etherealessentia · 4 years
Where be Damon?
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etherealessentia · 4 years
friendly reminder that i literally, actually cannot die, and id love to see any of you fuckers try to take me down
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etherealessentia · 4 years
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“I think she’s made that perfectly clear” by Rusty (@depressingfridgepoems)
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etherealessentia · 5 years
Taking a break from tumblr for a while, gonna share my discord here. Just a warnin tho, I’m kind of in a distanced mood but I’ll add people Jughead Goddamn Jones#5154
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etherealessentia · 5 years
My mood has gone to shit so I’m gonna be offline.  Find me in my dis/cord tho https://discord.gg/khxHuF
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etherealessentia · 5 years
REBLOG if you rp with people despite not having the same “style” as you.
IE: You format, they really don’t. You use eeny teeny micro icons, they use regular/larger sizes….You don’t use icons at ALL but they do, etc etc….This doesn’t mean you quit writing your way, you still do you, but you don’t discriminate because someone’s threads and blogs don’t “mirror your aes” 
& BE HONEST!!!!!! 
Please don’t reblog if you say you are cool with mixed replies, and really aren’t. This post is meant for >>>networking<<< with fellow rp’ers that DO mix and match.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
I’m actually gonna be working on the details of a fanfic that has been a running joke between me and a friend today. This fanfic in question is supposed to be a shitty self insert slash porn fic written by Jughead himself so its gonna be a ride.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
“Does it get lonely?”
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“ Oh no, not at all. I created angels, creatures and humans just for kicks. “  The goddess responded sarcastically.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
“Um… hello? Any… anyone listening?” from Sam or Castiel, if that's alright!
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“ I am always listening Castiel. I just don’t always respond. Not the way everyone wants. “
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etherealessentia · 5 years
Angst/Horror Text Message Meme
Send my muse a symbol and receive a text message.
☠  for a frightened text message ☮  for a desperate apology via text message ☯  for a text message in which my muse confesses to a lie ♠   for a text message in which my muse feels threatened Ω  for a text message after making a horrible mistake ♤  for a text message from beyond the grave ♣  for a frantic text message ♧  for a series of text messages during a paranormal event ♥  for a break-up text message ♡  for a text message about a heartbreak ♦   for a text message about an injury ♢  for the goodbye text message they intend to send before death ♔ for a confrontational text message ♚ for a last text message before running away ⚜ for a text message after just committing a crime ★ for a text message from a stalker ☆ for a text message while hiding during a home invasion ☄ for a text message spilling a horrible secret ☾  for an angry, violent text message ☼ for a worried text message ☀ for a text message while being held hostage ☁  for a manipulative or abusive text message ☂ for a confused, delusional text message ☃ for a threatening text message ☻ for a “secret code” text message while in trouble** ☺ for a warning via text message ۞ for a text message accusing the other muse of something  ۩  for a text message about something disturbing they’ve just witnessed
☢ for a gruesome photo via text ✉ for a seemingly-harmless photo via text, but something is hidden in it ♰ for a paranormal photo via text ❦ for a photo of a stalker via text © for a photo from beyond the grave via text ✄ for a message/photo via text that wasn’t taken by the owner of the phone
**: refers to “secret codes” to use in troubled situations so as not to be suspicious to anyone watching/listening to the conversation. Example: “I forgot my toothbrush” = “pick me up, I’m uncomfortable”.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
Shit Damon Says; Pt. 1
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etherealessentia · 5 years
Gods and Deities Sentence Starters
“And what are you the god of? Bad tastes?”
“You’re not my god.” 
“It’s been a long time since anyone invoked my name.” 
“I’m a god, not a genie. I do not ‘grant’ wishes.” 
“You haven’t an inkling of an idea of what you’ve just done, haven’t you?” 
“And what is a mere mortal to a god?” 
“A god is only as powerful as their believers.”
“When’s the last time anyone prayed to you?” 
“Don’t be stupid. Gods don’t exist.” 
“Your petty discourse is highly amusing.” 
“What a cute little shrine! I wonder who’s it to?” 
“Your title may have “Evil” in it but you just look sad.” 
“No one’s ever built me a shrine before…” 
“You mustn’t be a very good god then.” 
“Your mortal woes are beneath me.” 
“You dare speak to me in such a tone?” 
“Be careful of what you wish for.” 
“You don’t know the meaning of “God-King”. 
“You know not of who you speak to, do you?” 
“You don’t look very… godly… to me.” 
“’A god’? Don’t be so full of yourself.” 
“What are you the god of?” 
“Does it get lonely?” 
“Oh god, please don’t hurt me!” 
“Your god has no sway here.”
“And what brings you into my domain, little one?” 
“I think I just woke something up. Something powerful.” 
“Um… hello? Any… anyone listening?” 
“This is stupid. Of course no god will listen to me.” 
“You probably look nothing like your statue.” 
“I hope this shrine is worthy enough for you…” 
“I’m here as a sacrifice, as promised by my people.” 
✨+ add your own!
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etherealessentia · 5 years
'Another round? I brought my gun.'
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“ Lucien, dear, I intended for that to be a punishment for asking to see my tits. Should I be upping my game? “ The Goddess teased.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
This Blog Does NOT RP SMUT with MINORS.
I don’t care how mature you think you are, or how well your write or portray your character. In fact, that’s completely beyond the point. Any adult that is caught exposing or engaging a minor in sexual content can be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED. Simply being charged, even if the case is later dropped or you’re found innocent, can having a horrible and lifelong impact on a persons existence. It can prevent a person from getting and keeping a job and housing, ruin friendships and relationships and generally fuck up a persons life. So don’t lie or trick or guilt or pressure someone into smut if you are under 18. It’s just not worth it.
And it should be generally unsaid that seeking or pressuring minors to smut is whole world of creepy and disgusting. Just don’t do it.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
Send “Rumour has it...” and a rumour about my muse in my ask!
My muse will then react to it being spread.
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etherealessentia · 5 years
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etherealessentia · 5 years
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Mary Stuarts Wedding gown from Reign 4x09
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