Say, do guys remember how in the first season of owl house when Gus sneaks Luz back into Hexide, he tells her about how he sometimes uses his illusion magic to write his notes for him? If illusions can write things down...does that mean that the illusion can be solid? I mean...they have to be if they can leave an impact on the world, such as writing things on paper, And if its true that the illusions can be solid then doesn't that mean that illusion magic can be used to make abominations without ACTUALLY using abomination spells? Or Making weapons that can actually hurt people? Or ingredients for potions and it would work?
In the episode where Gus tags along with Bria and Mattholomule to the goulderstone ruins, Bria says that illusionists are useless witches and that they would only use the stone to do high def party tricks, but what if she wasn't wrong? (the party trick part, im trying to explain how theyre technically the most poweeful) What if a goulderstone would make the illusions tangible? Wouldn't that make it possible for an illusionist to do all magic JUST by using illusion spells and no one would blink an eye? Wouldn't that mean that illusionists are actually the strongest witches and not the weakest?
If Adrien, Gus or the twins got their hands on a goulderstone then the sky would be the limit to their powers, they would literally be able to do anything with a twirl of their fingers, I know there were a lot of what ifs in this post but this could be big if those kids get their sh!t together馃槶
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Ok so I just have a few questions for the producers of owl house about King
So you know how in the episode "Echoes of the Past" where king talks about hearing his father call him son before leaving to fight the titan trappers and dying somewhere, that would make sense right? But it doesn't because in the episode where king finds the titan trappers we find that King is the son of the Boiling Isles, This doesn't make sense because in the episode "Elsewhere and Elsewhen" we see that the Titan of the Boiling Isles has been dead for millions of years, If king was awake to hear his father speak then that means that he should have been due to hatch soon, I don't know if that means that Titans take and incredibly long time to develop or not but I just want to know :/
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He looks like he鈥檚 mid kicking position. That鈥檚 it.
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