everwanderer · 6 years
Thought for the day
With all the issues going on around the world, one has been present in my mind this past week. Kids walking out of school to bring awareness to gun control and that we need to have better laws and safety.
However I just feel that I need to put out there that the laws are not the issue. Guns are a means to an end for those who decide that the best way to make a statement is by killing people.
People do not think 'Hey I have access to a weapon, therefor I feel like I should walk into my school and start shooting people'.
Juse because we have access to the guns does not mean that is the reason kids are being killed in the halways of their own school.
When a crime is committed you cant fully convict a suspect untill you have a rational and clear motive.
The root of the problem with shootings is not that civillians have access to guns, but that people are not of sound mind. People are angry, and depressed.
There is no simple answer on how to fix this. It also starts to dive into other issues we have in todays society. All in all, fixing the issue starts at home. With parenting, and helping kids deal with their emotions and being aware of there childrens behavior. No it is not easy to spot, but its a start.
Next is at school and the work place. The world is becomming ever more judgemental, and I hate to say it, but fake. If you are different you are left out, shunned and made fun of.
If we started accepting people, doing random acts of kindness, sticking up for the guiet guy and not being afraid of eachother, you might help someone see the bright side of life.
Instead of feeling like the world is against them, that they are alone. That people should pay for the pain they have pain that they have cause an individual.
That is the problem. Not access to guns, but the anger which is stiring and festering in the minds of those who are left out. Who are outcasted, for those who feel there is no hope for them.
People want what they think will be the easy fix. But its time we looked at ourselves and reflected. The easiest way isnt always the right way.
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everwanderer · 6 years
It seems that im cursed. I put my self out there and i try to break out of my shell, but im always bailed on, no one ever calls back. Im told lie after lie about my importance. Nothing actually seems to change no matter how i change, no one seems to want to stay. Im always left out, a shadow im the middle of sunshine.
No one goes out of the way for me, but i go out of the way for them, im forgotten, just dust on the wind.
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everwanderer · 6 years
I feel like tree.
You pass by trees everyday you know they are there but you don't often take the time to look at one. It barely registars in your mind. The tree is just there. An object that always stuck in one place and maybe only ever noticed when its leaves change color and become beautiful in the eyes of passing souls.
I am a tree, ever present but never noticed.
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