evisisuniverse · 3 years
Is it so fucking difficult to use the word "please"? Especially for parents? Look, I don't have a problem with helping you, but making me feel like a slave by just shouting commands and making me feel bad for wanting to be a bit respected is not the ideal way of treating your child.
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
Coronavirus is something we needed to open our eyes. Don't get me wrong, yes people are dying and it's very sad, but most of us have gotten so comfortable in their lives they do not acknowledge others. This crisis may help us to reconnect to our family, friends.. And strangers and people we don't know at all. We are all in this together and I don't know about you, but here in the Czech Republic our society works much better these days. Yes. We are in a quarantine. Yes. Some of us are bored to death. But I don't remember a situation when our community stuck so close together.
We will beat this virus and hopefully it will make us stronger and much better!
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
Umm.. Okay..
I thought this will be an ordinary day like all the other days in the week.. And the week before.. And the previous one.. Etc..
But as soon as I get online, I see the saviours of, not only me, but many others as well, are well and getting ready for their reunion and hopefully for the next Era of all our lives!
Hail the MCR..
And louder for the people in the back PLEASE!!
I fucking missed you! 🤘🖤
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
How am I supposed to enjoy my life?
I feel like spending all this time in a school desk is taking away my life and my hobbies.
I used to love to read, draw and sing. Nowadays it's just from 7:30 am to 4 pm spent at school and when I get home at 5 pm I spend two hours doing homework and getting ready for exams..
How am I supposed to enjoy my life, when all I do is equations and solve physics problems?
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
Tomorrow I'll have to wake up at 5 a.m. and manage to suffer through two classes of PE. Then I'll have a history exam, maths exam and biology test, none of which I'm ready for.
I'm just so tired of having to spend around 12 whole hours a day at school or the library because of my year's project.
And I'm not even thinking about the rest of the week.
Or the following one.
Or the one after.
I'm just drained. Running on the last bits of my energy..
Thank you, life :)
"I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath."
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
Lyrics representing my life..
Give me liberty or death
Charge me more and pay me less
I said give me liberty or death
Ah, fuck it, just give me death!
Motionless In White - Brand New Numb
Really, life, that's all I ask of you.
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
Tumblr media
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
“Introverts desire temporary seclusion, not loneliness.”
— j. grey 
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evisisuniverse · 5 years
Dear staring people
I've been called emo, goth, punk, metalhead (I don't know which is more accurate for me myself.. I'm just me.), but always with a smile.
Your looks of disgust won't change the way I look, the way I act, the way I dress or the way I wear makeup.
So I just wanna inform you, that looking at me like I just kicked your dog won't do much but make me feel better about affecting some intolerant douche's day :)
(for the record, I'd never kick a dog, I love them more than most people)
Thank you for your attention, have a nice day!
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
My relationship with my family is like a rollercoaster... Sometimes we’re on top and have literally no problems and sometimes we just fall out and don’t talk for God knows how long. The problem is that neither of us wants to apologize and we have to wait for another “top time”...
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
How can spending my whole day in my bed make me so exhausted? Seriously, how is that even possible? How can sleep make you more tired than you already are?
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
I love people that make me forget I’m shy.
(via love-diaries)
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
... what
Me after 3 hrs of sleep: Yeah! Let's do this! It's gonna be fan-fucking-tastic!
Me after 10 hrs of sleep: Yeah... I don't really feel like waking up soo... another absolutely pointless day ahead?
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
So my music scares and disgusts you?? What if I told you it’d helped me through more stuff than like 93% of my family and friends. 
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
dear parents
Hello parents, is it really so hard to show some appreciation of your kid’s work? I mean growing up on its own is terribly difficult, so please help me with it... Even the smallest things can help.
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
My exact thoughts... Sad.
I wonder.
I wonder what it feels like to have your parents be proud of you for just freaking trying. I wonder what it feels like for them not to have never-ending disappointment in you, and to understand that you are not a copy of them, or your siblings, and can’t be expected to do everything like them. I wonder what would change if they understood that the immense pressure they put on their children does the exact opposite of what they want. 
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evisisuniverse · 6 years
My evening routine
Me: okay, today I'm going to go to sleep at like 10 p.m.
Tumblr: oh, really?
Pinterest: you sure?
Youtube: I don't think so...
Whole internet: nah mate
Me at 3 a.m.: ...FUCK
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