Comment 20
This semester in my Biotech 113 class, we learned of just how terrible drug-resistant viruses/bacteria’s are. Many scientists believe that it will be one of these drug-resistant viruses that kills off the human race, and every time another resistant virus surfaces, we make sure it is known. Malaria in the past was one of the most deadly viruses, and should a drug-resistant version of it spread, the human race may not survive it. However, with biotechnology and science, the human race may be able to stay one step ahead of these possible life ending viruses. 
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Comment 19
Back home in Loudoun County, one of my moms best friends was just diagnosed with MS, and is doing everything that she can to better her life while dealing with it. She is an extremely healthy person, however that means little to MS, as it is one of the most crippling and debilitating diseases out there. The fact that stem cells are proving to cure so many different terrible diseases, it is a shame to see how held back the subject is. People are so held up on the ethics of stem cells, they don’t look past that and see just how much of a benefit they may have. 
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Comment 18
Having a mom who suffered through chemotherapy, it is relieving to see that science is making progress to healing the brain after such intense “treatments”. I know that the treatments did damage to my mother, and i saw it every day for a while after her treatment. If stem cells can repair the brain, steps should be taken to further this research and implementation. While my mother suffered through this damage, others may benefit and have a better life for it. 
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Comment 17
Having a mom who went through leukemia, i know first hand just how devastating the illness is. This sort of breakthrough would have made my moms recovery much less painful, and her standard of living after the illness and treatment would be so much better. It saddens me knowing that people have been treated already by treatments we will see as “barbaraic” in the future. Breakthroughs like these are some of the most important for the well being of the human race, and i personally think the medical field should explore options like these more.
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Comment 16
This discovery is one of the most amazing things in biology to date. Seeing an organism incorporate anothers genes into its own to help it live is an unheard of thing in nature. The applications of this genetic mutation/allocation would be interesting. Maybe in the future humans could utilize this sort of genetic allocation, however photosynthesizing humans is quite the longshot.
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Comment 15
We discussed this discovery in my Biotech 113 class this semester, and i think it is hilarious how they found this new antibiotic. It should have been apparent that growing new bacteria in soil would produce larger amounts of bacteria. However, the discovery itself is still a game changer in the medical field. The possibility of having another antibiotic to turn to is an amazing thing, especially in this day and age where antibiotic abuse is so high, causing larger amounts of resistant bacteria.
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Comment 14
The inner sci fi nerd in me is screaming after reading this article. Possible life on an ice moon in the ocean would be a game changer for the study of alien life. These conditions are much like earths, however the intense environment would create some truly special organisms. Life on this moon could be extremely cool, and extremely terrifying, and my inner sci fi nerd is happy about that! More research should be done, and i personally think we should send space probes and drones to the moon to further the research.
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Comment 13
This may be old news, however this discovery is still one of the coolest of the year. The fact that there is water on mars is a game changer, showing that maybe there was life on the rock prior to its demise. It would be astonishing to find more than just evidence of water, maybe even microscopic fossils. If the water housed such organisms, Mars would be proving that the specific needs for life to occur are not so specific after all.
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Comment 12
Growing up, i was a very shy and self conscious kid, and bullies did not help that. I was not bullied as much as someone would think, however having someone belittle you both physically and mentally, even in small amounts, can obviously cause damage to a persons mental health. I was so paranoid about what others thought about me, and was extremely self conscious about many other things, all because of some kids picking on me. While this may just sound like kids being kids, you have to think of the process of maturing to a functioning adult with these feelings as well. Growing up like this is a tough life, and it does not produce mentally stable often times. It is reassuring seeing that there is progress to prove these theories. 
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Comment 11
Having Asthma personally, and seeing my girlfriend suffer from even worse asthma, it is extremely uplifting to see that there could be a cure to our unnecessary suffering. I have exercise induced asthma, and working out only makes it worse. By having an actual cure to this would be a life changing thing. I could run again like i used to, and would actually be able to do so without a coughing fit. I will be looking forward to the next few years when this becomes available. 
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Comment 10
Having worked at GNC, and personally taken some of these supplements, it is kinda scary seeing this. However, it is not shocking news that this is happening, with many other substances like these having been proved to cause cancer as well. Knowing just how important nutrition is to these fitness-minded people, it is terrible to see that their health should take a negative turn for their good habits. Instances like these are catch 22′s because many know that these things could cause cancer, yet they still take them for their immediate benefits.
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Comment 9
While i am not an anthropology major, i can still appreciate instances like this occurring in the wild. This news shows that, just like prehistoric humans, our chimpanzee relatives are still evolving as well, and that is extraordinary. Using weapons is an extremely rare thing to see in the animal world, and it is even cooler to see in our primate relatives. Things like this happening in the wild show just how ever-changing our world is. It is unfortunate that, due to the road that humankind is heading down, these creatures will not be given the time to evolve even further. 
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Comment 8
This semester i took biotech 113, and throughout the entire class, we learned about pathogens and their impacts on the human body. Given the amount of time most bacteria or viruses need to grow inside the body, an early detection process would be extremely beneficial. Researchers have developed a chip that can detect these pathogens to extremely small particles. This process would be vital in the medical field, and would save millions, if not billions of lives in the future. 
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Comment 7
After our in depth discussions of Fracking last semester in 231, and even more so in 131 this semester, i feel that this article is very relevant. The fact that these families are living in an area where chemicals are invading their basic human need is despicable. It is even more so despicable that companies contest to these happenings and try to continue their practices, even with factual proof right under their noses. These families need a support system to contest fracking operations, and the cities that have done so already that we discussed in class are the first step.
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Comment 6
Having had to wear nice clothing for jobs and performances before, i can completely attest to this article. When i am wearing formal wear of any kind, i feel more powerful and more confident, and this makes me want to wear them more often. Clothing is an extremely expressive thing, and most people have their own style. However, i think this particular style makes you feel powerful because of the social aspect behind formal wear, making it an extremely unexpressive thing. By being unexpressive and bland, you take the role of responsible and powerful, and by thinking this way, you become these things. 
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Comment 5
Having a mother who personally went through Chemotherapy for leukemia, i know first hand that these types of symptoms were prevalent. However, having scientific proof of these is a whole different thing. When my mother finished Chemo, it took a while to get back to her normal self. She was always fatigued, and possibly depressed about the whole situation, i know i was. Her mental sharpness was not there as well, and after reading this article, i am 100% sure that my mom suffered from this, and it sucks seeing it happen and not know why.
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Comment 4
Growing up, i was terrified of the possibility of alien life, however, now as an adult, i feel that this type of discovery would be the most exciting thing of my lifetime. Seeing articles like these showing how easily life such as ours can be present in the universe makes me a happier person. Knowing that you are not alone in the deep nothingness of space is somewhat of a comfort. More and more discoveries like this will fuel our societies interest with space, and i for one am completely for that.
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