fall-for-the-game · 2 years
Today’s mood: Do I watch watch Shadow & Bone season 2 even if, retrospectively, I really didn’t like what they did with season 1? Just to get a little more Crows content?   Decisions, decisions....
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fall-for-the-game · 2 years
Oh, yeah theres so many things i hate about the Half Bad adaptation, the first being the title? Like thats a choice??? Only redeeming quality so far is the hope for a healthy poly relationship and maybe certain people not dying
I would have maaaybe accepted "the bastard son OF the devil himself", that would have at least made some sense. But it's all got a weird tone? I don't know what they were aiming for with the title or some of the soundtrack...
Not sure how I feel about a poly ship, since I hated Anneliese in the books and in the show xD But if they can make it work, I guess why not.
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fall-for-the-game · 2 years
So. I've only had a chance to watch Ep1 so far but here are my thoughts.
1. I am unreasonably mad that he can read and that he has friends. Like. I feel like that's a big part of his character.
2. Where tf are Arran and Deborah?? Like maybe Deborah isn't a main character but Arran is and I'm pissed.
3. They haven't mentioned him having to be outside at night or telling fains from witches by their eyes.
So far the only thing I like from this show is that they changed Black and White to Blood and Fairborn. Idk I just think it sounds better.
An attempt will be made to watch Ep2 in the next couple days.
Agreed on all those points. I've finished it and it doesn't get better. The casting, like I've said before, is imho shit. Wait till you see Gabriel... And not having Arran is unforgivable. The woman who keeps questioning Nathan in Ep1? That's supposed to be Celia.
Also she comes around every month?? Instead of Nathan going into the council building every year on his birthday. I don't like it. They changed so much about him, he is nothing like he's in the books, even taking unreliable narration into account. They also mixed up and changed the powers everyone has (boy, did some of them make me mad) and there seem to be no real differences between Blood and Fairborn other than the Blood heal faster? And yes, the name change was probably for the best, but that's one of very few concessions I'll make to the show.
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fall-for-the-game · 2 years
Yeah, no, it was terrible.
It got worse the longer it went on :/
Seems Netflix quietly adapted one of my all-time fav book series and I never even heard about it? I’m losing my mind???? Also, sorry but it’ll never live up to my hopes and dreams and expectations.
I already hate the casting. So far, everyone except for Gran looks nothing like I pictured them in my head. ESPECIALLY GABRIEL WTF??
And WHERE IS ARRAN?!   I can deal with them moving the timeline around a bit but leaving Arran out completely is unforgivable.  And what’s with Annelise stupid power, why did she need that? Celia is way too soft?? Everyone is too soft tbh. The tone is off, the soundtrack is awful. So yeah.
Well, at least maybe it’ll get more people to read the books, I guess…
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fall-for-the-game · 2 years
Excuse me WHAT???
Sorry, I just had to go look myself and like... what??
I haven't watched it yet but I hate the episode descriptions. I will reserve further judgment til I watch it but as of right now I don't like it.
Will return with my verdict once I have a chance to watch.
Yeaaaahh... I was just doing a quick browse on Netflix and ran across the name "Half Bad" and was like oh funny, that's the name of one of my favorite book series and then I read the quick synopsis and did an actual double take.
I already have a million issues with it, but please do let me know what you think!
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fall-for-the-game · 2 years
Seems Netflix quietly adapted one of my all-time fav book series and I never even heard about it? I’m losing my mind???? Also, sorry but it’ll never live up to my hopes and dreams and expectations.
I already hate the casting. So far, everyone except for Gran looks nothing like I pictured them in my head. ESPECIALLY GABRIEL WTF??
And WHERE IS ARRAN?!   I can deal with them moving the timeline around a bit but leaving Arran out completely is unforgivable.  And what’s with Annelise stupid power, why did she need that? Celia is way too soft?? Everyone is too soft tbh. The tone is off, the soundtrack is awful. So yeah.
Well, at least maybe it’ll get more people to read the books, I guess...
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fall-for-the-game · 2 years
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fall-for-the-game · 3 years
How cute is that Neil keeps everything important under his pillow?
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fall-for-the-game · 3 years
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Kaz and Inej
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fall-for-the-game · 3 years
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Me, googling this information frantically: Okay now you guys have GOT to be fucking with me, there’s NO way he could’ve actually–
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
but i don’t want to create the specific content that i would like to see
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
I’m an “all of the above” ace
are you a “mark for later”, bookmarking unread fics on ao3, bookmarking unread fics on ur browser, 25 fic tabs open, or a “i’ll just find this later in my history” gay
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
Vivienne: Oh, and if any of you need anything at all...
Vivienne: Too bad.
Vivienne: Deal with your problems yourself like adults.
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
Hsin: We got away, everything went according to plan!
Boyd, holding a grappling hook he didn't get to use: Yeah, it was okay I guess.
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
Boyd: The results are in, I’m afraid you have updog…
Hsin: What’s updog?
Boyd: Ryan! Get in here, I told you I could do it!
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
Owen: I’m starting therapy tomorrow and I’ve been trying to think of power moves I could make towards the therapist. I've decided to bring a notepad with me and take notes on it whenever they take notes and then eat the paper at the end of the session.
Hsin: Owen, this is why you need therapy.
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fall-for-the-game · 4 years
Carhart: Now, let’s say you are in trouble and you’re in desperate need of help. What do you do?
Hsin: Call Boyd.
Carhart: Okay, yes. But Boyd is not here.
Hsin: Where’s Boyd?
Carhart: It’s not important where he is. He’s gone. He left the planet.
Hsin: Why? Is he okay?
Carhart: He’s fine.
Hsin: Well, if he’s fine, I don’t see why he couldn’t help me.
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