Hiatus Announcement
I have made the decision to discontinue work on Feelin' Kinda Cocky altogether. Admittedly, it was ambitious, even when I started it back in 2020. I am just one person doing a majority of the work. Minus the beautiful art Rose provided for the Tumblr banner, everything done in this project so far has been on me. And except for a writer I haven't spoken to since the very start of them writing the Jeremy route, and the few artists who I will forever be grateful for volunteering and being patient, I would continue being the one to take on most of the work, which would include writing the routes, likely some art or art concepts, GUI design, coding, and original music. If I were a professional, I might have been able to handle this project pretty well. But I'm not a professional, just a high school senior.
However, I'm not entirely cancelling FKC. I can't promise it'll return in full, but I might shelve it and come back to it at some point. It really just depends on how my life goes. But for now, I don't really want to continue. I love Be More Chill and its characters. Really, this musical has reshaped the way I think about a lot of things, and it's dearly important to me. However, I've realized that I..don't really like the fandom all that much. Don't get me wrong, I've met some of my best friends and the most supportive people in my life from the Be More Chill Amino, but it's just not a place I feel welcome in anymore. (If you want a more detailed explanation, I will be making one shortly on my main account, CeceliAnonymous22.) I would rather move on to spaces I feel more comfortable in, though I don't regret my time in the BMC fandom.
All that to say, I'm not going to be working on this any further for a while. However, even if I do decide to not pick up FKC again, I might release Rich's route separately, since his is the only one I have completed so far. Maybe as a tribute to a classic ship that, thanks to the butterfly effect, opened a lot of doors for me. But other than that, I will be moving to pursue other projects in other fandoms. Likely, I will be trying to make more fangames, since being a game developer is, quite frankly, my dream job. But I'll be starting out small.
Thank you to everyone who helped or supported the development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky, a Be More Chill dating sim and my (now) former passion project. If you have any questions/comments, the inbox will still be open and I will answer. I appreciate you all.
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FKC Update 6/21/23
Alright, quick update! I've got day 5 for Dustin's route completed. All that's left is the dance day and the date day. I've been focusing on the good route and will fill in the neutral/bad routes later, along with more choices.
That's it for game updates as of right now, but if you're interested in future plans, continue on.
I'd like to mention that once I finish and release the main game, I'm going to start looking at making a "self-insert mode" (name WIP) in which you, as the player, will be able to play through routes of characters not featured in the main Feelin' Kinda Cocky game. Granted, I am admittedly a little hesitant about this because on one hand, I want to include teens like Jenna, Brooke, Christine, and Chloe. ..But there is also a lot of people who would like to see adult characters like the Squip. So it's in a weird grey area that I'm going to be cautious about, should I go through with this idea. Because, unfortunately, there are some weird-ass people on the internet that make wanting to make something nice for the fandom a lot more difficult than it has to be. Personally, if anyone has thoughts on the matter, because this is not a concrete thing that is going to happen, I'd love to hear it. Because I really don't want to get into hot water with anyone for the wrong things. I am simply trying to make a game for the BMC fandom to enjoy, I am not trying to do any weird shit out here. Either way, feedback on the idea is appreciated.
Also I plan on doing little updates where I throw the characters into different AUs. Maybe not all of them, but each one will have a chance to be in these various events. And of course, I'll make sure that even players who missed the event can still play them, because that's something that a shocking amount of games do in my experience.
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I’m sure there’s ppl who would be willing to help with writing the boyfs route
Oh I'm sure too! And I'm probably going to ask around when I get to the revision stages.
I had a writer for Jeremy's route but I'm not really sure what happened to them? I think they just got busy, which is completely okay.
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FKC Update 6/12/23
Alright, we're moving quicker than we have been this time around. As always I'm not writing everything to completion just yet, just the basic premises I'm looking to write, but will be filling in the rest.
But good news, Dustin Route days 3 and 4 are both done! Which leaves day 5, the dance day, and the date day. These tend to be easier to write just because it's at the stage with the most romantic tension, which for ships you love, is fun as hell to write. The beginning of routes tend to be harder because it's a lot of setup and context and world/relationship building, it be like that. But I'm making headway.
Thanks to a helpful video I found from an ADHD writer, my writing production has improved drastically. Basically my process is open a Google Doc, copy paste the bullet points/ideas I already have, and then just absolutely spitball incoherent, unpunctuated, slang shit for what I want to happen for the day. Then I just copy and paste the spitballing and just write and it works. It's also funny as hell, but I'm gonna be embarrassed as hell when I do eventually release it to the public. But it just helps me get all my thoughts out and not feel pressured, and I end up writing better because of it.
Anyway, looking ahead while I'm here. After Dustin's route, I'm going to be tackling Jake's, because P&P my beloved. That's gonna be a bit messy because I have not written Jake that much, but hey, whatever. I'll get through it. And then after that, obviously, is the Jeremy route. And I'm sorry to admit but I'm not the biggest Boyfs fan. HOWEVER, stay with me here, I think I'll like them more by the time I finish Feelin' Kinda Cocky. I know there's the Boyfs haters and the Boyfs lovers and everything in between, so I want to see if I can make something that will appeal to anyone in the BMC fandom, especially because it's not at all a bad ship. But anyway, I'm not having that discussion here, just letting y'all know my plans for the future.
Then I'm planning on simultaneously revising each route (in order of progress, so Rich-Dustin-Jake-Jeremy) and working with my artists to get some shit done there. Ideally I'd like to make the sprites since I kinda know what I know how I interpret the characters. They won't stray far from canon, just will have different outfits for some flair. Except for Dustin and the secret route characters, which I would need to be in charge of either way. But I'm also not that great when it comes to art yet, so I might have to hand it off to someone else. But beyond sprites, the artists I'm working with will (ideally) be helping out assets (like the title screen and GUI assets) and backgrounds. I'm also planning on including some Monster Prom-esc elements like images occasionally appearing in between the sprites when something during a scene happens, and would love to have a similar photo gallery for endings, special events, secrets, fanart (if I get any) and more.
Anyway, tl;dr, I finished Dustin day 3 and 4 in the span of two days and I'm planning on writing Jake's route next. I'm just trying to give as much detail as I can right now because doing sneak peaks for lines of code is kinda boring.
As always, thanks to everyone for supporting the development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
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FKC Update 6/5/23
It's been a while, so I wanted to post an update.
Long story short, production's been slow because the last few months of school were hell, especially finals. So between generally trying to do well in school and working part-time, I had been exhausted. But it's summer now, so hopefully I can take a good chunk out of the writing process.
It's only been about a week of summer vacation, which has been devoted exclusively to deep-cleaning my room and work. However, once my room is taken care of (which will be soon, within this week, if not the next few days), I'll start putting more focus on the development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky.
Anyway, so I'm still currently working on Dustin's route. I have most of Day 3 written out, and the rest is planned out in bullet points. I'm trying to find a balance between quality and quantity when it comes to writing the initial routes. This largely consists of me skipping over the more mundane parts of plot, or recently, just giving myself a simple guideline to adhere to. Examples here:
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Daniel is Dustin's dad's name
These methods, along with worrying less about the gameplay aspect of making choices and worrying more about the story/stories I'm trying to tell, are my primary methods to finishing a rough draft as quickly as possible. As per my January update, I'm trying to get all the routes done as quickly as possible. This means that there will be countless typos, missing details, and inconsistencies. However, my train of thinking is along the lines of "Get a basic outline now, so you can have something to edit later." A lot of creators get sucked into the mentality that every keystroke has to be perfect, and I've definitely been there, done that.
So instead, I'm doing the opposite: making a really messy script to create more quickly. It seems a little counterproductive, and like an inefficient way to make a game. But hey, neurodivergency. We ball
Anyway, that's sort of my current mindset and progress. Additionally, I've made "moodboards" of every character and ship to sort of draw inspiration from. I won't share all of 'em, but here's sort of the basic idea!
None of the art is mine, same thing with the images. Most of this was just found by searching characters up on here and being like "oo I like that for inspiration." Any picrews I made myself, but again, not my art.
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Yup, so that's my process right now.
Anyway, as always, thank you for following the development of FKC! AMA, my inbox is always open :)
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FKC Update 2/26/23
This is just going to be a quick update on FKC's progress.
Day 1 for Dustin is done! It ended up being way longer than Rich's Day 1, hence why it took a little bit for me. Though the formatting's weird because I'm writing it in a way that makes it easy to copy and paste into the code, Rich's route ended up being about 2000 words, while Dustin's was around 6000. Obviously, these are not final, nor are they entirely accurate, but it's a general comparison to show that Dustin's Day 1 took more energy and time to write out.
I've started on Day 2 for Dustin. However, I ran out of free words on Campfire Write's manuscript feature, and encountered some issues while trying to buy the lifetime version. I'm not going to have a lot of money I can freely use until the summer, when I get a job (and will also be knocking out a lot of stuff for FKC), so I think my course of action will be to copy and paste the text from Rich's route onto a Google doc to make room for Dustin's route in the Campfire project.
Anyway, I have a lot in store for Dustin's route, especially since they're,,not a character that actually appears in the show. But I've been building them as a character for a while now, so I'm hoping that playing their route won't seem like a cacophony of headcanons lol
As always, thank you BMC fandom for supporting the creation and development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
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FKC Mini-Update 2/21/23
Alright, don't have a lot for this update, but hey, I thought I might as well keep posting so people are aware this project is still very much active! I'm currently on Mardi Gras break, and will be utilizing the next two days to work on writing Dustin's Route. There is a bit in Dustin's Day 1 that was originally going to take me a hell of a lot of time, in which I would be writing eight unique chunks of dialogue based on three options the player chooses in a row. However, for the sake of getting a rough draft out ASAP, I have streamlined it to where each topic will flow into each other without much of a missed beat. The eight interactions might appear in a later installment of the game, though.
However, while I'm here, I'd like to announce that the FKC Tumblr now has a new header image, courtesy of our new artist: Rose! I'm extremely happy with the art and I'm so glad we have another great artist on the team. Here's the full image because Tumblr dimensions are wack lol
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Anyway, in an absence of content on my end, I'll go ahead and put out what is completed, what is currently being worked on, and what I'm hoping to achieve in the future:
The rough draft of Rich's route is done. However, in an effort to keep up with momentum during the earlier stages of writing when I wasn't on ADHD meds, I ended up skipping a whole part and promptly forgotten that I had skipped it. It's still very much a draft with a lot of repetition that I need to iron out, solely because when you work on something for so long in spaced out intervals, you forget what you did previously.
Once all of the incredibly messy drafts of each route are completed, I will be going back to revise them and hopefully get to a point where I can personally playtest the early stages of the game.
Also, in addition to completed routes, Rich and Jeremy's routes will have secret routes. These won't be as important and as high priority, as they are genuinely just me throwing some OCs into a fangame. But hey, if you like hot, borderline criminal bad boys, or flower-loving, theater kid soft boys, then I've got just the routes for you ;)
With the way I'm writing the routes, I'm also simultaneously coding. Or half-coding, anyway. I'm writing it all in a way that makes it easy for me to simply copy and paste it into ren.py, and then I just edit the Python from there. Double tasking woo!
I also have basic GUI assets that I made,,two years ago,,so I'll need to revise those. But aside from the title screen art, everything looks moderately okay and is completely functional.
At the moment, I'm working on Dustin's route. This is going to be heavily headcanon-based, I'm warning everyone now, but it doesn't stray far from canon. He's just a little unique because there's not a lot of canon information about him
Also, I don't know if I ever clarified this, but each route will be structured in the same format: The default exposition (where you choose your route), around 5 in-game events (or days), the dance day (where your bachelor of choice has invited Michael to the school dance), and if you're lucky, the date day (self explanatory, only available on good endings). In addition, each route with have a bad, neutral, and good ending. This does not include secret endings
After the Dustin Route, I plan to start Jake's, and then Jeremy's (sorry Boyfs shippers!). When all are completed, I'll start revision and the addition of the secret routes.
When the writing stage (which I'm almost entirely sure will be the longest) is mostly complete, we'll be going into the art stages. I have several talented artists already volunteered to help out, and I will likely make a hefty portion of my own. Art will include backgrounds, GUI assets, sprites, and possibly promotional pieces.
And after the art stage, we'll start playtesting a beta version so we can figure out bugs, adjust the stories as needed, and overall gauge the interest of the BMC fandom :)
I would love to create background music for the game at some point, and have the capability to do so, but that genuinely might not get there until later stages of development
Though this is far off, after the game's release, I'd also like to release events. These events would allow for a new storyline to be played regarding Michael and the rest of the BMC crew. These will largely be either self-indulgent or catering towards the fandom as a whole, such as writing all the characters in FKC into an AU. These sort of events would happen for things like Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, etc. Again, far off! But I'd like to make it at least known
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Calling all BMC Writers!
Hello fellow BMC nerds :>
If this project hasn't shown up to you yet or if you're not in the Discord server, then you probably haven't heard about this project I'm working on: Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
Feelin' Kinda Cocky is a Be More Chill dating sim/visual novel where you play as Michael, and romance one of four love interests at Middleborough high (not including secret routes and possible polyamorous routes).
This game has been in production for two years now, but is stuck in the writing phase. I just recently completed Rich's route and have just started Dustin's. Not to mention, I have a bit of early-game material for Jake and Jeremy. Between school, extracurriculars, and taking care of my mental health, it has taken me a long time to write. However, I was recently prescribed ADHD meds, which will tackle my executive dysfunction. That, combined with a lofty New Years resolution, I'm aiming to get all of the writing done before the end of 2023. ...Especially because the artists for this game have been extremely patient with me, and I want them to be able to contribute sooner rather than later. Although I might have one or both of 'em draw some stuff to make the Tumblr page look nicer-
So that's why I'm here! To looks for some likeminded writers in the BMC fandom, which I know there are many on Tumblr lmao- If you're interested in helping out, there's two options right now:
The FKC Community Idea Drop:
The FKC Community Idea Drop is a Google Doc for you to just drop your ideas down. Are there any post-Squip ideas/drabbles/scenarios/dynamics you've ever wanted to see fully realized? Well throw 'em on the doc! If your idea makes it into the game, you'll be credited by whichever name you put on the doc, because I don't believe in stealing ideas. This is a non-committal way to contribute to the game at whatever pace or frequency you want. Feel free to just go wild with whatever you wanna put on there!
Link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/134HD8ZxBILGacL5Zg165A-mU0IX3HbQqynKuyCqctIE/edit?usp=sharing
2. Joining the FKC team
Everyone who has joined the team so far (two artists and a writer) has joined completely voluntarily, purely in an effort to bring this idea to life. I feel like this is a given, but I want to make it clear that this is not a paid job for anyone involved, including myself. Just like Be Less Single, Feelin' Kinda Cocky will be published on a website and/or on Steam for free, meaning I will make absolutely no money off this game. I just want to make a fan-game with the help of my fellow fandom nerds lol
As a writer, I'm hoping we can work collaboratively to come up with storylines, route events, and dynamics between the ships. Whether you want to work on all the routes, or just focus on one ship, I'd love to work with you! I am currently one person attempting to plan out and write four separate routes, all with three different endings if you don't include secret routes, which I will write myself regardless.
I will also say, if you want to multitask (for example, be an artist or a programmer while also being a writer), go ahead.
For the writing (and the game as a whole), I want to make it clear that I care a great deal about positive representation. And I don't mean just making cute little scenes of our favorite ships (though that is absolutely apart of the game); I mean accurately depicting things like trauma, mental illness, neurodivergency, queer experiences, relationships and friendships, so on and so forth. Not only because all the things I listed are important to me, but because they're extremely important to a lot of other people, especially within this fandom.
Now, if there are any other ways you'd want to contribute to Feelin' Kinda Cocky's development, let me know! And if you have any questions at all, my inbox is always open, and so is the Discord server (linked on this Tumblr page)!
Thank you to everyone who's been with the development so far! Hopefully, this turns out awesome when it's done :)
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FKC Update 1/2/23
Heyy, happy new near everyone!
A part of my personal new years resolution has been to get one of many of my ambitious personal projects done, so I've been working on this!
As of 8/13/22, the rough draft for the entirety of Rich's route is finished!! Woo!!
I'm going to be saving the revision process for after all four routes are written. The revision process will basically be proofreading, adding/removing details, and incorporating any ideas followers of this game have!
Speaking of, I've edited the Community Idea Drop doc a little bit, so feel free to share any ideas there! or, if you want, you can suggest things via the FKC Q&A. I read every submission I'm sent, even if I don't respond. The same applies to posts tagging this blog, DMs, comments, reposts, etc.
Anyways, I've started working on Dustin's route, which i think is going pretty well so far! I'm only on day one but hey, it's a process.
Three questions for the FKC following, though:
Should I post more snippets of the script as previews? As of right now, all we have is my outdated art for the sprites, which I'm not keen on posting.
Since I'm not planning on redrawing the blog cover anytime soon, should I replace it with a stylized background as a placeholder? To make the blog look a little better?
For in-game text messages, should they be displayed as narration or as dialogue from a character? Examples:
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(Each character would have their own distinctive texting style, but at the same time, I want this game to be accessible)
I'd love to hear your feedback, and thank you for following the development of Feelin' Kinda Cocky!
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FKC Update 6/17/22
two years and we're getting somewhere!!
also btw, someone tell me if you guys prefer me posting updates in all lower case, or if proper capitalization sounds better
Because the lowercase stuff has been for aesthetic but uppercase probably looks more legit, huh?
anyway, we're graduating from a crawl to a limping walk on this project!
recently, Charles has introduced me to the amazing website that is Campfire Write (not sponsored, hell i'm not gonna making any money off this game probably), so i've been fleshing out the main five guys there and putting as much as i can in
anyway, i just finished day 3 for rich's route as of a few minutes ago, so lemme give an updated list of everything that's finished
the exposition where you pick a route
days 1-3 for Rich's route
a good chunk of storyboarding for all routes
character profiles on Campfire (have fun Fandom Wiki editors ;>)
day 1 of Jake's route (going to throw another day in there but me and Evan are currently working on a weekend event)
also!! i'm happy to announce that we have someone new on the team: an artist named Lylo! while not a lot of art is going to be produced as of now, because of all the writing that needs to be completed, there isn't going to be much going on in this department
but either way, i'm happy to have him on the team!!
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FKC Update 6/5/22
i know it's been five months but i don't have anyone to defend myself against honestly
anyway, its been going! slowly, but it's been going
my co-writer Charles for the Jeremy route is currently in exams (i believe? it's been a while since we've messaged each other. so Charles, if you're seeing this, hope you're doing or did good on your exams!), so the production of that route has been slowed /nb
however, im happy to announce that i also have a new co-writer: my best buddy Evan :)
i like to think we bounce well off each other's writing styles and he's been wanting to help out on the project for a bit anyway so he's currently helping me write the Jake route!
so far, what i have completed is:
the exposition where you pick a route
days 1 and 2 for Rich (working on day 3 at the moment, which is a lot longer than the previous days because it's a weekend event. same is gonna be true for day 4)
a good chunk of storyboarding for all routes (+ playlists and writing prompts to help spark some ideas
there's plenty more in the works though! like more writing, as well as me needing to redo some previous assets. not to mention, later down the line, producing all the music
which is
gonna be interesting but
im focusing on getting the writing out of the way because it's the hardest part!
i know this post is getting long but i just have two more things for yall
first, i redrew the FKC logo
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the old one, for comparison:
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not quite my best work but it'll likely be updated!
and secondly, i'd love to hear thoughts on possibly drawing new sprites in an art style like this:
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this was a little doodle of my dustin design, but honestly, i could see this nice little style with a bit of shading making the game more unique
but lemme know what you think! i look at everything in tags and comments, not to mention check every message in the discord server! (which is admittedly not a lot overall but hey, we keepin it optimistic
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highlights from the rich route outline
i've adopted a new method of working on fkc, which is setting an hour-long timer and then just working on the rich route
because my lovely writer, circ, is working on the jeremy route :)
and me and my buddy evan are planning on working on the jake route together
anyway, just a few funny tidbits I thought I'd share!
- Cecil, lead dev
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FKC Update 1/12/22
happy belated new years to everyone following or who's in the discord server! (which I know is just like,,one person I wasn't already friends with but we'll get there eventually)
so good news! production's moving along a little quicker
i have written the day 1 and 2 storyboard for every route except jake's and will be adding more soon!
also thanks to a lovely stranger on amino (/p) by the name of Circ/Charles/Lizzy May, i now have a cowriter, which is not only helping me with the writing process, but is also unwittingly motivating me to do shit. because adhd. you love to see it.
but hey! i got some shit for yall
there, my friends, is a google doc you can submit your ideas to for the game! and if you don't feel comfortable (or if you feel lazy, no judgement) editing the doc, then you can easily submit it via the ask feature on this blog! just be sure to give me the name you want to be credited as! (and in the off chance you want your ideas to be anonymous, you can just say so and if your ideas are used, i'll just credit a general group of anonymous people or an anonymous person)
so add as many ideas as you'd like! i don't mind repeats as long as they're not exact repeats. i wanna hear what you guys would like for this game! just please read the first part before editing the doc :))
anyway, what's next on progress?
well, first we need to finish all the writing. it's going to take a bit to storyboard, write, and edit everything. however, once that is done, i will get to coding it all into a comprehensible, hopefully not buggy game (i will hopefully get some people to beta test)
when all that jargain is done, i'll start reworking and making art (like the sprites, the background, the assets, the title screen, etc), making sure everything looks and works good, and then i'm going to be composing original music on ableton!
so all that to say is that this isn't a dead project. only a slow one. you michael kinnies will be able to play this gay dating sim eventally, i promise. just as always, keep in mind that i have school, extracurriculars, and also just generally need some time for my mental health and social life. but again, development will continue
thank you for following the creation of feelin' kinda cocky!
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FKC Update 8/30/21
Like I mentioned in the last update, shit moves kinda slow. But today I managed to finish the first day for Rich's route! There's a little bit where I don't have anything but I just decided I'd come back to it later so I don't mess with my momentum.
But while I'm here, I might as well layout some plans. I can't ever set a date on anything, due to being busy and neruodivergent, but I do try to update when motivation swings by.
For now, I'm planning on writing all of Rich's good route first. Then I'll move on down the line. I'll probably do Dustin's next. Jeremy's will probably be last because it takes the most mental and emotional energy to work through. But hopefully I can split it up enough to make it manageable for myself.
Next will be the neutral and then bad routes. When I finish writing everything, I'll work on updating the artwork (including sprites, backgrounds, assets, etc.). Then after that is music.
By the way, I have two questions for anyone following this production?
1) Should I put in the option to choose between Two River/Broadway designs? Because right now, they're all going to be Two River, considering that's just what I'm used to. But I have considered making Broadway an option. It wouldn't change anything in the story but it still might be something cool.
2) Would it be cringy if I like- wedged my OCs in there for a few lines of dialogue? I'm mostly asking because I think if my friends saw this one guy, they'd freak out. However, it's also a general thing because I think these little interactions could be kinda charming. (Plus I might add other people's OCs in if I do end up doing this, so..)
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FKC Update 8/12/21
Okay, so I know this blog (and just project in general) isn't super active. However, that's changing! Although I am slow on projects due to mental health, I have concretely decided to work on Feelin' Kinda Cocky instead of jumping from project to project.
So far, I've edited the beginning and scrapped what I had for Rich's route, since it was written extremely poorly- I'm probably also going to do something similar for Jake's route, because again, written poorly.
The process is gonna be slow because I don't have much help on this. (Especially since I'm redoing all the art I had and I haven't even touched the music part.) But I still hope it turns out good!
If anyone has absolutely any questions, feel free to ask them! I love answering shit lmao
- CeceliAnonymous22
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I’m currently writing Jeremy’s route right now, and well, I thought this might be kinda interesting to show off
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Basically, they’re playing Minecraft. A lot of these are inside jokes but hey, if anyone has anything to add, let me know and I might just add it ;)
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The progress I have so far!
Hello! So, I’m sure anyone who finds this is curious about how much I’ve done on this game. And honestly, it isn’t much but this is an independent project and I have to deal with school and my shitty brain, so it’ll take a while.
I’ve created a task list which I will be adding to and updating, but here’s what it looks like now. This will absolutely change in the future, though
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I am also in the process of storyboarding the first days for everyone. I have Dustin and Rich’s done but Jake and Jeremy’s are a little trickier for me. 
I also have a few backgrounds already drawn:
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The back of Seven Eleven (where you meet Dustin. I’ll probably update the graffiti at some point)
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The Mell household
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And Michael’s room (which I need to revamp a little. btw, the japanese on the red poster literally just says “soup”)
Beyond that, I have all the basic layout and GUI shit done. At some point I’ll probably redraw the menu and work on the little side bar a bit. This is all in early development.
But yeah! I’ll be posting updates to this game. Just little things, nothing monumental. Hopefully I can finish this in due time!
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