A House with a White Picket Fence && A House with a Blue Door by SilentAuror
I read both of these in one sitting, they total about 30k words together. 
They are quite enjoyable and easy to read. They are light on the drama despite the fact that for almost all of the first story Harry is happily married to Ginny, with no idea that he’s gay. SilentAuror’s writing style is very clean and relies heavily on dialogue.
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First Time's the Worst by Diana Williams
In this one Voldemort finds out having sex with a virgin might have some benefits for him. Of course, both Snape and Harry are virgins. So convenient. There is only one way to protect them from Voldemort’s machinations. 
The one good thing about this story is that it’s funny and they switch, something I like a lot.
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Foolish Wand Waving by phantomtf
I’ve honestly looked for this story for YEARS. I read it a long, long time ago, and it’s so unusual and good that it stayed with me, but then I couldn’t find it anymore. I even made a LJ account to ask around in those fic search groups, with no luck. And now I randomly stumble upon it. 
I definitely reccomend this to everyone who likes Snape. 
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Circumstances & Second Chances by psyfic
This is quite the unusual pairing, but the story itself is very good. Both Ron and Snape are broken men, Snape is reduced to selling himself, Ron looks past his ugliness and everything else. It’s quite sexy too. 
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But, For My Own Part, It Was Greek to Me by thesewarmstars
This is the first snarry I read in a long time. Woke up one day feeling like I want to read some stories with a virgin Snape and found this on a rec list. It is mostly dialogue, almost no description at all. It’s not bad, per say, but it looks more like a sketch or a story plan than a finished story. 
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