esotericbeginnings · 3 years
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Esoteric Journey
Currently I am caring for a sick relative who doesn't have a great deal of time left with me in this physical world we live in. I am, at the age of 36, feeling drawn to search answers to explain past experiences that are inexplicable to me over the years. And I am also searching for A path in which to go that can help me not only learn how to deal with my current and near future grief, but also directions to acquire the wisdom, knowledge and skills required to be able to commune with the those who have transcended the physical world to higher plains of existence. I want real world results based in science and facts to reach enlightenment. My journey begins with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and all it encompasses along the way... this is my journal, my notes, my thoughts and experiences on this spiritual adventure into the macrocosm and microcosm of the great unknown to be shown.
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