fandoms2ask · 7 months
Just did ref for us, its self inserts and im not taking criticisms
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fandoms2ask · 7 months
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Still figuring out my android Wheatley design.
1. Wheatley telling Chell about how he had no depth perception before. Which horrifies her considering he was her guide in portal 2 part 1 and she easily could’ve died because he couldn’t even see properly.
2. Wheatley griffin
3. Chelley romancing
4. Wheatley and GLaDOS hate eachother, wheatley isn’t being very pro-mental health rn. 🙄smh
5. Can you censor ||”r0b07”|| it makes me 𝓒𝓾𝓶
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fandoms2ask · 7 months
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new old clothes
wheatley gets new clothes from Kleiner and wants to show that hes from aperture, but aperure doesnt exist in teh same way it did when he was a circle
also nikon and roma are there laughing at him
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fandoms2ask · 9 months
The wonderful Glass Octopus. Living at depths of around 3000 ft and only being about a foot long, these strange little creatures are rarely seen by scientists.
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fandoms2ask · 11 months
imagine u die and get to hell and ur form isnt even that cool
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
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ceramic white sleeping bunny 🐇
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
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im simping
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
“Eclipse game”
“Eclipse Games” are like “Hunger Games”, but different. The “games” themselves last a year, starting on june 1 and lasting exactly a year. The games take place every four years. The game is divided into four stages: summer, fall, winter, and spring. In the fall and winter, new participants are added, but fewer and fewer. All the events of the game are broadcasted.
There is a Capitolia, the capital itself, and different districts responsible for different sectors of labor. We have Roma, Nikon and Dave. Roma is from the 8th, district of lumberjacks, Dave from the 10th, district of fishermen and Nikon from the 6th, district of seamstresses.
At the beginning of the game, Dave and Roma are 17 y.o. and Nikon is 18 y.o.
Small fact about Roma:they are talkative. kid is a fucking asshole. shortie talks very much. He kills and pretentiously tell something into the camera. that's his point. He knows where the cameras are and tries to make everything look good for the public, interesting and cinematic. And they are still pretentiously loquacious.
Initially in the game is Nikon and Roma. Roma's weapon is an axe and Nikon's weapon is a knife.
On the first day, Nikon's leg was shot and she lay somewhere in the bushes for several days unable to walk. During this time they killed two people. Then Roma found them and took them to his place, having previously bandaged her knee with tape. Why did Roma take Nikon? From the very beginning, Roma's plan was to get to the top of the rankings in order to win. Therefore, he needed two people to do this. One of them was nikon. They "made a deal" about the community. Roma gets food and builds a place to live, Nikon just does something useful.
The summer was calm and without any interesting events.
Also, there are Kate, Neil and Penny in the cast of characters. Kate is like the face of the revolution and she is for everything good, against everything bad. She and Roma have a nemesis. But the fandom thinks otherwise and ship them (kismesis). It's fun. Neil and Penny are Kate's love interests and they fight about it.
Also, at higher rankings, the player can ask sponsors for different things. So, at the end of the summer, Nikon asked for a phone. And now they know everything that's going on in the map and in the fandom, too.
Also, at the end of the summer, Roma ran around the map naked one night and killed several people. It's ridiculous.
Autumn begins calmly.
At the beginning of autumn, Roma asked his sponsors for a walnut artek(waffles), but it didn't taste right, And he cried.
Nikon makes traps and different stuff with his big dick brain. A week or two before Halloween, Dave falls into the bunny trap. Now he's second in Roma's plan.
Dave appeared in the game during the second, fall phase, respectively. 
His knees were broken by Roma almost right after they get him out of the trap. Now he can't walk, sucker
Dave also became a target for bullying from Nikon, because who would do anything to her? She is also quite famous because she makes jokes. Most of them are cruel.
The fall was also calm and quiet.
Winter. There are fewer people, it's cold, people are dying like flies even more. Because Roma are killing them. Roma have been killing a lot. they have been first in the ranking for a long time, almost from the very beginning.
One small group asked sponsors for a large mattress. Roma learned about it from Nikon. So he stole it and spent a lot of time trying to drag it home in the snow. On the hill. And it always fall away.
A Lake.
In winter, there was an event for the top 10, but Nikon (3rd place) was replaced by 11 because she walks badly. So, a field. At the end there is a box with a lot of necessary things. Whoever is first gets these things. But it was not a field, it was a lake and it was all bullshit. But Roma won and now they had that box.
In the winter before the new year, Dave got sick (not caused by Nikon, for sure /sarc). They healed him, but it was difficult.
And then, because of a joke by Nikon, his legs were cut off. Like, he can't use then anyway. He suffered from phantom pain for a long time.
For now Dave is light enough, so sometimes Roma takes him out to pick up stuff.
End of winter. Spring. The last three months.
More murders happen. Dave does something useful too, like fishing. Nikon keeps mocking him because he's a wimp (and he really is).
He has Stockholm syndrome towards the Roma.
The end of spring. The end of “Eclipse games” and the most interesting. The end of everything, but there are several.
Ending 1:Roma kills everyone, Dave and Nikon are left. Roma kills Dave right away and then starts to fuck him up he starts to talk a lot. And after that he calmly kills Nikon. Now Roma has money, fame and all this shit. And he bought Artek Company.
Ending 2:Everything is the same, but when Roma is going to kill Nikon, she kills them herself. Now Nikon won.
Ending 3:Everything is the same as in the first one, but Roma dies with Nikon. Now their souls are bound forever and they will never find piss peace
Ending 4:Everything is the same as in the second one, but Roma reacts in time and he and Nikon die together. The same as in the Ending 3, but Roma is also angry because of the betrayal.
Ending 5:Same as in the first one, but Roma fucks Dave too much was a loquacious shit too much and too long, so time runs out. Roma and Nikon are winners.
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
i feel like the term "radio host" should be more literal. if you're a radio host you should have to host that thing inside your body until you fuse together like two symbiotic organisms.
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
"op im shaking what the fuck does this mean" type comments are on the rise again because the particle beams stopped emanating from the marvelous contraption i built in my garage
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
Subject your Followers to your favorite Stupid Bullshit.
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
Dave is on the Lands of Faith and Whistle. He is standing alone in the middle of the desert. Dave adjusted his anti-dust mask and opened his captchas. Looking through them, the boy noticed a receipt lying apart from others. He picked it up and examined carefully. It is one of Nikon's Silpo receipts. Dave's eyes immediately switched to prediction.
You can't save everyone.
–...Cruel...–The guy said quietly, putting the receipt back in his captchas.
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
Naming the female razor brand Venus is so personally offensive to me....you think Venus the goddess of love and sex and beauty was shaving her PUSSY? Go kill yourself
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fandoms2ask · 1 year
Kind of related to that post I made a couple days ago but I love you people who make “odd” animal-like noises, especially people who don’t do that on purpose, I love you people who growl when they’re frustrated, I love you people who mimic the animals around them, I love you people who bare their teeth when feeling threatened/on edge, I love you people who make purring noises when they’re happy/satisfied
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