Roman Reigns out here spitting facts!
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Low key would be so down for this! I just feel like they are pulling both of these guys in so many different directions right now. They went from Jey stating that they should go after the tag titles to Jey focusing on the IC title and Sami focusing on the WHC title. Pick an angle, writers. Goodness! I would like to see both of them hold singles gold, but I would love to see a tag team run from them as well! Can’t we have both?
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can we stop playing and just give the man what he wants already??
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I never considered the celebration, haha. It would do the Terror Twins good to have something to celebrate with all that the Judgement Day has put them through. I would love to see that!!
If Main Event Jey Uso doesn’t take the IC Title off of Bron Breakker next week, imma not be in a good mood. The man deserves it. Give him a singles run!
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I love everything about this and I have no clue how I haven't run across this sooner.
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nothing will ever be funnier to me than LA Knight getting his shades knocked off and fighting for his life because Randy wanted to hug Cody IMMEDIATELY and wasnt waiting a single second longer
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If Main Event Jey Uso doesn’t take the IC Title off of Bron Breakker next week, imma not be in a good mood. The man deserves it. Give him a singles run!
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Happy Monday Night Raw Day to those who celebrate!
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There goes Cody putting into words what we are all thinking. Thank you for your service, Mr. Rhodes.
Oh that man is down bad and he knows it😭
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Oh my gosh, that gif is A++ tier. Haha, yeah no worries! I was just speaking the truth!! You post some awesome stuff and your fics are master class! Can’t wait to see more from you!! Cheers!
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Top 5-6 WWE wrestling blogs you would recommend and why (optional)?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I like following the Wrestling Cave (@thewrestlingcave)! A lot of accounts on here are run individually though and they are fantastic! @who-do-you-want-to-be is the first one that I can think of, followed by @wrestlezaynia! I like and/or reblog a lot from them.
Again, I do follow a ton of general wrestling blogs (like the Wrestling Cave), but these accounts are just the ones I can think of right now. Appreciate the question!
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I'm going to add a couple things here as well:
There are plenty of videos online of pro-wrestlers talking about the moves that hurt the most. Look them up.
The Undertaker suffered first and second degree burns to his chest during this entrance in the 2010 Elimination Chamber match versus Chris Jericho and he wrestled through that. If you know what the Walls of Jericho move is, you will know how painful that had to have been for him.
Mankind was chokeslammed through the top of the steel cage by the Undertaker during their King of the Ring 1998 match. Mankind said years later that he didn't remember any of the rest of the match after he hit the mat.
Kane worked through a broken left hand and/or wrist in 2000 and competed at WrestleMania with the injury.
As the others above have mentioned, professional wrestling is entertainment but it is also real in the sense that these men and women suffer legitimate injuries just like any other athlete. Let's start treating them with a little more respect.
To everyone who says "Wrestling is fake, they don't really get hurt, it's just entertainment."
Ok, we know very well that this is entertainment, we are not stupid! And of course we know they are actors.
However, I would like to tell these people to inform themselves and watch videos and interviews on the topic before commenting unnecessarily.
Because Wrestling is much more than it seems in my opinion.
These people risk getting very hurt, falling in the wrong direction, or their partner making a mistake or performing a move badly.
There can be various complications that can make the show go badly, both for the wrestler and the audience.
These people, in order to entertain and give a spectacular show to the fans, risk getting hurt with serious consequences.
In my opinion these athletes are to be admired for all the training, commitment and passion they put into their profession.
Also giving a little joy to many children suffering from incurable diseases, spending time with them and making them have fun.
For them they are like superheroes!❤️
Having seen many videos and read various interviews with the greatest wrestlers in history, I can say that I have learned to respect this sport. Which unfortunately many don't do.
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Top 5-6 WWE wrestling blogs you would recommend and why (optional)?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I like following the Wrestling Cave (@thewrestlingcave)! A lot of accounts on here are run individually though and they are fantastic! @who-do-you-want-to-be is the first one that I can think of, followed by @wrestlezaynia! I like and/or reblog a lot from them.
Again, I do follow a ton of general wrestling blogs (like the Wrestling Cave), but these accounts are just the ones I can think of right now. Appreciate the question!
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Bro, but seriously when is Seth Freakin’ Rollins coming back? It’s been too long. I miss the iconic fashion icon that he is.
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Yes!! Me too. It’ll be a very interesting dynamic, that’s for sure!! I can’t wait!!
So… How are we all feeling about the Bad Blood Solo/Jacob versus Cody/Roman match?
I’m not sure how I feel about it. Cody reversing his stance so quickly was kind of uncharacteristic. And, Jimmy still hasn’t returned. It’s just a weird direction that they are taking here.
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Okay, yeah no I get your reasoning. Looking back at it (I just posted a follow-up post), I can definitely see where you are coming from. I feel like Cody also has such a sense of redemption, that he might even feel that if he gives Roman a second chance, Roman could be saved too.
Cody saying that he was done was his way of telling himself that he was done. But, it’s against all that he stands for, so he had to accept the fight once more.
So… How are we all feeling about the Bad Blood Solo/Jacob versus Cody/Roman match?
I’m not sure how I feel about it. Cody reversing his stance so quickly was kind of uncharacteristic. And, Jimmy still hasn’t returned. It’s just a weird direction that they are taking here.
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Okay, so looking back at the entire closing sequence of Friday Night Smackdown, I’m actually happier with it now than I was last night.
You could see Roman and Cody’s reluctance at teaming with each other. They only decided to do so after being ambushed by the Tongans AGAIN. Even after the signing of the contract, they both could hardly look at each other, their entire bodies screaming that they were better off fighting this battle alone. Roman did acknowledge that this was family business, but given that he doesn’t have any family with him right now (his fault), he had to make a choice and for one night in Atlanta at Bad Blood it’s going to be Cody.
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I’m so glad that Roman finally corrected “Original Tribal Chief” to “Only Tribal Chief”. Everything is now right with the world.
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When will Jimmy return from the war? We need him back. Smackdown is going bonkers. It should be Jimmy and Roman versus Solo and Jacobbbb.
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So… How are we all feeling about the Bad Blood Solo/Jacob versus Cody/Roman match?
I’m not sure how I feel about it. Cody reversing his stance so quickly was kind of uncharacteristic. And, Jimmy still hasn’t returned. It’s just a weird direction that they are taking here.
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