farahlearns24 · 2 years
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I promised
to myself,
not to
fall in love
with anyone,
because I have prepared my heart,
only for you.
Book: Aku Memilih untuk Tidak Mencintai Siapapun; Selain Kamu pada Waktunya
By: @najwadzahin
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farahlearns24 · 3 years
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A peek from today’s class material 🌹
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
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Ilmu agama tidak akan berkurang dengan menyebarkannya.
Book: كيف تتحمس لطلب العلم الشرعي؟
Delivered by: Ustadz Iqbal حفظه الله
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
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Status kita berada di atas hidayah, karunia kita berada di atas Allah. Kalau karunia tersebut tidak kita syukuri, bisa jadi suatu saat Allah cabut. Ungkapan tersebut tujuannya agar kita tidak sombong kepada orang yang belum Allah kasih hidayah.
Book: مجمل أصول أهل السنة والجماعة في العقيدة
Delivered by: Ustadz Hadi حفظه الله
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
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I see a lot of people talking about the need for motivation to study or get their work done but motivation isn’t always what you need - what do you do on the days you have no motivation? This is why we need self-discipline.
Motivation - a willingness to do something
Self-Discipline - making yourself do things you know you should do when you don’t want to
So if motivation is ‘why we should do something’ - self-discipline is more ‘what to do next’.
Set yourself a routine and stick to it
Never have a zero day - try and study every single day - even if you feel absolutely awful - 10 minutes is better than nothing!! Do flashcards from your bed or watch youtube ted talks if you can’t physically study.
Build on your productivity, not your failures.
If you come from a past of procrastinating and now feel motivated to change and discipline yourself, do NOT try to do everything at once. Start things slow and in steps.
Set yourself smaller deadlines for your goals like monthly and weekly deadlines - e.g. if you are doing a project, due 27th June, set personal deadlines, like have the introduction written by the 8th, have your literature review written by the 15th, have project complete by the 25th.
Know your limits. Self-discipline isn’t doing as much as you can until you break - it’s about having control, knowing what you can realistically manage and getting that done.
Give yourself rewards! I love to have something to look forward to as I get work done! This means mixing motivation and self-discipline. I tell myself after this lecture I can have an animal crossing break or check some messages etc.
Remove distractions from your study space! Personally, if my phone is out and I notice a notification…I’m gonna check it. It’s human nature! So to combat this, I use apps like Forest that force me to stay within the app while I study. If I know I might get hungry during a study session I’ll keep a little snack by my desk so I don’t have to get up and somehow find something else to distract me.
Just do it isn’t that easy. I find to get myself in a ‘work boss’ mood I need to feel good about myself so I put on a nice outfit and maybe some eyeliner and hype myself up so I know I can do my tasks and get stuff done! It feels so much better than lazing in my pyjamas trying to study.
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
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– Who stayed with you ?
- Allah..
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
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“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” —Nelson Mandela
Book: دروس من القرآن الكريم
By: جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
"وَمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ"
سورة آل عمران، اية ١٨٥
“And what is the first life but for the pleasure of the vain”
Sura Aal Imran (The Imran’s), verse 185
The first life is for the vain... the last life is for the righteous..
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
Feel free to translate it to your own languages!
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"Agama itulah yang mengajarkan kita kepada manusia bagaimana seseorang memanfaatkan kekuatannya dengan pemanfaatan yang sebenar-benarnya."
Translated by: Ustadz Ian حفظه الله
Text by: (القراءة: ٥١ ) من سلسلة تعليم اللغة العربيه المستوى الثالث
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farahlearns24 · 4 years
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"Agama itulah yang mengajarkan kita kepada manusia bagaimana seseorang memanfaatkan kekuatannya dengan pemanfaatan yang sebenar-benarnya."
Text by: (القراءة: ٥١ ) من سلسلة تعليم اللغة العربيه المستوى الثالث
Translated by: Ustadz Ian حفظه الله
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farahlearns24 · 5 years
Question Words in Arabic
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When? متى Mataa
Where? أين Ayn
What? ماذا Matha
Why? لماذا Lematha
Who/whom? من Man
Whose? لمن Leman
How (much/many? كيف Kam
What  - What is your name? ما اسمك
What - What are you doing? ماذا تفعل؟
Who - Who is he? من هو
Where - Where do you live? أين تسكن
When - When does the train leave? متى يمضي القطار
How - How to get out of here? كيف الخروج ن هنا
How many - How many students are there in the class? كم طالبا في الصف
How much - How much is this book? بكم هذا الكتاب
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farahlearns24 · 5 years
types of healthy coping skills
1. self-soothing
comforting yourself through the 5 senses
Touch: stuffed animals, stress balls, taking a bath, a soft blanket
Hear: music, audio book, guided relaxation
See: snow globe, glitter, calming images, art, anything that pleases you visually 
Taste: tea, mints, gum
Smell: lotion, candles, incense 
2. distraction
removing your focus from the stressor for a period of time
puzzles, art, crafting, reading, movies, gaming, exercise, being social
3. opposite action
doing the opposite of the impulse that aligns with a positive emotion
affirmations, inspiration, lighthearted and encouraging focus
4. emotional awareness
identifying and constructively expressing what you’re feeling
journaling, listing emotions, using a emotional identification chart, drawing, therapy
5. mindfulness
centering and anchoring yourself to the present moment
meditation, guided relaxation, yoga, breathing exercises, candle gazing, going for a walk
6. ask for help
this is important to do when you feel like your coping skills are not enough or they are too negative and detrimental  
therapy is ideal for helping a person create a healthy coping strategy and incorporate it into their life 
*a coping skill is considered healthy if it helps you to deal with stress more positively, does not hinder your progress, and isn’t harmful physically or mentally. A coping skill can become negative when it is used to completely avoid dealing with the stressor. 
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farahlearns24 · 5 years
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How to Answer the Top 35 Asked Interview Questions from The Undercover Recruiter here.
Go to the link for a high resolution image. Posted for friends looking for jobs this summer.  Unfortunately you may also be asked illegal questions and these are two pretty good articles here and here. 
Other good links I’ve posted regarding jobs:
15 Stories to have Ready for Your Interview Infographic 
10 Useful Grammar Tips for Your Resume Infographic. 
Guide to What Your Clothing Colors Say About You During an interview infographic.
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farahlearns24 · 5 years
Useful phrases for those who are going to travel to Turkey in a short time ✈
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Turkish basic phrases: by: rahaflearns Merhabā / İyi günlerHello - Good day İyi akşamlar - Good evening İyi geceler - Good night Merhaba / Selam - Hi Güle güle / İyi günler - Bye Goodbye (Good day) Lütfen - Please Sonra görüşürüz - See you later Görüşürüz! -See you Yarın görüşürüz - See you tomorrow Özür dilerim! - Sorry Affedersiniz / Pardon! - Excuse me Hadi gidelim! - Let’s go Nasılsınız? - How are you? (formal) Nasılsın / Nāber? - How are you? / What’s up? (informal) İyi değilim / Fenā değil - Not fine / not bad İyiyim - I’m fine İyilik - I’m fine (informal) Evet / Hayır / Yok - Yes / No / No (informal) İsminiz? -What’s your name? (formal) İsmin/Adın ne? - What’s your name? (informal) Adım / İsmim… - My name is … Memnun oldum - Nice to meet you Bayanlar ve Beyler - Ladies and Gentlemen Nerelisiniz? - Where are you from? (formal) Nerelisin? - Where are you from? (informal) Nerede oturuyorsunuz? - Where do you live? (formal) Nerede oturuyorsun? Where do you live? (informal) Kaç yaşındasınız? - how old are you? (formal) Kaç yaşındasın?How old are you? (informal) ___ yaşındayım - I am ____ years old. Türkçe biliyor musunuz? - Do you speak [know] Turkish? (formal) İngilizce biliyor musun? - Do you speak [know] English? (informal) Biliyorum / Bilmiyorum - I speak [know]… / I don’t speak… Anlıyor musunuz? / Anlıyor musun? - Do you understand? (formal / informal) Anlıyorum / Anlamıyorum - I understand / I don’t understand. Biliyorum / Bilmiyorum - I know / I don’t know. Tabii / Tabii ki - Of course. Yardım eder misiniz? / Yardım eder misin? - Can you help me? (formal / informal) ~ I sincerely hope you find this helpful, please feel free to correct me if you see any mistakes.
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farahlearns24 · 5 years
Definitely. Grades aren't everything if you slowly kill your body. Study and don't forget your health. 🌱
things i wish i could tell my freshman self: a list of miscellaneous college tips from a graduating college senior
1. having a huge set of highlighters are overrated. it’s better to just go over your readings with a good pen and annotate/underline as you read because that means you engage, ask questions, and take in information better. 2. always. pack. your own. lunch. pack. your own. coffee. this will save you so much money.  3. when in doubt, sleep. sleeping is better than studying. if you don’t know tomorrow’s coverage, it’s better to go that test well-rested and a little confused than sleepy AND confused. just sleep. 4. putting too much pressure on yourself is unhealthy. overwork is often romanticized as “a good work ethic” or “being productive”, but honestly, you’re abusing your body. it’s better to reframe pressure or negative motivation (”you MUST get high grades” “it feels good when i stay up all night because it means i’m studying like hermione/rory/etc etc”) into something positive and healthy: “i’ll finish these readings before 12 so i can get some sleep!” “it’s my dream to _______, so i’ll do my best!” 5. make friends with someone in every class you have, so you can ask about missed work. if you can, make friends with the professor to show that you care. 6. there’s more to college than academics. honors and high grades aren’t everything. don’t be afraid to go out and have fun!
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farahlearns24 · 6 years
school mindset
essays - make each essay you write better than the last

 small assignments - aim for 100s, expect 100s, get 100s

 homework - pretend they’re assignments

 homework that’s not graded - pretend! they’re! assignments!

 tests - study for 100s, expect less

 long term projects - act like it’s due in four days -even when it’s not- until you’re done with it

 group projects - do not get angry

 presentations - pretend you’re obama
disclaimer - this works for me, it may not work for everybody, do not push yourself too hard!!
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farahlearns24 · 6 years
your life can look so different, so much better, in just a few months. keep going.
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