etsap123 · 9 months
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death Relationships: Donatello/April O'Neil (TMNT), Karai/Leonardo (TMNT), Mona Lisa/Raphael (TMNT), Michelangelo/Shinigami/Renet Tilley Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Karai (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Casey Jones (TMNT), Mona Lisa (TMNT), Angel (TMNT), Original Characters Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Next Generation, Protective Parents, Coming of Age, Action/Adventure, Angst, Science Fiction, Mutants, relationships, Trauma, Deviates From Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Parenthood, Canon Universe, Next-Gen, Canon-Typical Violence, Abuse, Cults, Organized Crime, Blood and Violence, Abduction, Mad Science Summary:
=In the future, when the turtles have grown up and have families. New enemies arise as old enemies return, and now their children have been taken. People have turned against mutants, the foot clan is falling apart, and a fiery demon seeks revenge. How will their children grow and develop with their own stories in this new TMNT generation?=
-Essentially a slightly modified continuation of the 2012 series.
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etsap123 · 9 months
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At the base, Rockwell, Karai, Vine, and Slash were all being treated as Mondo and Leatherhead rested themselves against the wall.
Donnie and angel were dealing with the injuries as the others stood together for a group huddle, but no one really knew what to say. Everyone was still freaked out and trying to maintain their composure.
“So any plan on how to find them?” Casey asked, with Mikey trying to comfort mona and April next to him.
The group turned to Leo, whose face was paler than usual before he sighed, eyes clearly trying to hide his worry.
“Anyone pick up clues as to where they ran off. Footprints, a trail of some kind?” He asked, knowing there was likely nothing.
“There's nothing.” Aprils breathing began to shift. “There is literally nothing!” April yelled as tears flowed down her cheeks.
The room went silent before Raph released a growl.
“If only they had left something behind! Something that could lead us to them!” He raged, kicking a chunk of concrete into a semi-collapsed tunnel.
Donnie took out the dart from Rockwell's shoulder.
“Agh!” A voice cried out.
Donnie looked at Rockwell, confused, given he was still unconscious. Donnie lifted his head before standing up and walking towards the semi-collapsed tunnel. He peeked inside through the opening of the wreckage.
“What you looking at, Donnie?” Mikey said as Raph took over in comforting Mona.
“I thought I heard something.” Donnie scratched at the top of his head.
A groan seeped through the cracks gaining more of the group's attention. Mikey and Donnie urgently glanced at each other before tossing pieces of the tunnel over their shoulders.
“Do you think that's the kids or one of those "humanists"? Ralph scoffed, turning to Leo.
“I'm not sure. Let's check it out.” Leo added, walking towards the tunnel that was almost opened up.
Mikey and Donnie stepped out of the way as Leo entered before following behind him.
They looked around the scenery with Donnie pulling out his Tphone. Mikey ran his hands along the side of the wall before stepping on something with a crack.
“Aghh!!” Someone yelled, jerking their hand away from under the turtle's foot.
They hissed, pushing themselves to their knees before locking their eyes on the mutants. The three turtles unsheathed their weapons as the intruder gaped at them.
“Stay away from me. You freaks of nature!” The man snapped, backing away from them and pulling out a knife.
Leo growled and kicked the knife out of his hand. Mikey and Donnie yanked him from the ground and pushed him against the wall.
The man continued to struggle against their grip as he twisted his face in fear. Leo held the tip of his sword to the soldier's neck, immediately halting his actions.
“It's time for some answers.”
Alone in the humanist lab held, the eight children. All in separate cages stacked against the wall.
Kiba gripped at the bars that confined her to nothing but metal and the piece of cardboard she had for a bed. Tears went down her tiny face, now covered in cuts and bruises.
Underneath her, Irrilia, now with a split lip, foamed at the mouth as she teethed on the railings. She was growling like a feral animal her instincts taking a hold of her.
Next door to the snake, Iris was curled up in the corner of her prison. She had a black eye making it painful to cry but she couldn’t stop.
Slowly a small shaky hand tapped at the bottom of the cage gate, making her shift to her hands and knees and begin to crawl over. She fell to her chest as her body went limp and looked down at the hand below her before leaning her arm out to hold it.
Dakota leaned into the cage, reaching his hand to hers as the water in his eyes trickled down his face. The bars pressing hard into his ribs.
Across the room and still on the lab desk, the little boy held a foam sword with a smile. He giggled, turning to the opposing wall where the caged mutants were held. The child watched in wonder before hopping onto the chair and floor. He waddled his way through the lab and over to Cody with his foam sword in hand.
Cody looked at him with fear pushing himself back. Reaching the cage the boy knocked at the metal making Cody back away even more.
“Play swords?” He offered the foam sword with a smile, as Cody shifted his head to the side. He was about to reach for it when the child was yanked up from the floor.
“Hunter, there is no need to associate with these freaks and traitors.” Vital said holding him at his waist. “They’re better off dead if they live their life a monster.” He finished before turning away. Hunter stared at the array of cages with fear as Cody cowered back into the corner.
“Chaplin, has the new batch of mutagen arrived yet?” He asked as Irrilia slammed her fists on the gate. Vital glared at her and kicked the metal bars before her, making her jump and quiver away.
“Yes, a large amount of mutagen was stashed at the mutant base.” Chaplin said, pulling on some gloves.
“Good, then let's get to work.”
The attacker fought and kicked at his captures before they shoved him to the floor. Casey and Mona holding him down as he continued to squirm.
“Where are they?” Donnie snarled, releasing the blade from his staff.
The man scoffed. “And why would I tell you pests? You're not getting me to talk!” He yelled, causing Mona to harshly grip his sprained wrist.
He cried, the pain surging through his body.
“Tell us now!” Leo held his blade at the man's throat.
He didn't budge, but Raph slammed his foot into the crevice of his ankle, making him scream.
Leatherhead watched with a smile towering over everyone as April's hands began to twitch.
Angel's expression shallowed, turning away from Vine.
The man's breathing began to vary as the sharp pressure on his neck began to sting.
“Tell us now, and we might just let you live.” Mikey said, coming face to face with him.
Donnie and Leo quickly glanced at each other at the alien tone of their light-hearted brother.
The soldier spit in Mikey's face causing him to yelp and jump back in disgust.
Raph growled. “Ok, that's it!” Raph grabbed the stubborn soldier by the neck and slammed him headfirst into the wall.
He clawed at the hot head of the group's hand, desperate for relief.
“If you don't tell us now! We will break every bone in your body before Leatherhead drags you to the bottom of the sewer tanks for a snack.” Raph yelled, tightening his grip.
Donnie pulled up a picture of the human anatomy as Leatherhead grinned. The man paled as his eyes watered.
“So what are you gonna pick?” April focused and raised her hand, causing his arm to twist.
“Aghh!” His face strained as he hissed. “There at the remains of the TCRI lab!” Raph let him drop to the concrete floor as Leo stepped toward him.
“Leatherhead. Drop him off by the police station. He has enough illegally obtained weapons to earn himself a decade or two in prison.”
At the lab Chaplin reached into A cage a smirk growing on his face. “Aghh!!” Kohanna screamed as she was gripped at the neck and taken from the group.
Chaplin lowered a pair of chains from the ceiling as more cries radiated in the background. Kiba jerked at the cage, hissing and crying as Chaplin suspended the wailing redhead over the lab table.
Irrilia yelled, kicking and punching at the latch that her acidic teething had worn away. She slammed her fists into the metal bars and with a crack the cage door swung open, causing her to fall on the floor.
She pushed herself to her feet and looked up at Kiba, who was reaching out through the bars. Irrillia quickly began to crawl up the rails turning Chaplin's attention away from Kohanna.
Irillia groaned pulling on Kiba's gate before Chaplin gripped and yanked her by the arm, leaving her to dangle there as she squirmed.
Kiba growled as Irrilia wailed and grabbed at her arm.
Kiba hissed, spraying venom in Chaplin's face making him cry out and drop the salamander mutant on her back.
Kiba released her arms, shifting them into snakes before gripping the sides of his face with their fangs. She pulled her arms back, slamming his face into the cage, effectively opening it and leaving him groaning on his knees.
Kiba climbed her way down, rushing to Irrilia, who was still lying on the floor. Kiba nudged at her cousin, still teary-eyed, before helping her sit up.
The lab door slammed open, making Kiba and Irrilia turn to the sudden light in the room.
Vital walked in, baton in hand, before a visible green spark was released on the end of it.
“This should be fun.”
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etsap123 · 10 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes!
Especially on my writing. Nothing feels better then knowing you managed to entertain someone with your imagination.
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etsap123 · 10 months
For Arishynya
I put one of your characters Kiba into an AI generator thing and I thought you could like it. Given some of them look either more CGI or just really cute
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If you want me to delete these because it’s an edit of your art I can. Also I used her in a story I made for TMNT next-gen, but I can remove her or take it down if you want.
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etsap123 · 1 year
Midnight’s Daughter
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I’m gonna start writing her story soon.
-Satori created the base used to make this design cause drawing human figures is not my thing.
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etsap123 · 1 year
MHA OC-Rikara Kayama
Midnight’s daughter
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Power- 4/5
Speed- 3/5
Technique- 3/5
Intelligence- 5/5
Cooperativeness- 3/5
Birthday-October 26
Blood type-A
Likes-soul foods, science/math, pet snake(Apricot), and martial arts
Nationality-Japanese/Caucasian American
Quirk-Aura crystal
She can rearrange atoms into different crystals or crystalline structure’s depending on her emotions. If she gets to emotional her quirk becomes harder to control which can in turn accidentally hurt the people around her. The first stone she ever made with her quirk changes color depending on her mood and rests around her as a necklace.
She moved to Japan with her mother at 8 years old after her father died in battle as the hero Iolite in America. With the use of his own stone quirk, her father made her a hair piece as a goodbye gift that she brings and wears with her to Japan. Mourning the loss of her father though she accidentally critically injured one of her classmates at her new school adding to the tension she already faced growing up as Midnight’s daughter. Classmate’s were often afraid of her, so she didn’t have any friends going through school in Japan until she joins Class 1A.
-Satori created the base used to make this design cause drawing human figures is not my thing.
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etsap123 · 1 year
TMNT Next Gen chapter 6
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At the mighty mutant animal's base, everything was falling apart.
Leatherhead was slashing and biting at the cloaked attackers as they fought with their array of swords and blades. Vital stood in the back, watching with a smile.
Karai laid there, barely breathing on the ground, with Vine crawling next to her.
Slash ran in with his morning star to back up Leatherhead as Mondo and Rockwell stood their ground in front of the children.
“Who are you, lowlives?!” Slash yelled, running towards Vital as Rockwell launched soldiers into the wall.
He jumped away, landing next to Leatherhead with a smirk.
“Anthropocentrist or Humanist if that's easier for you to handle,” Vital said, dodging attacks from Leatherhead.
“Sounds contradictory if you ask me,” The alligator said before hitting him with his tail.
Irillia was growling, hitting her hands against the floor, with Kohana covering her face with a blanket. Mei and ash were wailing, and Kiba and Iris were curled up next to them in the corner.
A side member stood in the background pulling out a gun as leatherhead and slash continued their array of attacks.
Rockwell used his telekinesis to lift and throw the ones charging at them when that side member shot him in the shoulder with a dart. He screeched, eyes pulsing from his face and falling on his back while Mondo tried to block attacks with his skateboard.
Karai's chest seared with pain, but she forced herself to her knees and unsheathed her sword.
A member jumped towards April's daughter, blade in hand, only for them to be blocked by Karai's sword. Vine kicked them in the back, slamming them into a pipe as Karai gripped at her sternum.
“Get the kids. We need to get out of here.” He yelled, picking up Kohanna.
Karai nodded as Leatherhead crushed an aggressor's torso in his jaws. Karai ran for Kiba, Iris, and the newborns but was forced to stop by a serrated blade aiming for her head.
She hissed as she shifted into her snake form and began to whip the barbed edge of her tail at them. They countered her moves and dodged the fangs of her snake hands.
Vine was reaching for Irrilia, but Vital ran up and yanked Kohanna from his arms, kicking him in the chest. Vital threw in the chemical gas grenade as he picked up Irrilia, who was squirming like a worm.
Slash rammed his weapon into the masked figure as Karai collapsed on herself, Shifting back to normal.
Vine groaned as his eyes focused.
“No!!” Leatherhead charged at the gang's leader with his crazy eyes before being stunned by another member's taser.
Slash ran over and swatted the taser away before jabbing his knee into the person's skull.
More of the gas was filling the room as the attackers plucked up Dakota and Cody.
“You monsters!” Vine yelled, using his shirt as a filter before charging at them.
Karai gagged on the air around her as her vision went blurry.
“No, I can't!” She grit her teeth, using all the strength she had left to push herself off the concrete.
Vine aimed many blows, but they were all avoided as the enemies would seem to disappear into the gas every time they countered.
With Iris and Kiba behind her, Karai took some throwing stars and tossed them at a soldier, making him hiss and faceplant into A wall. A wail was heard beside them as Slash felt the floor hacking and gagging. Someone had gotten a hold of Mei and ash.
Vine growled, trying to steady his breathing.
“You will never get away with this!!” Karai yelled before landing a kick to one of the men's faces. Another jumped up next to her forcing her to her knees with a strike to the back.
Karai gasped, seeing Vine join Slash on the floor when a member slowly walked up and pulled his hood down.
“If you want them back." He tilted her head up with the tip of his sword. "You'll have to fight for it.” He said before slamming the handle of his sword into the top of her head. Coughing in the background, Mondo reached for the TPhone next to him straining his body to reach it. He managed to pull the pin of the phone with his tongue before passing out with a groan.
Karai rose her head, her vision even more blurry than before. Her ears rang, and her lungs burned.
The man picked Kiba and Iris up as they cried, making Karai continue to tear up as he walked away.
“No! Don't!” She yelled, trying to get up before collapsing back to the ground. He smirked at her as more tears went down her face.
“No, no.” Karai looked up as the gas began to clear, watching the people wander off.
The family ran into their Ally's base with terror.
Lying on the floor was their friends seemingly lifeless as the kids were nowhere in sight. Mikey ran over to Leatherhead as he shifted in his unconsciousness.
“Leatherhead! Leatherhead! What happened?!” Mikey yelled, trying to shake his friend awake.
April, mona, and Casey rushed through the rubble, with Donnie and Angel trying to treat the wounded. Leo could only stare at the situation with horror as Raph began to growl. Donnie picked up the phone next to Mondo before turning to Leatherhead, who was rubbing his head.
“How did this happen?!” Raph yelled, charging at Leatherhead with Slash lying unconscious next to him.
Mikey glared at him as his friend began to shake.
“I-it was as if it was a nightmare. His breathing quickened as Mikey placed a hand on his shoulder. They had weaponry I had never experienced before. I-it managed to take me out instantly.” He said his voice shaking, as he looked down and placed his hands over his eyes. “I'm so sorry, my friends.”
“It's not your fault, buddy. Is there anything you can tell us about them?” Mikey asked, rubbing his back.
“I'm sorry, but I was gone before I even got a glimpse at it all.”
“That's not good enough, Leatherhead. The kids are gone, and we need to know what happened to track these monsters down.” Leo said standing next to Raph.
The alligator thought to himself, going through his memory. “When they showed up here, they claimed that they were humanists, But I don't know how they were able to find us.”
Leo and Raph turned to each other.
Against the wall rested the injured and doctors of the group, trying to take care of them.
“You don't think they were tracking us through the Tphones right?” Angel asked as she hooked temporary oxygen tanks to Vine and Karai.
“I don't think so. I added every anti-virus and anti-tracking system imaginable, and if they were, they would of likely attacked us before.” Donnie said, propping Mondo up against the wall.
“Well, then, how the heck did they find their way here, genius!” Raph yelled, pointing at him.
“Don't you think we're all wondering that?!” Donnie argued.
“Now is not the time, you two!” Leo yelled, getting between them.
“Yeah, we need to get all of them back before they do something to them,” April said, walking over and gripping at herself.
Mona and Casey solemnly walked over, despair written on their faces. Angel slowly watched as the group began to truly see the situation at hand, her own set of tears forming.
Raph yelled, falling to his knees as Mikey held onto him, quivering. Leo sat beside Karai, still unconscious, as his face contorted with pain. April's hair began to shift with anger sobbing into Donnie's arms.
Angel turned to Vine, lying at her side as she wept.
“What has happened to us?”
In the Humanist lab was an array of horrific machinery and associates of the group.
“So now that we have them, what do we do with them?” The member with the tracker said, turning to the infants in a cage.
Irillia kicked and swatted at the metal containing her with the others cowering away.
The humanist young child was sitting on the lab table, looking at the mutants with curiosity.
“Blackmail, obviously, but while these freaks are here" He paused turning to them. "let's put them to use.” Vital smiled at them maliciously.
The mutant family slowly huddled together overloaded with fear and tears, as the shadows of their kidnappers encompassed them.
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etsap123 · 1 year
TMNT Next Gen-Chapter 5
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     Donnie, Leo, Angel, and Raph stood around the lab desk as Casey and Mona rested their bodies. April was next to Karai, beating her heart as Donnie typed away at his keyboard.
     “Ok, so based on their blood tests and the substance found on that dart, they both seem to have been exposed to chemicals that are causing the mutagen in their bodies to become unstable.” Donnie said, pointing at his computer screen.
     “So that's why Mona, and Casey, weren't hurt by the gas. They're not mutants.” Raph said, looking towards them.
      “Yes, but the chemical itself doesn't appear to have the strength to do permanent damage, so in time the mutagen in their bodies should be able to stabilize itself.” Angel said, standing next to Donnie.
     “Well, that's a relief. How long do you think they will be out, though?” Leo asked.
     “Yeah, I can only pump her heart for so long.” April clenched her hand.
     “We're not sure, but if they manage to improve their strategy with these chemical weapons, every mutant in new york could be at risk.” Donnie said turning to Leo. 
     “We need to figure out what's behind this and take it down before things get any more dangerous. Casey, Mona, notice anything that could give us a clue to who that person was?”Leo asked, walking towards them.
     “No, they were hooded and masked, preventing us from seeing their face.” Mona said, looking down.
     The dude did have a weird symbol on his arm, though. Casey added.
     “Well, what did it look like?” Raph handed him a piece of paper.
     Casey took a pen and began to trace the symbol to the best of his memory.
     “There, that's the best I can remember. It was bright green and kinda techy.”
     Casey handed the paper to Leo.
     “Ok, let's prepare a scouting mission. We need to find this person and figure out what their plan is.”
     Five people sat around a table with multiple screens around them.
     “In order to carry out our extermination, we need to remove primary threats.” The one at the end of the table pulled up the bios of the turtles on a large screen.
     “They are the ones responsible for the kranngs defeat and have shown great skill in combat, so it's vital that we remove them.” He continued looking at the table.
     “On another note, the DNA drones we sent out have picked up that over the last two years, they have all bore offspring, which are sure to become a threat later.” The screen now showed the x-ray bios of the expecting mothers.
     “Sir, we need to improve our Antigen serum to increase its effectiveness, or else we won't stand a chance.” A table member added, gesturing to the screen.
     “Well how will we do that? The one coming back with mutagen got apprehended by these mutants, even when they were under the impact of the chemicals. Not to mention they're hiding somewhere our tracker isn't able to locate.”
     The man at the head of the table paused, thinking to himself.
     “Keep an eye on that tracker; we need to know at any point when they are in range.” He said, pointing at the man with a tablet in his hands.
     “And the antigen, sir?”
     The head member tapped away at the screen before him.
     “This one.” He magnified a bio on the screen.
     “April O'Neil, she has the DNA that was used to perfect the mutagen, so an altered version should be able to do the opposite.”
     The men at the table looked at each other.
     “Lucky for us.”
     The man zoomed in closer.
     We have it already altered for us.
   Karai's eyes fluttered open, squinting from the light above her. Her head was killing her.  She coughed, sitting up as Angel stood up next to her.
     “No, no, you need to lie down.” She tried to usher Karai onto her back.
     “What, no, I'm fine, just le-.” Karai hissed, grabbing the back of her neck, which was currently covered in gauze.
     “She's right, Karai. You need to rest. We still don't exactly know what happened, and the last thing we need is you inadvertently hurting yourself.” Donnie said, walking up next to Angel.
     Karai groaned, laying back down on the table as Leo walked into the room, holding Kiba. Angel, moving out of the way, let Leo by with their daughter in hand. Karai smiled, reaching out for Kiba to latch onto her finger.
     “You really scared us back there.” Leo said as Angel sat down next to Vine, rubbing his head.
     “I'm sorry, Leo, I don't know what happened.” She said, averting her eyes.
     “You and Vine were attacked using weapons designed to harm mutants, and you seemed to have gotten the worst of it.” Donnie said, holding a clipboard.
     “We almost lost both of you.” Angel added.
     Karai turned to face Leo, who bore a stern yet concerned expression.
     “Me and the others will be going on a scouting mission later. We will leave you, Vine, and the kids with Slash and Letherhead while we're out.” Leo said, looking over at Vine.
     “What? You and your brothers are mutants. April's a mutant. If you guys are going to head out there, at least wait so, we can help.” Karai said not bothering to hide the underlying venom in her voice.
     Leo remained silent.
     “You are not going to leave me out of this.” Karai clenched her fist.
     Leo's face fell.
     “I'm sorry, Karai, but you know it would only be more dangerous if anything were to happen.” Leo said as Kiba crawled onto the table to look at her mom.
     Karai looked to her daughter, who snuggled her head to her chest before releasing a sigh. “I hate it when your right.” She whispered.
     Leo's face softened before placing his hand to Kiba’s back.
     In the dojo, the baby bunch sat and played next to the bonsai tree as Raph, April, and Mikey prepped for the mission. Dakota had his hands covered in paint and smeared it across the floor as Irrilia played with the rubber bands that were rapped around a tissue box.
     Raph groaned, picking up Dakota to wash off the mess, when he noticed a familiar face on the floor. A green head with a red stripe in the middle.
     “Well, would you look at that?” Raph smiled as Dakota wiped his hands on his shell.
     With curiosity, Cody looked at the two babies lying on a blue pillow. One had a blond tuft of hair and freckles; another had sleek black hair and a beauty mark above their lip. Cody's eyes watered at the sight of the adorable creatures that huddled together under the blanket.
     April walked over to Raph as Kohanna shakily crawled up to Iris to look at the picture book in front of her.
     “We need to focus Raph. Before you know it, our hearts will be the ones that fail.” She said, sheathing her tanto blade.
     “I know that; it's just going to be hard leaving them, knowing there's always the possibility we wont come back.” Raph said, looking at the kids on the floor.
     April looked away before Mikey jumped up behind them.
     “There is no need to panic, you guys; we've dealt with situations where the world's fate was in our hands. This should be fine.” Mikey said, giving them both a squeeze.
     Raph smirked. “Thanks, Mikey.” He placed Dakota down next to Cody. “Let's go crack some skulls.”
     “Thanks, Letherhead. Make sure the prehensile ones don't go sneaking away.” Mikey said, handing him Mei and Ash.
     “Leatherhead smiled before looking up at his friend. I will guard them with my life, Michelangelo.”He said, pulling them closer.
     “Also, make sure Vine and Karai's vitals stay stable, and if something happens, notify us by using this new emergency feature on the Tphones.” Donnie said, showing Rockwell A small pin in the case that you pull like a grenade.
     “Will do.” Mondo said, jumping up next to them and grabbing the phone before Rockwell could take it.
     Slash walked over to Raph, weapon in hand.
     “Don't be afraid to call for backup, Raphael; the mighty mutant animals are always prepared for battle. He said, looking at his former owner.”
     “Don't worry, Slash. This is mainly a stealth mission, and we need you guys here because we don't know what we're up against.” Leo said, walking up to them.
     “Wait, so we're not fighting them?” Raph asked, crossing his arms.
     “We need to figure out what we're dealing with before we start running into battles, Raph.” Leo said, turning to his brother.
     “Yeah, for all we know, this was all just a setup to get us out looking for them.” Angel said, looking at the info she and Donnie were analyzing on her Tphone.
     “Well, that sucks. For a second, I thought we were finally gonna go on another combat mission.” Raph said, releasing a scoff.
     Leo and angel just glared at him, given the state of their loved ones, as April placed Kohana in the playpen with the other young mutants.
     “We should head out now before we lose track of time. Make sure to keep an eye out.” Leo said, placing some makibishi in a bag on his belt.
     “Yeah, let's do this!” Casey yelled, pulling out his hockey stick.
     “Mona, what street were you guys on when Karai noticed this person.” Donnie asked.
     “We were in the alley behind the channel six building. They should be under the fallen scaffolding.” She said, walking up next to Raph.
     “Then we have no time to lose. Come on, Team!” Leo urged before quickly heading out of the base with the others behind him.
A being cloaked with A familiar diamond pattern quickly walked into A lab. The leader was busy looking at a string of numbers on a computer, not bothering to pay them much mind. A small child was sitting on the desk beside him, playing with magnets as he turned to the member in the room.
     “Vital! We have a tracker reading! They should be somewhere within a mile radius of this address.” The member said, rushing over with a tablet.
     Vital took the screen from his hands and zoomed in on the location. He snickered, leaning back against the desk, before taking off his mask. His eyes were colored symmetrically blue and brown sticking out against his pale face.
     The Hamato team lept across the city, eyes set on the building wearing the large channel six.
     “So like, what happens if the guy is actually dead from all those metal pipes that fell on him?” Mikey asked, looking at his brothers.
     “If he is dead, then good riddance. If he's not, then we force him to tell us what the heck he's doing, then kill him.” Raph said, landing on an Air Conditioning unit.
     “We're not just gonna go around killing people, Raph.” Donnie said, moving past him.
     “Yeah, what do we look like, assassins?”Casey asked, following Donnie.
     “Well technically that ones of the main things ninjas were employed for but more or less.” Angel said land next to him.
     “Man, you all are no fun.” Raph said, jumping after them.
     “There! The fallen scaffolding.” Leo said, stopping the group. “Remember, stealth mission, so don't try and do anything reckless.” He continued looking at Raph, Mikey, and Casey.
     April looked at the city floor with confusion. She wasn't sensing anyone here. The group hopped down onto the pavement before looking around. Mikey began rummaging around in curiosity as the others looked through the wreckage.
     “Doesn't seem like anyones here. Maybe they escaped somehow?” Angel turned to Leo.
     “We saw them get crushed by the rubble. If they managed to free themselves, they likely had help from others.” Mona added as Casey tossed metal behind her.
     Donnie looked at April before she began to lift and move the pipes. “Do you sense anything, April?” He asked as she concentrated her hands in front of her.
     “I don't think so, but I am getting some strange vibe.”
     “Woah, guys, look!” Mikey yelled, alerting the other's attention. Mikey grabbed the wrapped mutagen canister as the orange putty began seeping through the foil.
     “What?” Donnie walked over to Mikey. “What was this person doing with mutagen?”He questioned, grabbing it from Mikey's hands.
     “Do you think they need it for something?” Casey asked, scratching his head.
     “I'm not sure, but there's definitely something going on. I mean, what random crime syndicate goes after mutagen now?” Donnie pulled back the foil, observing the sludge that covered the item.
     “We should take this back to your lab once we're done. It's too dangerous for it to be left out here.” Leo said.
     April watched the scene with contentment as she felt herself begin to slip away.
     The echo of screams and cries made her blood run cold. Her eyes blanked as her breathing shifted. The images of their mutant allies on the floor and the shadows of infants flooded her mind, making her hyperventilate.
     “April?” Angel snapped in front of her face.
     Donnie handed the canister to Leo before holding onto April's hands as her body began to sway.
     “April? What's wrong? What are you seeing?!” Donnie asked, trying to snap her out of it.
     She gasped, creeping down to her knees as Donnie wrapped his arms around her. An alarm went off throughout the group's Tphones, causing the group to look at each other with worry.
     April looked down, panting as she came back to her right mind.
     “The kids are in trouble.”
-To be continued
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etsap123 · 2 years
Humanist Diamond symbol
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etsap123 · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen bunk room
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etsap123 · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen/Angel Bridge concept weapons
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etsap123 · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen Weapons concept
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etsap123 · 2 years
Iris Bridge/Shui
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etsap123 · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen-Chapter 4
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"Ok, Mona, everything looks as good as usual," Karai said, standing on top of a shop in china town
"Besides the purple dragons, this city has become far less crime-ridden. It's nice." Mona added, walking next to her.
"Yeah, but It's getting pretty dull, though. How many times can we beat the purple dragons without it feeling like a routine?" Karai sighed, crossing her arms.
"We should be thankful, Karai. Finally, our lives are free from the fear we used to suffer from, along with our families." Mona said, pulling out her TPhone to message the group.
"I know; I just have a strange feeling something is bound to happen the moment we think everything's been resolved."
Mona looked at her for a moment, not knowing what to say.
"Never mind, You're right. Let's meet up with Vine and head home."
They both smiled at each other with a nod before leaping away.
They both landed on the edge of the channel six building where Vine was waiting.
"Hello, Vine; we think it's time we head back to the lair," Mona said as Karai sat on the upper ledge of the upper roof.
Karai looked away in thought. There was always a quiet before the storm, the key is to be ready when it reveals itself. Looking down at the building she noticed something. A familiar glow. Curious, she pulled out her goggles and focused the lens. A person draped in a black cloak was kneeling in the alleyway.
They were wrapping something in what appeared to be tin foil and a thick orange slime.
"Where was that glow?" She muttered, increasing the magnification of her view.
The Person turned their gaze at the sound of the New York traffic, revealing a mask with bright green eyes and an opening in the wrap they were using.
The glow of a recognizable green made her eyes widen.
Mona, Vine, and Karai all eased down into the ally way, spying on the masked figure.
The Person was visibly armed and had a symbol of diamonds, the same vibrant green of their mask, on their shoulder.
Karai began to unsheath her sword, only to be stopped by monas hand.
"Before we do anything reckless, we should see the full scale of the situation," Mona whispered as Vine began to move closer.
"Yeah, we don't want to rush into something likely to be dangerous," Vine added as he watched the stranger continue to wrap the mutagen canister.
"Where did they get mutagen anyway? I thought those were all tracked and destroyed." Mona said as the Person began to stand up and tuck the alien substance to their chest.
"Well, we need to find out," Karai said, fully unsheathing her sword.
Vine looked down at the ground, trying to think when a voice rang out in the ally.
"Yeah, don't worry, guys. I made sure the Pizza had extra pepperoni and mushrooms." Casey said over the phone, walking towards a manhole cover.
The three quickly looked at each other with fear. Casey seemed to not notice the Person that had hidden in the shadows of a scaffolding.
Vine promptly pulled out his phone to text Casey but was cut short when a fume began to form around them.
Casey looked around in confusion as the cloaked being sped by him, and more of the gas flooded the area.
Karai jumped, landing in front of Casey, with mona and Vine behind him.
"What's going on?!" Casey dropped the Pizza and pulled out a hockey stick.
"We're not sure," Mona said looking around before being kicked to the floor. She groaned, pulling herself to he hands and knees.
Vine whipped out a knife looking for the one who attacked them through the mist. Instead, he saw a square can on the ground that appeared to be emitting the gas. Karai noticing it as well rushed over and slammed her foot on the opening, preventing any more of the gas from coming out.
Vine released a cough as Casey launched some of his hockey pucks through the air hitting the scaffoldings. Karai sliced through the air with her sword as their attacker leaped around the area, attacking only when they got close. Casey dodging a blow to his chest got hit in the mouth, causing him to fall on his back.
Karai tried to reach for her Tphone to call for backup, only to be met with a piercing sting in her neck. A sudden sharp pain began shooting through her body, causing her to cry out and fall to the floor.
Vine's vision was starting to get blurry as he continued to hack and cough.
Mona yelled, swinging her sword as the creature dodged her attacks.
Casey looked at Karai and Vine with confusion gripping the base of his hockey stick. Vine landed on his knees as Karai's body tensed and twitched. "What's wrong with them?" He asked as the creaking of the scaffolding began to echo.
"I don't know, but we need to get out of here," Mona yelled before landing a hit to the Person's mask.
The bars of the scaffolding were beginning to fall, turning Casey's attention to Vine, who appeared to be choking on air next to the unstable structure. Mona hit the masked figure with her tail launching him under the rusted arrangement of metal before grabbing Karai.
"We need to go!" She yelled, opening the manhole cover.
Casey reached for Vine throwing firecracker pucks into the ally. The small explosions caused the scaffolding to fall as they rushed into the sewer, leaving the attacker under the rubble.
Angel sat in the lab working on the reinforced baby gates and safety locks while Donnie focused on Kohanna. They have to be made of high-alloy steel to handle all the alien acid and mutant teeth. Seems rather excessive, but Donnie insisted.
You could hear the ruckus of the whole lair in the room. Such as when Irrilias bowl hit the floor or Kohanna began to cry in the next-door room.
"Hey Angel, Casey should be back soon with Pizza if you want to come back and hang with us," Mikey said, carrying two burrito-wrapped bundles of joy.
"What kind did he get?" She asked, pulling up the front of her welder mask.
"Pepperoni and mushrooms." Mikey rocked his arms.
Angel placed the torch down, took off her gloves, and walked to the door.
In the living room, Mikey placed Ash and Mei in their twin-style bassinet while angel sat next to Iris, who was sitting up with an ABC book and a binky in her mouth.
"So when did you say Casey would get here?" Raph asked as Cody and Dakota pulled on his mask.
Irrilia and Kiba clapped their hands together, with Leo turning to face them.
"He should be getting here any minute now," Leo said.
"I hope so. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday's breakfast." Donnie said, walking into the room and rubbing his face.
April walked in behind him, Kohanna in hand.
"You could always have some of Irillias baby food; after all, she'll just throw it on the ground anyway," Mikey said, smiling at Donnie.
April quietly laughed before her eyes narrowed.
Her face froze.
"April?" Donnie asked before she gasped.
"Oh no," April said, turning to the entrance of the lair.
Mona and Casey quickly ran into the lair, with Karai and Vine on their backs. Angel and Leo's faces fell before rushing to their loved ones, interrupting Irrilia and Kiba's game of patty cake.
"What happened!?" Leo yelled, picking up Karai, who was currently unconscious.
Raph and Mikey looked at each other with fear before Casey fell to his knees. Angel immediately grabbed onto Vine, still panting as if he couldn't catch a breath.
Donnie sped through the room as if he hadn't just complained about his lack of sleep.
Dakota and Cody looked at their father, kneeling on the ground, as Kiba, Irillia, and Iris looked at the scene with fear and confusion.
"Take them to my lab! We need to figure out what's wrong with them!"
Angel and Donnie were busy hooking up ventilators and checking heart rates while the others discussed in the background.
"So you guys were attacked?! By who, and how did they manage to take you 4 in a fight?" Raph bandaged monas wrist.
"We don't know, dude! But they had to have done something to those two." Casey said with an ice pack on his shoulder.
April looked over at their wounded teammates with confusion.
"Like what?" Leo asked, resting his hands on the counter, not wanting to look at the situation.
"They did have this gas, but Karai had gotten rid of it rather quickly," Mona said as Raph continued to aid her.
"Maybe that gas is what hurt them, then? After all, Vine had been wheezing nonstop before he passed out." Raph said.
"If that's the case, then why aren't me and mona K.O." Casey turned to Donnie, who placed a ventilator mask on Vines's face, and Angel, who was checking vitals.
Angel's body froze as she analyzed Karai's pulse.
"No! Guys! Guys! Karai! Her hearts failing on us!" Angel yelled, holding a stethoscope to her chest, urgently trying to find a heartbeat.
Leo jerked his head to the room as Mikey rushed in with Kiba and Iris in his hands.
Angel rushed for a cabinet, starting to panic as Donnie turned Karai's head to observe it. He noticed what looked like a thin nail in the back of her neck that was slightly dripping a bright green substance. His eyes widened, and he immediately rushed for his tweezers to take it out as Angel readied a defibrillator.
Kiba looked at her mom with watery eyes before tucking her head into Mikey's shoulder. Leo growled slamming his fist on the Desk.
Donnie took out what now appeared to be a needle before Angel went in with the defibrillator. Karai's body violently jerked before resting again. Donnie checked for a pulse before ushering her to do it again, making her body violently jolt. Angel gazed at the monitors in the room before looking at Karai, who only seemed more lifeless.
It wasn't working.
"April, get over here! She yelled before pushing the shock machine away." Leo turned to his daughter's face making his breath hitch.
It was full of terror.
"Mikey, get them out of here!" He yelled as April stood next to Karai.
April's hair began to sway as she clutched her hand in front of her.
"Angel, I don't think this is a good idea. April has barely slept in days. She could end up crushing her heart instead of fixing it." Donnie argued, turning away from Vine, whose vitals appeared to be returning to normal.
"Does it look like we have an option here? Something has to keep her heart alive until we can figure out what's wrong with it." Angel argued back.
April ignoring their dispute, began to repeatedly clench her hand, causing Karai's body to twitch slightly.
Over the course of the next few minutes, Karai's twitching began to steady. She released a breath as Her cheeks began to brighten up.
Donnie sighed in relief as her pulse started to return to a normal rhythm. April, remaining focused, continued her aid as Leo walked over to the table. Angel fell back in her chair with exhaustion, with Leo beside her. She turned to Vine, whose breathing was stable, with a smile.
Donnie looked to Leo, who was still visibly worried at the sight of Karai, before walking over to his brother.
"Don't worry, Leo."
"I think I know what caused this." He said holding the green-covered needle.
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etsap123 · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen chapter 3
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   Back in the lair, all the kids are just hanging out, bored out of their minds.
     "Ughhhhh! They have been gone forever!" Mei groaned as she swung on the tire swing.
     "I hope nothing bad happened," Kiba said, holding the punching bag dummy as Irrilia went ham on it.
     "Ya! We’d be stuck down here not able to help!" She yelled while slamming her fists into the dummy’s chest.
     "I mean, they did say to wait until 11 to assume anything is up," Dakota said, tugging at one of his gloves.
     "Uhh, well maybe they're just bringing back more food, and everything’s all just a false alarm," Kohanna said, overly hopeful.
     Iris rolled her eyes at the redhead’s positivity as Ash just looked in disgust.
     "Hey, Cody! Finished with your math yet?!" Dakota yelled towards the kitchen.
     "Almost! Kohanna showed me how to do it, but it still might take a while!" Cody yelled back.
     Kohanna and Iris just shook their heads in disappointment when suddenly, vine and Mona ran through the room towards the door.
     "Whoah, wait! What's wrong, i-is everything ok?" Kiba asked, startled by their sudden appearance.
     "The others should be arriving any minute now. With both Mondo, and Rockwell in critical condition." Mona said at the lair entrance.
     "What!?" Irillia yelled, immediately holding back her punches.
     "Yeah, apparently, their base had been raided and destroyed!" Vine said urgently, looking at his phone.
     "Wait! How? They have both Slash and leatherhead! Who the heck can get past them?!" Dakota yelled as Cody, along with Mikey and Casey, ran into the room.
     They heard the shuffle of feet outside, running towards the lair.
   "Only something really bad," Iris answered as their parents rushed through the lair entrance with both mondo and Rockwell in hand.
     "Quickly to my lab!" Donnie yelled as they sprinted through the living area.
     The kids quickly got up and rushed behind them to the lab and saw an unconscious mondo and Rockwell get placed on the examining table. Angel and Donnie quickly got to work observing their physical states.
     "Their techniques have gotten stronger," Angel said as she examined the oozing green wounds on the mutant's bodies.
     She took out a glowing green dart and placed it on a metal tray.
     "Any signs of severe physical trauma?" Donnie asked rushing to get his supplies.
     "No, but something is definitely wrong. I'll take a blood test, maybe we will see what has changed." Angel said getting extra supplies out.
     Raph, Karai, and Leo rushed into the room.
     "I can't believe these idiots are still out there! I thought we took them down!" Raph yelled standing next to Leo.
     "Yeah, what if they go after us again? I mean they clearly have some form of insight on where the city's mutants are hiding." Leo said concerned.
     "And how exactly would they learn that Leonardo?" Karai asked.
     The kids stood at the door not able to comprehend what they were hearing.
     "What?" Kiba hissed eyes wide.
     "Hold on a second! You mean those idiots who kidnapped us as babies are still alive!" Irillia yelled barging into the room.
     "Look we're just as confused as you are." April said trying to control her nerves.
     Everyone looked at each other in fear.
     If April couldn't tell what has happened, then something is definitely up.
     "Oh no." Donnie said from the microscope he was using.
     "What is it?" Karai said walking up next to Angel who was now stitching up their mutant friend's wounds.
     "They enhanced the Antigen. The mutagen in their body has become unstable to the point it's attacking their own bodies." Donnie said turning towards the group.
     "Well, can you reverse it? I mean we've dealt with things like this before." Vine said.
     "Yeah but not to this scale. Even the slightest wrong move could turn them into who knows what." Donnie added.
     "Well, there has to be something Donnie. Before we know it this could be used against every mutant in the city including us." Leo said starting to get angry.
     "Look we're trying our best with what we know! I might be able to counteract it if I use and edit the serum. That way it could in the end reverse itself, but that will take time." Donnie said anxiously scratching at the back of his neck.
     The room fell into silence as a state of fear fell on the family.
     "What are we gonna do?" Kohanna whispered to iris.
     Iris looked at her mother and Donnie who were currently trying to save their close friends.
     "I have no idea."
     Everyone was ordered out of the lab so Donnie and Angel could work, but the tensions kept building. April looked faint, gripping at her arms as Mikey and Casey tried to comfort her.
     “Calm down, red. Everything is gonna be fine; don and Angel got this handled.” Casey said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
     April's grip at her arms tightened before staring at the teens who were looking away from the situation.
     "Yeah, everything will turn out all right. There is no need to stress yourself." Mikey added with his usual goofy smile.
     Leo crossed his arms, facing away from the group. He stared down at the floor, gritting his teeth working his hand up to a faded scar that rested at the side of his face.
    How did we come back to this?
14 years earlier
     "Irrilia! Eat your food!" Raph yelled from the kitchen, trying to get the baby turtle salamandrian to take the spoon into her mouth.
     Irrilia wailed in response, slinging the food in his face.
     Raph growled, wiping his face as Mikey and Casey began to laugh.
     "Shut up, you morons. Don't you have your own kids to be watching!?" Raph raged as applesauce stained his mask.
     Dakota and Cody toddled next to Mikey.
     "Speaking of the devil." Casey said, reaching down to ruff up his twin son's hair.
     The twins began to wander the room as Irillia continued to make a mess of her breakfast from a couple of hours ago.
     Casey released a yawn checking his phone.
     Cody reached for the oven handle with curiosity as Dakota opened a cabinet. Casey's eyes went wide.
     "Whoah, whoah, whoah! Don't do that!" Casey screeched quickly, grabbing for his kids and closing all the safety hazards they had managed to open. "What happened to all the child safety locks?"
     "Irrilia chewed them off." Raph groaned.
     "Donnie's supposed to be making some new ones soon. Ones that hopefully will be immune to alien spit." Mikey added using a rag to tie some of the cabinets closed.
     "Yikes." Casey wheezed, gripping his son's hands.
     "Could you guys keep it down?"
     The residents of the room turned toward the source of the sound.
     "Kohanna is trying to nap, and me and Donnie can only drink so much coffee." April stood in the kitchen doorway with heavy bags under her eyes.
     "It would definitely be quieter if these two stopped laughing and supporting Irillias temper tantrums." Raph spooned more of the food mush and urged it to his daughter.
     Casey gagged. "Whatever bro. Imma go get some real food. Watch Cody and Dakota while I'm out, and make sure they don't get into anything." Casey said, walking to the door.
     "What!? Don’t just leave your kids for us to deal with!" Raph yelled, causing Irillia to cry again.
     "Stop, stop your scaring her." Mikey said, cooing at the tiny green infant.
     "Like you haven't scared your two runts just by looking at them."
     "They're only like a month-old dude! And they're still getting over their time travel jetlag.' Mikey objected pointing a finger at him.
     Raph growled as Mikey glared at him. April did not have the energy to deal with this.
     "would you two please"-The sound of A cry pulsated through the room along with the grumbling of a sleep-deprived Donnie.
     April groaned, glaring at Raph and Mikey before leaving the room.
     In the living room, Leo sat there with Kiba sitting up in his lap as the noise from the TV echoed in the room. The qubits were playing, and Kiba appeared to be enjoying it.
     "Leo, do you have any spare pacifiers?" Donnie entered the room, rubbing his eyes.
     "I think Karai had some that were washed in the kitchen." Leo turned his head to his brother gesturing to the kitchen.
     Kiba stared at the screen as a white pig in a dress was stuffed in a bag. Leo remained confused as Kiba giggled in the background when a frog ran after what appeared to be a kidnapper.
     Leo looked down at his daughter with a questioning look as more of the show's villainous actions made her laugh. Or maybe it was the bad guy getting beat up. He honestly couldn't tell.
     Kiba looked up at him joyfully, holding her flower blanket, making him smile.
     "Hey, Leo, mind if we join you?" Mikey asked as Cody sat next to them, poorly bouncing a rubber ball on the floor.
     "Fine with me, just make sure they don't change"-The screen flickered into static as Dakota curiously pushed and turned the buttons and knobs of the television.
     "Oh no." Kiba began to whimper before her eyes turned snake-like, and fangs popped out of her mouth.
     "MIKEY! FIX THE TV!" Leo's eyes were wide as Kiba began to hiss and wail.
     Mikey yelped, grabbing Dakota and rushing to fiddle with the switches and buttons. Kiba cried louder, with Raph running into the room and Irrilia screaming in her highchair.
     "Will you guys shut it already?!" Raph yelled, face covered in baby food.
     Mikey started moving more urgently, with the speaker starting to screech making the infants in the room scream.
     "Mikey!" Both Leo and Raph yelled as Donnie hurried into the room.
     "I'm trying, ok!?" Mikey cried before the Screen went black.
     The brothers blanked out in confusion before noticing Angel holding a cord in her hand as she stood behind the vintage VCR set up with another infant in her arms.
     The room went silent as the crying began to cease.
     "Thanks, Angel," Mikey said before flopping on his back.
     Angel sighed, entering the main area.
     "Finally." Raph rubbed his ears and went back to the kitchen.
     "So I see that you guys have been holding up well with mona and Karai on patrol." She sat down at the bench.
     Leo and Mikey just looked at her, with both of them having shallow and lined faces from lack of sleep.
     She faintly laughed as Dakota and Cody walked over and looked at the blanket-wrapped baby in her arms. Iris was fast asleep.
Chapter 4
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etsap123 · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen-Chapter 2
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     “Do you think they'll ever let us go up to the surface? I mean, we've been up there before. Why stop us from going again?” Irrilia rammed her fist into the punching bag.
     “That was when we were infants. We hardly even remember what it was like up there.” Iris said, checking her Tphone.
     “Who knows… I mean, they first went up to the surface when they were 15, so given our age, we should be allowed to go up there soon.” Kohanna said, putting the finishing touches on the pink cloth in her hands.
     “Who even knows anymore?” Dakota sighed flopping back first on the bean bag.
     “You guys are lucky you get to constantly party it up on the surface, while we're stuck down here doing nothing.” Mei groaned, sitting on Chompy's back as he released smoke from his nose in his sleep.
     “Ok, that's not at all what people spend most of their time doing on the surface.” Dakota said, crossing his arms.
     “Ya, we have school, dirty dishes, laundry, rollerblading, Dakota does fortunes, and we work at Mr Mircamis. we can't even go out much due to our background involving you guys and the turtles.” Cody said before lowering his head to do more of his math homework.
     “Our dad's scared we will get attacked or kidnapped.” Dakota continued.
     Mei huffed in annoyance, blowing her blond hair out of her face.
     “Come on, let's just hang out while they're gone, and then once they get back, we can easily just ask them.” Iris said next to Kiba and Thalos now watching the tv.
     “Ok well, why the heck are we watching this? The Klarums?!” Irillia said in disbelief while looking at the screen showing the tiny purple men with mushroom hats. “This show is literally meant for toddlers, not for training ninjas.” Irrilia crossed her arms.
     “What? This show is a classic and super entertaining, don't blame us for wanting to watch it.” Kiba said, still looking at the screen that showed screams and explosions.
     Irrilia scoffed before crossing her arms and picking up her guitar. “Well, don't get mad at me if somehow my head magically explodes.”
     Iris rolled her eyes as Thalos laughed at the screen filled with fire.
     “What!? How does such a small village fall apart so easily?!” Kiba said, scratching at her head.
     “I mean, they do successfully build themselves back up again every time, but you would think that after how many times this has happened, they would finally get some form of community therapist.” Dakota said, sitting up on the bean bag next to Kohanna.
     Iris, Kiba, and Dakota laughed as Thalos looked at them confused.
     “Haza! It's finished!” Kohana said, standing up from the couch. “Tada! I made this for you.” Kohanna walked in front of irrilia.
     “Another fancy poncho?” Irrilia took the pink and white garment from her hands.
     “Yes, but it's another layer you add on top of your current scarf, and I gave it a hood.” Kohanna said enthusiastic about her work.
     “Oh, thanks, I like the polka dots.” Irrilia said before putting it on and pulling up the hood. “I feel like the vigilante night watcher.” She hid her face with the pink hood.
     Cody laughed at this before gasping and running to hide behind Dakota forcing him off the bean bag. Slinky, Irililas pet corn snake had slithered its cute head out of her hood.
     “Oh, come on, you shouldn't still be scared of him. He's completely harmless.” Irillia said smirking as the orange snake snuggled up to her face.
     “Heck no! Snakes are the devil!” Cody said, looking from behind Dakota's black and blue hair.
     “Ahem!!” Kiba yelled, turning to the group. Cody froze in confusion before Kiba's snake tongue slipped out of her mouth.
     “Oh, my bad. Any snake that's not a mutant?” Cody said, rubbing the back of his neck.
  ��  Kiba hissed before facing the TV again.
     “I wonder how many more snakes are on the surface? Probably a lot.” Irillia said as Thalos came and rubbed slinky’s head.
     “Ugh, I'm tired of not having you guys to hang out with on the surface. You guys make everything so much more interesting! I mean Iris, you're not entirely a mutant, why can't you go up to the surface?!” Cody yelled, annoyed.
     “The purple dragons still have a vendetta against my parents, and just because I'm only a semi-mutant doesn't mean it's safe for me.” Iris said, standing up.
     Cody crossed his arms in annoyance.
     “Don't be so upset you guys are welcome down here whenever you want.” Mei said before jumping on Cody's back.
     The two laughed.
     “I wish we all didn't have to deal with our parent's vendettas. Now we're stuck down here.” Irillia said kicking a can.
     “Irillia, let's just appreciate what we have now, after all our parents had to deal with far worse.” Kiba said, standing up. The teens looked at each other the mood in the room suddenly dipping.
     “The battles with the shredder and the Kranng.” Irillia said.
     “The fights with the purple dragons and mutants.” Iris added, turning away.
     “Being forced into hiding, and witnessing the earth being destroyed.” Kohanna said.
     “Even the death of master Splinter.” Kiba looked down.
     “I can't even imagine how awful everything would have been.” Dakota said, shaking his head.
     “Thankfully, that's something we will never have to deal with.” Ash said suddenly from the corner of the room.
     “You don't think that maybe one of their new members turned against them, do you?”April asked Donnie as he walked through the sewer using his tracker.
     “Doubtful, Violet is a trustworthy mutant, and so is Oli.” Angel said, walking past them and interrupting Donnie's chance to speak.
     “I know, but they're still new, and there's nobody we really have a vendetta against anymore.” April said.
     “And they are not both mutants. Oli is technically salamandrian.” Donnie said, adjusting the goggles on his head.
     Angel looked at him, as they turned down a separate path.
     “Then shouldn't that make them the mighty mutant animals and aliens?” Angel said, shooing a rat away.
     “Well, what kind of name is that.” April said, defending her husband. Angel laughed.
     “Come on, you guys were getting close.” Donnie said, pointing down a tunnel.
     “You know Donnie, we do know where their base is; there's no real need to use the tracker.” Angel said, looking at her Tphone.
     Donnie scoffed. “Haha, very funny. Forgive me for wanting to make sure we don't get lost.” Donnie said, full of sarcasm.
     Angel let out a sigh.
     “Hey, don't ruin his fun, we haven't been on a mission like this in a while, and he finally gets to use his tracker again.” April said, walking at a faster pace.
     Angel snickered, but that soon came to a stop as they entered the mighty mutant animal's base.
     The three gasped.
     The base had been completely destroyed.
     “H-how did this?” Angel looked around.
     “This- this doesn't make any sense.” Donnie said, gaping at the destruction of their mutant buddies' home.
     “What happened to them?” April said, rushing into the room. “I don't know, but I'm gonna call up Leo.” Donnie typed into his Tphone.
     Angel quickly went to look for their old pals, searching through the rubble of the room. There was a cough from the rubble that gained her attention. She went towards A piece of fallen concrete.
     “April over here!”
     April rushed over and began to levitate the rubble.
     Both Rockwell and mondo gecko groaned from underneath it as Angel pulled them from under the floating stone.
     Donnie quickly rushed over to them as Leo ran through the tunnel door.
     “What the heck happened?!” Leo shouted from across the room, Raph and Karai not far behind him.
     “Hum- they fou-.” Mondo Gecko barely said before passing out again. Donnie began to examine them.
     “They're out cold, but they should end up ok. I think.” Donnie said, checking their vitals.
     “What do you think happened to them?” Ralph said, also looking through the rubble.
     “I'm not sure. But they definitely got roughed up.” Donnie said, looking at Mondo's body with his goggles. His breath hitched, noticing a green wound on his back. 
     “Oh no! Leo! We need to get them back to the layer! Stat!” Donnie yelled.
     “What is it? Did they get worse?” Leo asked, looking over them.
     “No time to explain, but I need to examine them in my lab.” Donnie pushed his goggles up.
     “Well, what about the others?! I mean, Leatherhead and slash are no wear to be found.” Ralph said, throwing a broken cylinder block as April used her telekinesis to lift up more of the rubble.
     “Ya, same with those two newbies, and what the heck could have taken down both leatherhead and slash?” Karai said, jumping off a ledge.
     Angel looked around before Something caught her eye having her jump down into a drain to take a look.
     “Let's deal with that later. Right now Mondo and dr Rockwell need to be taken back to the layer. Come on, you guys.” Leo said, gesturing them to head out.
     “Wait! shouldn't we check to see if any of those attackers are still here? What if it's us next?” Ralph yelled towards Leo.
     “Not now, Raph!” Leo said, turning to him.
     “Not now?! Whatever this is has successfully taken both leatherhead and slash! Along with severely hurting these two!” Raph yelled, gesturing to the two knocked-out mutants. “This is not something we can deal with later. We need to stop this now before it hurts any of us!” Raph argued.
     Leo scowled as he thought to himself.
     “Fine! You and Karai can stay here and keep a watch out for them while we take these two back to the lair. But call if you guys need backup.” Leo said before he helped pick up Rockwell.
     Raph crossed his arms.
     “Admit it, Raph, you just miss the action we used to have.” Karai said with a hand on her hip.
     “No! I just don't want anything out there that could hurt us, including our kids!” Raphael yelled.
     The two of them began to bicker as Angel, still away from the group, examined the communication device she had found in her hands. She examined it curiously when she noticed a symbol on the side of it.
     Her blood ran cold at the memories this symbol had brought.
     “Now is not the time, you guys! These two need to be taken back to my lab ASAP!” Donnie said, standing up with a mondo gecko in his arms.
     “Shut it, Donnie!” Ralph yelled, jabbing a finger at Donatello.
     April growled. “Raph, stop this. It isn't helping.” April said, defending Donnie.
     Leo was about to step in, only to be interrupted by more bickering.
     “Uh, guys!” Angel said with something in her hand. Everyone looked toward her as she jumped back out of the drain.
     “I think we have a bigger problem.”
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etsap123 · 2 years
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