#lmk oc backstory
seeing spirit leading the story in the latest chapter was nice, will we learn more about her, backstory wise? afaik, all we know is she was captured by bandits and is repaying reader by helping her, and will eventually see reader as a sister figure. she doesn't speak monkey, so that most likely means she doesn't have a troop right? who did spirit grow up with?
Oho. Now this is fun! Spirit's backstory is mostly a mystery to most people because she is a lone monkey demoness. She does have family, but she never talks to them. (Mostly because she doesn't know most of them)
Spoilers below on her backstory. You know I probably should add these cuts for most questions... eh it's fine.
Spirit is the daughter of a monkey demon and a human woman. They weren't in love, far from it they simply wanted a one night stand (or rather they both got drunk and ended up having a one night stand). So after they were done the demon left and never came back.
The woman Chu Lin gave birth to a single monkey cub, whom she raised with love and care. Being human she had no idea about monkey customs, so she never taught her daughter about it since she didn't know about them. Like at all.
Which results in Spirit, not knowing how to speak monkey, 'properly groom' (she does it instinctively but was never taught so it's not proper) and she was shunned by the village along with her mother.
Because she and her mother were outcasted from their home, Spirit didn't like humans. Except when they traveled she met several who had no problems with her appearances and looks. So she saw people as just that people both good and bad. She knows you can't judge a book by it's cover ever.
Along their travel to find a new home, they came across a forest. One with a very playful six tailed fox demoness named Su. A demoness skilled in fire, lighting, and a few glamours. She lived in the forest for a long while before they traveled through. She played several pranks on the two as they passed through but decided just before they could leave to give Spirit a gift. She taught her how to use glamours, just enough to make her look human.
Because of this, her mother and her were finally able to settle down in a human village for a while. There, her mother met a man that she fell in love with. They got married rather quickly, and Spirit decided that it was then that she should leave. Her mother was safe and taken care of, she was now an adult and could take care of herself too.
She stayed for the wedding of course and got to see them after their honeymoon. After they saw each other one last time once their honey moon was over though, she left. She gave her mother a gift, a small Jade pin in the shape of a monkey and just left. (She did say goodbye and their were tears)
The reason she wanted to leave was to find her father, the man who helped give her life. She needed to learn more about her home and culture. So she set off to learn about her own kind, with a bow and her glamours she was she that she could do this.
However, there was an accident. She ran into a demon who was rather powerful. After fighting for a while, she got knocked out and lost most of her memories. So she doesn't remember anything about her Iife before the fight. All she remembers is that she got into a fight with a golden monkey demon.
She began to travel after she woke up. The demon was long gone by then. It's about two years before she gets ambushed by the bandits, and in that time, she learns several things about life. So that's why she's not running around trying to remember her life because she's already tried and failed. So she wanders the world searching for... something. What was she searching for?
Until she gets ambushed by bandits. She is pissed off by this, of course. They had ambushed her while she was sleeping and stole her bow! So now she has put her mission on hold to help a human. At least she's a very nice human, so she doesn't mind it too much.
Besides, maybe she'll be able to find her memories with the help of this human. After all, she did appear out of nowhere. Though she doesn't get her hopes up with this.
Of course that is until the monkeys cubs get involved. She doesn't mind cubs truly she doesn't. She normally likes them not quite love because she's not good with kids but she likes them. But something about these two... it's just so something... she can't quite put her finger on it. Especially with how they are getting clingyer and clingyer by the day.
She gets annoyed at the two often and at times wants to just toss them aside. Of course, they don't really give her that chance and try their best to hog reader all for themselves. Not that they'll try to do anything to Spirit, she is the provider that gets most of the food for Reader after all.
Eventually, she'll meet her dad (on a certain island) and learn he has a mate, who he got together with after the whole one night stand. And she'll learn that she has two siblings, who are very keen on the idea of a big sister. Her father's mate is even welcoming to her, much to her surprise.
After all if that was her dad, and that was his mate. But his mate isn't her mother than... who is her mother?
I loved this ask! Please send more my way if you want. No pressure it just helps me think on my stories and no I did not just come up with her backstory (I totally did, but I like it so meh!)
Also, if you wanna learn about Su, then send an ask. She's gonna be popping up in the story too later. @sleepingdramaqueen has heard about her before. Hehe~
And yes, I will add more to this backstory, but I just came up with it, so yeah. I'm debating on if I'm gonna mate her ace or give her a love interest. So far, she doesn't have one (if you have any suggestions for one, though send them my way!!)
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
The Six-eared Macaque & Qì Bìlán Gui
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these are spirit titans (I invented them): Spirit titans are giant creatures, with the body of a human but fluffier and are pitch black-colored and, most of the time, have some stars, constellation patterns, etc. across their fur. They also have four pairs of giant fluffy ears and flowey hair wether it’s long or short. Their eye number ranges from 2-5 eyes. They can use spells, and magic, change their form to look like many creatures including humans, they can grow body parts (most commonly arms or mouths), they are also very powerful beings surpassing the power of the monkey king, celestial beings and demons, and possibly the Jade emperor himself. That is why the celestial realm hunted down and killed all the Spirit titans, or atleast that is what they believe. As, Qi bìlán Gui is the last spirit titan in existence.
============[<Qì Bìlán Gui>]=========== <<information>> Qi bìlán Gui is a young lady that owns a bakery and is truly a spirit titan. She is famous for her amazing and home-baked pastries which she sells at her shop! “Jade Mist Bakery”. With one of her regular customers being the Six-eared Macaque. He is distant friends with her but mostly enjoys her pastries, (and her company but doesn’t admit it) especially her pies, and since he’s a regular customer, Bìlán makes offers for him and sometimes special orders. She is fascinated by Mk and his abilities, being a monkey king fan herself, she has her own theories on how MK came to inherit monkey king’s powers even though they are “only” mentor and successor. She never expected a life of adventure and danger when she left the orphanage to work, but eventually gets dragged in MK & the gang’s adventures. Especially since she believes that she owes MK her life for saving her (from Yin & Jin who tried to use her against MK in their shenanigans as usual) and her orphanage (from LBD), to Macaque’s dismay of course. Even though she herself isn’t aware that she is a spirit titan, monkey king knows and macaque theorizes it. (she has a little crush on macaque, and she acquires her powers in a scenario similar to when Mei got the Samadhi fire)
[age] 1218 y/o (real age) 18 y/o (fake age) (she has the mind of a fully matured adult) [pronouns] she/her [origins] a small village of spirit titans then an orphanage [species] spirit titan (she isn’t aware of that) [friends] macaque, MK & the gang later on [mentors] the orphanage warden, but is mostly self-taught [abilities] skilled at baking, hidden spirit titan powers [scars] a scar on her eyebrow hidden under her hair [disabilities] clumsy, insomniac, amnesiac, easily manipulated [status] a baker (owns a bakery called: “Jade Mist Bakery”) and a performer at festivals [weapons] none
<backstory> One thousand two hundred years in the past from now, a family of three, all of which are spirit titans in their human forms, are having a peaceful picnic on a cliff. A four years old Qi bìlàn Gui is playing with her father as her mother set up the food to be eaten. Suddenly, a gate from the celestial realm opens up as the sky darkens. Celestial soldiers come through and get ready to attack the family, waiting for their general’s command. Bìlán’s parents stand in front of her, her father growling ready to fight in order to protect his family. Her father roars, fighting the soldiers as general orders the soldiers to attack. Bìlán’s mother joins the fight to help the husband, but when I soldier is about to kill the little defenseless terrified Bìlán, her mother pushes her off the cliff getting stabbed instead. Bìlán let’s out a cry of horror, her parents getting killed right in front of her eyes as she fell into the ocean. When one of the soldiers asked if they should go after her the general tells them that there was no way such a young child could survive the fall. But on the contrary, from fear, Bìlán’s powers activate creating an energy ball around her that froze, causing her to stop aging, as if time inside it froze. It drifted off in the ocean unnoticed, and hidden from anyone for one thousand two hundred years, until it finally submerged in a beach withering away leaving behind Bìlán unconscious, and with utterly no memory but her name, Qi Bìlán Gui, meaning: “Together Jade Mountain Mist of souls of the dead”.
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casualmelody · 1 year
Genocide of the Jiaoren
CW: Genocide, death, gore (medium), corpse mutilation, heavy subject material ...Dead Dove Do Not Eat on this one. I’m not entirely certain I tagged everything, so warning this is very heavy subject material
All was chaos and screams of fear and agony. The dragon armies had launched a surprise attack upon the Zhēnzhū Capital, and now thousands of men, women, and children were swimming in a massive school trying to flee the danger. One noble was swimming as hard as their body would allow, in the midst of the said school. Blood littered the water as harpoons suddenly shot down from above, pulling innocent souls to their final resting place in a torrent of agony. Orphans cried for parents, lovers called for one another in the cacophony of chaos. As the noble tried to fight the crushing weight of bodies, they spotted a familiar sapphire tailfin.
“MOTHER! FATHER! WAIT! I’M HERE!” With all of their might they shoved violently with their elbows against the bodies crushing against them. They reached out a hand, their fingers nearly grasping the sapphire tailfin…
All of a sudden a gigantic weight slammed down upon them, a scream ripping from their throat as something collided with the back of their head. They were falling…they could feel their body being violently bumped and jostled by the fleeing civilians as the water rushed by them. They felt as if their ribs would break and impale their lungs…but all of a sudden the crushing force was gone. They had fallen out the bottom of the panicked school of Jiaoren. Before their eyes closed, the noble thought they could see two familiar sets of eyes peering down. The shorter of the two turned to her husband, shaking her head. Without a backward glance, they turned to swim with the school.
All became dark. Hours later, through a haze, the only royal child of Hong opened their eyes slowly. Something was wrong, something had happened…they rolled over and came face-to-face with a dead Jiaoren, their body being feasted upon by the bottom-feeders of the sea. They opened their mouth to scream, but found no sound coming out. They tried to move their limbs, but found their arms were too heavy. Even drawing a small amount of breath took great effort. Closing their eyes, the royal steeled themselves, trying to probe their battered body’s nerves to assess the damage. Several bones felt broken, not to mention the back of their head felt….and then suddenly their eyes snapped open again. The red that should be leaking from the corpse before them…why was it blue? Why was everything so blurred? Something had happened, and something bad. They fought the urge to give way to panic, forcing themselves to try to push themselves up to no avail. They were simply too weak…
Suddenly, the monarch felt something begin wrapping itself around their body. To anyone else this would have been cause for panic, but as the battered Jiaoren felt themselves being lifted, they could have cried with relief. The squid was massive, about 40 feet long, its dull colors a welcome sight. As gently as it could, the squid began swimming while carrying the wounded victim. As it did so, the monarch could only look down at the thousands of corpses of their people being devoured by the sea’s carrion eaters. Tears went down their face as they saw how many little bodies were scattered amongst the carnage and how many faces they recognized. Friends, teachers, comrades in arms….all gone in what felt like a matter of seconds.
It was unknown to the Jiaoren how much time passed when at last the Zhēnzhū Capital came into sight. They were carried to the familiar Zhùfú Shēngtiān Palace, the Palace of Blessed Ascension, where a shoal of smaller squids were swimming about. The giant squid lowered the Jiaoren into their hold, where the squids quickly moved them into the palace’s bedroom. Once laid upon the bed, the monarch felt their eyes slip closed once more.
Hours more later, two aurulent eyes opened, their slit pupils adjusting to the minimal light of the room. This time sitting up was a tad more bearable, but they felt their body scream in protest as several wounds were strained. Looking down, the Jiaoren saw the light was coming from a congealment of cuttlefish gently making their way around the bed. At the movement, they turned to look up at the 7’0” monarch. In a hoarse voice, they spoke, “You must know what happened to everyone but…what has happened to me?” One of the cuttlefish swam up to gently boop against their head, where the monarch felt some rather sloppily wrapped bandages. At the kindness, tears filled those yellow eyes. “Dear ones… even now you are the only ones to care for me. Do not fret, I will recover.” With a simple flick, their long eel’s tail turned to the legs of a human. They swung their legs over the edge of the bed and woozily stood. Taking a deep breath, they commanded the currents to gently guide them forth, making them float through the lavish halls. Memories came back to them: the corpses, the screams, the pain… Why? Why was all of this done? The Jiaoren had begun discussions of peace with the dragon kings! A cease-fire had been set in place!
As the back of their head throbbed, a more painful memory came to the Jiaoren. Those four eyes staring coldly, judging them, and finding their existence not worth saving. More tears fell down their face, intermingling with the ocean. As they reached the palace’s Imperial Physician’s workroom, they tried to shove such thoughts from their mind as they began trying to re-patch themselves up. Try as they might, though, each bump, bruise, and break brought to mind the scattered bodies on the ocean floor. With each drop of blood wiped clean, they thought of the sharks tearing into flesh, of the screaming, of the cries of fear as pandemonium tore the world apart.
It was a difficult task, mending themselves. Something was wrong with their eyes….objects that seemed close were surprisingly far, and at times when they went to grasp something their hand would meet the edge of a table instead. This made stitching up wounds a very excruciating, nasty business, but they were a General. They could stand pain. Once they were done, they allowed the currents to guide them once more, this time to the Cǎihóng Palace in the center of the capital. They floated through the sacred halls towards the throne. They paused before it, staring at where their father once sat. Those heartless eyes, the shake of the head…
The ocean began vibrating around the monarch. “They looked back. They saw me, yet they did not think to rescue me. It was a dire situation, but could they not have fallen back? Could they not have swam to the bottom to at least try to resuscitate me? Did they even CARE?!” They felt something burst from them, sending ripples throughout the water. Turning, the monarch would see that the little sea friends kept to the open doorway of the palace. Temporarily, they forced down their anger. In a more controlled voice, they said, “My ire is not directed at you. Please, come forth.” They held out a hand. After a few moments, the cuttlefish and squids approach and swim around them, gently bumping against them, being sure to avoid the wounds. The Jiaoren gently petted them, smiling gently.
“Of course, changes will have to be made.” They stared back at the throne. “I am sure none would mind if I were to take up the dear old man’s throne, and in that spirit…” The monarch suddenly sweeps their hand, the surrounding waves throwing the throne against the wall and wrecking it. “Much better.”
They then stood where the throne once was and turned, facing the large, empty hall where ministers and militants alike once stood. Those days would nevermore come to pass, but a part of the monarch wondered if that were not for the better as they recalled their life behind these walls. Perhaps a change in management was exactly what was needed. Taking several deep breaths, they closed their eyes and began to shut out their five senses. Once done, they followed the iridescent thread of their soul to the well of power awaiting their command. They called upon the power, pulling it forth as their arms raised. When they were thrown forward, a massive golden bubble closed around the capital. The once tortuous home would now become the monarch’s hidden sanctuary where none would find or harm her, be they mortal, infernal, or celestial. With the bubble set in place, the royal opened their eyes and began to work.
It took several days and several pauses for rest, but soon new paintings lined the halls….portraits depicting the monarch in battle, their trident covered in the gore of their enemies. In all of them, the face was scratched out. The old robes they’d worn had been removed and destroyed, now the monarch wore an elegant dress of a pearl’s rainbow iridescence. The center of the dress held an ornament with a simple peony in its center. The flower also decorated the sleeves and collar of the outfit, a darker light purple than the fabric. Their waist-length hair had been taken down from its topknot, allowing the curls to flow in the current as they walked. Instead of the single pitiful golden hairpin, many now decorated her hair, gemstones of varying size and rarity dangling from their ends. A new throne had been placed in the throne room, and upon it they now sat, in one hand gripping their new staff of office: a double-sided trident made of pure diamond. Filling the empty space were several creatures of the midnight zone, all staring with their grotesque countenances upon the monarch before them.
“You, my dear companions of the deep, know me. You know the contents of my character. I ask that you place trust in said character as I lead you into this new age from the ashes of our falling kingdom. From now on, all will know me by my true title: The Rainbow Crown Princess, new master of Cǎihóng Palace and supreme ruler of the Jiaoren. By my honor as your ruler, I shall provide succor and protection against any who raise a weapon to you. The dragons might have the blessing of Heaven, but you all witness how the seas themselves bend to my very will! The Unfathomables themselves place their blessings upon me, and should any proof be needed any who doubt me need only look upon my eyes! Here, within these walls, I will ensure that not even the most microscopic organism meets such a twisted fate!” Slowly, the princess stands, trident glowing in both of her hands. In a voice magnified by power she proclaims, “THUS I HAVE COMMANDED, SO MOTE IT BE!” There was a clap as loud as thunder. To any outside observers, the bubble around the capital would shimmer before disappearing, as if it had never been there at all. In the bosom of the deepest seas now rested the fallen kingdom. Thus it would be for over a millennia, with stories of the Jiaoren being reduced to myth, the massacre disappearing into the sands of time. A relic of those ancient days remained in those waters, biding her time and awaiting the moment to once more bring the mortals to their knees and force them to witness the full might of the seas.
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oh-gh0st · 9 months
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hiii i come bearing more art ^_^
mostly shadowpeach and mk, then mk with an oc in the last one
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lunathemoonsblog · 1 month
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Ch 0 - Introduction [page 13]
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falmerbrook · 5 months
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Another Morrowind OC reference, this time of Stellar (my Nerevarine) and Ramshurbani's son, Serib.
He's technically mixed Dunmer and Argonian, but TES Genetics™ means he's basically just a Dunmer and looks very similar to his mother, but is suspiciously sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
TLDR summary:
He was born somewhere between 4E 50 and 100 to the complete surprise of his parents, who were under the impression they physically couldn't create a baby. Oops! He was unlucky in the genetic predisposition lottery and struggled with mental health issues from a young age, eventually escalating to self medicating and drug addiction as a young adult. He and his family and tribe had a very tumultuous relationship and he eventually got exiled from the Urshilaku for it, living as a Velothi. He later makes an effort to get clean with the help of his father, who drag him along on adventures to keep him occupied.
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jammerspyjammass · 2 months
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Again, feel free to use him in your campaign or as your dnd character
I just rly like drawing these and ill probably never use them:/
There’s more to come so stay tuned
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spiderin-space · 2 months
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Sketches from various comic ideas that never really went anywhere
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puppyeared · 1 year
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I made a lmk oc
#they’re supposed to be some sort of experiment to see if people could recreate Sun Wukongs stone egg. the goal was to make a more controlled#and tame version using carved wood and cultivation. but eventually they got worried about it becoming too powerful and scrapped it#eventually they come to life and live in the abandoned temple they were built in#their bottom half is made of wood because when they came to life their creator/s left them unfinished when they scrapped the project#they had to carve the rest of their body out of hunger and frustration because they couldn’t eat or move much by crawling on their top half#this is also why they spite their creators and hate irresponsible creation. because of abandonment issues and feeling like they have no#purpose or direction in life#their power is also very limited to due being man made since they were originally a wood carving#meo gave me the idea but one reason would be because they’re half finished. the sculpture was still half stump so it was completely untouche#that half can channel power in its raw form but the other half cannot once it’s been carved by man#so technically they could have the same level or potential for power as the stone but that was dampened#the other thing is how they were created to be a duplicate or recreation of a stone monkey and a celestial looked at that and was like#‘we’re not doing that again’ LMAO#i think the case of them carving their own legs doesn’t take away their power though. that balance was made#before they came to life so carving the legs or not can’t affect it anymore. like making a cake and slicing it#their energy levels are also naturally low because of that so their movements are sluggish and they aren’t very active overall#constantly lying in the sun to charge their batteries and get some stuff done. just like me fr#I actually don’t know what I’m gonna do with this character besides Put Them In Situations with other ppls ocs.. so if you have#a lmk oc you have been warned /lh /j#I wanna make some backstory art for them though.. maybe even the animatic treatment if I can get through dear wormwood which is 25#SECONDS OUT OF 3 MIN BTW#doodles#Lego Monkie kid#lmk#Monkie kid#lmk oc#monkie kid oc#myart#my art#xin ya
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amazingdeadfish · 6 months
I think about them sometimes.
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leyyearts · 12 days
Xingyun's Lore/Backstory (short ver.)
Xingyun was born to fulfill her mother's wishes and desires.
She was clone, a fowl creation, A "star". She was a curious and serious as a kid, she always questions her mother that why is she different from others but the answer she always received is "you're just special." She stopped asking knowing she will never know why. She still loves her mother but yet distant.Her mother is always busy protecting other people but not her, she craves her mother's love and attention but she never said anything
Sometimes she comes visit her cousin for training to control her uncontrollable powers yet she never controled it anyways,she gives up and leave it be but her mother keeps telling her to continue,she keeps telling her that"it's for the better", "you might hurt someone" her mother knowing she just doesn't want to tell the "truth".
On Xingyun's 17th(255) birthday she got what she wanted, her mother's love and protection. Xingyun's mother sacrificed her life to protect her daughter. Xingyun cried for her mother, she loses control and the floor breaks into pieces, Xingyun screams in pain as a purple Shadowy trail creates a dark looking cloud/smoke, she had no control.
Redson,her cousin suggested to sent her to the moon, they no other choices so they agreed. The Monk, tang Sanzang put up a spell to send her to the moon. A shimmering sparkle went to Xingyun. She was immediately was sent to the moon with chang'e
Now she waits for "someone" to get her.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 2 months
Immortal Peaches
Sneak peak into Phoenix’s backstory before reincarnation. Which means she is still Rose!
- 30 year old Rose Mist Mountain -
A wide grin spread across Rose’s face as she looked at the ripe peaches in front of her. She pulled a single one from the tree in front of her and pried it apart, her lips grinning wider. The inside was a beautiful golden color as it dripped golden juice. Taking a bite she almost moaned at the flavor, Scarlet was right, peaches were absolutely delicious. Why had she waited so long to grow them?
“This has to be right,” She quickly began to pick several more fruit. After what felt like ages she had finally grown the fruit and was excited to bring it to her friend in town.
Equipped with her basket of fruit she jumped down to the ground, her long tail wagging in excitement. She didn’t wait before bolting through the forest, her feet barely touching the ground with each step she took. Her master wouldn’t notice her absence she was sure, it was far too early in the morning for a visit so she didn’t need to worry. In the back of her mind she shivered at the thought of being found out but she couldn’t bring it in her not to go to her friend.
The sun was barely on the horizon as she ran, her long brown hair flowing behind her. Weaving in and out of the trees she ran as fast as she could. Jumping over rocks and a few fallen trunks she nearly tripped a few times. Her feet barely missing the obstacles that would lead to her tumbling to the ground without a doubt.
As Scarlet’s house came into view she sped up with excitement, her face beaming with joy. Carefully she glances around the house and ran forward to the front door. She held the basket in one hand and picked up her other hand and knocked on the door rapidly. A cheerful giggle leaving her lips when she heard the creaking of old wood below feet.
“Hello- Rose!!” She nearly toppled over when a dark red monkey demon jumped onto her.
Dark black eyes looked up at her as she was enveloped in a warm hug. One she immediately accepted wholeheartedly. Scarlet was the only person in the village that talked to her aside from her mate to be who didn’t live there. He would stop by every now and then challenging Rose to a dual for Scarlet’s hand in marriage.
Scarlet was a small monkey demon was the darkest red fur that was almost the color of blood. She had a fiery spirit and didn’t back down to anyone. She also had the fluffiest fur that Rose had ever seen before. She was the one who taught Rose how to groom herself properly and the only person that she actually, truly trusted.
Of course, the only reason he did that is because Scarlet had no family so she had taken up the role when the monkey demon Liu asked for her hand. If he wanted to try and take her family away from her than he would have to go through her first, no matter how much she was beginning to actually like the guy.
“Hey Scarlet!! How’s it going?” She asked bouncing on her feet.
She was so excited, the only reason she had been growing peaches in the first place was because Scarlet had mentioned she wanted to try some. They didn’t normally grow in this area but as a spirit of growth Rose was able to make it happen. If her master found out she knew she’d have hell to pay in her punishment, but she hoped that it would be worth it.
“Awesome! I got something for you,” Rose said lifting up her basket for Scarlet to look.
She watched the monkey demon’s eyes widen in shock, before that shock quickly vanished in favor of excitement. She picked up one of the fruit and examined it her eyes twinkling in joy, before she looked at Rose and dragged her inside. The house she was pulled into was a simple one-bedroom shack with a bed and a fireplace but not much else to offer. She didn’t really care because it was where Scarlet lived so whenever she thought she could slip away unnoticed this is where she found herself.
Scarlet sat on the bed with Rose and pried the peach apart with her hands. She looked at the golden center and tilted her head, narrowing her eyes.
“Is everything okay?” Rose asked worriedly, she hoped she didn’t do anything wrong.
“Yeah, I just didn’t know that peaches had a golden interior,” Scarlet shrugged her shoulders before taking a large bite of the fruit her eyes lit up at the taste of it.
She kicked her feet back and forth as she quickly polished off the pit. Licking her lips neither Rose nor Scarlet knew the consequences of eating that fruit, their was nothing to tell them something was wrong. And even if there was something it’s not like they could change it now. Instead, the two giggled happily as they began eating from the basket until there was another knock on the door.
“Scarlet,” The familiar voice of Liu was loud as Scarlet’s suiter called out.
Rose was the one to stand up and open the door. In front of her stood a grey monkey demon who had a light blue mask. His dark blue eyes which were filled with joy dimmed when he saw her, but lit back up when he noticed Scarlet in the house. With a renewed spirit he gave a bow. In his hands was a wooden box, delicately carved.
“I am here to speak with Scarlet,” He said confidently, his tail wagging behind him.
“Oh? And why should I let you speak with her?” Rose asked teasingly, as much as she didn’t want him to take her best friend that was more so because he lived so far away.
He was a nice monkey demon who truly cared for her friend that didn’t mean she wanted him to take her far away. He didn’t even flinch at her question straightening his back and tried to stand taller, of course he wasn’t able to be taller than her though. He was only around 4ft 8in tall while Rose naturally stood at 5ft 6in tall, which was extremely tall for a monkey demons.
“Because I have come baring gifts,” he said confidently, lifting his head up and straightening his shoulders.
“Hmm… Alright come in,” She said with a shrug, she would have let him in regardless but it was fun to tease him.
He quickly followed her inside and immediately noticed the bowl of unfinished peaches. He tilted his head confused but seemingly brushed it off quickly when he saw Scarlet. He held out the box while wagging his tail waiting for her to accept.
“For you my lady,” He grinned.
Rose tossed herself to sit on the bed next to Scarlet curious as to what Liu got for her friend. A courting gift no doubt, and her suspicions were confirmed when the box was opened to reveal a beautiful golden necklace. Scarlet gasped as she took it out of the box, looking back up at Liu she asked. “Where did you get this?”
“A few towns over,” He responded vaguely, Rose narrowed her eyes at him for a moment but shrugged. He was a nice guy why was she suspicious about this? “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful,” She responded putting it back in the box and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. “Would you like some peaches?”
“Sure, I didn’t know that peaches grew out here,” He said picking up a peach.
“Not normally but Rose has a peach tree up at her home,” Scarlet shrugged as Liu took a bite into the fruit immediately scarfing it down when he tasted it.
“This is delicious,” he said with a wide grin.
“Thank you, I grew the tree myself,” Rose grinned proudly as she sat on the chair, it was true she had been trying to grow that tree since the first year she was created.
It was the first tree that she ever planted with her own magic. However, she didn’t know the consequences of her actions when she gave them the fruit. The thought never gone through her head just what her magic could do to something as simple as a few peaches. The trio just laughed as they finished off the bowl, and hung out for a few hours.
“I should get going, I’ll see you two later,” Rose said with a smile.
“Bye, see you next time,” Scarlet waved.
Rose smiled as she left back towards the mountain. A chill ran down her spine as she entered the domain and the smile on her face vanished. Her master was irritated which would most definitely mean that she wouldn’t be able to leave the mountain again for a while. If she was lucky that’s all it would mean. Taking a deep breath, she ran through the forest heading straight towards her master’s manor.
The crash of what sounded like some antique porcelain filled the air as her master’s angry voice filled the air. Another chill went up her spine and she made her way into the old building.
It was a beautiful rustic manor made of high stone walls that were made of several much smaller stones carefully carved to the right size and pieced together. Vines surrounded the walls and bordered each window. The place that Rose had called home for the longest time. She loved it here, at least that’s what she told herself.
“Foolish idiots!!” her master’s voice echoed through the room filling her with a sense of dread.
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mysticarts · 6 months
Yujin Drawings! (Plus a ramble)
decided to do some drawings of Yujin!
If you guys don't know Yujin, She's one of my many LMK ocs! Yujin is a Emperess of the Eastern empire in China, a empire that has been standing for generations. All people of any kind stay there. (She's Also PIF biological sister)
Anyway, time to ramble about Yujin's charater-
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Lets start with Yujin herself.
Yujin, in the LMK series, is a person of royalty. She's intelligent, tactical, a person who overworks herself, very much like her sister. However, Yujin is not only intelligent, but she's powerful too.
When Yujin was younger, again, was a Celestial Maiden along with PIF. However, younger Yujin was a confidence and courage fueled girl, leading Yujin doing unspeakable actions without thinking of the consequences.
Due to these actions, Yujin got banished from the Celestial realm. Yeah, it was that bad. When Yujin was stuck down on the mortals plain, she met others who seemed like outcasts. One of these friends were Macaque
Again, back then, Macaque was a much more cautious guy. But this cautiousness rubbed off on Yujin in the best way possible. Yujin's much cautious now.
Anyway, the next topic I'm talking about is femininity, and how I tried to properly add it to Yujin's charater. I'm not a writer, but I want to be a good enough one for my art. So if you feel uncomfortable with this, feel free to pass through this-
Yujin's never really been considered pretty before. But she knows that she is pretty. Yujin likes to dress up, wear make up, shopping etc. But Yujin isn't afraid to get her hands dirty when necessary.
At a certain point in life, while she was still in the Celestial realm, Yujin felt....lost. She saw all the other maidens around her prefect things she never seem to get right. They where all the same, yet so different, to the point Yujin felt outcasted. So what did she do? She started to wear what she wanted.
Yujin wanted to stand out, she wanted to be appreciated and accepted from others including herself, that Yujin started to do reckless actions to be noticed. Of course, it took a lot of time, a lot of talking to others and herself that Yujin realized: the only person who can fully accept you in yourself. So that's what she did.
To when her husband died (that's right, i aint name dropping but design dropping soon-) to when Red Son was born, to deal with that amount of truama on her shoulders, she had to accept that it wasn't her fault.
Overall personality wise, younger Yujin was a hot-headed girl who was competitive, and was a petty loser. But she cared for her the people around her, because those where the only people she felt accepted by. The Yujin now is still hot headed and sometimes stubborn, but her pride has lowered, she's more cautious, but she still loves to have fun.
Now, let's get talking relationships!
First off, Hui Ying!
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Considering Hui Ying is the daughter of one of whom Yujin considers a sworn brother, Yujin treats Hui like her wn daughter.
Yujin sees how smart Hui is, how her determination and ambitious nature makes her have great results, but takes away her early years.
Yujin dosent want to watch Hui just toss her life at endless work, so she encourages hui to go shopping with her, go dancing, go to fast food places, basically outside. Yujin wants Hui to savor in New surroundings and areas, as not everything Hui thinks is actually correct.
Hui Ying sees Yujin as one of the best people in her life, and usually calls her Auntie Yujin. Hui Ying never had healthy female figures in her life, but Yujin changed that. Yujin didn't tell Hui who or what to be. She encouraged Hui to follow hearts desires, but to keep in mind on what her wants.
Tai Yang
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Yujin notices that Tai Yang got his dad's friendliness, but also got his mother's craving for destruction or chaos.
Tai Yang is mostly quiet, and can be short tempered, but he's not afraid to grab a deal if it presents himself.
Tai Yang reminds Yujin of when she was younger, a person who's courage and ambitiousness can lead them to recklessness. So, Yujin brings Tai Yang down to earth, telling him it's okay to express himself.
As quiet as Tai is to Yujin, he does care about her a lot. He even calls her Auntie sometimes. Tai is very thankful that someone besdies Hui is trying to see through his eyes, to try to feel how he feels.
Anyway, that's all! Feel free to ask about Yujin, and if you want me to do any other of my ocs, don't be afraid to ask!
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lunathemoonsblog · 27 days
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Ch 0 - Introduction [page 14]
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rayjayoo · 2 years
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here be my lmk sona/oc, based off of the black handed spider monkey!
currently, he goes by “ray” :))
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iceicewifey · 1 year
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shamelessly copied Sinner /j /lh and did one of those Araki style character sheets for Shay to see if i could share her info easier and I'll say it worked 😳
had to redo the template because I'm stupid and the layout kind of confused me plus I'll never pass up an opportunity to make my own version of whatever thing fjdnfjdgb but I hope it makes sense. alot of the info can be found in her mini bio, but it was still fun to fill this out. plain text under the cut because it's alot to read. thanks again to sinner for both posting theirs and providing the original template ♡
editing because this is so outdated already 😭
Name / Nicknames
Shayleigh Disa Malmsteen / Shay, Spanky (childhood nickname), Dee (from Hol Horse)
23 (SDC)
CIS Female
Birthday / Zodiac Sign
August 12th, 1965 / Leo
Blood Type
Miami, FL USA
5'4" / 162cm
~137lbs / 62kg
Sexual Orientation
Hair Color
Platinum blonde
Eye Color
Pale icy blue // Pink (Manga)
Eyesight / Colorblindness / Wears Glasses?
Slight myopia Not enough to warrant glasses.
Dominant Hand
Type of Voice
High pitched / "soprano" A bit scratchy from smoking
Medical History
Minor nerve damage from particularly deep scar in right forearm, partially perforated septum (corrected; from cocaine use) Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation — required surgery
Scars / Birthmarks / Tattoos
Numerous scars on hands, arms, torso, shoulders, back, legs, and left eyebrow // Barbed wire tat around right wrist, palm tree on left ankle, devil tail on lower back
Other Defining Physical Features: Nose, Eye Shape, Chest Size, Legs, Moles, etc.
Slightly downturned doe eyes, small slits in eyebrows (left has hair displaced by scars, right is shaved to match). Larger than average chest (~E cup)
Ancestral Background
½ Swedish on father's side
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Criminal Record / Education
Criminal record is extensive. Dropped out of high school during 11th grade but stopped attending long before then.
Formative Experiences as a Baby or Young Child
Grew up without birth mother (passed away soon after she and her twin sister were born), Father worked as motorcycle mechanic and would frequently bring his daughters to work; fostered her love of motorcycles at a young age. Dealt with abusive stepmother for ~7 years.
Sexual History / Lovers
Several boyfriends & a girlfriend during high school years, numerous ‘flings’ throughout mid 80’s. Not on good terms with any exes.
Thoughts Towards Romance / Marriage
Says she’s indifferent. Would like to get married, but wants it to be with “the right person.” Has trauma from parents about relationships.
People the Subject Looks Up To / Idolizes
Evel Knievel, Lemmy Kilmister
People the Subject Hates
Her father. Stepmother, Lydia. Stepbrother, Adam. Half brother, Viggo. Estefania, Jotaro Kujo, Polnareff, Nukesaku
Personality Traits / Habits / Fav. Sayings
Tends to hide her true emotions, acts apathetic. Cautious around new people, especially if they know who she is and she doesn’t recognize them. Her defense mechanism tends to make it so she comes off as rude or abrasive. // Honestly just enjoys telling people that annoy her to shut up.
Dreams for the Future
Wants to eventually return to Miami. Wants to build her own custom Harley, right down to the paint job. Wants “a buncha badass lookin’ tats” to cover her more prominent body scars.
Drowning, being strangled, seeing more of her friends die in front of her, upsetting DIO and having to face his wrath.
Most Traumatic Experiences
The years of emotional and verbal abuse from her stepmother and stepbrother. Her first night in jail. Witnessing the deaths of some of her closest friends at the hands of the gang they once belonged to.
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Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Neneh is the first best friend she’s ever had; loves her dearly and would kill for her if she asked. Misses her dearly while in Cairo. Gets along well with other Terence T. D’Arby, Kenny G., Enya, and most other mansion residents. On DIO’s better side. Romantically involved with Vanilla Ice.
Familial Relationships - Incl. Behavior
Hasn’t seen her sister since 17, misses her. Got along very well with Swedish grandparents, used to visit every Christmas as a child; visits slowed and eventually stopped upon her father remarrying. Positive relationships with maternal aunt, Caroline and her daughter, Rita. Gets along well with ‘pseudo father’, Ozzy, misses him while in Cairo. The gloves she wears to hide her scarred hands were a gift from him.
Problematic Relationships
Relationship with father was good as a young child but has deteriorated. Misses how he used to be, hurt that he chose a new partner over his daughters. Never had positive relationships with stepmother or stepbrother. Never really got along with former “boss”, Estefania despite trying. Feels no remorse for her death. Her murder is the reason she ends up in Cairo.
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Education / Work History
John F. Kennedy Middle School (Miami, FL) Elizabeth Cobb Middle School (Tallahassee, FL) Lincoln High School (dropped out; Tallahassee) Has never been formally employed or had a ‘legal’ job.
Economic Class
Grew up middle class, struggled with money after being kicked out.
Pets / Plants
Never had pets. Had a monstera clipping that grew in the motel room she lived in.
STUBBORN. Hates being told what to do and will often do the opposite. Tends to clash with authority figures. Has a bit of a sharp tongue, she’s wary of strangers and tends to speak her mind freely, even if what she says isn’t exactly polite. Used to act out rudely for attention from a bad home life but grew out of that phase. Rarely rude to strangers without reason nowadays. Insanely devoted to friends and loved ones, likes going the extra mile to show that she loves and cares for them. Very outgoing, a bubbly ‘people person’ and a bit of a ‘party girl‘. She’s typically laid back and enjoys being surrounded by those she loves. ‘Bitchiness’ is a defense mechanism stemming from trauma; “If I don‘t care, I can’t get hurt.” She’s a spitfire with a feisty side and a terrible temper, never one to back down from a fight and will start one if she’s worked up.
Loyal to the end, skilled with knives and using her stand, won’t quit until the task is done or it kills her, can seemingly sense when someone is upset, can pick things up with her feet
Hedonistic, lower physical strength than muscular male opponents, argumentative, easy to anger, extensive criminal record, bottles feelings Deep down she’s scared and hurt, hiding behind a façade to escape any future pain
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Special Skills / Fighting Style(s)
Mostly accustomed to street fighting. Fights dirty; punching, hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, hair pulling, nothing is off limits. Skilled with using switchblades. Likes to use her stand to trip non-stand user and see their confusion when they stumble.
Wields twin automatic “stiletto” switchblades, keeps them hidden in her boots
Driver's License / Vehicle of Choice / Driving Language
Obtained learner’s in 1981 and full license in 1983 but had been illegally driving since she was ~14 // Prefers motorcycles over cars. Favorite bike is the 1973 Harley Davidson FL Electra-Glide // Typical Florida Driver™. Has a lead foot and tends to speed. Tends to get a bit aggressive at times and will partake in road rage if provoked.
Hobbies / Recreations
Likes to draw things she thinks are cool; skulls, motorcycles, tigers, devils, playing cards. Tinkering with her bike, watching trash TV, riding motorcycles with friends, swimming, etc. Often upset she can’t do much of this in Cairo
Likes & Dislikes
Likes metal music, leather pants, motorcycles, billiards, chicken shawarma Dislikes formal clothing, being bossed around, running out of hairspray, driving in the rain, prudes
Food / Clothing / Shelter
Had a few outfits (a lot of them shoplifted) and mostly ate instant or microwaveable food while living in a motel paid for with money from ““odd jobs”” // Kept most of the same clothing upon moving to Cairo, despite her style clashing with local culture. Lives and works in DIO’s mansion
Motives / Passions
Self preservation, making “a shit ton of money”, has thought about killing her stepmother in the past but doesn’t want to deal with the consequences
Favorite Color / Locations / People
Dark teal, black, hot pink // South Miami Beach, Aunt Carol’s house // Neneh, Terence, Vanilla, and Enya
Fashion Style
Wears a lot of tight and overly revealing clothing after years of being forced to dress “like a proper girl” as a child. Likes wearing leather and wants to look like the girls in the metal magazines (i.e. Doro Pesch)
Used Substances
Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana (formerly), cocaine (formerly addicted)
Perfume / Cologne?
Used to wear “City Girl” perfume, but prefers scented lotions.
Any Accessories?
Crescent moon earring worn only on her left ear (twin sister wears the other), two hoops on right ear // stud on left side of nose // black leather fingerless gloves to hide scars
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Supernatural Abilities / Attuned to Spirits?
Not necessarily sensitive to spirits but sometimes feels what she assumes is her mother’s presence when she sits on the beach alone at night. She can’t explain it, but it’s somewhat comforting and tends to happen when she’s stressed or upset.
Accent / Dialect
Miami accent; pronounces the ‘L’ in “salmon” // speaks in short form and slang often (i.e. wanna, gonna, ain’t) // drops the ‘g’ on words that end in ‘-ing’ (i.e. swimmin’ )
Anything Else?
Knows how to juggle. Allergic to shellfish. Not a serious reaction but the kind that makes her throat tingle. Used to think it happened to everyone, not just her.             ↓ “Everybody’s throat tingles after crab cakes. It’s part of the experience.”
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