fearedarts · 3 years
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fearedarts · 3 years
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fearedarts · 3 years
Once more, this becomes all cyberpunk all the time, I mean it’s because I’m going all in to my cyberpunk nature.
Anyway I need to share this. Because the world should see it, and it brings me more joy than you could ever possibly know.
So backstory I started running a 2077 world but 2020 system game for some people I met on a forum (some of you are part of said forum) naturally because it’s 2077 the talk of who would be in the world starts up, and they are all dudes after my own heart. So a conversation arises about “going into Kerry’s mansion and stealing his underwear”
Now I like to make my games enjoyable, and like to pick on what the players really want. But I also really don’t want them to go do it, because I really don’t fancy starting Kerry’s robo guards.
So what better way to try and stop them doing it? Well you ask Kerry to tell them to stop!
It turns out Matt Yang King is on cameo and for what I consider to be the best money I ever spent. I asked him to send a cease and desist as Kerry.
Fast forward to 5 days later and I have a suit and solo come into the bar all our character hang in, and pass on this “on behalf of their client”
My players dam near lost their shit.
The responses were incredible ooc as they collectively died, and IC we got everything from “I’m gonna go to that bastard sell outs house and break every bastard thing” to “is it me or is it kinda hot to be shouted at by a rockstar”
They will go now won’t they, I have to stat security bots.
What do I do now. Ask for another one saying “I’m sorry Kerry, they went and tried it”
This is why I am a GM.
Note by the way, I genuinely asked for a cease and desist, he ad-libed that entire thing. The man is so good.
Please send that man more money. He deserves it. Go look for him on cameo!
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fearedarts · 3 years
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Artist Credit: @thepixelagora​ and @theheroofoakvale​​
Summary: Commander Shepard ended the Reaper War and their threat to galactic civilization. That much is certain. In the months following the end of the war, he and the crew of the Normandy grapple with the fallout of the decisions he made to bring salvation to the galaxy even as they navigate their new realities. Kaidan Alenko, his longtime friend and now devoted partner, has the impossible task of putting Shepard back together as the rest of the galaxy asks what he’ll do next.
Pairing: MShenko
POV Character: Shepard
Chapter 20 & 21 Summary: 
Part 1 - After celebrating their engagement on New Year’s Eve, Shepard and Kaidan wake to the realities of a post-war galaxy. The Normandy crew begins to separate on new assignments; the Citadel coalition’s political situation becomes more complicated; and Shepard’s recovery takes a sharp turn for the worse as the pressure of his decision about the Council seat mounts higher.
Part 2 - Shepard and Kaidan spend their “shore leave from their shore leave” on Earth in Aotearoa. A few days of being surrounded by natural beauty and the space to breathe allows Shepard to take stock of what’s most important to him, and he and Kaidan make several crucial decisions about their future.
These two chapters - Shepard 5 Pt. 1 & 2 - are a single unit of the story. I only separated them to give y'all a natural place to stop if you need it (because they’re 29k combined).
You may be wondering where on Earth Aotearoa is. We in the early-21st know it as New Zealand. I decided to use the country’s Māori place names wherever possible because early on when I plotted this sequence I chose to imagine a post-colonial future in which the influences of British imperialism have largely been rectified. That said, I’m certain I’ve gotten some sociocultural and linguistic details wrong despite my research because I’m not an NZ resident or insider. Links on research and translations can be found in Pt. 2’s endnotes. I’ll gladly take any feedback on details I’ve gotten wrong and make the appropriate changes to more accurately portray the country, its people and its cultures!
Ch. 20 Snippet:
We left it to James and Joker to decide how they wanted to be sent off. Joker didn’t want any big thing, especially since the medal ceremony was going to be the night before, and James just wanted one last meal with everyone. So, here we are - most of the senior command crew, anyway - at 0745 after New Year’s Eve having breakfast and nursing hangovers of various degrees in the same room where we celebrated last night. And hardly anyone has said anything in the half hour we’ve been here.
“Joker, tell us about your new ship?” Tali suggests.
He finishes his cup of coffee and sets it down. It’s so hard to read him now. The old Joker would have gone on for an hour about a new ship’s specs without being asked even if he weren’t the one piloting it. Maybe it’s finally hitting him that he’s not going to be on the Normandy anymore. If he’s sad about it, he’s hiding it well. Really, as much as it kills me to admit, I think he’s just ready to move on. He doesn’t have to wait much longer; he’s due for pre-flight checks at 0815.
“N-school outfits always take cruisers out for their training,” Joker explains distantly. “They have a lot more space and a baseline crew of eighty. With almost thirty trainees plus the trainers and their support personnel, there’s no way to fit them all into a frigate even if it’s heavily modified for transport. And they’re great for distance. Not as fast as frigates, but they have almost double the FTL fuel range so they’re perfect for these kinds of SAR runs with limited support away from the main Relays. Captain Mncwabe got us a newer one, too - the Reykjavik.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t handle, even with limited support,” Tali says.
Ch. 21 Snippet:
The crunch of boots on gravel snaps me out of my reverie. I look back from the stone bench and smile.
“Can I join you?” Kaidan asks.
I’ve been out here for over an hour, soaking in the silence. Kaidan unpacked for us and got some things ready in the hut. He took his time, I think, letting me have some time to myself. This is the first time in - I can’t even remember when - where we aren’t rushing or anxiously waiting.
I stretch my arm out along the top of the stone bench and shift over. “Would be a shame to hog this view all to myself.”
He sits next to me and hands me a cup of coffee. “Isn’t that just spectacular?” Kaidan asks me in complete awe for the third time since we got up here. “I’ve always wanted to come here.”
The bench is just outside our alpine hut which is perched on the edge of the shoulder of one of the mountains. This arm - nicknamed ‘The Lion’ - juts out so we’re surrounded by the entire fiord, with one side dropping into a narrow valley threaded by a silvery river and the other plummeting to the water of the sound itself. Rahotu - Mitre Peak, according to my omnitool, from back when English names were common here - is directly across from us, wisps of mist starting to gather along its near-vertical slopes. It’s cooler up here than it was on the valley floor, just enough that we’ve donned light jackets.
Well, I have an Alliance windbreaker on. Kaidan has once again absconded with my N7 sweatshirt. That’s a fight I should just give up now. But I’m not giving up that easily.
“Big place.”
Kaidan chuckles and rolls his eyes. “Oh, shut up. I said that once. Not that you’re wrong, of course. I feel so small up here.”
I nod and take a sip. “I know what you mean. It’s so much different than being in space. The proportions up there are just so ridiculous they feel unreal. But here at what, twelve-hundred meters above the water? It’s easier to feel insignificant.”
“Thought it would make for a nice change of pace, give us some new perspective, ” he says and I nod again.
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fearedarts · 3 years
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fearedarts · 3 years
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fearedarts · 3 years
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Finished Javik last night and started a new Mshenko piece, going to be Kaidan learning to biotic float and lifting Shepard off the ground (during the ardat yakshi mission Kaidan had mentioned he wouldn’t be able to learn it in the next five minutes or something like that) but for now I’ve just been focusing on their faces, here’s a snippet. Space husbands 4 life
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fearedarts · 3 years
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fearedarts · 3 years
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me too…
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fearedarts · 3 years
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Mass Effect: Andromeda Fan Art - Created by Shalizeh7
Follow the artist on Tumblr!
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fearedarts · 3 years
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oops my hand slip p e d …… ………………… … 
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fearedarts · 3 years
Why are you the best @jediwalkerw at writing these! HAhaha Now I want to draw this mshenko moment.
Scene: The Citadel, skycar interior
Kaidan - What are you doing?
Shepard - Huh?
Kaidan - Your omnitool is out. What do you keep taking pictures of?
Shepard - Nothing. Turn left here.
Kaidan - Why?
Shepard - Better flexing.
Kaidan - What?
Shepard - Sorry, I meant better lighting.
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fearedarts · 3 years
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NoPixel art collab with my friend @Decay595. We decided to do a piece on our fav gay cop couple Bobby Smith/Vladimir Raven. Decay drew the characters while I tackled the police department background.
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fearedarts · 3 years
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Vladimir Raven is an gay detective cop character roleplay by LT_Raven in the Nopixel GTA world. Made this artwork last year to celebrate the roleplayer hitting 10k on Twitch.
Time to rip off the band aid. Just post to my queer hearts content of my creations. Late to the party yes I am, but I'm going to make an entrance. I want to give all the credit to my awesome hornee punk friends @k9effect @bubble-bones and @bean_cup69 . Yall giving me the inspiration and motivation. PLS go give them some love because their own creations are *chef's kiss* and just overall talented.
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fearedarts · 3 years
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‘The city of shadows’
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fearedarts · 3 years
Priority Transmission
From: Myself and @estalfaed-archived
To: Mass Effect LGBTcrew & Allies
We're pleased to inform you that The Alliance News Network PinkNews responded to a request we made about the petition, and they've answered beautifully!
This is our chance to make our voices heard and our need for better representation known!
Head on over to Twitter (or any other platform you're on where PinkNews publishes) to thank editor Ed Nightingale for his willingness to publish this so prominently. Like, retweet, share - do whatever you can wherever you can to help make sure this gets BioWare and Mac Walters's attention.
We'll keep you posted on any and all other developments!
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fearedarts · 3 years
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If Shepard says Kaidan isn’t a whiner, then he isn’t a whiner.
Your argument is invalid.
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