fallen-knight 12 hours
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Prequel Jedi ladies 馃グ
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fallen-knight 12 hours
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LU Time in the Hades style
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Why so tense, young hero?
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Also, a painted over OoT doodle.
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fallen-knight 12 hours
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For those not in the know, this is one of the Amanita mushrooms referred to as a Destroying Angel. Never, ever, ever, ever forage with an app. Especially for mushrooms.
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fallen-knight 12 hours
Honestly at this point the star wars Wikipedia is the only thing left that can still make me laugh
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fallen-knight 12 hours
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Cottage weekend for me, but no fires allowed so I'm drawing one instead!
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fallen-knight 1 day
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A little story about ghosts, and roommates, and getting to know each other.
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fallen-knight 2 days
Kind of crazy how much more interesting and beautiful real life caves are than most caves in video games. Never really seen em capture the diversity and composition it鈥檚 always just rock tubes connecting rock rooms with Sum glowing ass crystals
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fallen-knight 2 days
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their never-ending dance of pining over each other鈽猴笍馃き
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fallen-knight 2 days
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more public art! these fellas were printed on vinyl for the sides of a traffic cabinet
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fallen-knight 2 days
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fallen-knight 2 days
Let鈥檚 be honest - Everest should be cut off from climbers, and the only people that should be allowed up there are ppl who volunteer to clean up all the garbage and human excrement adrenaline junkies have left up there over the decades, and anyone who volunteers to attempt to bring down any bodies of those who died.
The ascent is too dangerous, too many ill-equipped and unprepared climbers try to make the climb, and too much garbage is piling up and poisoning the run off that communities around Everest rely on to live.
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fallen-knight 2 days
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fallen-knight 2 days
Suzanne Collins really has the protocol down. On average twice a decade she writes a press release that's like "in one year there will be a new book and in two years there will be a movie based on said book. Here is the one philosopher I'll be referencing, and here is what upset me this time on the news enough to write another book. Enjoy!" and then she collects her millions, drops another banger, and doesn't go on twitter ever
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fallen-knight 2 days
Arte alucinante
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fallen-knight 3 days
Cryptid Samus
I know I've made posts like this before in the past, but this is my favorite headcanon so you're all gonna have to suffer more of it until I can write a proper length fanfic about it.
SO. In the era of the Prime series, Samus seems to go from being a relatively unknown bounty hunter, to the one woman army that almost single-handedly ends the Phazon War with the Space Pirates. This makes sense as Metroid Prime is only the second mission of Samus's that we get to see, and it's not really a big one. Just "There's a Space Pirate frigate out here kinda close to Zebes, orbiting Tallon IV. Go see if they're causing trouble."
The next mission we see Samus undertake is checking in on the Federation ship that lost communications on Aether. Here is where we actually get to see for the first time what other in-universe characters think of Samus.
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Unfortunately, these troopers can only communicate through their log entries. One trooper in particular, SPC M. Angseth, says in her log,
"This is ridiculous. I can outshoot half the men here, and I'm stuck on monitor duty. I didn't join up to stare at a holoscreen! This wouldn't happen to Samus Aran... She'd be out there take care of business, not pushing buttons and sending reports."
Another trooper, PFC I. Crany, says this,
"Last night at chow, Angseth starts talking about some bounty hunter and how she blew up a planet full of Space Pirates. I told her I didn't believe in fairy tales like that, and she took it personal. I just find it hard to believe that one person took out an entire Space Pirate base, that's all. But if she wants to believe in this Samus, or Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, she can."
These two logs clearly show that while Samus is a known entity, her exploits are fantastical to the point of sounding like a myth or fable. I think most fans are aware of these logs by this point so I won't go on too much more about them. Instead, I'll move on to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
Corruption has a large number of troopers, and most of them are even alive for us to talk to! Right off the bat Samus gets hailed by the GFS Olympus and when she puts in her code on the comms, the ATC operator refers to her as Samus. Maybe they could've been just reading the name off the gunship registration. Once we land, Samus talks to a trooper at their post in landing bay 5.
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The way this trooper talks to Samus doesn't indicate whether or not they believe that she is a fictional character like PFC Crany, nor do they show any admiration for Samus the way we could expect Angseth to act.
Then we get to the briefing room where Dane, Rundas, Ghor, and Samus are waiting for us.
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... I'm pretty sure it's normal to have people impersonate you about 3 times in your career, right?
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Either way, none of the assembled hunters, no Admiral Dane seem to have any reaction to Samus's presence. Meaning they know that she exists (reasonably, since they're kinda coworkers).
If we get back to my 'armcanon,' I think that Samus, the mysterious Chozo Power Suit wearing bounty hunter that tangles with legions of Space Pirates by herself, is regarded as some sort of space cryptid, because like yes someone capable of doing what she does makes sense. BUT, is it believable that ONE (1) person is doing it? Is Samus some kind of AI in a hyper-advanced experimental chassis? Or maybe she's a Federation bioweapon that they send out to do their most expensive and difficult bounties to keep from paying out so much money. The only people who know that Samus is a real person are the ones who directly work with her, so other hunters, the Federation, obviously the Space Pirates.
I would compare her to the way that Robert Pattinson's Batman exists to Gotham city. The average citizen probably doesn't ever have too much proof that Samus really exists, though maybe there's merchandise that the people who do see her make, and of course the Federation knows since they payout her bounties and have to get in touch with her when they work together.
I also like to think of Samus as having a sort of alter ego.
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This public persona would be Sam A. an archaeologist. Someone who works with decrypting the ancient writings of species like the Chozo, N'kren, Ylla, Bryyonians, Elysians, Alimbics, and many others. She could have an office or museum or some kind of public works that help teach people the history of the stars.
On the rare occasion that she is around to oversee her space, she will slip in and give lucky viewers private tours of her personal artifact collection. Things such as rubbings of Chozo lore walls from Tallon IV, damaged busts of Luminoth (donated by U'Mos of course), and even some relics from her old missions like the Spazer beam, Long Beam, or the Omega Cannon.
I'm sure she would also run some kind of black market smuggling operation too. What better way to find and retrieve valuable artifacts from smugglers and grave robbers than to con them into stealing from herself? Then of course she'd hack their equipment to give herself five stars on Dark Yelp.*
I really want to see Samus have more of a direct role in making peoples lives better rather than just the suicidal impossible odds missions she gets in the games. And I think that could be done in a Metroid game with a more urban setting, sorta like Batman: Arkham Knight where Samus would mostly stick to a single city and be able to receive missions to track down bounty heads while piecing together a large assassination plot or something. Maybe make Sylux or some other hunters appear to give him an actual reason to hate Samus.
*The Dark Yelp thing is a reference to my close friend's EeveeNicks' "Human" series on AO3. A series about Samus struggling to move on after the destruction of Zebes and rebuilding her connection to humanity, rather than feeling like a tool of war.
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fallen-knight 3 days
I need to know what the Links' favorite foods are. real life analogs must be made.
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okay, I only did the ones that are in the comic so far, but here u go!
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fallen-knight 3 days
it is once again... binturong appreciation hour
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