fcxtumelo · 10 years
hi! this is a plot call. does anyone want to plot with me? and/or a random starter?
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
it's fine, dude. [ * he doesn't need to touch the stunned figure addressing him to realize korean is the correct language to use. it's the default for the area, and the english falling on his ears definitely wasn't being delivered from a native. tumelo's korean however is spoken perfectly, a tinge of a jeolla accent -- traces of the man tumelo had touched to obtain it, low and deep... barely audible, spoken with a smile lingering behind his eyes. the shocked reaction doesn't phase the omniliguist either, but initially he incorrectly assumes it's because of their rather unexpected contact. ] i'm sorry... not watching where i was going, ah. 
[ * a rather curious thing about tumelo -- honestly in spilling, sharing a thought when he's sure it'll be noted. so he speaks to the stranger like an old friend, humming lowly as he holds up a cassette. ] music is fascinating, no? haven't bought an album or song in... ah... [ * he zones out, staring at a point in the fair distance and reminiscing before slowly floating back down to earth. ] a while.
2..7 *
( `yeah, so maybe he wasn’t exactly supposed to be in the city… at all. he was pretty sure he was supposed to be in class or doing something else back at the institute— but he decided to temporarily forget all about that in favor of wasting his time wandering the great city for one reason and one reason only. he had absolutely nothing better to do. maybe he needed to get a break too— but that was besides the point. in the midst of his random-small-store-exploration-time though, he found himself getting a face-full of man-chest. )
( `stumbling back, jimin grew the slightest bit disoriented. he rubbed at his eyes before looking up and seeing— … oh. whoa. ) Oh my g— ( `he was in complete awe— he was pretty isolated as a kid of course, and he never really did much travelling, so seeing someone foreign? well, that was a whole feat in itself. he quite literally had to tilt his head back to see the man properly, blatantly staring as if seeing some sort of divine being— it took several seconds for him to gather enough sense together to stutter out in what little english he knew ) Um— so… sol… sorry? 
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
2..7 * [ open ]
[ * it's a rare sight -- tumelo wandering around aimlessly in a shop of any kind -- yet he's there, it's not an illusion. he's just a young translator who knows it's a special day -- one year older, one year still alive -- however he looks royally out of place. the lone store, on a street of run down apartments, is labelled a knockoff cassette store that has a dual purpose: serves as a gambling exercise; some tapes are wrecked beyond repair, yet all of them are neatly wrapped and concealed, only to be open after purchase. he has a cassette player... somewhere... if not... david does, right? makes sense when they're ridiculously cheap. ]
[* sensing the real head bobbing, foot tapping stuff is still to be found, tumelo wanders deeper into the seemingly deserted music shop. browses old classics, narrowly misses walking straight into another soul because he's so absorbed. ] 
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
hm? [`/ cartier could think of a whirlwind of things that would take precedent over n.e.w.t.s, but he softly hummed, and restricted himself to a lone sentence: ] don't forget to have fun. [`/ did he have fun? when he was that age? mhmm, he distinctly recalled... ah. no matter. cartier languidly walked to one of the storage cupboards lining the classroom. it looked weirdly fascinating, like it was floating underneath the sea. after a couple of seconds of intently watching the sight, he got out a couple of black and blue saucers and cups. they weren't fine china, that had always been unnecessary in his humble opinion, but they were clean and cute. good for tea leaf reading. ] do you remember? how to do this? [`/ he placed all of the equipment on taekwoon's desk. ] run me through it. 
[ † ] — sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀs ᴘᴀsᴛ // ᴡᴄ + ᴛʟ
{ / stares from the professor to the walls, seeing what he finally decided on. the ocean. for a moment, he stopped and stared at a fish and he was quite certain it was staring back at him. he was glad juniper wasn’t there. this would be like torture to the innocent feline. } … i guess. { / turns his attention back to the professor as he continued down the aisles to the seat nearest the desk. he would have rather sat in his seat in the back, but he was the only one there. there was no reason to hide out in the back. } i’m preparing for my n.e.w.t.s. there isn’t… much time for anything else. { / even if it wasn’t for the testing that would take place, he still wasn’t the type to do anything else. he could have easily gone back home, but he would have to spend half of it with his father in korea and the rest in japan with his mother. he honestly didn’t want to do that. }
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
Not really. [`/ he absently comments, picking on a loose piece of thread hanging off one of his multiple bookmarks. the one he's playing with is gold and has green embroidery that bounces light off it. a deep and rich emerald flashes ever now and again on the surface of his eyes as a consequence. ] When it's time to go... It's time to go. No? [`/ he smiles softly letting go of the bookmark and placing it on his desk. ] So many places so see... To discover. [`/ his voice tone takes a turn for wistful, highlighting his already dreamy timbre. ] I'm not a restless soul but...
( `she doesn’t seem to notice the distance he puts between them and instead, follows him behind the desk where she sits on the corner, watching his every move, waiting for his every word ) Really? ( `she breathes out, a bit disappointed to be honest but she kind of expects it – someone as ethereal as him doesn’t belong here. Or at least that’s what she thinks. ) Is there anything that can make you stay, though? ( `kicking her feet in the air lightly, she traces the outline of his face with her eyes, taking in his complexion. Every pore and every line. )
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
mhmm? [`/ a gently perpetual smile transformed his face the moment he heard the voice. suddenly, but subtly, changing his aura from childishly playful to unconventionally wise. he didn't however, immediately cease his tampering with the walls of the classroom, only stopping once he was happy with the underground ocean. tropical fish carelessly and languidly swam on the walls as he hummed with approval, tightly nodding. ] hello. having a good break...? [`/ he simultaneously gestured, slightly aloof, for Taekwoon to have a seat in the classroom whilst he flipped his scruffy leather bound journal open with his wand. what to cover... hm. deciding against routine, he closed his journal again. tea. today is a good day for tea. ] i hope...
[ † ] — sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀs ᴘᴀsᴛ // ᴡᴄ + ᴛʟ
{ / even with the summer coming forth, the student was still working his hardest with his work. he had his n.e.w.t.s coming up in his final year and that was something he had to keep him on top of his studies. divination was one of his favorite subjects and he had no fears in receiving a bad grade, but that didn’t mean he was going to slack off. he didn’t think the professor would mind him going in and visiting for a bit of extra work. he enjoyed anything related to divination. it all made so much sense to him. } professor? { / calls as he enters the room, taking noticing the changing of colors before his eyes ventured to the older male further into the classroom. he bowed his head in respect as he walked further into the classroom. }
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
[`/ willy quickly becomes accustomed to the fact that she has no awareness of personal space or the invisible line between them, but he doesn't encourage it. instead he does the moving back for her, quickly resuming his place behind the desk once he's gotten hold of the book he's looking for. ] Hm. I definitely do not plan on teaching forever. [`/ taking his current job was a whim. a hunch. he loves it, but he knows routine is a burden. going with the flow, the current of life, presented continuous opportunities. being unattached and free has it's perks. ] 
( `her lips blooms into a smile as her eyes widened. The glass ball long since forgotten as she takes a step closer towards the older guy. ) Oh really? That’s a…pleasant surprise. ( `stopping close to him, she stares at him from under he lashes, her brown eyes catching the details of his back, his wide shoulders and how his clothes drape over them. They fit him well. And she wonders if she can fit him as well as that garment ) Maybe they’re just waiting for the perfect person to teach it. Maybe the department chooses the professor and not the other way. Will it be you? Or will you be gone too?
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
( ` / bows as he meets the professor in the hallways )
[`/ he calmly upturns the corners of his lips and reciprocates the bowing action, unconsciously gentle with his movement. ]
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
[ † ] — sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀs ᴘᴀsᴛ // ᴡᴄ + ᴛʟ
[`/ the Prof sits placidly on the classroom window sill, playing with his fingers as he waits for a particular presence. Lee Taekwoon. wonderful student, very attentive, but usually extremely quiet. summer school isn't really kicking off on the Divination front, but Willy carries on patiently waiting in his classroom, caring to teach the students who wander in from time to time. currently his classroom is completely empty, at peace and incredibly still, but he was told Taekwoon was coming along so he resists the urge to go down to the lake and have a swim. he's resigned to whistling, swirling his wand idly to change the colours of the classroom -- orion nebula, cherry blossom trees and sleepy hollows... ] 
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
Mm, I might be, in a couple of weeks. [`/ he calmly discloses the information, curious to witness her impending reaction. ] We're losing a professor in the department. [`/ a finger's lifted to his mouth, so he can wet it, and then use it to rapidly flick through pages, trying to find the right... refusing to get frustrated he stands, walking over to some of the thicker journals lining the back of the classroom. ] Curious department. Divination. Always changing.
( `wades her way as she looks at the various objects in the room. objects so strange and so odd that she can’t even begin to imagine what they’re for. ) Is it okay, if I – ? ( `she looks back to meet his eyes for permission as she reaches towards a glass ball, her fingers within inches from the object  before she nods, preferring to answer his question with her action instead ) Such a shame, you’re not teaching me though.
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fcxtumelo · 10 years
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