fandomsketchbook · 7 years
It's true, we still love you guys.
tumblr friendships are hard to maintain like im sorry i know i havent talked to you in 5 months but you’re still super rad and i still consider us friends im just dumb
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
The FCC will soon vote to kill net neutrality. But Congress can stop them if they hear from constituents now.
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Yesterday afternoon the House subcommittee that provides Congressional oversight for the FCC held an important hearing about the agency’s current plans, including current Chairman (and former Verizon lawyer) Ajit Pai’s move to gut Title II net neutrality protections that prevent ISPs from controlling what we do online with throttling, censorship, and extra fees.
With Capitol Hill’s attention now on the FCC, and Pai’s final plan to gut net neutrality protections expected in the coming weeks, it’s extra important that Congress gets flooded with phone calls from Internet users telling them to stand up and defend the open Internet.
We’re also hearing there are key members of Congress considering whether to step in and force Pai to slow down. This means best chance to stop the FCC from breaking the fundamental principle that makes the Internet awesome is to pound Congress with phone calls right now.
You can call your reps easily with just one click here: battleforthenet.com
You’ll see a script on your screen, or you can say something like this:
“I support Title Two net neutrality rules and I urge you to oppose the FCC’s plan to repeal them. Specifically, I’d like you to contact the FCC Chairman and demand he abandon his current plan.”
You can also just call this number directly and enter your zipcode to get connected to your legislators: 202-930-8550.
If you run a website, blog, tumblr, or forum, help spread the word by putting up a sticky post, or use one of these widgets, ads, or banners: https://www.battleforthenet.com/#join
Ajit Pai is expected to circulate the text of his rule killing net neutrality on November 22, the day before Thanksgiving. Once that happens, it will move to a vote at the FCC’s open meeting in December, and it will become much much harder to stop him.
It’s clear that the FCC remains set on killing net neutrality. But Congress can stop the FCC from gutting the rules that keep the web open, affordable, and awesome.
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
I'm sorry, I lied
I know I said I would post weekly and that I would be more active on here but I've been having an art block and I've been working during the summer and in all honesty....I've just been procrastinating and being lazy and I keep forgetting that this blog exists. I'm sorry, but I'll try to keep posting when I feel like it.
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
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A little piece I did from a play we did at my school! I like how it came out! Enjoy
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
Mike looked off to the side for a moment, trying to remember why he even started working here; he had been working here for some time so it, at this point became like second nature to him to come here every night. Mike stayed silent for a moment before speaking up. "Well, when I first started working here about a year ago, my girlfriend and I were living together and I needed a job to support us, and this was the only place I could think of at the time. The pay is crap here but it was enough to keep us at least fed. She left some time ago but I guess...this job just keeps me busy in the meantime." Mike said somberly, just staring out the door, trying not to think of his break-up. Shaking it off, he looked back at Vin and gave him a crooked smile. "I'm glad you're here though chap! It was gettin' awful quiet around 'ere!"
Welcome to Freddy’s
{Closed RP with @fandomsketchbook }
Vin shifted nervously as he stood outside the office of the Freddy pizzeria he was relocated to. Waiting for the manager to call him in so they could go over what needed to be. His fingers fiddling with the helm of his hoodie as he tried to keep himself busy with something at least.He already didn’t like it here. It was louder then the old location, and he didn’t know a singer person there. 
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
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Here's a callout to one of my/our oldest followers who has just been a trooper and who has honestly made my/our days better by reblogging most of our art and putting really nice tags and who has just overall been a great person and a wonderful friend ever since starting this blog. Love you @shmalzers/@robo-child, thank you for being with us all this time 💕
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
And btw you guys...
I’m super sorry for not being around but I’ll do my best to post at least weekly and to answer asks and comments and questions again. You can also always feel free to shoot me a message whenever you like. With GameStep having her own personal blog now, which you should go follow if you haven’t already @nothingbutlimbo, go check it out! I feel like I’m more around on this blog and this also kinda serves as my personal blog until I start doing digital art or something like that, kinda likeGameStep is doing. But thanks again for those of you who stuck around, I really appreciate it. Welp I’ll be around if you wanna talk more! Peace! ✌️
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!
Ayeeeeeee thanks my dude it really means a lot! I hope you had a wonderful day yourself! 💕
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
Hey my dudes, Elite here and....
ITS MY 17th BIRTHDAY TODAY WOOP WOOP. Thank you all so much for sticking around this blog even though it may not be that active anymore, but I promise things will start moving and grooving cause it’s summer vacation now and I’ve been drawing things! So just stick around for more shit! Anyways though, thank you guys again for sticking around, it really makes me happy to know that you guys are here and supporting GameStep and I through every step. AND THANKS SO MUCH FOR 300 FOLLOWERS GUYS LIKE HOLY SHIT Anyways CHEERS BITCHES!
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
"Thanks chap!" Said Mike as he sat himself near the door, and with that chair he could easily just roll over to the other door when needed. "I wouldn't worry too much, there normally isn't too much activity during the night, nothing we can't handle at least." Said Mike, trying to keep the atmosphere upbeat for the new guy. For a while it was deathly silent, aside from the tablet clicking and doors shutting and the fan whirring. Vin may have felt comfortable sitting in his own silence but Mike couldn't have felt more uncomfortable. Might as well strike conversation, there's no time like the present. "So Vin...what made you want to come to Freddy's? I personally don't see the appeal, maybe because I'm not 7 anymore but in all honesty I don't even see why kids would want to come here anyways, the animatronics are creepy as hell and the pizza here isn't all THAT great. Sorry aha I'm rambling by anyways why did you wanna work here?"
Welcome to Freddy’s
{Closed RP with @fandomsketchbook }
Vin shifted nervously as he stood outside the office of the Freddy pizzeria he was relocated to. Waiting for the manager to call him in so they could go over what needed to be. His fingers fiddling with the helm of his hoodie as he tried to keep himself busy with something at least.He already didn’t like it here. It was louder then the old location, and he didn’t know a singer person there. 
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
Mike looked around him, hands resting on his hips. "Huh, I guess we are just waiting around till 6, in all honesty I thought I was gonna be by myself for the night so I hadn't planned anything special; heck if I woulda known you were coming I would baked ya' something!" Mike's head, turning back, fourth, up, down, looking for anything that could keep them occupied for the night. "I got it!" Mike said, perking up and standing a little straighter. "Why don't you watch the tablet for the animatronics and I'll be on door duty!" Mike seemed to beam from his idea, he looked to Vin to see his reaction but his head was down, eyes averting toward the floor. Mike stopped his mini celebration and took a couple steps closer to Vin, concerned he had done something or maybe come off too strong. Mike calmed down a bit before sliding next to him. "I mean, if you want door duty you can have it, I can take the tablet if you want.....everything alright there chap?"
Welcome to Freddy’s
{Closed RP with @fandomsketchbook }
Vin shifted nervously as he stood outside the office of the Freddy pizzeria he was relocated to. Waiting for the manager to call him in so they could go over what needed to be. His fingers fiddling with the helm of his hoodie as he tried to keep himself busy with something at least.He already didn’t like it here. It was louder then the old location, and he didn’t know a singer person there. 
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
"Well I-" Matthew started, but stopped before saying anything else. Matthew wasn't used to people asking him questions of any kind, so this was a bit tricky to answer. Matthew felt suspicious though, what if this was a trap, what if hunters were looking for him right then and we're going to capture him. Matthew glanced back up to the small mans face, seeing that his eyes were fixating the self on his face and body, seeming genuinely curious, reliving Matthew enough to continue on. "I-uhh...do live in the ocean, I spend most of my time out there, typically along your shores and harbors, you guys have a great fish surplus that I dip into often, but I sometimes just come out here to...clear my head I guess?" Matthew took a moment to look up and see the interest glimmering in the bunny's eyes, he could tell that he was brimming with curiosity. Matthew never had someone's attention for this long before, he had no idea how to feel. He continued for the sake of bunny boy, not noticing that he was slowly inching more and more to him, becoming more familiar to him. "There's a couple of underwater tunnels that lead here so I usually just sit in here by myself and think for a while. But my question is, how'd you get here? Is there a passage nearby or something?"
A Shark and A Bunny
{Closed rp with @fandomsketchbook }
Vin stared down at the small pool of water in shock and disbelief. He’s been coming to this cave and pool for a very long time, and not once had he seen a shark in there. How did a shark even manage to get in here anyway?
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fandomsketchbook · 7 years
Matthew's smile was instantly wiped from his face as he saw the boy tense up and seemingly flinch as his gesture, his face reverting back to his stoic expression. His eyes darted away from the creature, not wanting to further intimidate him. A bunny, how curious. Matthew hadn't seen a bunny in years from all the time he spent in the water; strangely enough, he had never seen one quite like this, with the body of a human, must've just missed sight of them from his trips to the surface. "Vin? Never heard that one before but...nice name." Matthew looked up again to the boy. "The names Matthew, nice to meet you bunny boy." He said, holding his clawed hand out offering a handshake to the other and once again, giving the smallest smile he could muster as to not seem frightening, but this time with his mouth closed.
A Shark and A Bunny
{Closed rp with @fandomsketchbook }
Vin stared down at the small pool of water in shock and disbelief. He’s been coming to this cave and pool for a very long time, and not once had he seen a shark in there. How did a shark even manage to get in here anyway?
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