fandorahsbox · 2 months
They never show on screen Han finding out Luke and Leia are Vader’s children. I would pay to see that happen. Bro just got out of carbonite, the wounds are still fresh
knowing luke he probably just dropped it accidentally
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
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I'm back with another crack meme, let's see how well this one does
If it does as well as my New Yorker Post then I'll make a navigation list for the memes :D
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
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They can't help it, your Honor, there's blessings and curses involved your Honor.
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
If Obi-Wan had actually stayed on Mandalore with Satine after the Civil War and left the Jedi Order, it would've made The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones peak comedy.
Like, Qui-Gon would still be sent to Naboo and end up on Tatooine, he'd still meet Anakin and take him back to the Temple. But, in this AU, he survives the battle on Theed and takes Anakin as his padawan. And the entire Order would be making jokes:
"Congrats on the new padawan! Hope he sticks around longer than the last one!" "We'll keep this one off the bodyguard missions, eh Qui-Gon?"
So one day little Anakin’s like "hey master, what happened to your last padawan?" And Qui-Gon's like "oh he ran off with a girl, yeah he's royalty in the Outer Rim now".
And it's all fine and dandy until Anakin’s nineteen and they get assigned to protect Padmé, and Qui-Gon takes one look at this kid's face and thinks "You've got to be fucking kidding me, this shit again??"
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
Broke: Anakin doesn't have any jedi friends his own age because he didn't fit in/Palpatine isolated him
Woke: Anakin doesn't have any jedi friends his own age because all his classmates keep trying to sleep with his Master and it's driving him crazy. If ONE more person asks him for Obi-Wan’s number he's gonna scream.
Ahsoka: Skyguy! Did you know the senior padawans put out a yearbook?? You'll never guess who won MILF (Master I'd Like To Fuck) of the year!!!
Anakin, not looking up: It’s Obi-Wan.
Ahsoka: ...huh did you already see it?
Anakin, with a thousand yard stare: It's always Obi-Wan. It's been Obi-Wan for the last 10 years Snips.
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
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a collection
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
i think it would be very funny if at some point Darth Vader crossed paths w Artoo on a rebel mission and went 'is that my fucking droid'
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
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how do you infinite scroller webcomic people DO IT
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
I mean, with the way Hylians tend to act trying to buy you off with a bride might be their next attempt at getting rid of you.
It wouldn't work, but I could still see them trying.
Virgin sacrifice to a god and all that.
They never attempted, for they saw me and my people as simple tribal barbarians. No Hylian "noble" would waste their spawn on what they deemed a filthy man of the desert.
A pity for them, for that hylian woman alone would be spared when my invasion took place.
As for the last notion, I would not require my partner be a virgin. The idea of purity in womanhood is strictly a hylian concept, one bred to instill value in their women the same way they value livestock.
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
leia organa truly has one of the best bait-and-switch character introductions of all time because when you meet her she's this brave, stoic picture of elegance and justice and always knows just what to say to vader and tarkin and is clad in white like an angel and is this perfect two-dimensional archetype of pureness of heart. and then approximately half an hour later into the film she meets luke and han and she IMMEDIATELY shows her true colors as a sarcastic, bitchy control freak with a massive impulsive streak and a deep mine of hyperspecific insults. 10/10 character design i'm obsessed with her
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
“Military ranks in Star Wars make no sense” they say, yeah no shit, the Rebels promoted a random city mayor into a general six months after he joined up and made him fly combat missions in the cocaine smuggling speedboat he used to own
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
what if instead of being under the impression that Darth Vader killed his father someone told Luke that Vader killed his mother and then Luke hit him w that accusation in the middle of their confrontation and Vader just started crying
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
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there will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
I always hated that zelda writes the gerudoes as being ashamed of Ganondorf when it comes off more like "hyrule told us to hate him, so we do!" It just feels like hyrule constantly told them that it's THEIR fault hyrule is under attack. It's THEIR fault Ganondorf was born.
"Oh, because of you guys, Ganondorf hurt our land...make up for it by serving us"
The way the games (botw/totk specifically) write the gerudoes as constantly serving the royal family because of shame like they owe them is really rubbing me the wrong way. Like, I bet if a gerudo mother had a son, hyrule would order that child to be killed cause "oh- well we don't want a repeat, do we?" And how much these current writings of Gerudoes are..they would obey. I hate that.
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
Do you have any special interests? Like collecting swords or anything like that, or maybe a book series? I know you like to train for battle but anything else besides that?
There are three golden triangles I am most interested in collecting, as well as stones of secretive origin.
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fandorahsbox · 2 months
So SOMEHOW someone managed to... like... save Ganondorf as a thing on the rebuild ability in Tears of the Kingdom?? And summoned him in Gerudo Town??? Im watching this with amusement, shock, and laughter. Cuz he walks around, doing random attacks and dialogue. Im dyingggg.
Just... People are so creative. I kinda wanna do a What-If with the Ganondorfs walking into Gerudo Town, seeing so much as changed since the last time he was there, and if he would try to take back over. Cuz... Shits and giggles.
In case the link above doesnt work: https://youtu.be/TcOO3sp7Qs4?si=ZEOtuaA89fJ49q2u
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