enchanted-system · 3 years
I think we’re going to keep this blog less personal, so we can post memes and general plurality posts here, and I can keep wherever I’m processing things more private.
- Sapphire
New intro!
Basically all of this is in our about, but since we’ll update that as we figure more things out, here’s a condensed version for posterity:
Host subsystem, very blurry, share memories:
Sapphire (ey/em): host, bigenderfluid, gryffinclaw, anxiety, loves system and organization, all the life goals.
barker (he/him): former cohost, closest to Sapphire and often exerts passive influence or cofronts. Pure gryffindor. Very excited and chaotic, some kind of big tricolor doggo. Distractor from distressing things.
Kai/kai (they/them, sometimes ey/em as Kai, sometimes he/him as kai): barker and Sapphire - capitalization indicates whose influence is stronger. Blurry host.
Protector (he/him): protector, former cohost, sometimes exerts passive influence or cofronts with Sapphire/Kai. Slytherdor. Strong PTSD, probably AVPD.
Jet (ne/nem or they/them): blur of Protector and Sapphire. Protector role. Identifies strongly with Bahamut - justice, dragons, platinum.
Jack (he/him): combination of Protector and barker. Rare because Sapphire is frontstuck. Somewhat more relaxed/chaotic version of Protector.
dragon (they/them): collective name, also name of any combination of Sapphire, barker, and Protector. When dragon is in full force (all three fully present and cofronting), most powerful of the system, usually comes out when someone else is threatened in a less serious way.
Cat (she/her): sexual alter, naiad. Never hosted, somewhat younger than dragon because of years inactive since realizing plurality. Hypersexual ace lesbian, kinky, very sweet. Did not have anxiety, dove into the deep end of socializing, now has anxiety. Shares memories with dragon, but much more separate.
Fen (fae/faer or she/her): combination of Cat and Sapphire. Femme, often Sapphire’s and Cat’s sexualities blending. Fey.
Ella (she/her): indeterminate origins, possible tulpa. Unknown gender. Mostly backtalks Kai as kai talks through their life, really likes star trek. Does not front, has been mostly absent for years.
Possible little?: ~6 years old
There’s also some question of whether Sapphire is a median subsystem. We keep calling things median subsystems for them to turn out to be fairly separate people who share memories, but Maybe This is Really It. There’s a philosophical question of at what point do we consider people to be the same person: are you the same person you were five minutes ago? Five years ago? At work vs at home? In different kinshifts? The last one is what’s relevant to Sapphire. The most distinct by far is eir fey self, and then there’s eir male self, eir Lienid self, and eir femme self. I think that’s all of them that we’ve thought of? We haven’t thought about it a lot.
We don’t have much (or really any) control over fronting, which is an issue we’d like to address but tbh aren’t prioritizing. We do know of certain situations/states of mind that make others more likely to front, though if we attempt a switch using those triggers, it doesn’t work super well. It’s also very hard to differentiate between Sapphire fronting alone, Kai fronting, passive influence from barker and/or Protector, and Protector cofronting, especially since that changes from moment to moment, and there are significant overlaps in personality, preferences, and tone for one thing at a time. We can tell the difference between us for longer lengths of time, and it’s often easier to recognize who was fronting when reading past messages. For the people who know us as plural, we’ll sign our names when people are being particularly distinct, especially when the distinction matters, but for the most part we just go by dragon. Cat rarely fronts, and pretty much only with Sapphire or alone.
We aren’t currently aware of any headspace, though Sapphire has at this point visited somewhere multiple times that may be a dormant headspace or similar. Once was visiting a cave in a catatonic episode, once was accidentally visiting a hiking trail by a waterfall that led up to a beautiful yellow stone and glass building, and once was deliberately visiting the latter place, but incompletely.
Sapphire is currently wrestling with the idea of intimate relationships, and the possibility of sexual trauma. Ey feels drawn towards processing those issues and discovering what happened in our childhood, but is also afraid of potential ensuing mental health crises. Currently, we’re focusing on the possibility that ey was traumatized by rape culture and what incidents we do know of, in combination with eir existing social anxiety and trauma. We don’t think we necessarily repressed any memories from childhood, but we do deliberately avoid thinking about that time period, and trying to line up who was hosting when and/or bringing out the little we believe exists would inherently involve facing the traumatic events that happened in those periods. We still identify as quoigenic, with Sapphire and barker identifying as endogenic twins, though given that Cat identifies more with the body as well as our deadname, we’re wondering if she came before Sapphire and barker.
- Kai
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Oh also we’re out as plural to two roommates and two friends from college but no one else in meatspace, and in online spaces we vary from “we’re a plural system, here’s everyone” to casually being our plural selves without being explicit about it just to avoid having to explain everything and everyone, but being ready to introduce ourselves as plural if anyone ever asks. And since a few meatspace people know about our main, being Very Plural on there isn’t a good idea unless we’re good with everyone (read: family) knowing so that’s convenient /s.
Trying to decide how much of a personal blog to make this. Because Sapphire very much wants to externally process things Somewhere but it’s very personal and the intimacy thing is not necessarily a system thing so much as a Sapphire thing that may also involve other people somehow. There is precedent in Cat posting about her personal life, but since she wasn’t the host, pretty much everything to do with Cat was system related because she didn’t have her own life set up due to being an inactive member of the system?
- Kai
New intro!
Basically all of this is in our about, but since we’ll update that as we figure more things out, here’s a condensed version for posterity:
Host subsystem, very blurry, share memories:
Sapphire (ey/em): host, bigenderfluid, gryffinclaw, anxiety, loves system and organization, all the life goals.
barker (he/him): former cohost, closest to Sapphire and often exerts passive influence or cofronts. Pure gryffindor. Very excited and chaotic, some kind of big tricolor doggo. Distractor from distressing things.
Kai/kai (they/them, sometimes ey/em as Kai, sometimes he/him as kai): barker and Sapphire - capitalization indicates whose influence is stronger. Blurry host.
Protector (he/him): protector, former cohost, sometimes exerts passive influence or cofronts with Sapphire/Kai. Slytherdor. Strong PTSD, probably AVPD.
Jet (ne/nem or they/them): blur of Protector and Sapphire. Protector role. Identifies strongly with Bahamut - justice, dragons, platinum.
Jack (he/him): combination of Protector and barker. Rare because Sapphire is frontstuck. Somewhat more relaxed/chaotic version of Protector.
dragon (they/them): collective name, also name of any combination of Sapphire, barker, and Protector. When dragon is in full force (all three fully present and cofronting), most powerful of the system, usually comes out when someone else is threatened in a less serious way.
Cat (she/her): sexual alter, naiad. Never hosted, somewhat younger than dragon because of years inactive since realizing plurality. Hypersexual ace lesbian, kinky, very sweet. Did not have anxiety, dove into the deep end of socializing, now has anxiety. Shares memories with dragon, but much more separate.
Fen (fae/faer or she/her): combination of Cat and Sapphire. Femme, often Sapphire’s and Cat’s sexualities blending. Fey.
Ella (she/her): indeterminate origins, possible tulpa. Unknown gender. Mostly backtalks Kai as kai talks through their life, really likes star trek. Does not front, has been mostly absent for years.
Possible little?: ~6 years old
There’s also some question of whether Sapphire is a median subsystem. We keep calling things median subsystems for them to turn out to be fairly separate people who share memories, but Maybe This is Really It. There’s a philosophical question of at what point do we consider people to be the same person: are you the same person you were five minutes ago? Five years ago? At work vs at home? In different kinshifts? The last one is what’s relevant to Sapphire. The most distinct by far is eir fey self, and then there’s eir male self, eir Lienid self, and eir femme self. I think that’s all of them that we’ve thought of? We haven’t thought about it a lot.
We don’t have much (or really any) control over fronting, which is an issue we’d like to address but tbh aren’t prioritizing. We do know of certain situations/states of mind that make others more likely to front, though if we attempt a switch using those triggers, it doesn’t work super well. It’s also very hard to differentiate between Sapphire fronting alone, Kai fronting, passive influence from barker and/or Protector, and Protector cofronting, especially since that changes from moment to moment, and there are significant overlaps in personality, preferences, and tone for one thing at a time. We can tell the difference between us for longer lengths of time, and it’s often easier to recognize who was fronting when reading past messages. For the people who know us as plural, we’ll sign our names when people are being particularly distinct, especially when the distinction matters, but for the most part we just go by dragon. Cat rarely fronts, and pretty much only with Sapphire or alone.
We aren’t currently aware of any headspace, though Sapphire has at this point visited somewhere multiple times that may be a dormant headspace or similar. Once was visiting a cave in a catatonic episode, once was accidentally visiting a hiking trail by a waterfall that led up to a beautiful yellow stone and glass building, and once was deliberately visiting the latter place, but incompletely.
Sapphire is currently wrestling with the idea of intimate relationships, and the possibility of sexual trauma. Ey feels drawn towards processing those issues and discovering what happened in our childhood, but is also afraid of potential ensuing mental health crises. Currently, we’re focusing on the possibility that ey was traumatized by rape culture and what incidents we do know of, in combination with eir existing social anxiety and trauma. We don’t think we necessarily repressed any memories from childhood, but we do deliberately avoid thinking about that time period, and trying to line up who was hosting when and/or bringing out the little we believe exists would inherently involve facing the traumatic events that happened in those periods. We still identify as quoigenic, with Sapphire and barker identifying as endogenic twins, though given that Cat identifies more with the body as well as our deadname, we’re wondering if she came before Sapphire and barker.
- Kai
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enchanted-system · 3 years
I like that I write posts as if for an audience while very specifically not sharing this blog with anyone
- Sapphire
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enchanted-system · 3 years
New intro!
Basically all of this is in our about, but since we’ll update that as we figure more things out, here’s a condensed version for posterity:
Host subsystem, very blurry, share memories:
Sapphire (ey/em): host, bigenderfluid, gryffinclaw, anxiety, loves system and organization, all the life goals.
barker (he/him): former cohost, closest to Sapphire and often exerts passive influence or cofronts. Pure gryffindor. Very excited and chaotic, some kind of big tricolor doggo. Distractor from distressing things.
Kai/kai (they/them, sometimes ey/em as Kai, sometimes he/him as kai): barker and Sapphire - capitalization indicates whose influence is stronger. Blurry host.
Protector (he/him): protector, former cohost, sometimes exerts passive influence or cofronts with Sapphire/Kai. Slytherdor. Strong PTSD, probably AVPD.
Jet (ne/nem or they/them): blur of Protector and Sapphire. Protector role. Identifies strongly with Bahamut - justice, dragons, platinum.
Jack (he/him): combination of Protector and barker. Rare because Sapphire is frontstuck. Somewhat more relaxed/chaotic version of Protector.
dragon (they/them): collective name, also name of any combination of Sapphire, barker, and Protector. When dragon is in full force (all three fully present and cofronting), most powerful of the system, usually comes out when someone else is threatened in a less serious way.
Cat (she/her): sexual alter, naiad. Never hosted, somewhat younger than dragon because of years inactive since realizing plurality. Hypersexual ace lesbian, kinky, very sweet. Did not have anxiety, dove into the deep end of socializing, now has anxiety. Shares memories with dragon, but much more separate.
Fen (fae/faer or she/her): combination of Cat and Sapphire. Femme, often Sapphire's and Cat's sexualities blending. Fey.
Ella (she/her): indeterminate origins, possible tulpa. Unknown gender. Mostly backtalks Kai as kai talks through their life, really likes star trek. Does not front, has been mostly absent for years.
Possible little?: ~6 years old
There’s also some question of whether Sapphire is a median subsystem. We keep calling things median subsystems for them to turn out to be fairly separate people who share memories, but Maybe This is Really It. There’s a philosophical question of at what point do we consider people to be the same person: are you the same person you were five minutes ago? Five years ago? At work vs at home? In different kinshifts? The last one is what’s relevant to Sapphire. The most distinct by far is eir fey self, and then there’s eir male self, eir Lienid self, and eir femme self. I think that’s all of them that we’ve thought of? We haven’t thought about it a lot.
We don’t have much (or really any) control over fronting, which is an issue we’d like to address but tbh aren’t prioritizing. We do know of certain situations/states of mind that make others more likely to front, though if we attempt a switch using those triggers, it doesn’t work super well. It’s also very hard to differentiate between Sapphire fronting alone, Kai fronting, passive influence from barker and/or Protector, and Protector cofronting, especially since that changes from moment to moment, and there are significant overlaps in personality, preferences, and tone for one thing at a time. We can tell the difference between us for longer lengths of time, and it’s often easier to recognize who was fronting when reading past messages. For the people who know us as plural, we’ll sign our names when people are being particularly distinct, especially when the distinction matters, but for the most part we just go by dragon. Cat rarely fronts, and pretty much only with Sapphire or alone.
We aren’t currently aware of any headspace, though Sapphire has at this point visited somewhere multiple times that may be a dormant headspace or similar. Once was visiting a cave in a catatonic episode, once was accidentally visiting a hiking trail by a waterfall that led up to a beautiful yellow stone and glass building, and once was deliberately visiting the latter place, but incompletely.
Sapphire is currently wrestling with the idea of intimate relationships, and the possibility of sexual trauma. Ey feels drawn towards processing those issues and discovering what happened in our childhood, but is also afraid of potential ensuing mental health crises. Currently, we’re focusing on the possibility that ey was traumatized by rape culture and what incidents we do know of, in combination with eir existing social anxiety and trauma. We don’t think we necessarily repressed any memories from childhood, but we do deliberately avoid thinking about that time period, and trying to line up who was hosting when and/or bringing out the little we believe exists would inherently involve facing the traumatic events that happened in those periods. We still identify as quoigenic, with Sapphire and barker identifying as endogenic twins, though given that Cat identifies more with the body as well as our deadname, we’re wondering if she came before Sapphire and barker.
- Kai
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Sapphire: actually not orkitkin, but border collie kin and catkin and water-associated, which is why orkits are a hearttype. Water/grass
Kai: grass/electric
barker: fire/electric
Jack: fire
Protector: dark/steel
Jet: dragon/water
dragon: dragon
Cat: fairy/water
Fen: water
Ella: normal? steel?
system meme: list ur system members as pokemon types!
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enchanted-system · 3 years
This is still pretty accurate, except I’m growing to appreciate red more so that can get confusing. Or maybe I was Kai when I was trying that before, cause right now I Really like blue.
- Sapphire
I’ve found a handy way to tell barker and sapphire apart (they’re like a median system within the median system of kai so it’s hard). Barker’s favorite color is red and sapphire’s is blue, so when I visualize a red square and a blue square, I’ll be drawn to red as barker and blue as sapphire. Or both when cofronting, which happens a lot.
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Continuing this narrative, I’m still Extremely frontstuck except when I’m suddenly Not. So I guess basically we just don’t have any control over fronting, and I as host am almost always fronting. Past me was right, we should all work together, but it’s hard when 1. no control over fronting 2. I want to do too many things (yes I’m selfish, it’s an intrasystem issue) 3. we all have issues keeping track of time so scheduling anything is very difficult. Also we’re all kind of lazy. Oops.
So instead I’ve been focusing on being a more functional disabled adult. And I’ve done pretty well. Sometimes things go wrong, and then we tend to destabilize, and other people front more, and that helps, but for the most part it’s just me, with other people cofronting or exerting passive influence. I think in order to get more control over fronting we’d have to really focus on working on that, but it just doesn’t feel like as much of a priority right now. I’d rather clean the house and work on processing mental health issues that are actively distressing. And I still want to do fun things and barker still wants to do fun things and Cat still wants to do fun things and basically what I’m saying is we’re all still lazy.
Ella’s still pretty absent, and it’s hard to tell if she’s talking or I’m imagining things. So that’s rough, but I think probably okay? It makes me anxious though.
- Sapphire
I haven’t been on here for awhile but we’ve been going through some stuff.
Barker and I are basically twins - we think we were born in this body together and we grew up together acting as a singlet, so we were always a median system and could never really be separated but also were never really the same person (I’ve avoided this reference so far because it’s a little too on the nose, but think garnet in steven universe).
I think I mentioned this before, but Cat has been getting into health and aesthetic stuff more and is basically taking on the role of taking care of the body.
Cat’s been struggling more with her asexuality + hypersexuality combination, but since barker and I are sex repulsed we have no idea where the line is for posting about that stuff and when it’s considered nsfw and where that would go so we’re not sure where we should post about that
Also, we’ve come to the conclusion that we really can’t function as a singlet. We need to work as a system, or we have major problems. I’ve been wondering if the time loss/working memory issues barker and I experience have to do with us rapidly switching who’s fronting, or if it is just ADHD. And we all naturally have different roles, but don’t split up those roles accordingly or schedule who fronts, which creates a lot of problems. When I’m fronting, I forget to eat. I try to fit in so many things I burn out. And then things get done but our health suffers. When barker fronts, he doesn’t do anything but special interests and eat. He refuses to sleep. Nothing gets done, and our health suffers. I feel like there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it, and don’t take the time to take care of myself or get organized enough to improve things, and things fall through the cracks. Barker plays an important role in mentally recharging and enjoying life, but lets a lot of really important things slide. Cat’s basically been shoved in the background but it turns out can be really helpful, and of course deserves to have her own interests represented.
So rather than having us continue to flail all over the place, I’m trying to find a way to coordinate who’s fronting and what they need to do, so people can play to their strengths instead of other people’s, and we can all have a better quality of life.
Of course the flip side of this is that by not acting as a singlet anymore, it’ll be much more frustrating to not talk about being a system, and I’m out to only a few singlets, and none irl. And one I can’t really talk about this stuff to.
Anyway we’ll be using this blog a lot more.
ps Ella’s been kinda absent for awhile, idk why. Maybe she doesn’t have enough to snark about because we finally stopped making obvious mistakes and being in denial? She also kinda lost interest in star trek but we’ll see if we can bring her back
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Reblog this if your blog is safe for all systems regardless of origin or experience
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Not touching the pre-this-body stuff, partially because that’s still as accurate as I can make it, partially because I Don’t Know What The Fuck Is Up with me and Cat, partially because I’m currently more interested in the this-lifetime timeline and my current relationships with my kintypes.
Now thinking Cat appeared earlier, and possibly was an original. Original candidates: little, Cat, Sapphire, barker
Possible event at 6-7ish? Probable timing of little splitting off, if they exist
Protector forms at 9-10 years old. Change of host from ??? to dragon
~18-20 years old, Protector’s role in hosting declines
Ella names herself (22 years old)
We figure out plurality between Cat and dragon, then between Protector and Kai, then between Sapphire and barker (23 years old). At some point we hypothesize the existence of a little
Decide on names for blurs, apparently 2 years ago
Okay here’s our hypothesized history:
Cat is probably born as a nymph, possibly also Sapphire, possibly with Sapphire
Barker is born as Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
Barker is reincarnated as Julian Bashir (Star Trek DS9), possibly with Sapphire joining him
Julian is genetically modified, with significant changes to his neurology - this is probably when Sapphire joins
Barker and Sapphire (Kai) are reincarnated as Brun (Questionable Content)
Kai is reincarnated in the current body
?Smol kai splits off?
Ella joins/is created as a tulpa (early childhood)
?Cat joins? ? Maybe Cat joined with Sapphire? Maybe Cat split off from Sapphire in current early childhood? No one knows
Protector forms to protect system from traumatic things happening (~10 years old?), Sapphire and Protector jointly replace Barker as host (Sapphire possibly being co-host before)
Barker slowly replaces Protector as co-host (~18-20 years old)
Ella names herself (22 years old)
We figure out dragon is a median system, and then figure out that kai is a median system (23 years old)
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Hot take but systems don’t need to disclose their personal stories to anybody if they don’t want to
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Enby “Archetypes”
Con from the nb Discord has come up with three fun little archetypes for enbies, so I’m writing up a post on cir behalf! ^^ Of course, these aren’t strict archetypes so it’s not like you fall into “just one” archetype (if any at all!), and these just stem from some of cir observations of the folks in the Discord (and just nb culture in general). Maybe you’ll find yourself relating to one, two, or all three!! Anywho, here they are:
Magical Girl/Soft Boy/Cute Princex love
Cute things and pastels
Glitter and color and ribbons and hearts
Lives For Sweet Things
Probably scrappy and willing to fite
Actually sincere ‘uwu’
Chooses softness
Associated Myth Inspiration: Faeries, Unicorns, Mermaids
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Ossifrage (Lammergeier):
The Counterculture Enby
The reason why Genderpunk and Genderfuck Exist
Everyone is gay for them
The only bird that wears makeup for cosmetic reasons and it’s like blood red, the bird also lives on bones
Metal af
Associated Myth Inspiration: Vampires, Dragons, Witch and Ghost stories
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Looks like a lumberjack’s hipster child
Plans garden for future house
Lives in the forest
Outdoorsy heart, loves the environment, camping and hiking even if just as concepts
Crunchy nature person
Probably loves woodworking and plant departments of craft stores
Associated Myth Inspiration: Cryptids, Aliens, Elves
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Which one(s) are you?? Put it in the tags!!
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enchanted-system · 3 years
sooooooooooooooooooooooo I may also be very into girls. Within my greyroaceness. Otherwise, still accurate afawk!
- Sapphire
August’s Discussion
What is your opinion on alters having different sexualities? Does your system have diversity in sexuality?
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enchanted-system · 3 years
a friend of ours is making a comic and putting her friends in it, and I asked if the four fronters (me, barker, Protector, and Cat) could be in it as separately-bodied people who are telepathically linked siblings, and we all live in the same house (except maybe for Cat, who might live in a nearby river instead) and support each other and it’s just so pure
which isn’t to say that being in one body is a bad thing, it’s just a way to express who we are as people and our relationship to each other
- Sapphire
full offense but this system loves each other. we are stronger together, and i’ll be damned if anyone tries to tell us we are broken for surviving
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enchanted-system · 3 years
dammit can I please not accidentally reblog to my main
- Sapphire
Coming back to this blog after two years, a Lot has changed. I updated tags from [name] to [name]tag so we can tag things without ending up in the, say, steven universe tags, but other than that I didn’t change anything. I also didn’t read everything, especially by Cat, but I’ll be going through and reblogging some things that are still moods or with updates. And then we’ll write a new intro post because Oh Boy.
tl;dr wow can you believe how confused we were about who was who and remember when we didn’t have names
- Sapphire
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enchanted-system · 3 years
So I’m about to reread Oathbringer in preparation for reading The Rhythm of War and I completely forgot about the character Fen? Looking forward to finding our namesake again!
- Sapphire
We decided on a name for Sapphire/Cat cofronting: Fen! Inspired by the character in Oathbringer, who is amazing. Also it’s a water/plant/nature thing that’s one letter away from fey, which is fitting for a dryad/naiad.
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enchanted-system · 3 years
Coming back to this blog after two years, a Lot has changed. I updated tags from [name] to [name]tag so we can tag things without ending up in the, say, steven universe tags, but other than that I didn’t change anything. I also didn’t read everything, especially by Cat, but I’ll be going through and reblogging some things that are still moods or with updates. And then we’ll write a new intro post because Oh Boy.
tl;dr wow can you believe how confused we were about who was who and remember when we didn’t have names
- Sapphire
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enchanted-system · 6 years
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Let’s be honest, the system flag currently going around looks like ass. On top of that, some of the people using it apparently think it’s okay to say that not all systems deserve to have pride.
We got together with a few other systems to make a new, better looking and more inclusive flag. This flag is for ALL systems, no matter how they came to be.
Trauma scum and any other exclusionists do not interact.
Image #1: Main flag
Image #2: Meanings of each stripe
The purple stripe is for spiritual systems; gateways who invite spirits to live with them, and channelers whose spirits come and go. We are valid and we are real.
Image #3: The flag as a color palette
The pink stripe is for system love; the love we share within our system and with other systems we know. Our love is unique and beautiful.
The blue stripe is for fictives and factives; system members who find themselves reflected in stories or other people. We pay respect to our history and live our own lives.
The sandy stripe is for origin-agnostic systems; those who don’t know or care how they became systems. We keep our focus on the here and now.
The violet stripe is for endogenic systems, who have been multiple as long as we can remember, or just happened to grow into it. Our way of life is as natural as any other.
The pastel pink stripe is for tulpamancers, who create new people with purpose, and for the tulpas we have created.
The cyan stripe is for littles and middles, younger system members whose headmates may act as their parents. Our precious little angels.
The tan stripe is for systems who went through a trauma causing them to split from an original, including DID and OSDD systems. We are so brave to have survived what got us here.
The red stripe is for system acceptance; to celebrate all systems as full members of society.
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