fangedplague · 6 years
If you write a strong character, let them fail.
If you write a selfless hero, let them get mad at people.
If you write a cold-hearted villain, let them cry.
If you write a brokenhearted victim, let them smile again.
If you write a bold leader, let them seek guidance.
If you write a confident genius, let them be wrong, or get stumped once in a while.
If you write a fighter or a warrior, let them lose a battle, but let them win the war.
If you write a character who loses everything, let them find something.
If you write a reluctant hero, give them a reason to join the fight.
If you write a gentle-hearted character who never stops smiling, let that smile fade and tears fall in shadows.
If you write a no one, make them a someone.
If you write a sibling, let them fight and bicker, but know that at the end of the day they’ll always have each other’s back.
If you write a character, make them more than just a character; give them depth, give them flaws and secrets, and give them life.
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fangedplague · 6 years
Ya know what? Reblog this if you agree that online friends ARE real friends.
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fangedplague · 6 years
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     “I will always handle friends and loved ones with care~. The nice thing about being big is I make a good place to rest. And a good cuddle buddy! Though even in my humanoid form I am good with that too!” he chirped.
    A blush flashed on his features. If she asked if she could sit on the tail, he would welcome it. He can easily lift things with his tail anyways. People at least.
     “Well, I suppose there are a few exceptions… But most ghosts are in pain. And us reapers cannot do anything about it. It’s up to the humans to pass on ghosts.. Or for ghosts to finally go to rest through other means, such as satisfaction for vengeful ones. Ghosts pain me… because it means a reaper wasn’t able to get to them fast enough, and their soul expired.”
“Got that right, bud!“ Actually, now that Hertz thought about it, the fluffiness would be great for certain activities. The girl smiled widely before adding. “Oh, y’know what we gotta do? We gotta watch movies together some time! Oh or maybe play games split-screen together!“
Deciding to ask now rather than later, the purple-haired female inquired. “By the way, is it okay if I sit on yer tail? I mean, it’s really fluffy n’ stuff but I don’t wanna hurt ya or somethin’. Wait, can reapers even get hurt?”
The girl did her best t hug Florence but there was a lot of him to hug, given his size. She couldn’t wrap her arms around him but that was fine with her. It was more the intention. “I’m sure ya do yer best.”
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fangedplague · 6 years
Does anyone else just get super happy when they see your partners response to the thread?? Like you just fell so giddy and excited because their writing is just amazing and you’re just so happy because your muse gets to interact with theirs and you just freak out because holy shit this is so cool and this thread is just amazing
Because I do, like almost 99% of the time I’m roleplaying with someone
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fangedplague · 6 years
Goodnight everyone!
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fangedplague · 6 years
MEET THE MUSE (repost, don’t reblog)
► Name ➔  Miyako Saito ► Are you single ➔ Not sure. I’m datin’ someone but not sure if we’re goin’ steady yet ► Are you happy ➔ Pretty happy right now, yeah ► Are you angry? ➔ Nah ► Are your parents still married ➔ Dunno and don’t care!
► Birth Place ➔  Japan ► Hair Color ➔ Purple and red ► Eye Color ➔ Yellow ► Birthday ➔ March 24 ► Mood ➔ Happy? ► Gender ➔ Female ► Summer or winter ➔ Winter ► Morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon
► Are you in love ➔ Totes, fam ► Do you believe in love, at first sight: Nope, dat’s fairytale stuff ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Neva got in one before ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Don’t think so ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Don’t think so ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yeah ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ How would I know? They’re a secret admirer. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Nope
► Love or lust ➔ Love ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade all the way! ► Cats or Dogs ➔  Cats ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best buds ► A wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Wild night out but I’d prefer a wild night in ► Day or night ➔ Night
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Nope ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Yeah ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Not dat I can think of ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yeah and let’s leave it at dat
► Smile or eyes ➔ Smiles all da way! ► Fat or skinny ➔ I’d prefer in-between but if I gotta pick, it’d be skinny. ► Shorter or Taller ➔ Taller so they can pick me up! ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Not sure. ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Relationship
► Do you and your family get along  ➔ Pfft, no! ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Totes ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Does after I got kicked out count? ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Yep and neva’ looked back!
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Nope ► Do you consider all of your friend’s good friends ➔ Not really ► Who is your best friend ➔ Don’t got one ► Who knows everything about you ➔ Not a soul
Tagged by: Stole it from @deathmanifested Tagging: @branchingouttoheroism @that-soldier-boi @aquanna-alight
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fangedplague · 6 years
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     “My friends have told me I am quite scary when angry! But it’s rare when it happens but ah… When I lose my temper, things go bad, fast,” he admitted and blinked. “I have killed people in my wrath.. So there’s that too…” he mumbled.
       Florence moved a paw and held the girl and placed her on the ground. Only for the large beast to lay down next to her. His long bushy tail coming up to cover part of his date’s body.
     “Yeah, pretty long life! But that’s what is important! Oh! No no no no!” Eyes went wide. Even THINKING of her becoming a ghost caused his eyes to go wide and his fur to fluff up. “I wouldn’t want that to happen to you! Being a ghost… It means your soul is in torment. The calmer ghosts I manage to talk to, ALL tell me that they’re in constant pain… A ghost happens when a soul has been fully exposed for too long. It means a reaper couldn’t pass it along…”
“Whee!“ Hertz cheered as she was picked up. Upon being placed on the ground, she beamed. “Thanks, my dude! Appreciate bein’ handled with care too.”
“Aww, so cute!” Florence was adorable, laying down on the ground and partially covering her with the fluffy appendage. She took a seat on the ground, not sure if it would be okay to sit on his tail even with how fluffy it was. The girl leaned against the reaper’s fluff and nuzzled him a bit, getting comfortable.
“Huh. Well, thanks for lettin’ me know. I just thought ghosts were cool and spooky. Neva knew they were hurtin’ this whole time.”
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fangedplague · 6 years
Munday Meme Extraordinaire Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc 
☕  - Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both? 
☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? 
☺ - Post a picture of yourself or describe what you look like! 
⚽ - Are you active? 
⛄ - Do you have a favourite holiday? 
♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not? 
☤ - Have you ever had to go to the emergency room? Why? 
♪ - Do you play any instruments? 
⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse blong to? 
♿ - Is there anything about your body you’d like to change if given the chance? 
✂ - Do you hate people easily? 
✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are? 
⚄ - Do you play videogames? Have a favourite? 
✵ - Are there any other fandoms you’d like to approach? 
⚜ - If you role play more then one muse, do you have a favourite? 
⛔ - In real life, are you friendly? 
⨁ - Do you hold grudges, or easily let things go? 
♥ - Besides fictional characters, is there someone you love? 
♾ - Which timezone are you in? 
W - What do you do for a living?
♡ - OTP for your muse? 
⚔ - NOTP with your muse? 
☰ - Fun random fact about the mun! 
☘ - Wildcard! Ask the mun anything you’re interested in finding out. 
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fangedplague · 6 years
It’s Sinday! Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!
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fangedplague · 6 years
Why Aren't We Roleplaying?
Send me a symbol to say why we aren’t making sweet threads together!
● - You seem so busy …
○ - I ship our characters but I’m a little embarrassed about it
□ - I don’t have any thread ideas
■ - I have some ideas, but I’m scared you won’t like them
▲ - I’m not sure how our muses would meet
▼ - I don’t know if you like my muse
▶- I think you don’t like me …
◀- Let’s do an AU!
◆ - I’m really shy so please don’t hurt me …
♧ - I’m like? So lazy? And haven’t like? Replied in like? Forever?
◇ - Other/idk just wanted to say hi
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fangedplague · 6 years
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fangedplague · 6 years
I want to make this known; it’s OKAY to flirt with my muse, it’s okay to say flirty things to them, yes, they may not react to it, they may not respond to it positively, but know as a mun I’m 100% OKAY with it. Especially if my muse is clearly attractive appearance wise, go a head, flirt with them, if my muse is your muse’s type, it’s okay to flirt, we don’t have to be shipping, we don’t ever have to ship to have you flirt with my muse; I WONT think you’re pushing a ship on me either. But I just feel that some people are scared to have their muse be flirty to another because we a muns might take it the wrong way.
 I’m not saying this goes for everyone, but I’m letting you know that it doesn’t make me uncomfortable and I’m fine with it. 
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fangedplague · 6 years
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      “And they be spying on us!”
“But what do we do? They fly and they’re everywhere!“
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fangedplague · 6 years
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“Finally! Someone else who knows about the drones!“
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fangedplague · 6 years
Symbol Starters~
Send ☔ for our muses to share an umbrella on a rainy day.
Send 📱 for my muse to send yours a random text.
Send 📞 for my muse to call yours.
Send ✞ for our muses to meet in an empty church.
Send ⚔ to challenge my muse to a duel.
Send 😢 for my muse to comfort you.
Send 🌸 to receive flowers from my muse.
Send ☁ for our muses to watch the clouds together.
Send ⌚ to ask my muse what time it is.
Send ℃ for my muse to discuss the temperature with yours.
Send 👻 to tell ghost stories with my muse.
Send 🐩 to play with my muse’s pet (or have my muse play with yours).
Send 😘 to see my muse’s reaction to yours flirting with them.
Send 💅 to do my muse’s nails.
Send 🐎 for our muses to go horse riding together.
Send 📺 for our muses to have a TV/movie night.
Send 🍸 for our muses to have a drink together.
Send 💪 for our muses to workout together.
Send 💤 to wake my muse up from their nap.
Send 🍔 for our muses to have lunch together.
Send 💢 for my muse to get mad at yours for something they did.
Send 😓 for my muse to apologize to yours for something they did.
Send 💖 for my muse to tell yours who they currently have a crush on.
Send 💘 for my muse to ask yours who they have a crush on.
Send 💋 to randomly kiss my muse.
Send 🎃 to carve pumpkins with my muse.
Send 🎁 for my muse to give yours a gift.
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fangedplague · 6 years
So I’ve been having a lot of trouble maintaining interest in this blog and my side blog. It’s partly due to me not reading the manga while waiting for the anime to continue to season 4.
Making Hertz over on @fangedplague served to reignite my interest so I figure, why not try it again? I got a few options in mind and you guys get to decide which one is taken!
Poll: New Character
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fangedplague · 6 years
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     Florence was quite… happy. There was no fear coming off of her, she didn’t seem scared in the slightest. It was as if the woman just saw a big fluffy kitten or something. “Yup, big and fluffy. And for you, you may pet me,” he said with a nod of his head. “Glad you don’t find me scary.. My previous dates that got to this step, dumped me on the spot.”He always thought, if it wasn’t meant to be, it wasn’t meant to be.
     “Yup! It’s actually a rare ability death reapers possess. It doesn’t happen a lot… As for seeing how long you got. It is based off of current things. Such as your health and all that. It can change frequently as you change your path… Such as getting into a fight with a dangerous villain, there’s a chance you life might cut short. But if you kill that villain or make mends, it can revert back to normal. Right now…” his crimson eyes narrowed, “age 72… You got a long life ahead of you!”
Hertz smiled widely as permission was given to her. The girl leaned forwards to gently pet Florence on the head with her right hand. She pat him twice and while doing so, responded. “I think you’d be scary if ya were angry or somethin’ but a lot of peeps are scary when they’re mad.”
The girl nearly slid off the branch by accident. “Woah!” She cried out as she placed her hands against Forence’s shoulders for support so as not to fall. “Hehe. Little help, please?” She requested.
“Seventy-two, huh?“ The purple and red-haired female whistled in surprise. “Didn’t think I’d have that ahead of me. Wonder if I’ll become a ghost after I croak. What do ya think?“ 
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