Here's another fanfic for the lovely KDrama - The Glory!
Full of twists and turns and loads and loads of smut 🤭😉😁
A take on what Go could've have lead to, in case the night was young... And they were feelings laying around...
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Another take one what could've been...
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The tension between these two is palpable. 
"So, you went to school with Yeon Jin. Tell me, did you approach me on purpose?" he asked. 
"Yes," she answered. And a moment later, before he could look away dejectedly, she said, "No. Yes and no."
"I knew who you were when I first saw you. But it wasn't my plan to run into you at the Go club. I just went there to play a game or two."
Giving her a confused look, he motioned for her to keep talking. She had his interest piqued since the first moment he laid eyes on her. He might as well listen to everything she has to say.
"You were playing at the club at the same time as me, that is all. I saw you there and then I changed my plan. You would've been an easier way to get to your wife."
Every interaction with Dong Eun would automatically etch itself into his brain, and this was no different. Do Young stood there looking at his soon-to-be ex-wife's unfortunate victim. His mind traitorously screamed, "You're planning on leaving Yeon Jin just for this?! Good choice! Good riddance!" He stared at her and asked, "So you really do it? Backstab naive men, make them cry, and ruin lives?"
"Yes. I told you so already. You chose to not back off," she reminded him.
He did something he has never done in his life. He pleaded with her. Just to hear her side of the story, which he knew would be nothing but the truth. "Butakheyo (please). Tell me. Tell me everything. I am ready to hear it. I braced myself." 
He motioned to the bench nearby and they sat down together.
She looked at him deadpanned and spoke, "I speak from experience. Even if you have braced yourself for something like this, it will hurt you. It will hurt you a lot."
"It won't hurt me more than it hurt you. Mianhe. I should correct myself. More than she hurt you."
For the first time in forever, Dong Eun was stunned by this man's actions. Up until now, for her, he had been predictable. Keeping wary of her surroundings and who she was talking to, Dong Eun decided to tell him everything. About So Hee. About her. About all the 'bullying', when in fact, it was simply plain abuse.
Whilst they were talking, they both suddenly became aware of the fact that they were being watched. Closely watched. They pretended to keep talking but prepared themselves mentally for the unexpected. Not moments later 3 hitmen appeared out of the shadows and went straight for Dong Eun. 
The first hitman burst through the backdoor, and she quickly grabbed him and used his momentum to throw him over her shoulder. She kicked him in the stomach as he tried to get up, knocking the wind out of him. A couple more straight kicks to his chest, stomach, and to his shin made sure he would not get up for a while.
The second hitman came at her with a knife, but Dog Eun was too quick. She disarmed him and used his own knife against him, slicing his hand, and his leg and finally nicking him close to his neck. All the while Do Young tried to fight off the third guy and kept an eye on the first one, knowing that he would not get up so soon, courtesy of his fighting counterpart. The third hitman knocked him in the back of his head, forcing him to lose his senses momentarily. 
The third hitman was more prepared, and he had a gun. Dong Eun dodged his first shot and used a nearby tin cover as a shield. Do Young meanwhile, got up and saw her getting shot at. He panicked. All the while, she tossed the shield at the hitman, knocking him off balance, and then tackled him to the ground. Using his own gun, she shot him in the leg twice, put one in the first hitman's arms, and used the gun butt to toss all consciousness out of the second one. 
Needless to say, they all ran tucking their tails between their legs. The only plus point was that one of them dropped his cell phone and was too disoriented to realize it. 
As Do Young lay on the ground, gasping for breath, he looked up to see his newest fascination standing over him. She may be bruised and battered, but she is alive and well. She had just defeated their assailants with ease, her clothes now stained with blood and she offered him a hand up.
"You saved my life," he said, still a little stunned.
She smiled softly in her patented way. "Yes, I did."
"Wae? (Why?)"
"Wae? Wae jeogui gajang gakkaun saramui saengmyeongeul guhaneun sarami issseupnikka, Do-Young ssi? (Why? Why does anyone save the life of a person close to the enemy, Do Young?)"
He shook his head, wary of her motives. He had an idea. He had been having it for a long time. Somewhere deep inside Do Young's consciousness, he hoped that he would be right.
"Ttaemun dangsineul johahaeyo (It's because I like you)," she said, her eyes sparkling with cold behavior and partial amusement.
Do Young couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You saved me because you like me?" he repeated, acting incredulous and being truly satisfied. He had been right. Now, of course, he could rid himself of the little insecurity he had developed with regard to a certain young doctor he had seen her roam around with.
Dong Eun shrugged. "Why not? You're an interesting person, and I enjoy a good challenge. Plus, it's always more fun to have someone to play baduk with. And let's not forget our dear darling Yeon Jin."
He didn't know what to make of her words. Was she being sincere, or was this just another one of her games? He decided to play along, for now. Just until he could get a hold of this woman's mind. He had a feeling that this was sincere. Little did he know that he was right. It was probably the most truthful thing she had said out loud in a long, long time.
"Is that the only reason why you like me? My Go playing skills? Or is it my wife?" he asked the first part chucklingly and the latter with a face that made it look like he had just tasted something disgusting.
"Anniyo. It's your mind that attracts me. And your heart - though it may not be clean and clear, is relatively pure. And of course, forgive me if it sounds objective, but then there's your face. Plus, it's an added benefit for me; to see Yeon Jin slowly lose everything."
For a moment he stared at her. And then Ha Do Young laughed. He actually laughed. No one apart from his daughter had been able to make him laugh. "Your answers are always unexpected."
She shrugged as if it meant nothing.
"You really like me?" He raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical and amused. "I find that hard to believe, considering you've been trying to get revenge on my soon to be ex-wife and friends for weeks now."
She shrugged. "Well, you're not them, are you? And I changed my mind about you a long time ago. You and Ye-Sol are never going to be harmed at my hand."
"Why? Wouldn't it be the perfect revenge?"
"No. My fight for revenge is with Yeon Jin. You are innocent, and your adorable daughter is even more so. Plus, you are being lied to. That makes you someone who got hurt. Not someone who did the hurting."
"You know?" he asked offended and disbelievingly. Ha Do Young lived in a world where pride mattered a lot. And the fact that Dong Eun knew about his wife's continued indiscretion before he did and that she told him to his face that Ye Sol wasn't his, made a little dent in his well-tamed ego. It was a blot on his picture-perfect life and he didn't particularly enjoy it.
"Yes. It was not that hard to figure out once I realized that you aren't colorblind."
"And there's only one another ass we all know who is..." he said finishing her sentence for her.
They sat there in the night's silence. Their presence keeping the other soft company. After what seemed like an eternity, he turned to her and asked, "What can I do?"
Dong Eun looked at him as though he was mad, but kept her impassive face on the front. "Mwo?(What?)"
"I said, what can I do to help?"
"Stay away, for starters. And take your kid away too. I don't want Yeon Jin using her as a chip."
"That's it?" he asked her as though he had just taken an arrow to the heart. And he had, metaphorically speaking, of course. Do Young had genuinely thought she would either ask him for help or at least let him help her. Granted, he was Yeon Jin's husband; he could just turn around and go tell her everything he knew about Dong Eun's plan. But he decided against it. She didn't know that, not yet.
"Yes. That's it. The less collateral damage I have to worry about, the faster will I rest."
"Can I not join the hunt?"
"I already have an executioner. I don't need another," she said straight to his face.
"You're the queen, the one who calls the shots. You have an executioner. But do you have a minister? I could be him. I could be your minister," he said, offering his services to destroy the remaining 4.
Dong Eun looked at him and replied, "Don't you know? If the queen goes down, so does her minister?" She motioned to the cell phone and said, "Judging by this, your wife is already trying to have me killed. Who knows, if you join the hunt, you might accidentally be the next target."
"I can handle her just fine. Plus, I have scores to settle with them. It will be easier and more fun for all of us if you just let me on board."
"I don't like being lied to. Or being manipulated," he said pointedly referring to her actions and those of who he had to refer to as his wife.
Looking at his whiskey eyes, she said, "You want to join? I'll let you in. I will. When the time is right, I will."
"Fine," he said, setting his chin straight. "But I'll be keeping a close eye on you."
She laughed, a sound that sent shivers down his spine. A feeling he realized he had enjoyed. "I wouldn't expect anything less."
"Why not now?"
"I'm going to make their lives a hundred times worse; do what they did to me - break their bodies, their mind, their soul... You shouldn't be around for that. Just pray that they go to heaven when they finally do die, otherwise, their lives here would just be hell."
"Sure. Just promise me one thing. When you finally get to Yeon Jin, you will call me. Me and not that executioner."
She nodded and wondered internally if his words were the result of jealousy or the need for revenge for being cheated on and lied to.
"Say, if I give you access to my resources, would you teach me to play baduk like you?" 
She laughed once more. Her mind sent generated the notice that in his presence she smiled and laughed more than she did with anyone else. "Sure. I'll teach you."
Looking at each other in twilight's beauty, he came to realize fully why she was doing what she was doing. Before he could control his mouth he said, "Can I see them? Your scars?" She stared him down for a good minute or two. Just as he was about to apologize, she rolled up her sleeve to reveal a network of scars; the first of many.
His eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. He had known that she was a warrior ever since he spoke to that nobody of a woman - that Hye Jeong, but seeing the physical evidence of her battles, of his wife's torture, was something else entirely. He reached out tentatively, tracing the raised edges of one scar with his fingertips.
"It must have been painful," he said softly, his eyes meeting hers.
"It was," she replied, "but the pain is what made me stronger. These scars remind me of what I've been through and what I've overcome. It reminds me every day why I need to do this."
"I have scars inflicted by her too," he said, pointing across his chest - his heart. "But they're nothing compared to yours."
She looked at him with a mixture of surprise and respect. "Every scar tells a story," she said. "Yours is no less important than mine." And in that moment, they knew that they were stronger together than they could ever be alone.
a change in mood was needed. He suddenly remembered her words from an hour or so before. He narrowed his eyes. "What kind of fun? What you said earlier, about liking me, what do you mean?"
Dong Eun flashed a sly smile. "The kind that comes from testing each other's limits, pushing each other to be better, to making each other be human. To be able to truly feel. I think we could be quite the team, you and I."
"Well, thank you for saving my life," he said, standing up straight and brushing himself off.
She smiled. "Don't mention it. And who knows? Maybe we'll get to play together again sometime." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving him to wonder what her true intentions were for the days after this. How would she get revenge? Most of all he wondered when he would see her again. And then he thought what he would say to her when he does see her. And how he would tell her that he likes her too...
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Here are some fanfictions I liked to read about the show's top characters - VC and HCY
Ooh, they're full of smut though 😁😉
There's fluff in it too!
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