Is Greg Real?
Hello hello, it’s me again! Mod Chess here, reporting in for duty. Today’s theory? I think Greg, the Protector of Puberty, is actually real. This is a really simple theory that won’t take much, but it does have very good and compelling evidence.
Now, I’m sure we all remember one of the very last episodes from season 2, the drug trip episode. In which the group stumbles across the moist Fae village, meeting Greg, Protector of Puberty. They go through what I consider to be legitimately the worst piece of cinema to ever curse this plane of existence.
What happened at the end though is that Kayda took responsibility for the entire incident, admitting that her poisonous plants might have poisoned the group and made them share in one big joint-hallucination. But I’m here to say that this just isn’t possible.
First things first is we gotta examine the one time the poison could have been close to poisoning anyone. Kayda, as the Protector of Poisonous Plants, is very experienced in handling and keeping her plants from coming into contact with people if they might put their lives in danger.
The only time her poisons could have affected anyone in the group is when, in the very end of the episode before the hallucination episode, she sorted through her plants. Now, the problem with this is that she wasn’t anywhere near the group and didn’t touch anybody after pulling her plants away. So that takes her out of the equation completely.
Now, for my next piece of this argument, I want you to take a look at these lines of dialogue from the script of the show.
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Do you see the issue here? The issue is that none of these characters were present at the time the group had that shared hallucination.
Even the characters from the second gen show know who Greg is, and I am 100% certain that none of the Fae would have told their children about that.
That brings us to the end. What have we learned? There is no way the group could have all had a shared hallucination, and Greg is definitely real and well known around the land.
This is Chess, signing off! Until next time!
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Is Cassius Arthur in Disguise?
Spoilers for Fae Protectors: Cal and Adine and for the upcoming season with the new witch! Slight season 3 spoilers, but it’s major for Morrigan’s character arc.
So, mod Chess here again, back on my Cassius bullshit. I don’t really like him all that much, I swear. He’s just an intriguing character-!
So, my theory of the day is that Cassius Dion is really the new witch that’s coming up, aka- Arthur Latimer, Morrigan’s older brother!
First thing’s first, we don’t know that Cassius actually died in the fire set by Adine, as stated by Ace here-
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As you can see, he was actually written to live, and ‘give up’, but I think we all know that Cassie is too much of a snake for that.
Now, we know Cassius was burned in a fire, and we know that Morrigan’s brother is coming out in the next season. Now, take a look at this concept art that as recently shared by one of the show’s writers/character artists, Dice.
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Now, I know what you all might be thinking- ‘Chess, have you gone mad? Arthur and Cassius don’t even look anything alike!’ Well, to you I say this-
Dice never actually gave us a color scheme for Arthur, but we did learn the left side of his body was severely burned while he was trying to get out of a burning building. Coincidence? I think not!
There are a lot of reasons this character could be Cassius, the main one being the fire bit. Now, stay with me here. They’re both from the fire kingdom, yeah? Well, take a look at this map-
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What we know about the fire kingdom is that there are two towns that house beings other than Fae. One is a human town, while the other is a- you guessed it! Witch town. So if there’s only one witch town in the Fire Kingdom, then that can only mean that all of the fire witches are from there.
Now, another thing that needs to be addressed is what kind of witch Cassius is. We have confirmation from Dice that Arthur is, in fact, Earth aligned. But what is Cassius? Well, after rewatching season 3, I can safely say that his alignment was never revealed to us in canon, so it leaves his alignment up in the air.
I think Ace did this knowing that we would all eventually find the breadcrumbs leading to this conclusion. But wait! There’s more.
I’m going to tie up a few loose ends before actually calling this theory to a close.
Number 1: Morrigan and Cassius look nothing alike. Well, I think Cassius’ hair turned black from being charred in the fire. And Morrigan is an edgy teen, so who knows what hair dyes she’s used.
Number 2: Arthur was burned five years ago when Morrigan ran away. Yes, but witches have magic. Cassius got burned years ago, and fixed himself up. Then when he got burned again, he decided to leave it. Men.
Number 3: The name. People go by fake names all the time. Just look back at what Adine was doing when he first joined the group in season 3.
And that concludes the theory that Cassius Dion is really Arthur Latimer! This is Chess, signing off!
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Ghost Sylvia
The following post contains spoilers for the 1st-2nd seasons of the Fae Protectors. Read at your own risk.
Good evening, this is one of your mods Zero here and with a theory relating to our favorite wine aunt.
As some of you may know, a lovely Fae by the name of Sylvia tragically past during the Fae Protector's adventure. Since her passing, she's been repeatedly popping back up as a ghost. Now, what is my theory? I believe that ghost Sylvia is truly just a shared delusion between the entirety of the group that new people play along with and get dragged into.
My evidence? To begin with, it was directly stated by Ace, the creator, that ghosts should have never existed. Refer to the below image.
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Secondly, it'd only make sense. Sylvia lived for a long time with her friend Fauna, who was obviously heartbroken by her passing. Fauna would've done anything to keep her alive in spirit, and so the shared delusion began there. It only spread as everyone began playing along with the idea of ghost Sylvia, and may have been perpetuated by a second death of a Fae named Kayda who passed from sugar consumption. The culprit of this murder was claimed to be Sylvia, but this was most likely a cover-up for a mistake gone a bit too far.
Thirdly, "ghost Sylvia" has been shown only in her drunken state, which was her constant state right before she had passed. This wouldn't be an issue if it was not for the fact ghosts cannot drink alcohol nor consume sugar, thus making her ghost unable to get drunk. If everyone had become accustomed to the way Sylvia was when drunk, it'd only make sense that their perceptions of her in this delusion would reflect how she was like right before her passing.
Fourthly, as shown by the Fae Protector members and even Sylvia's creator, they are all under the assumption Sylvia is living with her also dead knight girlfriend. This is the most likely place that she would be, and it would make no sense to have her presented in two places at once.
And with that I think the legend of Ghost Sylvia has been successfully debunked, this is Zero signing out.
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Mod Intro
Hihi, I'm Zero! I'm a mod here and I can promise I don't know what I'm doing. As for my favorite characters, I'd have to say it's Kai and Ophelia!
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Is Cassius Still Alive?
Warning: The following contains spoilers for the extra content story for Fae Protectors featuring Cal and Adine that takes place between the span of time from when Adine Ekene leaves and comes back in the fourth and fifth seasons of Fae Protectors. If you haven’t read it, please go do so! It’s really good, and it’s it worth spoiling yourself before you check it out!
Hello hello, mod Chess here and I am posting here about a question we’ve all been wondering... did Cassius survive when Adine trapped him in the burning building? Now, I know there’s a lot of debate on this subject, but I’m gonna tell you all why I think Cassius is actually alive.
Now, first things first. Cassius is a witch, and a competent one at that. Especially when it comes to spells. I know that a lot of people say that spell books are absolutely needed for a witch to preform a spell, but that’s not actually true.
Way back in season 3, when Morrigan was fighting bandits to save Leo, she used a healing spell without even touching a book. A lot of what we know about witches is confined to what we have seen in the show, but honestly? Morrigan and Adine are kind of incompetent when it comes to magic. Jinx doesn’t use spells too often, and Worm doesn’t tend to use them at all.
Using Morrigan and Adine as examples for how all witches use magic isn’t really the best way to go about proving that they need spellbooks. Morrigan can’t read Latin, and Adine can’t memorize spells that easily as confirmed by Ace themself. Cassius on the other hand? He was the mayor of a witch town and probably trained himself, memorizing spells along the way.
How is this relevant? Well, I believe Cassius used magic to get out of the burning building. Adine only barricaded the door, he didn’t set a magic seal on the door so Cassie couldn’t get out. If Cassius is really as strong as he’s made out to be, then there’s no way a simple door stopped him.
Still not convinced? Take a look at what the creator themself had to say.
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Now, the photos above show a part of a conversation between one of the writers and the creator. They themself said that Cassie might still be alive. I don’t think Ace completely scrapped this idea, and I think they still went with it even though we were all led to believe Cassius was dead. After all, why not just state he was dead rather than leaving it open like that?
I think this concludes my post, so this is Chess, signing off!
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Mod Intro
Hello hello, I’m one of the mods for this blog, Chess! I post the shittier theories of me and my associate, so please be ready for that. My favorite characters are Callum and Quill!
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Mod Intros
Is Cassius Arthur in Disguise?
Is Cassius Still Alive?
Is Greg Real?
Ghost Sylvia
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