, he’d still show up with Fancy regardless. When asked, he’d just make a lot of excuses: “Halloween is such a poser holiday”, “It’s boring”, or “I wear mostly black anyway, so technically I’m in the holiday spirit all year”. Anyway, Fancy tends to have enough enthusiasm for both of them.
3. Which character wears the most outrageous costume, and what would it be?
I guess it depends on your interpretation of “outrageous”, but the closest to it would have to be Fancy. She loves to stand out. It’s her whole thing. Even after Griz got tired of Halloween, she looks forward to it every year and plans her costume months in advance.
4. On Halloween, werewolves, vampires, and zombies are on the prowl. Which of your characters gets caught in their clutches, and which creature do they subsequently turn into?
Huck would be caught by a werewolf, almost certainly. He could resist a vampire or outrun a zombie, but fighting off or outrunning a werewolf takes serious athleticism. He’d probably get cocky trying to show off for (or protect) Griz. The one time he gets a big head about something!
5. Who wins the contest for best costume?  
Fancy’s sister, Faith. She has the same enthusiasm for Halloween, but she’s good at all those traditionally feminine things like sewing and makeup. She’s not ultra-counterculture like Fancy though, so she’d pick something pretty popular or well known and just do it better than everyone else.
6. Who hands out toothbrushes to the trick and treaters?
Griz, and he could probably get Fancy to do it with them. They’d think it was hilarious to troll the neighborhood kids. They’d probably hoard candy just out of sight from the door, too, and snack on it all night.
7. Which two of your characters decide to pair up and do an angel/devil costume together?
Faith and Fancy no doubt did this when they were a bit younger, when Fancy was a kid and Faith was still young enough to be living at home. Fancy’s the devil, duh. Faith would’ve made both of their costumes.
8. Someone is too scared to even attend the Halloween party. Who is it?
Huck for sure. Not because it’s Halloween, just because it’s a party. He’s not a regular at parties. He gets invited to plenty by the baseball team or the football team or the cheerleaders, since that’s technically his crowd, but he’d always be afraid they don’t actually want him there and just invited him because they had to or something. He knows there’s no grounds for this--Huck is very well-liked by most. Doesn’t stop those thoughts, though. He doesn’t really start showing up to any until Griz and Fancy.
9. Who overdoses on Halloween candy and ends up sick?
Griz and Fancy. Like I said, they hoard the stuff, and they both have a huge sweet tooth. Huck gets stuck taking care of them. He doesn’t mind. :)
10. Which character is most likely to place a curse/hex on someone and who would they curse?
Fan-cy! Fan-cy! Fan-cy! She’d probably curse the first guy who hits on her. From there, I hope there’s a limit, because she’d very easily go overboard if she were able to do something like that. She’s very bitter considering how much she likes sweets. Ironic.
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
Griz: [can't find Huck in a crowd]
Griz: [uses hands as a microphone] GRIZ FARROW HAS LITERALLY EVEN ONE SINGLE FLAW
Huck: [crashes through the ceiling] THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY
Griz: There he is.
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
One of those frustrating days when I’d rather read my story than write it. 9pm, might be time to give it up for today.
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
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This blog is Dedicated to anyone suffering from Anxiety! Please Follow Us if You Can Relate: ANXIETYPROBLEMS
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
How do people write romance in first person?? I'm d y i n g
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
Tagged by @laurabwrites approx. 4.5 centuries ago to post the last sentence I’ve written + tag as many people as there are words in the sentence--thing is, I haven’t beefed up this blog nearly enough to do that, so we’ve reached the end of this branch. Tbqh, I need to do a mass-follow but I’m way shy, so we’ll see, we’ll see.
But a last sentence I can do!
If I’d been doomed to spend eternity there on the rocks, I would’ve been happy.
I’m not sure I love it, but this is why we draft ayooo
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
*opens trench coat*
Can I interest you kids in a WIP?
There are elements in here that are Very Important, but it’s mostly just notes in Fancy’s voice--her letter-writing voice, at least, because when is that ever the same as your casual speaking voice anyway.
I don’t know what I’m looking for here. I came here to get lost, but I didn’t think it’d take this long to be found. Am I just supposed to keep waiting for the rest of my life?
I don’t really know what to do without you. I’ve met some nice people. Talented people, smart people, kind people, people with good taste in music, people who like dogs, people who don’t. But none of them compare to you. Everything I used to think was vital to someone’s personality just falls flat. Bad people like good music. Talented people are stupid. Smart people are usually mean. They’re never everything all at once. I don’t know what I’m looking for.
It only makes me more desperate. I didn’t realize you were so rare. You’re a fucking gem, Griz. You’re a diamond. I fucked up bad.
I was talking to some guy about you a while ago, just reminiscing. I probably got too nostalgic. He laughed and called me a liar. He said nobody’s that good. I might’ve exaggerated a few things, I don’t really remember. But I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. Nothing I wouldn’t say if you had been there with us. But he was adamant. He said I’d been spoiled and my expectations were too high. He said people like you don’t exist.
I pity the guy, honestly. I mean, I know I’m twisted, but I don’t even want to imagine what I’d be like if I was that hopeless. It’s terrifying.
I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately, though. Especially since I’ve been alone for a while now. Every time he pops into my head, my thoughts get scary for a little while, but I always come back around. No matter what he says, I’ve spent most of my life so far with you. He can’t pull me from that reality. He can’t make me stray for long. As long as we both exist, you’ll always pull me back from the dark places. Even if you don’t know it. Thanks for that, Griz. I mean it. You can say you aren’t doing anything if you want, but you and I both know that isn’t true. Your self-deprecation won’t get in the way of my gratitude. Suck it.
Just writing to you helps. I already feel more optimistic. It’s some ungodly hour in the morning and I’m watching the sun rise. I’m literally watching the sun rise, Griz.
I’ve been doing it a lot lately, though. Nights are hard sometimes, and I start missing you like crazy, so I stay up to watch the sunrise. It’s a good reminder, I guess. Or maybe just a good metaphor.
Whatever it is, it helps.
Until next time, Fancy
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
New Project!
Well, new to you anyway.
I haven’t been able to think about anything else for weeks now, so I’m officially turning my focus for NaNo season to this newer project. Introducing... *drumroll*
Hey, Fancy!
The quick ‘n messy: Contemporary! New Adult! Nonlinear! Still for some reason cannot manage to make the main character and the protagonist the same character!
Protagonist: Fancy Halliday. Long hair don’t care, wastes all her time on daft pretty boys, rich girl grunge, usually in denial about something or other.
Main Character: Griz Farrow. Long hair cares a lot, she didn’t make him pancakes, quiet, long-suffering, love is patient love is kind.
Secondary Character: Huckabee Hayes. Southerner Moves Out West, sportsball, way too chill about his gay awakening, that’s-my-real-name-I-swear, unironically loves his minivan.
Story told through flashbacks induced by a box of unsent letters. 
Griz and Fancy have been friends since birth. They have way too much in common for their own good. Testy about their given names, like Twizzlers and obscure music, never not wearing chucks. Go to parties then find someplace quiet to people watch and talk to each other and No One Else, usually with a 2-liter of whatever soda they see first. Now estranged and filled with regret.
Griz and Huck are high school sweethearts, introduced by Fancy. Had their first conversation in an empty jacuzzi tub in the off-limits master bathroom at some dude’s house. Huck got his first-ever pair of black skinny jeans because Griz said they were cool. Worn once, then again a few years later for a Halloween costume, haven’t left the drawer since.
Despite that, Huck is remarkably the only one without Big High School Regrets.
I haven’t reached the “figure out your pitch” stage, clearly, so until then, we word vomit like men!
It’s hard to talk about them without getting babbly and lapsing into ALL CAPS ALL NIGHT, but if that’s your kind of thing, you’re in luck.
Trying to work up the nerve to post a thing--nothing official but just me trying to get into Fancy’s head. Whatever, let’s do it.
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
What say we blow the dust off this mfer, yeah?
Got some spoonie stuff settled, it’s prep season, my blood is pumping
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
I was reading through excerpts from one of my novel wips, and I came to the end and immediately thought ‘damn you for being over!’
I got lost in it, I was just a reader, and I wanted more. I’m so proud I’m shaking?? Omg.
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Online friends who share very personal things with you for the sake of writing research 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
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What is a magic system?
When writing speculative fiction, one of the writer’s most important jobs is to establish the new rules for their world. In many branches of speculative fiction, especially fantasy and even horror, this is magic, though it can also be technology and alternate scientific rules for science fiction. Whatever alternate fact(s) or reality you utilize to make your fictional world possible, that qualifies as a “magic system.” Your magic system is most often defined by what it can’t do rather than by what it can.
Why do I need a magic system?
When writing speculative fiction, it’s usually assumed that something about your world is different than ours. That can be a small tweak or it can be a complete dismantle-and-reassembly of physics as we understand it. Whatever system you choose to implement, it needs to have internally consistent rules. If, throughout the course of your book, magics begin to contradict each other, then it will disturb your readers suspension of disbelief. You don’t want your awesome magic to yank your readers from the believability of the story. But…most important of all…you have to establish some sort of rules and limits in order to prevent yourself from pulling a deus ex machina. No one likes a poorly executed deus ex machina. Few people like a well executed one (is there such a thing?). If you have rules, limits, cost, built into the magic or technology of your world, then you establish something that is not only nuanced and interesting, but believable.
But…but…it’s magic!!!
Why write speculative fiction if I have to create and follow all of these tedious rules?! The real world has rules enough.
It’s true. But following your own rules and following real worlds aren’t the same thing. Lots of you have probably heard the little saying, “Give your world a Flux Capacitor.” If you think about it, Back to the Future’s Flux Capacitor doesn’t make a lot of sense. It’s not explained. But we accept it because it’s magic. And when Doc says, “Here’s this thing. It makes time travel possible.” We accept it because it’s a simple alteration. He doesn’t try to use it to do more than what is initially established. It never breaks that rule. It’s not used to get Marty out of an impossible situation, defying any previous understanding of the technology. That’s why it works.
So where you do start?
First, you need to probably choose what type of magic you will use. Will be elements based? Or energy based? Spirit? Physical? Time and Space? What things is your magic summoning/manipulating/drawing from?
Now you’ll want to focus on the parts that make your magic yours. Sure, elemental magic has been used half a zillion times, but it can still be interesting if you do something new with it. The best way to do something new is to alter its limits, change the cost, give it a new spin that makes your regular ol’ fire magic something intriguing.
You can do a little bit of research into ancient forms of magic, into other literary uses of magic. See what those before you have done and use it as an inspiration.
If you’re having trouble knowing where to start, I’m here to provide you some thoughts concerning the skeletal-assembly of your magic system! Use these prompts as you see fit!
What does magic use/alter/manipulate?
visible energies
laws of physics
water, only, in all of its forms
fabric of space
elementary particles
items of specific color or texture
plant life
the dead
magnetic forces
Who possesses magic?
random lucky people
the elderly
anyone who’s ever petted a dog
specific animals
How is it acquired?
at birth
intense study and training
through random action
through a ritual
as one ages
From where is power drawn?
internal mana
heat energy
alignment of the stars
physical contact with _____ (the earth, another life force, a drawing or rune)
kinetic or potential energy
the moon(s)
other realms
movement of tectonic plates
spiritual energy of those nearby
consumption of specific foods/drinks/elements
Check out the rest of the Brainstorming Series! Magic Systems, Part Two New Species New Worlds
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em-kuhn-blog · 7 years
“don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is a beautiful powerful sentiment that i fully ignore when book shopping
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em-kuhn-blog · 8 years
I’ve forgotten how to fake it. I’ve forgotten how I used to do it. I’m just here on the sidelines, watching everyone else behave however it is a fully-grown person is supposed to behave. They do it so easily, but it’s just too foreign to me. I’m trying too hard to play this part, hoping I’m not found out, and I can’t even tell if it’s working.
keyds (via wnq-writers)
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em-kuhn-blog · 8 years
I guess the hardest part is remembering your dream in a world that makes you want to forget everything.
deonnedoyoung, 윤도영 (via wnq-writers)
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em-kuhn-blog · 8 years
Is it just me or do other writers hear or suddenly remember a verb and instantly want to incorporate it in your book even though you’re like on a train? Because someone just ate an apple in front of me and if I don’t have one of my characters eat a damn apple soon I’m going to get twitchy.
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em-kuhn-blog · 8 years
WC Application!

These questions only need yes or no answers. They’re not commitments if you say yes, simply organizational tools. 
Are you interested in finding critique groups/partners? Sure 
Are you interested in being a beta-reader? Yup 
Are you open to being tagged in writing questionnaires/asks/games? Ye fam!! 
Are you open to being messaged to talk about writing? YES OK. 
Are you open to being tagged to participate in writing discussions? Yes yes yes 
Would you like to participate in Writeblr by Region? Yessir 
Would you like to participate in the Translation Corner? Nah 
If so, which languages would you like to be listed under? N/A
Short Profile:

Preferred Nickname: keyds, tho if that’s not your style, Kathryn or any derivative or Staples 
Country/Region: Alabama, USA 
Languages: English 
Preferred Writing Type: Prose, but I’m thinking about branching out into poetry and screenplays, and if the opportunity to team up with an artist came up, I’d be open to doing comics, too. I’d try any medium if the opportunity arose. 
Preferred Genre(s) to Write: Literary, SF/F, New Adult; I’m partial to tragedy and psychological and queer stuff 
Preferred Genre(s) to Read: the above, plus Nonfiction and educational stuff, some YA, comedy, some thrillers, and classics 
Favorite Book(s) and Author(s): The Things They Carried, Never Let Me Go, Pride and Prejudice, The Catcher in the Rye, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, A Song of Ice and Fire, Harry Potter, currently reading Egghead by Bo Burnham 
Favorite Music Genre(s)/Artists(s): Raleigh Ritchie, Pariisin Kevät, Sakanaction, amazarashi, illion/RADWIMPS, People in the Box, TK from Ling Tosite Sigure, Stromae, Billie Martin, M83, Twenty One Pilots, MIKA, These Brittle Bones, Oh Wonder, Hotpantz, Kero Kero Bonito, Bon Iver, oh god stop me…
Favorite Fandom(s):

Movies: Harry Potter, Star Trek (lil bit) 
TV Shows: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra, Voltron (LD) 
Anime: Yuuri!!! on ICE, Haikyuu!! (tho less so now than in the past), Fullmetal Alchemist, Shingeki no Kyojin, Monster, whatever’s current (Zankyou no Terror, Barakamon, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Death Parade, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, 91 Days, etc when they were airing) 
Comics: Tokyo Ghoul, Shimanami Tasogare, Hidamari ga Kikoeru, Koe no Katachi, Birdmen, SnK, HQ!!, Peter Panzerfaust, Check, Please!, Griefer Belt, Rock & Riot, Flowerpot. I recently found Kemono Jihen, looks like it may be cool. 
Video Games: Lifeline/Green Series!! Oxenfree! Phone games count, right? 
Hobbies/interests other than writing: *gestures above*, oh and memes. Politics, linguistics, arts, humanities, and sciences, history–I’m saying I like learning lol. Also Japanese.
Extended Profile:
Zodiac Sign: Taurus 
—Does it match your personality? Depends on the interpretation, I guess. I hate a lot of zodiac posts tho, bc we’re always portrayed as stubborn, lazy eating machines which?? What if, for example, a Taurus with an eating disorder? Hmm… 
—Does it match your personality well? To the extent that can be measured by MBTI, yes. 
Introvert or Extrovert? Haha, good one. Introvert.
Writing Habits 
Number/Names of WIPs: Countless short stories, one unnamed novel WIP (sci-fi, if only bc it’s set in the future in space lol), plus one named one: Statue of a Boxer 
Favorite book about writing: I tend to read articles instead.
Planner, Pantser or Plantser? Plantser 
Favorite Outlining Method: Whatever suits the story (length, genre, style, tone, etc). I also tend to use multiple methods, particularly if I’m dealing with nonlinear events. 
Do you write on a schedule or sporadically? Sporadically. I’d like to change that. 
Any creativity rituals that you use: Still developing those.
Your Writing Community 
Tumblr: therealstaples (main), lock-and-keyds (shiny new writing blog) 
Current writing/creative communities you participate in: 
NaNoWriMo Community Name (if applicable): keyds 
Wattpad Community Name (if applicable): N/A 
fanfiction.net or AO3 Community Name (if applicable): N/A 
DeviantArt Community Name (if applicable): N/A 
Patreon Community Name (if applicable): N/A
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