emmalandia · 1 year
ISFJ User Manual
This manual is part of a series of guides originated by @intpboard!  
Congratulations! You have come under the care of your very own ISFJ unit, probably because you needed help with a task and they needed an excuse to procrastinate.  They have offered you this manual in a simple attempt to assist you.  You should be pleased that they have chosen you to benefit from their helpful nature!
Your ISFJ unit will come equipped with the following accessories:
One (1) large cup of coffee (refillable)
Four (4) extra jackets to give you if you are cold
Two (2) semi-fancy outfits
Three (3) casual outfits, one of which they strongly prefer
One (1) calendar to keep track of important dates
One (1) coffeepot, for refilling coffee cup
Three (3) grandiose, altruistic life paths
One (1) large dog
Infinite (∞) support, patience, work ethic, and enthusiasm
Your ISFJ will come preprogrammed with the following traits:
Si: Your ISFJ will often be preoccupied with thoughts about the world and people around them, and may zone out during these times.  Don’t be alarmed – this is normal.  They are just gathering information about their surroundings, processing their impressions, and filing everything away in the proper place. Disturbing them during this process will often result in blank stares and confusion.
Fe: This trait is activated only when necessary, following the processing phase. After your ISFJ has updated with the gathered information, you will find them very interactive, friendly, and helpful! They contain a special chip which makes them particularly intuitive and responsive to all your feelings and needs, as well as overly willing to assist you in anything you may need.
Ti: Occasionally, instead of Fe following the processing phase, your ISFJ will need to withdraw and spend time deeply analyzing the information gained.  This trait allows them to balance their people pleasing side with their analytical side.
Ne: The weakest trait of the ISFJ, Ne works with Fe to prod the ISFJ into trying new things.  It is also responsible for their occasional bursts of creative ideas and plans! However, it is only able to activated for fleeting periods of time; pushing an ISFJ too far out of their comfort zone for too long will cause them to revert to the withdrawn, silent behavior that characterizes their original information-gathering mode.
Getting Started:
When you first start up your ISFJ, do not be alarmed by their silence! The first stage of ISFJ programming requires distant observation, which allows them to gather information about their surroundings!
1. Place included cup of coffee in your ISFJ’s hand.
2. Set them on a bench in a busy location.
3. Allow your ISFJ to charge by observing details about the situation.
4. If step 3 does not work, place included dog on leash and hand leash to ISFJ; Fe mode should trigger when ISFJ is approached about dog.
5. If your ISFJ still doesn’t start, announce a task with which you need assistance.
Selfless Giver (default) – In this mode, ISFJs will jump at any opportunity to help others, regardless of their own schedule or plans.  They will never complain about this type of service.  Even if they do not want to help you, they will – regardless of any inconvenience it may cause them.  Taking advantage of this mode too often will result in an unhealthy ISFJ that will shut down in response to future requests.
Nature Lover - Activated when outside in nature settings.  ISFJs love nature, particularly the solitude and silence they can find there.  This allows them to process information without the interference of additional information.  They are likely to bring you outside with them, in an effort to help you silence your mind as well – even if this is not your idea of fun, please be patient. They are just trying to help you.
Humble - Activated in response to any type of praise.  ISFJs prefer to downplay their own accomplishments, as they are uncomfortable with overwhelming praise.  This often results in their successes being claimed by others, which upsets the balance of the ISFJ and often triggers Clowning mode to hide anger and disappointment.
Observer - Activated in busy situations/places. Your ISFJ will be content to sit back and watch the action around them.  Although they will be lightly conversational, attempting to engage them more deeply will not be successful – they are too busy processing their surroundings.
Clowning - ISFJs are prone to self-deprecating jokes. They use this as a defense mechanism to hide their emotions. A shield of laughter is the best defense of all! To this end, they also find joy in puns, wordplay, and any unique jokes. Their sense of humor never ceases to surprise, so try not to be taken aback!  Activated most often around NF units.
Relationships with other units:
NFs: ISFJs have very close relationships with NFs, because they are both concerned with the care and well-being of the other.  The ISFJ also often balances the NF, who prefers an “outside the box” way of thinking to the more traditional views of the ISFJ.  NFs can also be too demanding of the ISFJ – they need to know when to let up or they will burnout their ISFJ unit.
NTs: NTs have a very strong drive and work ethic that the ISFJ greatly admires; in return, the NT admires the way ISFJs care so deeply for others.  This is a relationship that can produce a lot of mutual respect.  However, NTs are far more logical than ISFJs, who are more focused on emotions, and this can cause friction.
SJs: ISFJs get along very well with other SJs.  They are both responsible and trustworthy, as well as equally willing to take care of one another.  This creates a nurturing environment for the ISFJ that is very important for their health and security.
SPs: SPs are fun loving and carefree, capable of assisting an ISFJ with big plans, ideas, or experiences triggered by the Fe trait. However, the SP must recognize that the ISFJ has a limit and be respectful of that – if not, their wild, impetuous nature can quickly wear down an ISFJ.
When busy, an ISFJ will often forget that food is necessary. This is especially true when engrossed in a project that will help others or while bringing one of their ideas/adventures to life.  To properly care for an ISFJ, you must feed them at least once a day.  If they are resistant to stopping long enough to eat, tell them you are feeling hungry and allow them the option of preparing (or paying for) the meal – their overly kind nature will override their natural enthusiasm for work and in making sure you are fed, they will feed themselves as well.
Your ISFJ will groom on a regular basis, as it never knows when it will be called away to help someone else.  They will always keep themselves clean and their appearance tidy – they never want to call too much attention to themselves, so they groom and dress in a way that allows them to blend in.  You will not need to monitor this function for your unit, and you should leave it to the ISFJ to take care of at all times; insinuating that your ISFJ is untidy in any way will cause them to feel offended and could result in total shut down until you apologize.
Your ISFJ unit will sleep regularly, as being well rested is necessary to support the enthusiasm with which they approach their day (whether their day is at school, at work, or being with others).  Despite this, they often need naps or a large amount of caffeine to keep running in Selfless Giver mode – this mode drains their energy very quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I get my ISFJ to relax and take a break?
You don’t!  ISFJ’s are not capable of “relaxing” in the traditional sense.  During their dormant periods, their brains are still rapidly processing and filing information.  The word “relax” is foreign to them and will confuse them if mentioned too often.
Help! I lost my ISFJ!
Don’t worry!  ISFJs often need a break to recharge by going into one of the aforementioned dormant periods. They will reappear shortly!  If it has been more than three hours, brew a pot of coffee and wait.  The smell of coffee should bring your ISFJ out of dormancy.
My ISFJ does not like to try new things?  What do I do?
ISFJ units come with a preinstalled love of habit and familiarity. Attempting to change too much at once can lead to a complete crash if you are not careful!  To deal with this, introduce your ISFJ to new situations, places, and people very gently.  Be patient and they will adjust in time.  Their Fe and Ne traits will also occasionally activate and push them into trying something new – make sure you take their lead and do not over stimulate them. This will cause them to withdraw into dormancy and will require additional coffee to fix.
Again, congratulations on your newly acquired ISFJ helper unit!
(Thank you to @effervescience for all of her help in researching and writing this guide!  
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emmalandia · 4 years
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folklore as an old storybook
@taylorswift @taylornation
part 1 | part 2
[please credit me if you repost]♡
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emmalandia · 4 years
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I used to scream ferociously
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emmalandia · 4 years
I will never not love this montage with every fiber of my being.
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emmalandia · 4 years
Me: My name is...
My brain: Catherine of Aragon, was married 24 years. Yeah, I’m a paragon of royalty. My loyalty is to the Vatican so if you try to dump me; you won’t try that again
Also my brain: Regina Georgggge and I am a massive deal. Fear me, love me, stand and stare at me. And these? These are realllll
My brain again: Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. There a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait, juuuuust you waiiit
That one voice: JESUS CHRIST! yOu Have A lOvEly h—HELLO! ITS AN AMAZING BOOK bOnjUoR hOlA NI HAO me llamo eLder WHITEare these your kids?
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emmalandia · 4 years
A Complete Guide to Ilvermorny
What Ilvermorny Means
This section focuses on the bare bones of each house. Later I expand in great depth on the specific combinations.
Pragmatism. The Wampus wants real world results. It wants things that can assist these results. It will take real, immediate action to achieve these results. Oriented towards events, the exterior world, and action. Searches for advantage in everything. Searches for ways to win. Competition, winning, the real world. Proof. Logic. Action.
Horned Serpent:
Theories. The world aligns with their system of thought. Why is the world this way? What if it isn’t? The horned serpent considers everything. They scrutinize and analyze. They make the world fit their mind and make their mind for the world. Oriented toward the internal world. Thinking about things for their own sake. No objective but understanding.
Pukwudgies are what they are. They want to be themselves in all respects, extroverting themselves on the outer world. They are in tune with their own emotions and will follow their gut instincts and feelings wherever they might lead. They have a strong emotional attachment to those they value, and will stay extremely loyal to those select few. Pukwudgies are social without Boeing to society.
Change. The grand concept of the soul. The thunderbird wants change for its internal world. It wishes to be free in its thoughts and it’s desires, pretty much regardless of the outside world. The thunderbird seeks betterment for itself in subjective ways. It does not want to win, it wants to be happy.
Hogwarts/Ilvermorny Combinations
This section focuses on each individual house combination.
The Hero (Gryffindor)
The Traveler (Ravenclaw)
The Loyalist (Hufflepuff)
The Charmer (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Pukwudgie: These people are the typical thrill seeking freedom fighters of Gryffindor. The social nature of Pukwudgie combines with the glory seeking bravado of Gryffindor to make a person who sees themselves as a hero, and is eager to act accordingly. Gryffindor Pukwudgies are often more attuned to their own wants and the wants of their friends then anything grander. They prefer not to look at the big picture, and instead focus on small situations where they can apply themselves with vigor and individuality. Gryffindor and Pukwudgie are both individualistic and emotional houses, and this manifests particularly strongly in this combination. The Gryffindor is action oriented and the Pukwudgie is social, creating someone who is outspoken and willing to stick to their emotional decisions to the bitter end.
Ravenclaw/Pukwudgie: The Ravenclaw Pukwudgie is primarily concerned with the exploration of the world. The Ravenclaw is insatiably curious, and the Pukwudgie sees the world externally, without becoming preoccupied with the structure of the world or what they can and cannot do. The two houses in combination seek to fully enjoy life, seeking out new knowledge and experiences without very much of an end goal. These people seek to enjoy their life above all else, and will likely have a drive to see the world, try new and exciting things, and will not have patience for those who drag them down to a more boring world.
Hufflepuff/Pukwudgie: The Hufflepuff Pukwudgie is devoted to its friends and family. It will make sure they are happy and healthy above all else, and will define their lives by those they care about. They are more focused on themselves as individuals then the traditional Hufflepuff, who seeks to make things fair for the general world. These Hufflepuffs instead prefer to stay within the circle of those that they love and rarely stray from it. These Pukwudgies will be more selfless and able to dismiss their own emotions easier than most because of their acute awareness of the affect it has on others.
Slytherin/Pukwudgie: Slytherin Pukwudgies are naturals at making connections and thrive in the social world. Their ambition is driven from emotional need, and will often be less traditionally ambitious than the dreams of other Slytherins. They will want to succeed in a social or emotional way, more intangible than the power and wealth many Slytherins seek. They will seek prestige in their social circle, using their quick wits to charm their fellows. They are highly external people, loving the company and positivity of social gatherings and becoming highly adept at navigating such settings.
The Champion (Gryffindor)
The Trickster (Ravenclaw)
The Paragon (Hufflepuff)
The Victor (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Wampus: Wampus Gryffindors are the most in tune with the real world of Gryffindors. They see the real world problems with constantly sticking to their morals and emotions, and will be willing to change their decisions and adapt to whatever will yield the greatest benefit. This combination is extremely action oriented, often becoming restless when there is no danger for them to face or situation to mend. These will be the most competitive of all Gryffindors, eager to jump on any casual opportunity to show others what they can do. This is the result of the glory seeking nature of Gryffindor combined with the Wampus drive to win. While this combination is highly impulsive and strong willed, it’s logical side and desire to succeed often makes it more detached than most Gryffindors until the opportunity for action arises. This combination will look for logical and analytical reasons why it won or did not win, and thus will often seem changeable, as it is reviewing new data and analyzing while it is taking action. It’s looking at the same time as it’s leaping.
Ravenclaw/Wampus: The Ravenclaw Wampus is the rarest of all sixteen combinations. Understandable as it is a paradoxical personality. Strong willed with malleable beliefs and goals, active with a tendency to hang back and consider all options, and intellectual but fierce. This combination deals in cleverness more than any other type of intellect. It prefers wit and strategy in its thoughts and conversations to a less immediately applicable, more studious knowledge. The introspective nature of Ravenclaw combines with Wampus in two principle ways, first with its competitiveness and its drive to succeed, which makes the Ravenclaw Wampus self critical and keenly aware of its own strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, the introspection combines with the strength of Wampus to create an impassive exterior. This Wampus will conceal its weaknesses behind a thick veil of intellect and prestige.
Hufflepuff/Wampus: The Hufflepuff Wampus has tangible goals that it wants to succeed in, and has a strong drive like other Wampuses, however, this will be offset by their affection for their companions and their wish for these people to succeed as much, if not more, than themself. This manifests as a person who is a strong and charismatic community leader. They will drive groups of people forward highly effectively with an infectious optimism and tireless determination. Both the Wampus and the Hufflepuff houses are hard working houses with great amounts of grit. As a result, the combination will take on massive amounts of work for greater projects with incredible drive. This is a self sacrificing combination with a strong sense of right and wrong, based primarily around justice and fairness. They will fight tirelessly to achieve this fairness in any place they can.
Slytherin/Wampus: The Slytherin and Wampus houses are defined by ambition. Slytherin values ambition deeply, and Wampus’ interaction with the world is based around fighting and winning. As a result, the Slytherin Wampus feels that it must achieve its goals at all costs, and overwhelmingly does so. This type is highly adaptable within the margins of its goals, as it sees many ways it can get what it wants, and has no issue buckling down to what work is necessary. While in true Slytherin nature, it is focused on the end goal at all times, the scrappiness and engagement with the present moment that Wampus brings leads this combination to be more playful than other Slytherins. These Slytherins are so constantly ambitious and secure in their desire that they feel comfortable dropping their seriousness whenever it appeals to them. At the same time, the Slytherin Wampus sees no point in becoming too preoccupied with the negative aspects of the here and now, and has a tendency to “wait out” annoyances, emotional problems, or pain.
The Revolutionary (Gryffindor)
The Philosopher (Ravenclaw)
The Optimist (Hufflepuff)
The Candidate (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Thunderbird: Gryffindor Thunderbird has deeply internalized its moral beliefs. It is guided by its principals and ideals. The contrast in between Thunderbirds vibrant internal world and Gryffindors strong external tendencies make a combination that is powerfully focused on carrying its beliefs into the outside world. This combination makes no compromises. It is resilient against outside influence, and most powerful when faced with impossible odds. In the face of everyone telling it “no”, it plants it’s feet and screams “yes” in response. This Gryffindor is the least boastful an glory seeking of Gryffindors, as it cares very little for the the outside world. It deeply connects to those who share its beliefs however, and will stick to these long lived friendships through any situation, no matter how thick or thin.
Ravenclaw/Thunderbird: The Ravenclaw Thunderbird seeks enlightenment. Regardless of its religious views or what words they might use to describe what they seek, the Ravenclaw Thunderbird wishes to reach a state of complete happiness and knowledge. Both Ravenclaw and Thunderbird constantly seek out something, deep in their core. The Ravenclaw seeks many new ideas, whereas the Thunderbird seeks a single great ideal. In combination, these houses search for all ways they might achieve their final ideal (note: not their final GOAL, the ideal is generally something unattainable. The Ravenclaw Thunderbird considers it nobler to strive for the impossible.) This house will be as curious as the traditional Ravenclaw, but it’s deep held beliefs as a Thunderbird will lead it to dismiss more information than its more trusting and open minded fellows. Ultimately, their greatest priority is enlightenment and whatever else they may have chosen as a panultimate ideal.
Hufflepuff/Thunderbird: The Hufflepuff Thunderbird is probably the greatest source of Hufflepuff’s reputation of being offbeat. The Thunderbird devotion to its internal world mixes with the upbeat attitude of Hufflepuff to create a person who is extremely amiable and easygoing without feeling the need to fit in or act in a way they feel uncomfortable with. This Hufflepuff is more secure in their identity than other Hufflepuffs, and this Thunderbird is more secure in their present situation than other Thunderbirds. This makes a sweet spot of contentment where the Hufflepuff Thunderbird makes it’s home.
Slytherin/Thunderbird: Of the Slytherins, this combination is the deepest emotionally. It does not find the same advantage of repressing its emotions that the other houses do. Instead, this house propels itself through its ambitions with a deep emotional drive to thrive I whatever environment it is put in. The forceful confidence of Slytherin gives this Thunderbird a tendency to hurl themselves into happiness and freedom, acting however they might please. This gives them a forceful and individualistic charisma, but makes them enemies as they can come off as a bull in a china shop when surrounded by weaker personalities. This Slytherin plans ahead less than other Slytherins. It has it’s eventual goals in mind, but it trusts in its ability to improvise with all the cunning and determination it possesses once it comes into contact with an actual impediment.
Horned Serpent/Hogwarts
The Advocate (Gryffindor)
The Visionary (Ravenclaw)
The Psychologist (Hufflepuff)
The Architect (Slytherin)
Gryffindor/Horned Serpent: The Gryffindor Horned Serpent is the fiercest of the Horned Serpents and the most conservative and cautious of the Gryffindors. They have strong held ideas that they reenforce with a powerful will and as much mental energy as they can muster. However, these Gryffindors are aware of the consequences to their actions, and will act in a more refined way, only breaking rules or taking direct action when they see it as good to do so. They will not, however, hesitate to challenge any idea put forward, examining it from both moral and logical standpoints. This combination has a highly tuned moral framework that builds itself on sequences of logic in order to determine what is right. These Horned Serpents are less interested in discovery, experimentation, and hypothesizing than most of their brethren. The Gryffindor in them prefers to take what is established knowledge so that they can act in the moment and will not have to shift their belief system, which is dependent on information. This combination will project themselves as the most prominent mind in the room. They often do not project the pure and quiet intelligence of Ravenclaw combinations or the calculated charisma of Slytherin, but the use of Gryffindor’s indomitable will and Horned Serpents uncontainable mind forces the attention of those nearby. People are drawn to this combination, and it uses this ability to advocate its ideas.
Ravenclaw/Horned Serpent: This combinations mind is completely active. It thinks constantly, developing and discarding ideas and theories at a consummate rate. The quick mindedness of the Ravenclaw allows it to see multiple ideas and possible ways to see a situation at once. At the same time, the Horned Serpent focuses these many ideas, narrowing down those that are illogical and discardable. This combination is fully involved with its mind. Its intelligence propels it in everything it does, shaping its values, shifting its actions. What the Ravenclaw Horned Serpent does will always be to the benefit of knowledge and its own understanding. It will seek the analysis and dissection of the entire world, magnifying every notion as far as it reasonably can. This combination balances a scale in its own mind. On one hand, it enjoys the pure information of chaos, but on the other, the rationality of both houses wants stability. The Ravenclaw Horned Serpent makes its compromise through observation. It will sit still and accumulate knowledge until it sees there is something to be gained for their mind if they move. They will then throw themselves headlong into whatever pursuit they have deemed smart.
Hufflepuff/Horned Serpent: The Hufflepuff Horned Serpent seeks to understand people. It will study someone in all their intricacies, looking to their likes, dislikes, beliefs, motives, and everything else try can glean. This combination loves people as truly as most Hufflepuffs do, but is truly fascinated by them as a Horned Serpent. Hufflepuff’s patience combines with the theories of Horned Serpent to form principles over time. This combination will slowly accumulate similar ideas, slowly turn them over, combine them where they can be combined, and eventually form well fleshed out principles that it can share compassionately with those in need. This combination values wisdom above all else. It wishes to guide others in a subjective manner. Helping them with their minds and their ideas. The strong inclination to fairness that Hufflepuff brings overpowers the wish for personal understanding that Horned Serpent holds dearly. This combination will, as a result, share what it knows indiscriminately. It wishes the world to be better mentally and to be supplied with guiding wisdom that will keep it safe.
Slytherin/Horned Serpent: The Slytherin Horned Serpent wants to build. While it is receptive to the many ideas of the world, it prefers its own. It will be strongly oriented towards order, categories, and rules. These are where the Slytherin ambition and the structured minds of the Horned Serpents thrive. Within this structure, it will create more and more structure, expanding it and pushing the boundaries of the previous rules, before forming new rules and guidelines in a more refined manner. This combination is proud, trusting its own intellect and intuition above all else. Its logic being that they are tried and true indicators. This makes the Slytherin Horned Serpent stubborn minded until failure. At the point of failure, this combination will see no problem admitting that they were wrong and pursuing an entirely different approach. The ambition of Slytherin drives it forward towards a goal or a principle to understand, while the Horned Serpent studies and searches for the best way to achieve such an end.
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emmalandia · 4 years
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Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this but fuck that! - John Boyega
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emmalandia · 6 years
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“Newt pulls the picture of her from his breast pocket and unfolds it. She is inordinately touched. He looks from the picture to Tina.”
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emmalandia · 6 years
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Eddie revealing a deleted scene where Tina and Leta jointly save Newt and his case
This scene is significant on multiple levels, for it shows that
Tina understands how much the case means to Newt
Leta possesses great magical skills and truly cares for Newt
Two strong complex female characters work together to protect the male protagonist
Cutting this particular scene for the sake of time makes me question the director’s vision and whether he can do justice to the wonderful female characters so carefully created by J.K. Rowling.
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emmalandia · 6 years
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Books in the Goldstein’s Apartment from Case of Beasts
Chadwick’s Charms Vol. 1-7 Cassandra and Her Cat Gustavus by Lisbeth Scintilla Living with Legimens: Choose your Minds Wisely by A.S.L. The Owl Airforce by Simon Dentata Protection Charm: Your Mind by Franciscus Fieldwake The Flap of the Cape by Abigail R. Cankus
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emmalandia · 6 years
Parental unit #1: you scare me sometimes
Me: you know what scares me? There is 4 more fantastic beast movies. How much more can they damage me?
Parental unit #2: she has a point
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emmalandia · 6 years
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The magnificent art of Brazilian Tarsila do Amaral at the Moma, New York. (By Patrícia F. Almeida) March, 2018
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emmalandia · 6 years
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“Heavenly Bodies” Fashion and the Catholic Imagination- The Met - New York June 2018 (By Patricia F. Almeida)
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emmalandia · 6 years
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How do you move a priceless work of art? Very carefully, of course. Hear a MoMA conservator and registrar explain the process to Leonard Lopate of WNYC Radio. 
[Jackson Pollock. One: Number 31, 1950. 1950. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. © 2016 Pollock-Krasner Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York]
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emmalandia · 6 years
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12K notes · View notes
emmalandia · 6 years
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emmalandia · 7 years
Art Historian: To modern audiences, this 5000-year-old stone sculpture may appear grotesque, even disturbing, but we must always bear in mind that ancient cultures had very different aesthetic sensibilities; to its contemporaries, this object was likely regarded as beautiful.
Stone-Carver From 3000 BC: I’m gonna make this thing creepy as hell.
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