faker-butterfly · 2 days
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my show now. this is the canon after credits scene
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faker-butterfly · 2 days
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This scenario originated in Princess Monoke. I swear, I have seen it get applied to so many other genres.
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
Hot Take: Oshamir is One-Sided
[Spoilers for The Acolyte]
Star Wars fans know that Osha and Qimir’s relationship is doomed to end tragically. The Sith is a culture that eats itself: the apprentice either kills the master and takes their place, or is killed by the master in the attempt. So even if Qimir kills Darth Plagueis (and we know this won’t happen), he’s just going to have to deal with Osha attempting to kill him one day.
(Side note: I have a sneaking suspicion that Qimir is not actually Sith, since he never calls himself one, he just says "a Jedi like you would call me, Sith." But that's a topic for another day...)
Given what I know about The Acolyte fandom, a doomed romance is hardly something we'll shy away from; we’ll revel in the tragedy of it all, and the sadder it is and the harder we hurt, the more we'll love it!
No, I want to discuss something else; something I don't think many Acolyte fans really want to acknowledge... that the “romance” as shown at the end of series is one-sided: Qimir's side. The last shot of the series implies that Qimir and Osha are ready to face the galaxy together, hand-in-hand, but...
Qimir cares for Osha; Osha does not care for Qimir.
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Hey! HEY!
Put your pitchforks down and just hear me out, please!
What Qimir Desires and Fears
Qimir -- his arms muddy, his dark hair slick against his sweaty brow, holding Mae hostage with his lightsaber threatening to ignite through her skull at any moment -- explains his motivation to Sol:
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"[I want] freedom: the freedom to wield my power the way I like, without having to answer to Jedi like you. I want a pupil. An acolyte."
Qimir wants acceptance and connection, to be seen and appreciated by someone else. But he mentions several times that he wants a pupil, which by definition would put him in a position of power and authority over someone else, even if it's to help build them up.
This presents an underlying contradiction in what Qimir says he wants, versus what he really wants:
Does he want an equal who sees and cares for him?
Or does he want a pupil that he can teach from a position of power?
The show leaves the answer ambiguous, but nestled in this contradiction lies Qimir's biggest fear.
Qimir fears opening up and being seen. He wears a mask to conceal his identity, but he also hides his character behind his personas: the buffoon, the nervous helper, the murderer, the teacher, the seducer...
From Qimir's point-of-view, he's been betrayed before, and that betrayal left scars...
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"I was [a Jedi]. A long time ago... [...] It was a really long time ago."
...so he needs to protect himself from getting so close to someone that they harm him again.
Betrayal and Murder on Khofar
So, on Khofar, when Mae reveals that she was only ever using "The Stranger" for her own revenge, Qimir chooses to kill her.
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He could have chosen to run back to his ship and let Mae rot in Jedi jail (or wherever they take murderous Force-users...), rather than risk discovery. Attacking Mae and the Jedi was not a smart move if he feared being seen. But that doesn't matter: he's Sith, and he finds strength in his emotions, including his own fear.
So, he resolved to commit murder against Kelnacca, then slay the whole Jedi posse hunting Mae, and then deal with Mae.
But here's the thing: Qimir likes to frame his actions as self-defence...
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"I killed Jedi. I killed those who threaten my existence."
..but this isn't actually true, is it? He didn't need to kill Kelnacca in his home -- Kelnacca, who knew nothing about Qimir, or Indara's death, or Torbin's death, or any recent event really, and who was absolutely no threat to him -- nor didn't need to face off against the entire Jedi posse.
He chose to commit murder and engage in combat because he couldn't stand the fact that Mae used and betrayed him.
Osha Sees Through Qimir
The conversation between Qimir and Osha seems to be him slowly convincing her that the Jedi are terrible, and that she should find her own path to power.
And, of course, that he can be her guide.
After all, he answers nearly every one of her questions with a question of his own, in a kind of socratic method designed to make her question her own judgment.
All the while, Qimir uses a gentle voice and gentle touch to signal that he yearns for her, that he craves her acceptance, that he can help her if she just accept it, that she can trust him.
To make her feel safe, he even lets her hold his lightsaber...! (😏 ...ladies...!)
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This seems to work since Osha is engaging him in conversation. But Osha has seen Qimir in action, and knows that there is no possible way for her to defeat him directly.
Osha has the lightsaber, but Qimir holds all the power here.
Despite that, Osha calls him out many times on his choices.
"You killed Jecki."
"You killed Yord."
"I'm not my sister. I'm not so easily corrupted."
Osha never takes her eyes off her objective: to escape Qimir, get back to Sol, and confront her sister for her crimes.
Osha's Fatal Flaw
Mae and Osha are binary opposites in their personalities and motivations. Where Mae is community-minded, Osha is independent. Where Mae values tradition, Osha values freedom. And where Mae tries to repair frayed relationships, Osha does not forgive those who cross her.
It is this last trait that proves to be the fatal flaw that leads her down the Dark Side.
Osha. Does. Not. Forgive.
When Osha first saw Mae as an adult, she shot her!
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She didn't try to reason with her. She didn't try to help her escape. She didn't say "how did you survive?" or "I missed you."
She just fired.
But you know what? Maybe emotions were running high, right? The moment was very heated, so spontaneous violence like that could just be a one-off thing, surely?
Except that the second time they meet, Osha tries to arrest Mae without listening to her story.
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And the third time they meet, Osha is downright raging and trying to kill Mae...
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... which is a little confusing to Mae because she's trying to help Osha!
And it is Osha's inability to forgive which leads her to committing her first murder, when she finally learns that Sol had lied to her for years.
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Osha falls to the Dark Side all by herself, of her own volition.
Doomed Romance
After she kills Sol, Qimir continues to use gentle touch with Osha, pursuing his seduction of her.
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But when Mae asked Osha "what do you want, Osha?", she didn't reply with "I want to be with Qimir."
She said:
"Let [Mae] go, and I will train with you."
It was a bargain, for which she offered Qimir what he wanted most: a pupil who accepts him.
Osha is signalling that she cares for him. But she doesn't.
Osha cares for her sister. And Osha does not forgive.
She remembers that Jecki and Yord were her friends, and they had nothing to do with Sol's crimes. They were innocent, and he killed them when he went out of his way to engage the Jedi in combat.
Osha is playing Qimir, just as Mae did. She will learn from him to use the Force, and then take those teachings to fulfil her own goal of rescuing Mae and restoring her memories.
Qimir will learn the truth of their relationship one day, and on that day, like all Sith masters and apprentices, he will kill her, or she will kill him.
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(because that is not the face of a happy couple)
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
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Manny Jacinto in Qimir look
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
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Ain’t Afraid to Die [Live] // Dir en Grey
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
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The first hit’s free by Sarah (@cursingatcats on twitter) TheAcolyte #StarWars #SaveTheAcolyte #RenewTheAcolyte #Qimir #thestranger #osha #oshamir #oshamirfanart #starwarstheacolyte #disney #etl #enemiestolovers #art #procreate
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
Qimir never calls himself a Sith...
He said the Jedi would call him a Sith....
There's an important distinction here.
He is a dark side user but is not a member of the Sith group.
Please remember this 🙏
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
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Galaxies under my fingertips/Let me kiss your nightmares away
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faker-butterfly · 7 days
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If you close your eyes and you pick a side
Will you follow blindly into the darkness?
If you close your eyes and you pick a side
Will you find yourself broken and heartless?
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faker-butterfly · 10 days
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faker-butterfly · 10 days
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Oshamir but it's that one scene from Challengers (2024)
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faker-butterfly · 10 days
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OSHA X QIMIR PTXVI #TheAcolyte #StarWars #SaveTheAcolyte #RenewTheAcolyte #Qimir #thestranger #osha #oshamir #oshamirfanart #starwarstheacolyte #disney #etl #enemiestolovers #art #procreate
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faker-butterfly · 12 days
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OSHA X QIMIR PTXIII #TheAcolyte #StarWars #SaveTheAcolyte #RenewTheAcolyte #Qimir #thestranger #osha #oshamir #oshamirfanart #starwarstheacolyte #disney #etl #enemiestolovers #art #procreate
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faker-butterfly · 12 days
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OSHA X QIMIR PTXIV #TheAcolyte #StarWars #SaveTheAcolyte #RenewTheAcolyte #Qimir #thestranger #osha #oshamir #oshamirfanart #starwarstheacolyte #disney #etl #enemiestolovers #art #procreate
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faker-butterfly · 12 days
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faker-butterfly · 12 days
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i know you want me
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