emeraldbenu · 7 years
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Happy New Year to all!
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
Are you still stuck for ideas for National Novel Writing Month? Or are you working on a novel at a more leisurely pace? Here are 102 resources on Character, Point of View, Dialogue, Plot, Conflict, Structure, Outlining, Setting, and World Building, plus some links to generate Ideas and Inspiration.
10 Days of Character Building
Name Generators
Name Playground
The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test
Priming the idea pump (A character checklist shamlessly lifted from acting)
How to Create a Character
Seven Common Character Types
Handling a Cast of Thousands – Part I: Getting to Know Your Characters
It’s Not What They Say …
Establishing the Right Point of View: How to Avoid “Stepping Out of Character”
How to Start Writing in the Third Person
Web Resources for Developing Characters
What are the Sixteen Master Archetypes?
Character: A compilation of guidance from classical and contemporary experts on creating great dramatic characters
Building Fictional Characters
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Character Building Workshop
Tips for Characterization
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Villains are People, Too, But …
Top 10 Tips for Writing Dialogue
Speaking of Dialogue
Dialogue Tips
Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills (character traits)
How to Write a Character Bible
Character Development Exercises
All Your Characters Sounds the Same — And They’re Not a Hivemind!
Medieval Names Archive
Sympathy Without Saintliness
Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Difference for Successful Fiction
Family Echo (family tree website)
Interviewing Characters: Follow the Energy
100 Character Development Questions for Writers
Behind the Name
Lineage Chart Layout Generator
How to Write a Novel: The Snowflake Method
Effectively Outlining Your Plot
Conflict and Character within Story Structure
Outlining Your Plot
Ideas, Plots & Using the Premise Sheets
How to Write a Novel
Creating Conflict and Sustaining Suspense
Plunge Right In … Into Your Story, That Is!
Fiction Writing Tips: Story Grid
Tips for Creating a Compelling Plot
Writer’s “Cheat Sheets”
The Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic Situations
The Evil Overlord Devises a Plot: Excerpt from Stupid Plotting Tricks
Conflict Test
What is Conflict?
The Hero’s Journey: Summary of the Steps
Outline Your Novel in Thirty Minutes
Plotting Without Fears
Novel Outlining 101
Writing the Perfect Scene
Fight Scenes 101
Basic Plots in Literature
One-Page Plotting
The Great Swampy Middle
Magical World Builder’s Guide
I Love the End of the World
World Building 101
The Art of Description: Eight Tips to Help You Bring Your Settings to Life
Creating the Perfect Setting – Part I
Creating a Believable World
An Impatient Writer’s Approach to Worldbuilding
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions
Character and Setting Interactions
Creating Fantasy and Science Fiction Worlds
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Questions About Worldbuilding
Maps Workshop — Developing the Fictional World Through Mapping
World Builder Projects
Quick Story Idea Generator
Solve Your Problems Simply by Saying Them Out Loud
Busting Your Writing Rut
Writing Inspiration, or Sex on a Bicycle
Creative Acceleration: 11 Tips to Engineer a Productive Flow
The Seven Major Beginner Mistakes
Complete Your First Book with these 9 Simple Writing Habits
Free Association, Active Imagination, Twilight Imaging
Random Book Title Generator
Finishing Your Novel
Story Starters and Idea Generators
How to Rewrite
One-Pass Manuscript Revision: From First Draft to Last in One Cycle
Editing Recipe
Cliche Finder
Revising Your Novel: Read What You’ve Written
Writing 101: So You Want to Write a Novel Part 3: Revising a Novel
My Writing Nook (online text editor; free)
Bubbl.us (online mind map application; free)
Freemind (mind map application; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
XMind (mind map application; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
Liquid Story Binder (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $45.95; Windows, portable)
Scrivener (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $39.95; Mac)
SuperNotecard (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $29; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
yWriter (novel organization and writing software; free; Windows, Linux, portable)
JDarkRoom (minimalist text editor; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
AutoRealm (map creation software; free; Windows, Linux with Wine)
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
lahore pigeons are some of the most visually appealing birds out there. like in terms of visual design. very minimalist, good contrast.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
me: man i love this villain
someone on the internet: awww noo poor small precious baby is not really bad, they didn’t do anything wrong, they’re just misunderstood :((((
me: you come into my house, you insult my trash evil child,
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
Some people aren’t going to like what you write. Write it anyway.
Some people, people you know objectively suck at being a human being, will get more kudos, more comments, more recs. Write it anyway.
Some of your friends aren’t going to read what you write. Write it anyway.
Some of the people you support the most won’t support your work. Write it anyway.
Some people are going to say your characterization is 100% wrong. X would never. Write it anyway.
It’s been done before. Write it anyway.
Your writing might not measure up to the fandom greats. Write it anyway. (I can guarantee they didn’t measure up at some point either)
Some people aren’t going to rec your work. Write it anyway. (And make your own recs)
Write it anyway.
Write it anyway.
Write it anyway.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
I'm sick with strep. It's occurred to me, that Anakin might need a lot of vaccines when he first gets to the Jedi order -- so, the prompt is, Anakin's first basic checkup visit with Vokara Che and her assistants. Presumably taking place shortly after they get back from Naboo. Bonus points if Obi-Wan is dragged in -- he's overdue for a visit, and after Qui Gon's death, the mind healers want a look. Also, warn Anakin about any allergies his master might have, and vice versa.
“I’m sure its going to be alrightAnakin.” Obi-Wan soothed softly with a hand on his shoulder,guiding him along the rooms of the Halls to the right one where heknew that Healer Uva would be waiting on them with all the shotsAnakin would need.
“But what are they going to do?”
“Well, its a basic checkup along withsome shots for various immunizes you don’t have that you willencounter.” Obi-Wan smiled down at him and squeezed his shoulder.“And take down the information like your weight, height, gender,hair color and all.”
“But they already know I’m a boy.”Anakin frowned.
“Mhmm but those things has to go inyour folder.”
“But…why?” Anakin blinked.
“Well, so if you get sick somewhereelse in the universe, the healer there can request your folder andknow its you and know what to do to treat you.”
“…Oh, okay that make sense.”Anakin nodded at the explanation as they stepped into the room.
And promptly jumped in surprise as thedoor promptly shut behind them.
“Well well well knight Kenobi, apleasure to finally have you in front of me.” A blue twi’lek saidwith her arms crossed over her chest as her lekku’s twitched.
Healer Uva meanwhile smiled gently atAnakin even as his master tensed up.
“H-Healer Che, what a surprise.”
“Oh I bet Knight Kenobi.” Sheoffered, looking more and more unimpressed as she did.
“Anakin! Padawan of mine, this ishealer Che, one of the bes-”
“Flattery will not get you out ofyour health check Kenobi.” She scowled at him before giving Anakina brief smile. “Please go to Healer Uva padawan, your master hashis own checkup.”
And then she moved to Obi-Wan, grabbinghim by the ear to pull him over to an examination bed. “You with meKnight.”
“Healer Che!” He yelped.
Anakin watched with wide eyes beforestepping over to Healer Uva who gently patted the bed by her. “I’msorry for having this sprung on you young one. Your master hasa…history of avoiding the Halls.”
“He does?” Anakin asked whilecrawling up on the bed and sitting still for the healer as she pickedup an instrument to scan him.
“Mhmm, he’s well known here forbeing difficult.” Uva chuckled quietly while reading what thescanner had picked up, quickly preparing two hyposprays for Anakin.“We usually leave it to Healer Che because she knows how to handlehim.”
As she got the hyporspray ready, Anakinglanced over at Obi-Wan to find him being forced to take off hisboots and outer tunic, the healer hissing at him to get on the scale.“And so help me Kenobi, if you lost weight I will ground you, newpadawan or not. Or perhaps I should just ground you anyhow.” Shescowled.
“I haven’t lost weight! I’ve beengood!” Obi-Wan argued as he hopped on one foot before settling hisboot down, flustering as he noticed Anakin watching the two. “Andplease don’t embarrass me.”
“Oh you don’t want your new padawanto know how terrible you are at taking care of yourself huh? Welltough luck, I’m going to get him to send me monthly reports on yourhealth.” The twi’lek glared at him. “On the scale, NOW.”
Obi-Wan muttered something that got hima sharp but light wack over the head.
“On the scale, no sass.”
Anakin was distracted when Uvacarefully gave him his shot and then asked him a few question aboutwhat kind of illnesses and injuries he had gotten on Tatooine that heknew of.
By the time he looked back, Obi-Wan wassitting shirtless on the examination bed, having a bruise on hischest examined and prodded before the healer got to work on it.
Obi-Wan was looking embrassed, staringat his knees before he looked up and meet Anakin’s eyes, giving hima sheepish and meek smile.
“Is Master Obi-Wan bad at taking careof himself?” He couldn’t help but ask outloud, blinking asObi-Wan colored sharply.
“Your master is terrible. He hidesinjuries, loses weight and gains it as if he’s a jojo, tries topretend he can live of tea and air at times and Force preserve us ifI’ve ever meet a more masochistic human in my life.” Che gruntedbefore letting Obi-Wan pull on his under tunic as the bruise wasfading.
“I’m not that bad.”
“No? Then tell us all about the timeyou were grounded on Coruscant for a whole month because we couldcount your ribs, how about that?”
Obi-Wan turned bright red and Anakinfelt his eyes widen. He had seen slaves with protruding ribs butObi-Wan was a Jedi! He must have been able to eat and drink properlyright?
“Why?” He looked at them.
“Because like I said, he’s horribleat eating and Master Jinn, Force look after him, was not always goodat feeding him.” Che sighed, hesitating a bit before squeezingObi-Wan’s shoulder almost gently. “You need to look afteryourself Kenobi. You got a padawan now.”
“I know…” Obi-Wan stared at hisknees.
Anakin stared at him then hopped offthe examination bed and moved to his teacher, hugging his legs whilepeering up at him. “Its okay, we can take care of each other masterObi-Wan.” He smiled up at him.
Green eyes blinked at him in surprisebefore Obi-Wan gave a small smile and ruffled Anakin’s hair. “Iguess we can…now its your turn to hop on the scale Anakin. Go on.Boots and over tunic off, I’ll help you put it on again.”
Anakin gave Obi-Wan’s legs one lastsqueeze before moving over to the scale, leaning against the bed toremove his boots.
Obi-Wan watched him closely, smilingever so slightly while the two healers traded looks.
Perhaps having a padawan so early wasnot such a bad thing for the young knight.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
Somewhat Cracky Fic Idea: Actual Millenial Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi
Sith!Obi-Wan, who lost his Anakin young in the fight between him and Sidious. His apprentice/brother/first-person-that’s-ever-been-mine was so strong in the force, and so clever. That’s what drew the main-line sith - Sidious covets power, and what he cannot take, he will destroy. If he can’t have Anakin, nobody will.
Obi-Wan went a little crazy from it. He does several stupid, stupid things with sith magic in his vendetta with Sidious, and ends up in his canon counterpart’s body.
Canon Obi-Wan still has Anakin, 13 and so, so like the one sith Obi-Wan lost. The Jedi - and how, how, how had the boy he rescued from Gardulla’s races ended up with the Jedi? - has succeeded where the sith had failed. Obi-Wan can take a hint when the force hits him upside the head with it.
Anakin’s meant to be a Jedi. Alright. Obi-Wan can do this. Pretend to be a Jedi Knight, raise Anakin to actually be a Jedi knight, figure out Sidious’ civilian identity and poison him, determine why the hell his counterpart let someone a creepy as Chancellor Palpatine near Ani. Being raised from the age of 13 by an ancient Sith holocron and succession of different free-lance organizations is totally adequate preparation for this mess. (Obi-Wan is 25, and his resume consists of pissing off Sith Lords, sword-point diplomacy, and dangerous Sith magic, with a side line of sleeping with pretty people and stealing their wallets. He’s pretty sure he’s screwed.)
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
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Jedi Princesses 
Bonus : Sith Ursula 
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.
There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
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                   the tragedy of anakin skywalker (x)
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
GAR Flagships in the Clone Wars
I don’t think I’ve seen one of these but I was looking them up for a fic so just in case anyone else also needs this, here’s a quick reference of the known Republic flagships in use during the Clone Wars, listed by Jedi. These are all Venator-class Star Destroyers.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Dauntless (not listed as a flagship but was part of the same battlegroup as the Resolute)
Pioneer (not listed as a flagship but was part of the same battlegroup as the Resolute)
Luminara Unduli
Aayla Secura
Saesee Tiin
The Endurance was under the command of Admiral Kilian but this is the ship that Mace had been using when Boba Fett tried to kill him.
Yoda used the Tranquility for the Battle of Kashyyk (and Luminara was there with him).
There’s more ships listed here.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
Are there any actual midichlorian counts that we know from any canon?  Legends, new EU, comics, video games, anything? I don’t think there’s any in the movies, but if there are, what are they?
All my research is turning up is that Anakin Skywalker’s is “over 20,000″, which isn’t a hard number, and there’s another “mildly Force sensitive” guy named Nova Stihl from Legends who has more than 5,000 (again, not a hard number).
So… help?  Any other counts out there?  I don’t even care what canon the numbers are from, to be honest.  I just don’t want to make something up wholesale.  I will, if I have to.  I just hope there’s some information out there.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
Sometimes I get really sad thinking about how much better RotS would have gone if Padme and Obi-Wan were on space texting terms, like imagine
Padme: hey man glad u made it back alive. Question: did Anakin sleep at all on your last mission?
Obi-Wan: LOL he never sleeps well when we’re deployed. good thing he catches up when we’re back on Coruscant.
Padme: uh.
Obi-Wan: What?
Padme: ahahaha not that I’d have any way of knowing, but no. Not at all really.
Obi-Wan: I can’t know that. I don’t want to know that. Stop that. He needs to sleep.
Padme: Not what I meant.
Obi-Wan: Wait, really?
Obi-Wan: But if he’s not sleeping on planet, and he’s not sleeping off planet
Obi-Wan: Shit
Your move, Sheev.
So I reblogged this earlier and babbled in the tags my delight in this idea, and then got to thinking.  Because seriously, how is it that simple?  Make space-texting a thing, everything is instantly 10000x better.
You have Obi-Wan the worrywart constantly checking up on Anakin, because given such an easy outlet for his mother-henning tendencies when it comes to his former Padawan you cannot tell me he would quash it under the attachment clause, he’s just CHECKING UP ON HIM, ANYONE CAN DO THAT, RIGHT???  It probably drove Anakin totally nuts as an apprentice and still does, but it’s also reassuring because it’s hard to think someone doesn’t care when they’re constantly demanding to know if you’re all right.
You have Anakin and Ahsoka, who totally sit through meetings texting each other and giggling over their dumb juvenile jokes, it’s the equivalent of two teenagers throwing paper balls at each other because they’re bored, and Anakin’s just as much a worrywart over her as Obi-Wan is about him, it drives her nuts during missions, the only redeeming factor is his texts are full of his dorky nerdy humor so she’s giggle-snorting even as she’s trying to be indignant that he’s checking to see if she tied her shoes, for the Force’s sake.
You have Anakin and Padme, which is essentially Anakin sending Padme terrible, terrible prose because he is a sappy sap and can’t help it.  She giggles over it and cherishes every mushy thing he sends her, and likes to curl up and read them after long days in the Senate.  She sends him snippets of news and complains about fellow senators, and occasionally sends (much less terrible) schmoopy things back, and tries not to nag him about trying to keep safe.
And, if you go the Padme-and-Obi-Wan communication route, you have the two WORST SPACE-TEXTING BUDDIES EVER, I am convinced you cannot sway me.  Padme texting Obi-Wan for advice or opinions or information while he’s IN A WARZONE, PADME, THIS IS REALLY NOT THE TIME (what are you doing texting in a warzone, Obi-Wan, get your priorities straight.)  The two of them trying to chat while Senate is in session, making up strategies on the fly or sharing disparaging stories about the other senators, Obi-Wan being all dry and sarcastic no matter what they’re talking about so Padme’s always trying to smother inappropriate laughter because she’s IN SESSION HERE.  (Padme with Obi-Wan as a reliable source of gossip and information from the front is a terrifying force and you should be very very afraid, because Anakin is not politically savvy and doesn’t always know what’s significant or not, but Obi-Wan DOES.)
And NOT ONLY do you have Obi-Wan and Padme as a now-united front in looking after Anakin, whose antics they moan about together constantly~, you have the CLONES.  Because if Obi-Wan and Padme are texting each other about Anakin, they are 100% texting Rex and Cody as well, so everyone is part of this giant conspiracy and Anakin’s just sitting in the middle going what?? and wondering how the hell these people manage to pull all these things off, it’s almost like they planned it???  But–no, they can’t all be…nah.
And OH MY GOD, the epic chat-logs of Rex and Cody.  Constant and ceaseless bitching about their idiot Generals.  THEY MUST STAND AS A UNITED FRONT, OR THE IDIOT JEDI WILL GET THEMSELVES KILLED, THEY KNOW THIS, seriously though how did these idiots manage without specifically bred minders before this?  Like, this is clearly what they were made for, to be Jedi-sitters?  Because their main examples are Kenobi and Skywalker and oh my god, but they are terrible examples, of COURSE Jedi desperately need minders, look at these two suicidal morons!!!   Aaaaaall the stealth texting.  All of it.  Obi-Wan and Anakin occasionally remark on how quickly the squads seem to communicate with each other.  Cody and Rex totally bitch about idiot generals while said generals are in the room.  Anakin is clueless, but Obi-Wan has suspicions.  Ahsoka is their undercover agent.
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
Are there any fic where Qui Gon gets sent back in time and the first thing he does is go get Obi Wan out of the creche? like he wakes up, says Tahl! I fucked up! And runs to the creche. Tahl's like PLEASE BE MORE SPECIFIC!
Tahl is so confused!!!!!!! 
I think I’m gonna need to write a ficlet where it’s about Tahl waiting for Qui Gon to come back, running thru a list in her mind, trying to determine which of his many fuck ups he was talking about and then Qui returns w/ Obi over his shoulder
omg if you don’t write it i might
Tahl is like “where did you get that kid why did you say you fucked up what’s going on what’s wrong with you?????????”
Qui-Gon is like “i have to make things right”
Tahl just decides to give up trying to get him to make sense and just goes along with it
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emeraldbenu · 7 years
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Minato 🙆 the yellow flash
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