Here’s my take on how governments should be. instead of sending out soldiers to fight your battles and killing innocent people in the process, each president, ruler etc.. who decides to enact war, has to be the one fighting. So say a ruler of so and so country wants to fight the country next to them, the rulers of said countries would have to fight each other. So electing rulers is done by how easily they can win in a fight. yeah, thats my take.
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the world is like the wii song right now, except ten times faster and stressing everybody out.
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growing up means not putting the sun in the corner of the drawing any more.
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time for rain
it rained at my house today, the sun was setting, it was beautiful. i went and felt the rain. i didn’t put my hand out and feel it, thats not what i mean. i mean i went out, and stood in the rain, i took a deep breath and just let the rain fall gently on my face. thats what i mean when i say i want to feel the rain. i want to feel it fall on my face, drip down my arms, and soak my clothes. and i never want to lose the love of feeling the rain, because there are two types of people in the rain. the one who feels it, and the one who gets wet. 
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what if we, you know.... went to bed at a reasonable hour and got the correct amount of sleep for once. hahah just kidding..... unless?
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yesterday morning i woke up and the first thing i thought was ‘the attempt on my life happened on Tuesday’ and honestly i haven’t been the same since
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can we just appreciate the fact that Professor M McGonnagall h*cking queen that she is was pretty much the only person able to tell peaves what to do like respect 
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ok so i saw a post abt how Hamilton and beetlejuice have the same amount  syllables so you could replace hamilton with beetlejuice and beetlejuice with hamilton in every song or smth and all i could think was how their singing alexander hamilton and just say fricken beetlejuice instead and end up summoning him, and then in beetlejuice they say hamilton and he just pops out of nowhere looking extremely confused and the whole play is him trying to get back. and then theres beetlejuice whos pretty much taken over the whole revolution and making everyone do all this crazy stuff and it actually ends up helping them out a ton. and then when they go back to their respective musicals alexander is like traumatized and then theirs freaking beetlejuice who comes back drinking an ice tea wearing a full on uniform and doesn't say a word and just leaves everyone going like ????  anyway yeah that’s what i’ve been thinking of for the last five hours.
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a literal dream of mine is the be able to work on the set of beetlejuice, not even as a cast member although if i was i wouldn't complain, but just to work there and see the people and behind the scenes stuff and learn about what happens during the show and before and stuff, and its really sad that they had to close, i really wish i could have seen them preform. i hope they're able to come back
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ignore me while i ugly cry in the corner over the fact that beetlejuice is closed and i probably never get to see it
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Don’t tell me to sit quietly in the corner and not make a sound. don’t tell me to cover up the small bits of skin i show. don’t tell me to be a lady, be calm quiet and stand in the back while adults and men talk. don’t tell me to hide away my flaws, to cover every bit of me with makeup, because i can’t really be beautiful unless my face is covered with ten different products, and then you turn around and tell me i’m being fake, that i’m tricking you. well i’m done, done with your hypocrisy, done with your judgement. i am a raging fire, my blood is pure iron, my heart is a burning star, my eyes are storms, and my mind is a galaxy. you cannot stop the fire burning within me, you cannot stop me with your floods of judgement. because i am beautiful, i am strong, i am unique, and unafraid. i do not need the complements of others to survive. i will not feed your insecurities with my own, i will not make you feel better about yourself with my problems. i cannot make you something you are not. so the next time you tell me to sit quietly in the corner, i will fight, i will scream i will kick, because i am a wolf a worrier and a queen. and a queen does not sit quietly, she fights, fights for her freedom and the freedom of others, so don’t tell me what to do. because i will not listen.
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once you put your hair in a bun there’s no going back until you wash it.
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I've come up with a new sport. its called: how far can i reach from my bed without falling off?
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having anxiety is a freaking trip. like when i’m at home i’m perfectly fine and think i can take on the world. but when i go places i’m like: if anyone looks at me i’m gonna cry.
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how can i live in a world that constantly dumps on mine and other generations? how can i win in a world were my gender, my sexuality and my race define me? how can i survive in this world when i’m afraid to walk alone in broad daylight? how can i be okay when the world i live in is full of chaos blood and war? how can i be strong when my world is dying? how can i be there for you when no one not even you are there for me? how do you expect me to smile when i’m breaking on the inside where no one can see? how can you expect me to thrive in my life when society tells me i don’t deserve to be happy? that i don’t deserve the world they built up on a sandy shore? you’re right. i don’t deserve that. the world you are leaving my generation and all to come is ready to fall like the leaves on a dying tree. ready to be swept away by the tide. so how do you expect me to survive? i don’t know. but i can assure you, i will, and i’ll do it without you.
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i know i’m getting better when i start drawing again.
but i also know i’m getting worse when i stop.
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