episkystyles · 3 years
diabolical chapter 5 ended perfectly. i love this series keep it up babe
omg you are so sweet thank you so much 💓 i’m so glad you’re enjoying it
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episkystyles · 3 years
Diabolical // H.S. [PART FIVE]
Summary: Y/N never was one to believe in supernatural beings — even with the many mysterious cases of missing people starting to pile up in her hometown. But when she catches the attention of one peculiar man during a winter trip to see her parents, she soon uncovers things she thought only existed in books and movies. [PART ONE, PART TWO, PART THREE, PART FOUR]
Warnings: Graphic violence/mentions of blood
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“O-Oh God,” Y/N sputtered, kneeling down to her lifeless mother on the floor. “Oh my God, Harry, she’s dead. My mother’s dead. My father killed her!”
Harry bent down at her side in silence, a deep frown on his face as he observed the older woman’s body. The frantic girl beside him continued to sob, holding her mom’s freezing hand in hers as she hovered over her.
“This is all my fault,” she whimpered, feeling her body shake in grief. “I-I should have been here. I could have saved her. I let my own father kill my mother because I left him unsupervised! This is all my fucking fault!”
Harry placed both of his hands on her shoulders, an attempt to comfort and console her — but her knew that no matter the effort, nothing would heal the pain of losing both of her parents (technically) in one night. “It’s absolutely not your fault, angel, please don’t blame yourself. Your dad wasn’t supposed to wake up yet-”
Y/N shoved his hands away from her as she stood up, turning around to send him a fierce glare. “You’re right. He wasn’t supposed to wake up. You told me he wouldn’t. You lied. And then you took me away from looking after him which ultimately led to my mother’s demise.”
“You aren’t seriously blaming me for all of this, are you?”
“You were the one who had given him the blood. You insisted, even.”
“It wasn’t supposed to wake him up and make him feral,” Harry growled, narrowing his eyes at the woman. He understood that she was processing what had just happened and anger and blame were side effects of grief, but he couldn’t help but feel annoyed. “It was supposed to ease his pain. I was trying to help.”
“Yeah? Well you certainly helped him desire blood and make him go so crazy that he’d get it from anywhere, even his own wife,” she hissed, rubbing the tears that fell down her face. “Then you convinced me to leave, so now I can’t but feel like there’s some sort of correlation — that you wanted for this all to happen.”
Harry scoffed in disbelief. “Why would I want this to happen? Y/N, why?”
“Because you’re a monster,” Y/N snapped. “You’re diabolical. You have no consideration for others but yourself.”
This isn’t her. It’s not her talking. She was possessed by someone — someone whose family had just been torn apart.
“Haven’t you considered that my intentions were to protect you?” Harry shouted, his eyes darkening with fury and, surprisingly, sadness. “You know if I would have left you here, your father probably would have killed you too!”
Y/N just stared at him. She was feeling way too many emotions all at once and it was getting impossible to deal with. She no longer had the motivation to deal with him right now — she had other things tend to. It was a wonder to her how she could have fallen for someone who had the capability of taking one’s life, like her father to her mother. In her brain, they were them. He was a vampire and she was human; this could only end in disaster.
Perhaps, they’re not as meant to be as she thought they were.
“Go,” she muttered, glancing down at the floor.
“Go away, Harry!” Y/N seethed, pointing to the door. “I just want to be alone right now. Please, just go away.”
Harry hesitated. She thought he was going to fight her on this, telling her that if he were to leave she’d be unprotected, that him leaving wouldn’t solve anything. Maybe he would pull her into a hug and assure her that everything was going to be alright.
But he listened to her and walked right out the door, leaving her home. Y/N watched him from the window as he obeyed her wishes and disappeared into the darkness, now probably going to look for a snack for him to feast on. She sighed and retreated to the bedroom where her mother laid.
“I’m sorry mom,” she whispered tearfully as she lifted her mother onto the bed, pulling a blanket over her body. “I’m so sorry. You were doing your absolute hardest to help date and look what he did to you.”
He’s going to be doing this to a lot more people.
Y/N was far from being a vampire hunter, but she knew she had to stop her father. She knew he didn’t mean to kill her mother, that it was this horrific ferocious side to him that gave him a natural craving for blood, but she also couldn’t allow him to live as a supernatural being. She didn’t want that to be her memory of him. She had to end his pain and misery.
Which is why Y/N went into the attic and pulled out a rifle she remembered her father buying years ago from an auction — a Halloween-themed auction at that. The gun actually came with silver bullets, and it was supposed to be this rather cool joke like “just in case the vampires get ya” but now looking back at it, it’s no longer a joke. It was foreshadowing, and the thought of killing her own dad pained her, but it was the right thing to do.
All she has to do was find him.
The streets were cold and empty and she walked around Arringdale, keeping her out for her old man. She considered searching through the woods, but decided to leave that option as her last resort. Since he’s a newborn, blood-thirsty vampire, he’s going to want to go somewhere populated, where the people are. Could Diabolical possibly be open right now?
Well, that’s where she decided to head to. She was going to find her father, and after that, she’s going to pack all of her belongings and go back home. She’s not going to think of Harry at all, no matter how much he meant to her, he couldn’t be in her life. They belonged to different worlds, and considering what happened in her own childhood home, she could no longer consider any parts of this place her “world.”
“Hey, sweet thing. Going to see Harry, are ya?”
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks at the sound of a man’s voice. She turned to see a familiar man, and recognized him to be one of Harry’s hunch men she’d seen with him at the bar. His face was pale and donned a rather creepy smile on his face, and she instantly felt uneasy as he approached her.
“Um, yeah,” she lied, having the gun tucked behind her trench coat for good measures. “I am. You see we had a fight and I just want to apologize to him.”
“Aw,” the man pouted sarcastically, then laughed. “I’d hate to tell you, sweetheart, but Harry’s not there. He went out of town, actually.”
“Oh,” she breathed out awkwardly, feeling that something terrible was about to happen. “T-Then maybe I’ll go to the bar anyway and have something to drink. It’s been a long night.”
“Ya see, I wouldn’t do that either,” he snickered, pointing to Diabolical across the street. “There’s quite a lot of us in there who’ve been dying to get a taste of you, honey, so the second you step inside, you’ll become a buffet. But if you stick with me, I’ll consider making your detriment a little less agonizing.”
That’s when Y/N realized that she wasn’t alone. There were many others emerging from the darkness in the background, looking as hungry as ever. She looked back at the bar and noticed some more vampires exiting the doors and making their way to where she was standing. She was surrounded by all of them with absolutely no way out, unless she took her gun and started a massacre.
But she wouldn’t be able to take them all out.
“P-Please don’t,” Y/N whimpered, backing away slowly. “I promise you, my blood’s not that pure. It really isn’t. I’ve done bad things-”
“Stop trying to lie to us, babe,” the man spat, eyes glowing red. “You’re not getting out of this, and he’s not going to save you.”
She closed her eyes for a bit. Maybe it won’t be as painful as she thinks. She’ll finally be able to see her mother again; but she’s also leaving Harry on a bad note from all the awful things she had said to him tonight.
I’m sorry, Harry.
Y/N’s eyes opened wide when she heard the sound of something whirling in the air above her head, and she barely had time to react as she felt a presence right behind her, holding her against his chest. Harry.
“You’re outnumbered, Styles! You can’t save her,” someone maniacally laughed in the distance. “Even if you got out now, we’ll eventually get to her.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Harry whispered into her ear.
“Harry, what-”
She stopped mid-sentence when she felt his fangs piercing themselves into her neck.
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episkystyles · 3 years
Diabolical // H.S. [PART FOUR]*
Summary: Y/N never was one to believe in supernatural beings — even with the many mysterious cases of missing people starting to pile up in her hometown. But when she catches the attention of one peculiar man during a winter trip to see her parents, she soon uncovers things she thought only existed in books and movies. [PART ONE, PART TWO, PART THREE]
Warnings: Mature content [mentions of blood]
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“Mom, do you really have to go?” Y/N pleaded, watching as her mother zipped her suitcase. “I don’t think whatever doctor you’ve found is going to be of much help.”
“I understand your concern, Y/N, but Dr. Winston had been emailing me profusely about his theories on your father’s condition. He’s proven to be an expert in his profession, and I trust that he’ll be the one who figures this whole mess out.” Her mother walked over to her daughter and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll only be gone for the weekend. I think you’re perfectly capable of handling your dad on your own.”
She sighed. She wished she could tell the truth to her mother about her father’s “illness” that no doctor could possibly cure, but she cannot. At least, not now. She wouldn’t believe her anyway if she had; she’d think that she had gone crazy, accusing her own dad of being a vampire. It also enrages Y/N that some scammy doctor on the other side of the state is filling her mom with false hope so she could throw money at him. This Dr. Winston guy doesn’t know shit.
Once her mom left, Y/N went to check up on her father, still in a pretty comatose state as his body twitched and throttled against the bed. She could it now, as his mouth opened slightly; two fangs starting to grow, and she wondered if her mom had noticed it at all.
A loud thud is heard from the living room, making her jump in a panic. Had someone broken in? Was it one of those vampires who thirsted for her “pure” blood? Ever since she had spoken to Harry, she was nonstop paranoid about everything and everyone. She was basically a walking target now and there was nothing she could do about it. Y/N took a step into the living room, eyebrow raised as Harry stood before her, inspecting the family photos that lined up the wall.
“Lovely family,” he murmured, tapping his finger against a picture of her from when she was about three. “You know, you should really learn to lock your door, especially after what I told you about this town. I just walked in.”
“I thought vampires are supposed to be invited in,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Common misconception… and stereotype,” Harry stated, now walking over to her. He placed his hands on top of her shoulders and leaned in, kissing her gently. He pulled away and whispered, “How’s my favorite human?”
She rolled her eyes. Leave it to him to point out her mortality. “Worried. My mom’s gone to some doctor who thinks he can cure my father, and my father’s just grown fangs. He also can’t stop contorting in his sleep.”
“He must be hungry then,” he said, now walking over to a bag she just noticed placed on the coffee table. He pulled out an enclosed styrofoam cup. “Luckily, I came prepared.”
“Is… is that blood?”
“No angel, it’s tomato soup,” Harry chuckled sarcastically, shaking his head at her sour expression. “This is the only way that can help your father come to a lot sooner. His body is in pure agony from all the physical changes and feeding him will make him a little more comfortable. He must be starving.”
Y/N chewed on the bottom of her lip nervously. “I don’t know, Harry…”
“It’s better than him waking up randomly in the middle of the night and him feasting on you or your mother. Newborns are especially vicious and uncaring, blind by their thirst,” he said pointedly. “I do not want that happening. It’s a miracle it hasn’t happened yet.”
“Okay fine, follow me,” she said, trembling at the proposed thought of her potential fate. Her father being too consumed with the thought of blood and murder that he wouldn’t stop to recognize his own daughter and wife.
She led him to the room where her father rested in. Harry took off the lid and it was like her dad’s body became immediately aware and absolutely ravenous. He shook vigorously and made monstrous noises, and Harry quickly walked over and handed him the container of the blood, God knows where it came from but she didn’t dare ask. As if his unconscious state knew exactly what to do with it, Y/N’s dad brings the cup to his lips and he downs it rather fast, his body soon relaxing afterwards when he puts the empty container down. The blood appeared to have been incredibly helpful, as he settled down and stopped moving about. Like he was really sleeping.
It felt so nice to see him look a lot more like her father again.
“Thank you Harry,” she whispered, smiling lightly despite how messed up this all was. “He looks a lot better now.”
“I’d like to take you somewhere, angel,” Harry said, grabbing her hand with his own. “Let’s go out for a little while.”
“I’m not sure if I can leave my dad all alone…”
“Don’t worry darling, I’m certain he’ll be fine.”
Not needing much convincing, Y/N agreed to go out with him. Another misconception about vampires, she learned, is that sunlight doesn’t bother them all that much. They just prefer the darkness and cold weather as it’s a lot easier for them to hunt and run about.
Harry had led her into the woods, venturing through the trees which she’d feel uneasy with if she weren’t with him. She trusts him though, and trusts the fact that he would do anything to put her life at risk. While they haven’t known each other for all that long, she cannot help but feel a strong pull towards him, even after everything he has told her. It’s crazy because she knows she should stay far away from him. He’s a blood-thirsty vampire who could take her life any time he wants to — hell, he could be doing exactly that right now. Leading her into a vast forest so that nobody could hear her screams while he feasts into her flesh. But Y/N knows that he won’t do that. He would never.
She just knows.
He abruptly stops, and turns toward her with a smirk before holding out his hand. “Give me your hand, angel.”
Y/N does so, and almost instantly she feels herself being hoisted onto his back while he climbs a very large tree. She squeals very loudly and Harry chuckles, pushing past branches as they made their way to the top. Once doing so, he placed a firm grip on her waist as they gazed at the wondrous view beyond them, Arringdale being somewhere amongst all those trees and hills. She could see a large expanse of a lake glistening just a few miles away, and she sighed in delight as a breeze flew through her hair.
She truly felt alive.
“Are you scared?”
She looked at Harry, and she wasn’t sure if he was referring to the insane height they were currently standing in or him, but she still answered, “No, I have no reason to be.”
He smiled. “I truly think we belong together, Y/N. Something about you calls to me, and I’ve never been so enchanted by someone as I do with you before. You’re… you’re a rare creature.”
“Says you,” she teases. “But I feel the same way about you, Harry. I mean, I think it says a lot that I just do casually agreed to come up all the way here. I’m typically afraid of heights.”
He furrowed his brows. “I thought you said you weren’t scared.”
“I’m not,” she said. “At least, not when I’m with you. I feel safe with you.”
That’s when Harry leaned in and kissed her deeply. He pulled her close against him as their mouths intertwined perfectly, careful to not miss a step otherwise he’d lead them — well, her — to their demise. Y/N pulled away and whispered with a glint of mischief in her eyes, “Take me to your cabin, Harry.”
The second they stepped through the door, Y/N was all over him. He had slammed her up against the wall kissed at her neck, making sure not to graze her skin with his sharp teeth. His hands tugged off her shirt, exposing her bra-covered breasts in a lacy fashion, which made his eyes darken in delight. Harry dragged their bodies over to the bedroom, where he laid her down and began kissing all over her bare skin.
“Is… is it… is it dangerous for a vampire to have a sex with a human,” Y/N breathed out in heavy pants as he slid her bottoms right off, his lips now dangerously close to a particular area of her body.
“No, not really, but it can be if we’re not careful,” Harry murmured, pressing a warm kiss to her inner thigh. “I promise to be real careful with you though, angel. M’gonna make you feel real good.”
“Harry,” she hummed, leaning upwards to unhook her bra, flinging the material away before laying back down and spreading her legs slightly further apart. “You don’t have to be too careful with me. I can handle you.”
“Are you sure?” You’re tempting the devil.
“Yes, I am.” I don’t care.
That’s when his head leaned forward and he takes the material of her underwear between his teeth, immediately snapping it apart and sliding it down her legs. This made a shiver crawl up her spine, turning her on even more than she already was. Harry grinned in satisfaction at the sight of her, naked and needy underneath him. He pulled off his own shirt, throwing it back behind him as he pushed himself up against her, his fingers gently wrapping themselves around her neck.
“Ready, darling?” He planted a kiss against her collarbone. “I can feel you shaking underneath me.” His one hand removed itself from her neck and placed itself right between her thighs, making her most quietly. “You’re so wet for me, you have no idea the things I want to do to you.”
“So do them,” Y/N murmured, looking right into his beautiful eyes. “And do them well.”
That was enough for Harry to rip her legs right open, removing every last article of clothing her had worn before pushing his length right inside of her. She gasped and her fingers clung his back as he started to move, showing no mercy as he rocked his hips against hers back and forth at a rapid speed. The bed underneath them creaked and slammed against the wall, and she briefly wondered why he had a bed in the first place when he most likely doesn’t sleep a wink.
Oh right. To do things like this.
“Is it too much for you, angel?” Harry whispered in her ear as she whimpered from his thrusts, her nails burying themselves into his pale skin. “Need me to stop?”
“No, never. In fact, I want it harder,” she begged, swearing loudly when he did just that and really started fucking her right into the mattress, merciless as he swung her legs over her head and drilled himself right into. “Fuck! Harry.”
“I like it when you say my name like that,” he murmured lowly, staring right into her wide open eyes. “It makes me feel alive.”
When they finished together, Y/N was an absolute exhausted mess but Harry made sure to take care of her. He helped cleaned her right up in his bathroom, massaging gentle circles into her sore legs as he kissed her upper temple. She sighed in content as she leaned against his body, “How many lovers do you have, Harry? If you don’t mind me asking.”
She’s not sure why she hadn’t bothered to ask before they did anything, but now, she was curious. She never considered that he’d have potential past (or, unfortunately, current) suitors other than her. Were any of them like her? Human? Or were they like him, vampires?
“You,” he answered, taking a washcloth and rubbing the warm water over her stomach.
“What about before me?”
“Only you, Y/N. You’re the only person I’ve been with in… about a hundred years,” he said, not seeming to want to keep up with the subject. “Does it hurt to walk?”
He’s deflecting. Clearly he doesn’t want to address his one-hundred-year celibacy, so she doesn’t push the matter any further, but there were still so many questions roaming in her brain. “No, not too badly. But you still did a little number on me.”
Harry chuckled, and she leaned over the counter to grab her phone. Surprisingly enough there was cell service, so when she turned the device on, she was met with a few text messages.
Mom: Ugh, forgot my wallet. Have to come back early.
Mom: Y/N, where are you? You were supposed to be watching your father.
Mom: Your dad is acting strange… a lot stranger than usual. Please come home soon
Mom: Oh my God he’s awake. He’s looking at me
“Oh my God!” Y/N belted, pushing herself away from Harry to gather all of her clothes. “I have to go home right now. My dad woke up!”
Harry’s eyes widened and the two of them hurried to get ready before leaving. Her mother’s last text was sent over an hour ago, and by now, it’s dark outside. She hope her mother was okay — as well as her father. He couldn’t possibly harm her in any way, right? They fed him already, and he seemed satisfied.
However, when they got back to her house, everything was completely silent. The pair tiptoed quietly, noticing all the broken and shattered vases and glasses, living room and dining room furniture thrown about, and… traces of a red substance all over the floor that led to her parents’ bedroom.
“Mom?” Y/N called out, shaking in complete and utter fear.
Her and Harry shared a glance before going into her parents’ room, discovering her unconscious mother laying limply on the floor, looking drained of blood.
And her father was nowhere to be found.
a/n: sorry if this was bad LOL ahhh
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episkystyles · 3 years
Diabolical // H.S. [PART THREE]
Summary: Y/N never was one to believe in supernatural beings — even with the many mysterious cases of missing people starting to pile up in her hometown. But when she catches the attention of one peculiar man during a winter trip to see her parents, she soon uncovers things she thought only existed in books and movies. [PART ONE & PART TWO]
Warnings: Mature content
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Y/N, for a moment, felt frozen in place as she and a bloodied, murderous Harry stared into each other’s soul. Of course in that instant she felt extremely horrified, but she couldn’t find herself to take off running just yet, even if that’s the smartest decision to make right. But all she could was look into the eyes of the man she was getting close to only hours ago. The mouth that had kissed her was dripping in the red substance of the deceased person laying on the ground.
She kissed a murderer.
“Y/N,” Harry spoke first, taking a step towards her. “Allow me to explain.”
Then it struck her. She opened her mouth and stuttered, “H-Holy shit!” Almost immediately after that she took off running, straight to her home where she should have stayed in the first place. She would have never witnessed something so gruesome and evil if she did.
“Y/N, wait!”
It was strange; the faster she would run, the closer he would get to her. Harry definitely had some sort of superhuman speed on him, because how the hell was he catching up to her so quickly? Perhaps it was out of desperation of trying not to be caught by the police?
Y/N heard the sound of a rapid, gushing wind and suddenly, and impossibly, Harry was now right in front of her. He had placed his cold, killer hands on her shoulders to stop her movements. She tried to push him away, but he was also immensely strong, she couldn’t budge against his grip. That’s when she began to cry, believing that this would be the last night of her life.
“P-Please don’t kill me,” she gasped for air. “I-I promise I won’t say anything.”
“I know for sure that’s a damn lie,” Harry lowly chuckled, then sighed. “But I’m not going to hurt you angel, I would never dream of it.”
He grabbed hold of her face and wiped her tears away. She blinked profusely before looking up at his face, now somehow cleansed of blood as if he was never bathed in it. She furrowed her eyebrows. “Are you… are you some sort of cannibal or something? It looked like you had bitten into his neck.”
“No, I am not a cannibal,” he answered, amused. “I’d have to be human for that to be the truth.”
Um, what?
“You’re… you’re telling me that you aren’t human?” Y/N slightly scoffed, wondering what kind of mind games this man was trying to play with her. She’s not a professional psychologist or anything but she’s pretty sure he’s exhibiting signs of insanity. “Then, what are you?”
“We should talk somewhere quiet,” Harry said, then glanced over her shoulder and frowned. It was evident that he noticed something. “And safe.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you. I want to go home.”
“You will, I promise my dear, just not now,” Harry said, almost pleadingly. “Especially if you want answers.”
Y/N contemplated her options. Go with him and potentially come to a ferocious ending of her existence, or go home and he’ll find her and then she’ll die. It felt as if she didn’t have a choice, and even though she should choose to go home and be with her family for one last time, she finds herself being hoisted onto Harry’s back and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Then, they’re taking off like a bat out of hell.
He was going so incredibly fast, like they were on a motorcycle, but he was on foot. Y/N was incredulous. How the fuck was he doing this? What the hell is he? Okay, now she believes that he’s not human at all. But if not human, then what? A monster? Maybe this was all just some alcohol-induced hallucination, even though she didn’t really have that much to drink. Perhaps an incredibly strange nightmare? One where she’s bound to snap out of any second now? Despite several attempts at trying to convince herself that this was all an illusion of some kind, she knew that this was very much real and that she’s very much awake.
Suddenly they’re in the woods now, approaching a small, lonely cabin. Dreadful, Y/N gulped and asked quietly, “Um, are there others… like you… in there?”
“There are others like me, yes,” Harry chuckled, finally allowing her to walk on her own. “But there is no one else in there. I live alone.”
She wasn’t sure whether or not to feel relieved that it was going to be just the two of them, or tremble in the fact that it was going to just be the two of them— and that there were more people exactly like him. They walked inside and the cabin was surprisingly lovely, the complete opposite aura of Diabolical. It was cozy and small, kind of dark as there were barely any windows, but overall, she liked it. Harry motioned for her to take a seat on the couch and she did, sitting a comfortable distance away from him.
“I’m sorry that you had to witness what you did tonight. It was never my intention to frighten you so terribly, Y/N,” he began.
“Why did you kill that man?” she asked straight away, not wanting to waste any time.
“I was feeding.”
Harry nodded. “I’m what you call, a third generation vampire. There are several variations of our kind, but mine is the strongest accumulation of our breed and we’ve been multiplying over the years as the older ones die out. My group doesn’t need to feed as often, while others do. I was feeding off of that man, like a human would in order to survive.”
Y/N shook her head. “But he was still a person, Harry. You killed an innocent being.”
He scoffed. “You think that lowlife is innocent? I watch all of my potential meals, Y/N. I can differentiate bad from good. I only feed from bad people. The man I fed off of was someone who liked to stalk and hurt innocent women such as yourself. Me wiping away his existence is actually pretty beneficial.”
Even though it shouldn’t, the fact that Harry doesn’t just mindlessly murder people for no good reason kind of eases her mind; he only targets people who have done horrendous things, and not someone who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Is that why so many people have been going missing around here?” she asked, glancing down at her lap.
“Yes. However, there are other vampires apart from my clan who don’t exact have the same morals as I do,” he sighed. “They specifically target the more innocent of people. See, the blood of a beautiful and taintless soul tastes much more divine than the blood of the soulless. It’s why I needed to get you here alone to be safe — you’re being targeted as one of the innocent, thus, making you the most desired.”
“Me?” Y/N squeaked, facing him again. Yep, that fear has certainly returned now.
Harry inched himself a little closer to her. “When I tell you that you’re an angel, I mean it. I would never hurt you, but even from a mile away I could smell the innocence right off your body. It’s incredibly overpowering. Hell, I had to threaten one of my men to back the fuck off of your or else I’d kill him.”
She was beginning to shake now. “S-So now what? I’m basically just a walking buffet to these murderous creatures, just waiting around to be attacked any minute?”
She knew there was a reason she had to leave Arringdale. Well, yes, there were several already made know but truthfully, deep down, there was another reason hidden in her mind as to why she had to get the hell out. She never really knew what it was, only that there was something off about her hometown.
“No, you’re not. I’m not going to let that happen,” Harry declared determinedly, getting closer to her now. “I will protect you for as long as you live… I mean, if I were to claim you, they wouldn’t be able to touch you due to vampire law, but I know you probably wouldn’t want that for yourself.”
“Claim… me? What does that mean?”
“It means that our souls will be intertwined eternally. I become yours and you become mine. Of course, that would require for me to turn you… Which means, you’d become just like me.”
Oh. Hell. No. “You have the ability to turn people into vampires?”
“Of course, we all do,” he laughed. “It’s almost like feeding, but instead of sucking the blood we inject our venom into the bloodstream. It’s an incredibly horrendous and traumatic experience for the human to go through — they practically go through the process of dying without actually dying. Technically, they are dead, but they now walk amongst the living, immortal. But I wouldn’t want that for you, angel. I could never make you go through such agonizing pain.”
Holy shit, that sounded horrible. While great power comes with vampirism, Y/N doesn’t think it’s worth it to go through all of that.
Wait a minute.
Wait. A. Minute.
“Harry,” Y/N murmured, a lump rising in her throat. “Would you describe the process of turning as some sort of illness? An extremely lengthy process of rabid illness?”
Harry glanced down, knowing exactly what she was referring to. “If you’re wondering if your father’s been turned into a vampire, then I’m afraid my answer would have to be yes. From what you told me of his condition, it sounds exactly like it.”
Y/N placed a hand over her mouth and let out a sob. “Oh God. It can’t be. My father would never purposefully ask to become a vampire. He never even believed in creatures… but neither did I… until now…”
Harry placed a comforting hand on her back gently and said, “It was probably an accident. Sometimes those who intend to feed, accidentally do the complete opposite of their intention if their victim gives them a little fight.”
Her poor father. He didn’t deserve that — but if anything, at least he put up a good fight. But what happens when his condition is over? When he officially wakes up as a vampire? What is her poor mother going to think about this? How could she ever leave this place now, knowing the state of this family and the state of this town?
Y/N wiped away a few tears and sniffled, “So, back to you, Harry. How exactly did you get here and how do you manage to get away with killing so many people.”
Harry leaned back against the couch and cleared his throat. “I’m from one of the oldest vampiric family to walk the earth, the Styles clan. I moved here from England about a few years ago, and set up my business as a front to scope out potential… meals. You know, most scumbags hang out at bars, drinking their lives away as they look for others to prey on. Little do they know, they’ve become my prey the instant they walk in my bar. I get away with it because most of these little devils don’t have anybody to report them missing.”
She exhaled a deep breath. This was all so much for her. This couldn’t be real, right? It had to be some elaborate prank that everyone around her was in on. But she knew what she saw, and what she saw was a dead man and a vampire Harry, and her own father acting like a rabid animal that not even doctors could diagnose. It all made sense, but at the same time, it didn’t. And now, she’s aware of the fact that she’s going to have to tread around town carefully, and perhaps stay a little closer to Harry.
Darn her innocent soul.
“Are you afraid of me now, angel?” Harry asked, his voice soft. His ring-clad hand now rested upon her shaky one, and she looked down at them together. She couldn’t help but smile.
Perhaps, even with everything she knows now, he still very much intrigues her. She still very much desires him.
“No,” she said truthfully, looking right into his heavenly eyes that reverted back to their green color. “I’m not afraid of you. I promise.”
But she is sure as hell afraid of this town.
a/n: there might be more parts than i thought lol but i hope you enjoyed this one!
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episkystyles · 3 years
part 3 of diabolical is in the works! 🖤
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episkystyles · 3 years
Diabolical // H.S. [PART TWO]
Summary: Y/N never was one to believe in supernatural beings — even with the many mysterious cases of missing people starting to pile up in her hometown. But when she catches the attention of one peculiar man during a winter trip to see her parents, she soon uncovers things she thought only existed in books and movies. (PART ONE)
Warnings: Mature content (eventually)
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Y/N couldn’t get her mind off of him, no matter how hard she had tried.
Harry’s face was a permanent tattoo clinging to the inside of her brain, creeping up on her when she least expected it. It had been a week since she met him, and she has yet to return to Diabolical since. It’s not that she’s scared to — okay, maybe she’s a little scared — but she’s been rather busy helping her mom with her father. His condition has remained the same as when she arrived back to Arringdale, and he’s really making her worried at this point.
“Honey,” her mother cooed, stepping into her bedroom as her daughter rests on her bed. “You’ve been helping me so much this week, you need a night off.”
Y/N frowned. “What? No mom, I’m not leaving you here alone. You need help-”
“Y/N, you’re young and have been working so hard since you left for college. You need a night out, no ifs ands or buts,” she scolded. “So go get yourself dressed up and find a nice place to eat. Maybe meet someone cute?”
She rolled her eyes and groaned, “Mom.”
“Go. I’m begging you, sweetheart.”
Perhaps she can use this as an opportunity to see Harry again.
“Fine,” Y/N sighed, walking over to her wardrobe. “I’ll go. But I won’t be out for long.”
“Just be careful, Y/N. There’s been a lot of missing persons reports around here lately and I don’t want anything bad happening to you,” her mother warned.
It was incredibly odd, really. Growing up, Y/N’s always known Arringdale to be incredibly safe. Boring, but safe. Nothing ever happened there, making them the town with the lowest crime rates in the state. She doesn’t know what happened when she left, but now all of a sudden it’s dangerous to take a step out when it’s dark and past midnight, because if you do, suddenly you’ll disappear and would never be seen again.
Y/N was always prepared. She packed a pocket knife and pepper spray in her purse, after she dressed herself in a quite taunting short dress she had been wanting to wear for a while. She had planning to wear it out for a night in the city, but seeing as she won’t be there for a while, she might as well put it to good use.
Diabolical appeared to be alive in the night, multiple people sauntering in and out of the place for their weekend whims. She tried to not ignore her slight nerves rising in her chest as she walked in, her eyes immediately going to search for him in the rather busy crowd. It was a little emptier while she was there last time, but now there’s bundles of people her age taking advantage of the Saturday night by drinking until they passed out and shouting at whatever sports game played on the televisions. And yet, he was nowhere in sight. She would have spotted him right away if he were. Disappointment lurked in her very soul as she seated herself in one of the few empty booths, now in the mood to go home.
A waiter walks by and she orders a strawberry daiquiri, when the door to the bar swings open and suddenly he walks in. He looks as beautiful and daring as he did the last time; dressed head to toe in black, hair pushed back and a soft smirk tugging on his lips as he observed the state of his establishment. He’s surrounded by other men also dressed in black, as he continues to look around the rooms, that is, until his eyes landed on her. Y/N stared right back, and his smirk grew wider, which made her heart skip a beat.
This man was going to be the death of her.
One of the men he was with glanced at Y/N and whispered something into Harry’s ear with a bit of a wicked smile on his face, but it seemed to be something Harry wasn’t fond of because his smirk dropped and he growled at his friend before grumbling something she obviously couldn’t hear. The man nodded, appearing fearful as Harry left him and began walking towards her.
“You’re back, I see.”
“I am,” she says, a smile on her face. “It’s really nice to see you, Harry.”
He took a seat across from her, reciprocating her grin. “It’s very lovely to see your angelic face again my dear Y/N, but I must admit, I had been anticipating your return far more earlier than expected.”
“I’m sorry. I wanted to come… but my dad needed help,” Y/N replied sorrowfully, not really wanting to get into all the details. “His condition is getting worse.”
His eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. “Condition? I had no idea that it was serious.”
“Yeah, he’s truly acting like a rabid animal, something the doctors find unexplainable,” she sighed. “It’s probably something incredibly rare… Oh my, I don’t mean to put a damper on this evening. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize at all,” Harry said, taking her hands in his. However, his face has someone become even paler than before and he looked really freaked out. “It’s an extremely important matter you must tend to, I understand. You’re a good and kind-hearted woman to help out your father. I’m just so happy to see you, angel.”
Y/N smiled, then felt bold. “How happy?”
“How happy are you, Harry?”
His smirk returned. He lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand, then a few more leading up her arm. “This happy, darling.” A few more kisses upwards, and he switches from his seat across to the seat right beside her, something she had absolutely no idea how he did. He lips landed on her shoulder as he murmured, “You look ravishing in this dress, angel, but I think I’d prefer you with it off.” Her entire body practically shook at that, just as his lips pressed against her neck. “There are so many things I could do to you, you have no idea.”
“Not with all these people around,” she whispered, looking around to see if anybody was watching them — she wouldn’t have cared if they had, though.
“No,” Harry agreed, kissing up her jawline. Their mouths were dangerously close together, she could feel his breath fan her upper lip. “I’d like to take you somewhere private, if you don’t mind.”
Just as she was about to jump into his arms, a loud cough interrupted them. The pair split and looked up to see one of Harry’s men, a nervous look on his face as the man beside her glared at him. He coughed again and spoke, “Sir, we need to discuss something of importance. I apologize for the interruption but it’s highly urgent. Business things.”
Harry sighed and shook his head, and looked back to Y/N. “I’m sorry but I must go, Y/N, we will continue this again. Please come back soon and I promise we’ll have that privacy we both desire.”
He kissed her and stood up abruptly, and then stopped a passing waiter. “Get this woman whatever she requires, and don’t charge her. It’s on me.”
Y/N opened her mouth, “Harry, wait-”
But it was too late as he and his friend walked away. She sunk back in her booth, a dull ache in her chest. She missed him already, and although she was slightly annoyed, she knew he had important business matters to take care of. They barely knew each other so why would he blow them off just for her? One thing is for certain though, she’ll surely have to return to Diabolical very soon.
She spent another hour or so in the bar, drinking and eating some food before deciding to go back home. It was a little past midnight but her house wasn’t very far away, as daunting as the barren streets were as she walked outside. Y/N clutched her pepper spray in her hands as she continued on her merry way, but stopped when she heard the sound of a person screaming in a nearby alley.
Just go home, Y/N, and ignore it. You’re probably just hearing things. It’s not safe for you to be out here.
But then she heard the scream again, and it sounded like a signal for help, so she took off running. In a matter of seconds she appeared in front of a dingy alleyway lit up by a singular street light, and the sight in front of her made her freeze in place. There, on the ground, laid a bloodied man clearly dead, his blood evidently rushing from his neck.
And there, hovering over him and evidently being the murderer of that poor soul, was Harry.
Eyes red and blood oozing down from his mouth to his chin.
“Please don’t be frightened, angel.”
a/n: don’t worry y’all he was just in a silly goofy mood haha
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episkystyles · 3 years
sorry i haven’t been as active as i’ve planned i have shed so many tears on squid game 😭
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episkystyles · 3 years
wanted to go to msg for harry’s show so bad but i couldn’t </3 pain
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episkystyles · 3 years
Diabolical // H.S.*
Summary: Y/N never was one to believe in supernatural beings — even with the many mysterious cases of missing people starting to pile up in her hometown. But when she catches the attention of one peculiar man during a winter trip to see her parents, she soon uncovers things she thought only existed in books and movies.
Warnings: Mature content (eventually)
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Arringdale had always been a cold, isolated place where Y/N had grown up. It was a small and boring town in Massachusetts, and while the heart of her family was there, she just knew from the very beginning that she had to get out. So when the time came, she went to school in NYC and never looked back, and as sad as her parents were to have their young daughter be so far away from them, they knew she was far more happier being in the city and flourishing as a human being.
However, it’s during one particular freezing winter years later that Y/N gets a call from her mother, telling her that her own father is deathly ill. So ill that he can’t be taken care of alone, so Y/N makes it a point to move back to her own home town in the aide of her dad, who is said to be unable to move or speak coherent words as of lately.
“I don’t know what the hell happened,” her mother had said, distraught. “He was fine one day, but after a night out drinking with the guys he just became… like this. The doctors have no clue what’s going on with him, they say his condition is peculiar. All I know is, he’s sick and I need your help, Y/N.”
She had packed her things and moved right back into her old room, then went to check out her father. It struck her terribly in the heart to see him in such an odd state. He appeared unconscious, yet his body shivered and convulsed inconsistently while rabid sounds of groans escaped from his mouth. When she had gone to grab his hand, his skin was so ice cold she would have thought he were dead were it not for the few words that he would utter every now and then.
Doctors would come and go to provide a weekly evaluation, but none of them had the answers for the saddened family. They weren’t sure if he was going to be back to his old self any time soon, which broke Y/N’s heart into several pieces. Her father had always been such a warm, hearty man, always making people laugh and happy. Now he’s turned into someone she can’t recognize, and she’s not even certain if she’ll get her old dad back.
Her mother placed a gentle hand on her back before suggesting, “Why don’t you go get us something to eat darling? I’m in the mood for takeout.”
Y/N nodded, and set off into the frigid weather in her heavy coat, searching for a place to find food. She passes by several shops, most of which hurt too bad to look at as she remembered going to all of them with her dad, him swinging her around happily. She stopped when she noticed one place she didn’t recognize, a place that seemed unfamiliar to her. It appeared to be a bar of some sort, painted in all black and looking as intimidating as all hell.
It’s called Diabolical.
It must have opened up while she was away. Her parents wouldn’t dare go near a place like this, so it’s likely they just didn’t bother to tell her about it. The more Y/N gazed in curiosity of the building, the more tempted she was to go inside. It couldn’t be that bad, right? Just a quick peak — and if all goes well, maybe they have food there. She’s sure her mother would like to try something new.
The glass windows were tinted black so that she couldn’t see in, so she had to actually pull the door open and go inside. She was instantly met by the sound of heavy metal blaring from the speakers, mixed with loud shouting of customers that made her flinch. The interior was just as intimidating as it was on the outside; the walls were painted a burgundy red with black trimming, and the lighting of the place was so low and dark she wondered how the hell anybody could see a thing. It definitely looked quite lovely and reminded her of Halloween, but at this point, Y/N knew she should turn back now.
“Goin’ somewhere, sweetheart?”
She jumped when a tall woman suddenly appeared in front of her. Dark purple hair, dark eyes, and black lipstick stood out from all her futures. Her name tag pinned to her apron read Julianna, letting her know that she worked here.
“Was just looking for a place to get some takeout,” Y/N replied, trying not to sound as nervous as she felt. “You don’t happen to serve food here, do you?”
Julianna smiled. “Of course we do. C’mon, follow me and I’ll get you a menu. And don’t mind the boys, they’re always so annoyingly rowdy.”
She reluctantly followed the employee into the bar, and was led to the long bar the filled half of the large room. Y/N took a seat on one of the stools and Julianna slid the menu over to her, giving her a few minutes to overlook it. It seemed like a standard menu, nothing too odd about it but as she continued reading, she felt eyes on her. She tried to ignore it, but she could practically feel the stare burn into her soul.
Finally, she just had to look up. From just across the room sat man in a booth alone, his light eyes peering into her soul. He looked starkly pale but quite handsome, his dark mess of wavy hair falling into his face. When their eyes met, his mouth slipped into a half-smirk and he brought his ring-clad knuckles to rest his chin upon, him being clearly intrigued. As handsome as he was, Y/N knew he was a stranger who happened to be staring at her, and she already didn’t want to be here, so she looked away. It didn’t take long for her to feel a presence by her side.
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” the man spoke, voice deep in an evident British accent. “You new?”
“Um, not exactly,” Y/N said, still looking down at the menu in front of her. “I’ve lived here all my life, moved a few years ago but had to come back.”
“So you’re still kinda new,” he chuckled.
“Yeah… I’ve never seen this place before.”
“‘S my bar, opened it right up when I moved here a little while ago, scared off some of the locals,” the man declared proudly. “I knew it was going to be a hit or miss in a place like this.”
That’s when Y/N finally looked up at him. “You own this place?”
“Mm-hmm,” he hummed, tapping one of his rings against the surface of the bar. “Surprised?”
“No, I knew it’d be someone young…” She felt her face warm up a little. “It’s a beautiful place, really. I like it.”
“Thank you,” he replied, green eyes brightening a little. They were so strikingly beautiful to her, well, his whole face really, and she couldn’t believe a man like him was real. “Why’d you have to move back here?”
“My dad’s really sick, so I’m helping my mom take care of him,” she said, fiddling with her fingers nervously. “Speaking of which, I came here in search of food.”
“Ah, well allow to recommend our New York Strip steak,” he suggested, motioning to the menu. “They’re a personal favorite. So I suggest getting those, on me.”
“On you?” Was he really telling her that she didn’t have to pay? “Oh no, I couldn’t-”
“You could. All I ask for in exchange is for you to come back,” he said, eyes meeting hers directly once again. “It’s not often a beautiful face likes yours comes into my establishment. Promise you’ll be back soon, angel?”
She was practically struggling to breathe right now. “I-I promise.”
“Good. Now, Julianna, get those steaks ready and don’t forget to not charge her,” the man ordered, and his employee nodded and quickly walked away. He looked back at the timid woman again. “‘M Harry, by the way.”
“Y/N,” she said, and that’s when he grabbed her hand, and brought it up to his lips to plant a sweet kiss.
His skin felt so icy cold yet his mouth felt so flaming hot.
“Please have a safe trip home, Y/N,” Harry said, rising from the stool he had been sitting on. “I’m not sure if you’ve heard but there’s been a lot of folks nearby disappearing into thin air, and I’d hate for something like that to happen to an angel like you.”
He walked away, and that’s when she realized he was dressed head to toe in all black, fitting the theme of his business and making him much more alluring. Her mind was having difficult processing what had just happened; from walking in, to meeting a flirtatious Harry, to him informing her of disappearances in her own town that she had no idea about. Everything about this day was strange, and most of it off-putting, but the best part of it was him, even though she hardly knows him.
But he was so beautiful, it kind of feels like he’s not even human.
a/n: part 1 of my new series <3 hope you guys liked it!
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episkystyles · 3 years
might start doing halloween themed harry fics hehe <3
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episkystyles · 3 years
Poetry in the mailbox 🥺🥺🥺🥺 stop it! It’s so sweet!!! Is there more? Xxx
{ aw thank you!! there isn’t anymore parts but i do have more harry fics in the works that i can’t wait to post!! 💕 }
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episkystyles · 3 years
Masterlist [Harry Styles]
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welcome to my masterlist! hope you enjoy. you can also find my works on my wattpad. * - indicates mature content.
Obscure Series Masterlist
Poetry In Your Mailbox [PART TWO] [PART THREE]
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episkystyles · 3 years
Thank you for releasing part 2 and 3 so fast! Loved them!!
thank you so much, i’m so glad you enjoyed them!!
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episkystyles · 3 years
Poetry In Your Mailbox // H.S. [PART THREE]
Summary: Y/N and the rest of her nosy neighborhood friends ogle at the man who just moved in next door — a man of mystery, silence, and someone who seemingly doesn’t want anything to do with his neighbors… until Y/N begins to receive anonymous mail. [PART ONE & PART TWO]
Warnings: Mature content
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“I had my heart broken terribly once,” Harry had begun, taking a seat on Y/N’s sofa in the living. She stood on the other side of the room, arms crossed as she listened to his explanation. “I was afraid to love again, afraid of that same feeling of hurt so I hurt you. However, there’s no excuse to hurting you, so I’m deeply sorry that I did so, and in such a fucking shitty manner as well.”
“So then, if you were afraid of getting hurt again… why would you send me love poems?” she questioned.
In other words, were you trying to make me love you knowing full well that you wouldn’t be able to love me back, on purpose? She hopes that he’s not as fucked up as what she’s thinking, but then again, she’s not exactly sure what he’s capable of.
“I’ve never believed in that love at first sight bullshit, even before all the heartache,” Harry chuckled, shaking his head before making direct eye contact with her. “But the second I laid my eyes on you, I knew I was in deep shit, because I was instantly enamored. Your pretty face filled a void in my lost soul, and while I wasn’t ready to jump into a relationship, I wanted to get your attention. You’re someone I couldn’t talk to directly — too fucking nervous to do so — so I used my poetry to woo you. Honestly, Y/N, you’re the type of woman who deserves to be written about in beautiful ways, so I tried my best to write about you as beautifully as I could.”
Her heart was racing incredibly fast and hard, so hard that she had to grip the wall she was standing nearby so that she wouldn’t lose her composure and fall. His words were melting her like a flame would, and while she was swooning within every second he spoke, she knew she needed more answers.
“How did you get your heart broken, Harry?” Y/N whispered, not wanting to sound too demanding or too rude. “Who did it?”
Harry glanced down at his lap and sighed. It was clear as day that he didn’t want to talk about it, as it would bring back brutal and painful memories, but he had to otherwise he might just lose someone who has the potential to replace all that hurt and make him feel complete again.
“Her name was Rosalie,” he began, running his hand through his mess of loose waves. “I was in love with her, and I thought she was in love with me, too, but her family despised me. This was back when I was in my early twenties, back when I still smoked and drank heavily and was the textbook definition of rebellion. I’ve definitely calmed down with age but Y/N, I was bad back then, but I still cared for the people I loved. Her parents were very overly religious and protective of their daughter, so eventually Rosalie had broken it off with me.
“To say I was devastated was an understatement. It destroyed me. She was my first love and I just couldn’t handle it. I tried to get her back, so I started writing her love poems — they weren’t as articulate and charming as the ones I’ve written you, as I was still in school and still wrote like shit — and I sent them to her everyday for the next year or so. She never responded back, even though she had already moved out of her parents place so they couldn’t have gotten a handle on any of her mail. But one particularly shitty day, a friend of hers messaged me — they were sort of a friend of mine too, I guess, but more of Rosalie’s.
“They informed me that Rosalie had been setting my poems on fire or throwing them away for some reason. She had a boyfriend who she had been dating the same time as me, and they couldn’t stand to see her continue playing with my heart, so they told me everything. That woman got off on the way I begged and cried for her back, joked to people how obsessed I was with her even though she never loved me, but rather used me to rebel against her strict parents. That she was anticipating for the day that I’d give up, just so she could laugh in my face and to others about how lovesick I am. This was enough to make me stop loving at all.
“I’ve always been rather shy, but I started cutting people off and focused solely on my work. I moved around frequently, not wanting to get too comfortable in one place out of fear of missing people who will eventually leave me one day, including friends. I’ve never desired to stay in one place for a long time, until you came along. You made me feel so excited and so full of life, but when you asked me on a date, I reverted back into that fearful and cold man, and did the last thing I’ve ever wanted to do; hurt you.”
There were tears flowing out of Harry’s eyes now, him being wrecked by reliving his traumatic past, and Y/N knew she had to comfort him. She took a seat close to him and grabbed his trembling hands, pulling him close to her body. “I’m so sorry Harry, you didn’t deserve any of that. No one does.”
“It just hurts to my love language was just some cruel joke to her,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I mean, I could see how cliché and corny it all is, but that’s how I express myself, verbal communication doesn’t come to me as easily as everyone else.”
“I understand, Harry. But let me tell you that your poems are not cliché and corny,” she assured him. “Let me show you something.”
She urged him to stand him, and he does, following her upstairs and into her bedroom. She goes to her nightstand and opens her drawer, pulling out all of the love poems he had sent to her mailbox and put them on display for him to see.
“I’ve kept every single one, even the one when we weren’t speaking anymore,” Y/N smiled, her eyes grazing over the very first one he had given her. “You see, poetry is my love language too, and I know when someone’s art has to be cherished and cared for.”
Harry was staring at her in silence, even when she was putting the poems away. He stood there for a good few minutes without saying anything, and just when she was starting to get scared, he finally opened his mouth to speak. “I love you.”
“You… you what?” She was suddenly breathless.
“I love you, Y/N,” Harry repeated, taking a step closer to her. “Perhaps the realization is hitting me at this current moment due to the fact that you kept all of my poems, or maybe it hit me when I was filled with envious rage as another man flirted with you, but I do love you, sunflower. You may not forgive me just yet, but I will wait for you every single day for the rest of my life until you are willing to give me a second chance.”
She couldn’t take it anymore, she just had to have him. She took off into his arms, grabbing his face to pull him into a passionately rough kiss, and when she pulls away she murmurs, “You don’t have to wait any longer, Harry. Not only do I forgive you but I… I love you too.”
Harry looked her into her bright, beautiful eyes that were truthful and heartfelt, as she had meant every word she just uttered to him. So, he kissed her again, with as much passionate as she did. His arms wrapped themselves securely around her waist, pulling her to his chest as close as he possibly could as their kiss deepened, mouths moving together in sync at the rate of a lightning strike. He could write a billion poems about how wonderful her kiss felt, how kissing her just once could make him happy for the rest of his existence.
And when she started unbuttoning her sundress, the one that had driven him wild the second he had seen her in it, he knew exactly where this was going to go. “Are you sure, sunflower?”
“I’m more than sure,” she replied, looking up into his eyes. “Are you sure? We don’t have to if you don’t-”
“Oh, trust me, I want to. I want you.”
That was enough to make her drop her dress completely to the floor, exposing herself in her lacy bra and underwear. She smiled innocently, crawling on top of her bed where she soon laid down upon. Harry practically jumped on top of her, flinging off his shirt in the process. Their bodies were on fire as they kissed again, her fingers trailing up and down his bare back as she’d always do in their dreams. His pressed his body roughly against hers, where she could feel something hard in his tight pants. Harry pulled away from Y/N’s lips just to place them on her neck, teasing the area just a bit before he had sunk his teeth carefully into her sensitive skin. She moaned quietly in delight, arching her back a little and letting his hands clasp around her backside. His fingers find the hooks of bra, unclasping them to remove her bra in its entire. He pulls away, observing her naked top half, his hands now softly grazing her breasts. She felt herself burning underneath his eyes.
“You are so beautiful, every single part of you,” he hummed, lowering his head to place a kiss upon her bare stomach. She shook from the touch. “You are so, so heavenly, my sunflower, like an angel built you from everything that is lovely in this world.”
That’s when Y/N giggled softly. “I love it when you speak poetry to me, Harry.”
He smirked, a tad too full of himself at that, but his ego fueled at her praise. “If you liked that, than you’re going to love what I plan to do to you next.”
The next thing she knows, he’s tugging off his pants, and then he’s pulling down her underwear, and then he’s up every part of her thighs, especially the stretch marks, where he whispers beautiful compliments about her body. Then, he’s kissing her there, and doesn’t stop until she’s squirming and moaning and tugging on his hair roughly, only to finish with nothing but stars lining her vision.
But the night’s not finished yet. Harry is on top of her now, kissing her and touching every single part of her body as she begs for their bodies to finally reunite at once. He eases himself inside of her, slowly rocking his hips against hers, moving faster by each second until they’re both moaning messes for one another.
This feels like art to him.
This feels like poetry to her.
And they both knew that it was forms of love they were feeling.
When it’s over, and Harry’s laying right beside her with their naked bodies pressed together underneath the blanket, Y/N asks with a chuckle, “So… how about that date?”
He smiled. “How about a lifetime?”
“Even better.”
a/n: god i am so single :,) (hope you guys enjoyed!)
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episkystyles · 3 years
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episkystyles · 3 years
Part 2 was soooo good. Part 3 plllleasseeeee
thank you!! there’s def going to be a part 3 :)
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episkystyles · 3 years
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