enapouyou · 3 years
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A (late) birthday present for a friend's OC ^^ go check it out :3 Shoku belong to @enapouyou
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Second anniversary of Shoku, my drillermare child \o
its story : https://archiveofourown.org/works/30612875/chapters/75519986
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Little draw from rp with friends
Melancholy (fluffynight) belongs to me
Saigo (Nisagartale!Sans) belongs to @enapouyou
Eraser (ErrorDream) belongs to @okame-art
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enapouyou · 3 years
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My favorite monster : Mizutsune ! 
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enapouyou · 3 years
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I finally got to try Sky on Switch 
 I love this game !
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enapouyou · 3 years
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My first fanfic in the universe of My hero academia \o
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enapouyou · 3 years
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If Insomnia was born in Utel (the universe of my friend @lovecraft-adventures ) 
The sword is a corrupted copy of his father's (Utel!Nightmare) because he admires him ! 
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enapouyou · 3 years
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I started to translate my big Empireverse fic that was finished in French \o/ 
I'll try to keep a regular translation pace! 
I hope you like the story
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enapouyou · 3 years
Finally, I post the second one of this story is here ! \o (And I announce that I have a  Ao3 account for my story now ! )
The beginning of our dream
(Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, english isn’t my language. The story is translated from French )
To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Shoku on September 4, 2020, I translated the first OS on its history. The second one will arrive soon : here
Small suitcases were placed in a huge living room, the furniture was covered with sheets, the walls which had had many colors were now completely white and the worn parquet floor had lost its soft carpet. The other rooms were completely empty, lifeless while a silhouette took the time to observe them, letting memories fill it.
He had just lost everything and was no longer able to live here alone…
Slowly making his way upstairs, observing the long corridor of rooms with many doors, the small skeleton with golden pupils moved forward, caressing each of them in a slow and sad movement.
- To think that we thought we were one big family… Whispered Dream as we arrived at the last door.~
He opened it to fall on an empty room, like the others, a simple bed covered with a cloth to protect it from dust. Moving towards the bed, Dream sat down on it before looking around. He didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want to leave this house which was supposed to promise him a bright future but he couldn’t live there without it anymore…
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enapouyou · 3 years
Awn, thank you !
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Happy 3rd birthday to Insomnia 🎂 (Nightkiller child belongs to @enapouyou ).
Insomnia by her
And his sons Zaek and Katran by her
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Happy birthday Insomnia !  3 years ! 
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enapouyou · 3 years
My little stone guardian
(Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, english isn’t my language. The story is translated from French )
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He had succeeded.
Well, almost...
Puddles of paint littered the floor, their various colours contrasting with the black that was slowly taking over the place. The gentle warmth of the universe gave way to a cold, icy wind, making the bones of those who dared not move tremble. But was it really the cold that made them tremble... ?
A thud broke the silence, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Then came the sound of footsteps, slow, uncertain. They seemed to go on forever, as if the goal to be reached was constantly receding. And finally, a scream, a howl, tearing apart the time that seemed to have stopped. A scream, a single word, a single name...
- DREAM !!!!!!!!!
Frozen in the middle of what used to be their battlefield, amidst bones stuck in the ground, paint soaked into the grass, blasters that had come to rest, the guardian of positivity had returned to a state no one thought possible.
Arriving first at his side, Ink's hands were shaking, slowly coming to rest on the cheeks of a stone statue, feeling a few tears slide down the cold surface. Behind him, Blue stood still, replaying the events, trying to understand how this umpteenth battle against the bads sanses could have ended this way.
On the other side, a laugh finally rang out. That of the brother of the new stone statue. Nightmare hadn't planned this, wanting instead to kill his brother to get the golden apple, but... Now that he thought about it, it had taken his brother two hundred years to come out of the stone the first time. So he had plenty of time to plunge the world into chaos. Plenty of time to create a world full of negative feelings. Plenty of time to prepare to welcome his brother back and come up with a plan to finally catch that apple that was currently trapped in the stone as well.
Beside him, his three faithful henchmen were also staring at the scene, exchanging a few glances. They too did not think that this time their fight would surely be the last. They were pulled out of their thoughts when Nightmare snapped his fingers, looking at them with a huge grin before opening a portal to DreamTale, inviting them home to celebrate. Dust and Horror did not hesitate, passing through the portal with their boss, but Killer remained still for a moment. He watched as Blue joined Ink and mourned their friend's condition. Within him, the feelings were quite contradictory as he looked at the guardian of the golden apple, frozen with his arms open and that sweet smile on his face despite the tears, having tried to reason with his brother again... Without success... A call from the portal snapped him out of his thoughts, turning to Nightmare who was staring at him, ordering him to return with a single dark look. Killer felt his soul clench, taking one last look at the stone statue before rejoining the gang, the portal closing just as he passed, the sound of Ink's threat of revenge.
In the distance, he watched his colleagues fighting. Once again, their mission was to go and fill a universe with negative feelings and once again, stars sanses had come to try and stop them. It was becoming a habit, a game... But a dangerous game. The attacks were real and their intentions were to really hurt them... But still, stars sanses continued to just want to reason with them, only attacking in case of major force and always with the aim of immobilizing them, with the least damage possible. And he knew that it was Dream who asked them to do this... Because Dream really believed he could save them.
- Don't you fight, Killer?
The voice had sounded behind him and without even turning around, the madman knew that the guardian of positive feelings had arrived behind him.
- I don't feel like it. He replied calmly. I already know how it's going to end. It's getting boring.
Not detecting any aggression in the skeleton with empty eye sockets, Dream approached to level with him, observing in turn the four others fighting nearby.
- Why do you keep obeying Nightmare then? Dream tried.
Beside him, Killer remained silent for a long time, his gaze fixed on his colleagues.
- Because he saved me. I owe him, whether you like it or not, little Guardian. Maybe if you'd been the first to come for me that day, I'd be with you.
He turned his gaze on the golden-pupilled skeleton, who felt no dominant emotions. He seemed neither happy nor sad that Nightmare was the first to take him out of his world when he wanted to RESET him by erasing himself from his own world.
- This war is none of your business... Dream whispered. This is between Nightmare and me... You should be neutral to all this, but he had to make you feel like he saved you to get you on his side...
Deep down, Dream blamed himself for not being the first to find them. That he couldn't have saved them otherwise. But while he was lost in his thoughts, Killer laughed beside him.
- You're wrong, little Guardian. We don't just do this out of debt. We love it too.
Dream remained silent for a moment, watching Killer with a feeling of contradiction. He felt nothing, not even a little joy. His voice was neutral, tired, without much conviction.
- Is it true?
- Of course it is. Look in front of you. Dust and Horror take pleasure in knocking you off your feet.
- No, Killer. I was asking for you. Are you really enjoying this?
Time seemed to be getting longer and longer. Each day was repetitive, boring. Since Dream had become a stone statue again, the days were boring. Nightmare was at full strength, making Ink and Blue's fight almost futile.
They beat them every time, watching the last two stars retreat to avoid serious injury. And that was every time they crossed paths. It had no interest, no flavour anymore...
But on the other hand, as Killer watched his colleagues, he saw himself as the only one who found the moments boring. Nightmare was getting stronger all the time, Dust loved to go out and attack universes, and Horror was happy to have more time to go hunting for food. But Killer was bored... Taking no pleasure in attacking others. He just wanted to get away from those darned repetitive days.
Many universes had sunk into fear, hatred, the inhabitants no longer having any remorse to fight to maintain an illusion of security for their families. Bads sanses were names that made more and more people tremble, causing chaos and terror. And despite Ink and Blue's best efforts, the number of universes controlled by fear grew steadily, as if hope had vanished.
Everything was too easy.
Sitting on the bed in his room, Killer played with his dagger, twirling it on his knuckle before throwing it to catch it by the handle. He let out a long sigh, beginning to lose interest. The missions had no flavor anymore, Ink and Blue were a shadow of their former selves, too weakened by their search to save their friend.
Eventually the madman dropped his knife and got up to grab his jacket, slinging it over his shoulders and walking out of his room. As he moved through the corridors, he dodged the Papyrus of corruption that were the servants and that were growing in number, witnessing the growing power of their master. These lifeless puppets did not interest Killer either. He was too bland, far from being able to fill his boredom.
Through the window, the round-souled skeleton could see the red sky of DreamTale growing stronger and stronger. The shadows were also taking more ground, turning the place a little more into a universe where negativity was king.
He had won...
Eventually exiting the castle, Killer opened a gate, wanting to take a moment to wander off. Yet, while he was sure he had no idea, as he passed through the gate, his gaze fell on the stone statue.
Dream had not moved. Too heavy but at the same time too fragile to be handled by Ink and Blue. Even Nightmare didn't want to break it, fearing he would lose the golden apple if he killed Dream like that. So he stood there with his arms open and a welcoming smile on his face. Only his tears had disappeared since that famous day.
Killer stood still for a moment, staring at this being trapped in the stone. The images of the fight of that day came back to him. He could hear Dream's pleas for peace, for change. Then came the attack, sharp, almost invisible. No one had seen it, but the sound of stone beginning to freeze Dream had stopped everyone. The guardian had first looked at his feet and then straightened his face towards his brother, holding out his arms and smiling at him despite the tears.
Killer had to give him that. Dream was strong, much stronger than they were. He hadn't been afraid, not for a moment. And even as he turned to stone, he continued to hold out his arms, his hand. The same hand that Killer had gently agreed to take from time to time, when Nightmare wasn't looking.
And he'd discovered an entirely different Dream. A guardian consumed with worry, fear, but not of dying, no... Fear of losing those around him. Even those enemies.
- Why do you want to help us?
Killer sat atop a hill in a nearly destroyed universe. His legs dangled in the air as he watched the last of the survivors being pulled out by Ink and Core!Frisk. Behind him, Dream had sensed his presence and had joined the madman, knowing full well that he was not responsible for the state of this universe. For once, it was only the game's fault.
The question posed by the madman had caught the little guard off guard. How had he guessed that he had come for this? Wasn't it because Dream was talking to Killer more and more and Killer was getting to know him well.
- Is it because we're destroying the world you want to protect? Killer continued. You think it's better to save us than to destroy us, don't you?
Once again, Dream remained silent, unsure of how to respond. But he finally sighed, slowly coming to sit beside the madman, looking in the same direction as him.
- Of course I don't want to destroy you. Because that's not my role.
- So what is your role, little guardian?
-Bringing joy... Just being there and letting people be happy with my presence.
For the first time, Killer had sensed sadness in the guard's voice, but also deep resignation. He had not done this for himself for years. Had he ever done it for himself...
- And what would you like to do?
This time, Killer had turned his head, looking at the smaller man next to him. The latter lowered his head a little, as if unable to answer. At least, unable to answer without thinking, without searching for words.
- I don't know... I would just like to find my brother... Not to have to fight him anymore because he wants to kill me and not to have to face him because the inhabitants of the universes are waiting for us to come and save them.
Slowly, Dream lifted her head, planting her golden pupils in the madman's eyes.
- I would like more moments like this... More moments where we can talk without having to fight... I'm sure we have a lot in common that we could share.
Killer had finally approached the statue, his gaze lost in front of those hands stretched out before him. He knew they weren't meant for him, but he really wanted to take them...
He was right... They had a lot to share. Much more than he had expected. How many times had they found themselves away from the fight, talking about their common weariness to fight. How many times had they ended up talking about something else, slowly opening up to each other. How many times had they lowered their weapons in front of each other, refusing to fight the one who brought them a little novelty in these repetitive confrontations.
Far too many times... And yet, now that he was facing this stone friend, Killer regretted never having told him how happy he was to have spent so much time with him.
- Did you know that Nightmare loved to tell stories when we were kids?
- For real? Then again, I once heard him talking to himself at night in his room. Like he was actually telling something. Of course, he flatly denied it when I asked him what he was doing.
The sound of their laughter filled his memories, prompting him to come a little closer to the statue, placing a hand on the outstretched one. The coolness of it contrasted with the usual warm hand, but Killer had no desire to let go of it now.
- Yesterday I saw a cat near the castle. I would have kept it, but Nightmare doesn't allow animals...
- It's a shame, I'm sure you'd take good care of it. And even if Dust and Horror are your friends, having a furry friend could be good for you.
Slowly, Killer curled his knuckles against the stone one, looking at it sadly. Thoughts raced through his mind, reminding him of all the sweet moments that had seemed timeless. Like a little moment just for them, away from everything.
- Killer... Your soul... It has taken on the shape of an inverted heart!
- ...I haven't seen it like this in a long time.
He placed his second hand on the guard's, passing his empty gaze from one hand to the other. It had been so long since he'd had a moment with him... In addition to his petrification, which must have lasted for the better part of a year, Killer had been distant with him for the past few months. He had felt a real change coming on with Dream and he had been afraid that Nightmare would eventually see them. So he had distanced himself, but in the end, now that he was facing that stone statue, he regretted it.
But what he didn't know was that far away, someone else was regretting this situation too. Not for the same reasons, but for a lot of things that everyone else didn't know. For many things that he kept locked up, refusing even to admit to himself. But this doubt, however small, was present in his heart and for a moment the spell wavered.
Unaware of this, Killer let his hands slip from the stone guardian's, his gaze dropping to the ground. His arms fell limply to his sides, drained of all energy, filled with the weariness and remorse he could no longer change. Slowly he turned, preparing to leave, telling himself that he would come back tomorrow and praying that he would not tire of coming here either.
- You're leaving already... ? a voice whispered behind him.
For a moment, Killer felt the voice come from his mind and he shook his head, needing only to speak, even to a hallucination.
- There's nothing more I can do... I could have prevented this... I should have prevented this. He didn't deserve this...
- I already told you, Killer. The voice continued. You didn't have to get involved in this war, so you're not responsible for what's happening.
The madman took a long breath, really feeling that the voice was real, but he knew it... Nightmare's spell was powerful enough to last for centuries... But even if it was fake, hearing that voice did him a lot of good. Much more than he thought it would, and he couldn't help but say:
- I miss you...
The voice seemed to have disappeared, and Killer felt his soul clench. Not even a hallucination seemed to believe him. What would happen if he told the real Dream? He didn't even want to imagine that.
Yet, as he was about to leave, he felt two arms go around his waist, squeezing him gently as a head rested on his back. The presence startled him and he was ready to attack. Until he looked at the two arms, seeing the two yellow gloves with their jade bracelets. His soul stopped beating for a moment, not daring to believe that this could be possible.
- At least have the courage to say it to my face, Killer.
Against him, the arms tightened a little more, pushing him to turn around, to see for himself that it wasn't a bad dream. And it wasn't... When he turned, his gaze met the golden one, making his soul purr softly.
- I... I missed you... Killer repeated.
Gradually, a smile came over the guard's face. A sincere smile, far from the many, many fake smiles he had taken in his life. And that smile was contagious, causing Killer to return it as he put his arms around the body that was slowly regaining its warmth.
- I missed you Dream... Killer whispered again, wanting to anchor that sentence to show her how serious he was.
Small black tears rolled down his cheeks, but soon he felt Dream's thumbs come to caress his cheekbones, banishing the worry that had been eating away at the madman. Killer closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the moment, feeling the little guardian's body snuggle and warm against him. Then when he opened them again, one of his empty eye sockets had regained a small gleam of a white pupil, gently confronting the golden one that wouldn't let go.
They were so happy to be together again, but no more words came to them. Gestures were enough. There was no need for more, they understood each other perfectly. So much so that when Killer felt the hands on his cheeks gently tugging at his face, he let himself go. Without needing a single word, they brought their faces closer together, granting each other something they had dreamed of on the other side but never dared to speak. But this time they knew they could, and in sweet silence their teeth sealed together, stopping time around them, making their souls beat as they had never felt before.
The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity, but also too short for them. The closeness of their bodies made them feel how sincere the other was and they couldn't help but blush when they looked at each other again.
But this moment was short-lived. The guardian's awakening had taken its toll and they were soon separated by the sound of portals opening. Behind Dream, Ink and Blue had just arrived, while behind Killer, Nightmare had arrived.
The two sanses stars grabbed their friend, coming to hide him behind them as they began to insult Nightmare, the latter growling that his spell hadn't lasted long enough. But Dream and Killer didn't seem to care about the quarrel, not taking their eyes off each other, smiling at each other.
The guard was then grabbed by the arm by Ink, wanting to take him to rest, and he didn't object, following his friends to the portal. Nightmare had also summoned a portal, shouting at Killer to return, as the war was about to start again.
But before leaving, Dream and Killer took one last look at each other. They were looking forward to the next battle. They were looking forward to the next battle, looking forward to slipping away like before, even though from now on their time together would have a completely different flavor.
English is not my language and if you understand French, I encourage you to read the story in its original language : here 
I hope you liked the story
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Killer : You also have corruption on your tongue ? Nightmare : You want to check ?
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Error : Stop moving... Ink : *laughs* 
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Drillermare ! My favorite couple !  Again ;p 
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enapouyou · 3 years
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Februari commission are open !! o/
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enapouyou · 3 years
Awn, thank you !! <3
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To @enapouyou and her OC Zaek 🎂
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