eves-orchard · 11 years
This makes me sick and I'm so sorry that this young girl and her family have to go through this. These kinds of attitudes perpetuate the cycle of shame and silence that victims of assault often find themselves in and struggle to get out of. I hope this girl and her family can find a way to block out all the negativity, I hope she gets the justice and support that she needs in spite of the ignorance of others. <3
[tw: rape, victim blaming ] PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST
This pisses me off and I want you all to see it. My sister was assaulted October 19 late at night. Someone who claimed to be an internet friend and was comforting her in her time of need took advantage of her and wouldn’t let her leave the car until she did what he wanted her to do. The next day, she reported the case, and then for the whole week we were giving evidence, tracking, and etc.
My little sister wants to kill herself and can’t handle what has happened, and is suffering greatly.
Once the guy was finally aprehended, and the town posted this on their facebook feed about all the details.
This is where the people of facebook never fail to utterly piss me off.
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These were the comments on his page:
This is how the are taking the case. This terrible thing that happened to my 12 year old sister, who was raped and assaulted by a 23 year old, and this is how my town responds.
I am so fucking livid right now.
Please reblog this for me.
Please, please, please. These people are bashing my sister, and she is the victim here. Why is the child molester getting defended?
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eves-orchard · 11 years
Still laughing that the person behind FEMEN is actually a 32 year old man named Victor Svyatski who purposefully picks the “prettiest girls” to go protest topless because it sells more papers and has no problem calling women “bitches” and when asked if he created FEMEN to meet more women, he said: “Perhaps yes, somewhere in my deep subconscious.” (x)
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eves-orchard · 11 years
YouTube Finds Menstruation Offensive
So, clearly, all-girl rap group Hand Job Academy's latest video about having your period is the most offensive thing that's ever been on YouTube. Ever. It's definitely more offensive than Asian Girlz, and far more risque than Robin Dicke shamelessly degrading a group of nearly naked models in what can only be described as a sickening display of rape-enabling peacockery. Why?
Because it's about periods, of course!
YouTube lets an immeasurable amount of offensive, derogatory and just plain weird/gross content exist on the site, but they saw fit to ban this. 
I had to give a slow clap to Everett True when I read what he had to say about the whole thing (a seriously switched on man when it comes to gender bias and sexism in the music industry)
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eves-orchard · 11 years
People don’t wanna be compared to the teenage girl; the teenage girl is hated, teenage girls hate themselves. If you listen to a certain kind of music, or if you express your emotions in a certain kind of way, if you self harm, you write diaries, all those kind of activities are sort of laughed at and ridiculed because they’re associated with being a teenage girl. Even just things like being cripplingly self conscious or overly concerned with our appearance, that’s considered like a teenage girl thing and therefore its ridiculous, it’s stupid, it’s not relevant or legitimate, and you know, what we needed at that age was legitimisation and respect and support but all we got was dismissal and “oh you’re such a teenage girl.”
Feminism, Education, and the plight of the teenage girl (via grrrlfever)
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eves-orchard · 11 years
This. 10,000 times this. This is what I'm going to tell the perverted old guy at my work who thinks homosexuals should be executed yet rents lesbian porn from me all the time.
Women, gay or straight, are not your playthings.
being homosexual or bisexual isn’t disgusting. but you know what is disgusting? when a man finds it ok for two girls to be making out or something of the sort just because it makes his dick hard, but when its two girls or, god forbid, two men that are in an actual, well-founded relationship and in love, the man finds that disturbing and immoral and wrong. now thats disgusting.
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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become cliterate
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eves-orchard · 11 years
If you consider a woman less pure after you’ve touched her, maybe you should take a look at your hands.
(via lulu-a)
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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[x] From Rachel Tietz’s video The Notebook Sucks
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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eves-orchard · 11 years
If My Body is a Temple
Then you will treat it with respect
If I make it out of modest brick
Or adorn it with the finest paint and gold leaf
Or choose to worship in the open air, in a bare amphitheatre
As nature intended
  If my body is a temple
A place of worship
Then you shall treat it as a sacred vessel
And acknowledge that such a divine palace should be revered
By all mankind
  If my body is a temple
It is my sacred space
And I shall worship and give it pleasure
By my own hands or hands of others, as I see fit
And not be shamed
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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Shocking as it is.
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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I don’t usually post personal photos but…
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eves-orchard · 11 years
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eves-orchard · 11 years
“If a woman writes about herself, she’s a narcissist. If a man does the same, he’s describing the human condition.”
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eves-orchard · 11 years
If the internet has taught us anything, it’s that social issues are never a case of “just a few assholes” blown out of proportion. Misogyny isn’t “just a few assholes”, misandry isn’t “just a few assholes”, racism isn’t “just a few assholes”, victim-blaming isn’t “just a few assholes”, bullying isn’t “just a few assholes”, douchebags in general aren’t “just a few assholes”. It doesn’t take Columbo to discover the larger-than-you-think despicability out there. These are real things; they are happening. Luckily, it’s just as easy to find the folks on the other side.
If This Isn’t From a Book, It Should Be (via gaircyrch)
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eves-orchard · 11 years
Nice things to call someone you are romantically involved with:
floppity bop
strawberry lace
child of the clouds
button bottom
captain of the forest
doctor cute trousers
pollen prince
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