feelingsick · 1 year
dont leave again :(
Ah, friend, I’m still around ❤️
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feelingsick · 2 years
EYYYYYY I missed you!! Glad to see you back again ❤️❤️
Aw, thanks! I missed you, too!
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feelingsick · 2 years
((First part of another NSFW fic from my Patreon))
Azzy and Lark had been excited to finally have a night off to spend together, and had decided to take advantage of the occasion by going to their favorite restaurant for some stuffing play. It had been going great, but it seemed that Azzy had pushed his boyfriend a little too far this time.
Lark’s face had gone pale, perspiration collecting on his brow as he shifted and moaned, trying not to make a scene. One of the best parts of doing this in public was how naughty it felt, how careful they had to be to avoid anyone catching on. Now, though, poor Lark looked positively ill, and as hot as the idea was, Azzy knew that Lark would be mortified to get sick in front of the whole restaurant.
“Deep breaths, baby,” Azzy cooed. Beneath the cover of the table, his hand rested on his boyfriend’s distended stomach. “I’ll get the check, and we can go back home, alright?”
Lark tried to draw in a breath. He shuddered, swallowing hard. “I don’t think I can move right now,” he said, his voice sounding thick. “I feel like I’m going to puke.”
“Okay,” Azzy said sympathetically, “there’s no rush. We can sit until your belly feels more settled.”
Lark nodded slowly, letting out a breath. He wrapped his arms around his middle with a soft groan, his face contorting in pain. “It hurts.”
“I know, baby.” Azzy brushed a hand through Lark’s hair. “Just breathe. You’re okay.”
He watched Lark’s throat bob as he swallowed back a hiccup. “It’s trying to come back up.”
“Maybe try sipping some water?” Azzy suggested. Lark looked hesitant, but his stomach hurt so bad he was willing to try anything. He grabbed his glass and brought it to his lips with a shaking hand. He managed to get a couple sips down before his entire body suddenly tensed. He set the cup down hard, bringing a hand to his mouth as a sudden heave burst out.
“Easy,” Azzy soothed, but Lark shook his head.
“I can’t keep it down.” He heaved again. A couple sitting at the next table looked over, expressions concerned.
“Okay, that’s okay.” Azzy stood, pulling Lark to his feet. With Lark tucked under his arm, he hurried towards the bathroom, keeping his own hand hovered over Lark’s to catch any mishaps.
“Almost there,” he said, keeping his voice low. “Just keep it down for a few more seconds, baby.”
They’d just barely made it through the bathroom doors when Lark doubled over mid-step, vomiting up a gush of half-digested food onto the dingy, tiled floor.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped, tears springing to his eyes. “I couldn’t keep it down.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Azzy said, calmly steering Lark past the mess. His boyfriend shivered.
“There’s more,” Lark gulped, but Azzy was already expecting as much. He led Lark into one of the stalls, guiding him gently to the ground just in time for him to heave up another flood of vomit into the toilet.
Azzy crouched behind him, rubbing Lark’s sweat-dampened back as he continued to vomit.
“That’s it, baby,” he murmured. “Just get it all up.”
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feelingsick · 2 years
YOOO MY GUY back from the dead!!!
AAYYYY BRO! Glad to be back!
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feelingsick · 2 years
Aiden moaned sickly, placing a hand on his stomach. Grace looked up, her interest peaked. The dishes could definitely wait, because her boyfriend looked well and truly ill. She dried her hands and went to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You okay, babe?” she asked sweetly.
He shook his head. “I don’t feel so good all of the sudden.”
Hearing those words sent a little thrill through her body.
“Aw, I’m sorry, baby,” she said. She reached up and felt his forehead; clammy, but not overly hot. “You don’t seem to have a fever,” she said, running a gentle hand through his hair. “Can you tell me what feels bad?”
“My stomach,” he said, wincing. “I’m so nauseous. It feels like I’m going to explode.”
“Let me see,” she said, pushing him back against his seat a bit as she knelt in front of him. He whimpered as she lifted his shirt, exposing his bloated, unhappy belly. Thrumming with anticipation, she pressed her palm to his stomach, feeling the organ groan and grumble against her touch. Distended as it was, it truly looked like her poor boyfriend was going to explode.
Aiden moaned again, and Grace felt his stomach give a little lurch that had him bringing his hand to his mouth to stifle a wet-sounding burp.
“Oh, sweetie,” she cooed, gently rubbing the soft expanse of his stomach. “You really don’t feel good, huh?”
He shook his head, stomach jostling as he gave a small hiccup. “I think I need to be sick.”
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feelingsick · 2 years
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Loving my new shirt lol
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feelingsick · 2 years
Had an irl sickfic scenario play out while I was at work a couple days ago. Puked everywhere and passed out (scared my manager super bad). I’m thankfully alright, just very bruised up and sore from falling. I smashed my head/face on the ground and broke my favorite pair of glasses. Best (ie worst) part by far was trying to finish up with a line of customers while literally gagging into my mask and knowing I was moments away from passing out. 0/10 would not do again.
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feelingsick · 3 years
We also added a special Tier for emeto/belly kink videos 👀 Want us to follow a certain script in our videos? We can do that!
Hey, guys! Esther and I have been writing some kinky nsfw sickfic goodness over on our Patreon! The stories there are exclusive to Patreon, and you can be a Patron for just 3 bucks. 
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feelingsick · 3 years
Hey, guys! Esther and I have been writing some kinky nsfw sickfic goodness over on our Patreon! The stories there are exclusive to Patreon, and you can be a Patron for just 3 bucks. 
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feelingsick · 3 years
If y’all have any prompts, send ‘em my way!
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feelingsick · 3 years
“Stop holding it down, sweetheart.” with Bel and Romi?
It didn’t matter how much Bel tried to assure Romi that he was welcome in the apartment, or that the younger dancer had lived with Bel and his boyfriend for almost a year now – Romi still didn’t feel comfortable being in the apartment alone. Even if he didn’t say so, Bel could tell how awkward he acted at the prospect. He knew it would take time for Romi to get used to things, to come to finally see himself less as an imposing guest and more as family. In the meantime, Bel could at least try to minimize Romi’s stress as much as possible.
“I’ve got some shopping to do,” Bel announced, glancing down at where Romi was looking over one of his textbooks. “Feel like coming along? You’ve been studying for a while now. Might be time for a break.”
Normally Romi would jump at the offer, but he’d been quiet all afternoon. It was no wonder – the poor kid had been working hard all week.
Bel smiled encouragingly as Romi closed his book and set it aside. “I just need to pick up a few things. We’ll be back in no time.”
Romi was at least a little more talkative as they got off the bus and continued their way downtown. He told Bel about what he was studying, and listened as Bel outlined a new dance routine he’d been working up.
Slowly, though, Bel began to notice Romi becoming quieter and quieter as they shopped. Before long, he’d stopped talking altogether, only responding with a nod or a shrug when Bel tried engaging him.
“Are you alright?” Bel asked finally, eyeing Romi over his shoulder as he sorted through a rack of clothes. “If you’re bored, we can–”
“No,” Romi answered quickly, shaking his head. “I’m not bored, really. Just…” He blushed, making a face. “My stomach hurts a little, that’s all.”
Bel frowned, dropping the top he’d been looking at. “Do you want to leave?” he asked.
“No, I’m fine, I promise.”
Bel looked him up and down. Romi was clearly uncomfortable, but he looked alright. The flush from his cheeks could have been embarrassment as easily as a fever. But if he was really, truly sick, Bel also knew that he’d never admit it at the cost of ruining their day out.
“I’m done here anyway,” Bel said casually, picking up his shopping basket. He’d found a couple tops he liked, which was good enough for today. He gave Romi an encouraging smile as they moved to the front of the shop, noticing the stiff way the younger boy walked as he tried to discreetly cradle his stomach. The sooner Bel got him home, the better.
The cashier smiled at them as Bel handed her the clothes he’d picked out.
“Did you find everything you were looking for?” she asked cheerfully.
“Absolutely,” Bel answered, returning her smile. She began to ring up his purchases, but when she looked up again, her smile fell.
“Um..” she began, looking upset. Bel frowned before realizing that she wasn’t looking at him, but rather past him. He turned, following her gaze.
Romi stood behind him, a hand pressed tellingly to his lips. As Bel watched, Romi’s body jerked, his cheeks ballooning out before he valiantly swallowed it back down.
“Oh, gosh…” Bel took Romi by the shoulders, turning quickly back to the cashier.
“Bathroom’s back there,” she said before he even had a chance to speak. He thanked her, quickly steering Romi in that direction.
“You should have said something,” he chastised gently. “I wouldn’t have made you come out with me if I’d known you were sick.”
They burst into the thankfully empty restroom, and Romi let Bel guide him into one of the stalls. For a moment, they just stood there, Romi breathing deeply in an attempt to keep his composure.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice shaky. “I don’t know what happened.” He swallowed. “I feel a little better now.”
“Are you sure?” Bel asked.
Romi nodded slowly before suddenly dropping to his knees over the toilet with an empty belch. Bel couldn’t help but chuckle as he crouched down beside him.
“That’s what I thought,” he said gently, placing a hand on Romi’s back. “Just take your time, we’re not in a hurry.”
Romi said nothing. Bel rubbed a hand across his trembling shoulders, waiting for the inevitable. Sure enough, he felt Romi’s body tense as he gagged once....twice…before swallowing it back down again.
“Romi,” Bel chastised gently. “Stop holding it down, sweetheart. It needs to come up.” He reached around and pushed Romi’s sweat-dampened bangs off his forehead. “Trust me, you’ll feel better once it’s out of you.”
Romi made a soft whimpering sound. For a moment, Bel worried that they’d be there all day as he continued to fight it. But suddenly Romi’s stomach gave a deep gurgle, and he was once again leaning over the toilet. With a heave, he let loose a torrent of his half-digested breakfast into the bowl.
“That’s it,” Bel praised. He rubbed a hand up Romi’s spine, trying to help his body through the motions. Sure enough, Romi let out a soft burp before vomiting up another thick stream.
He heaved a few more times, each time bringing up less and less, before he finally stopped. He fell back, panting hard. His shirt was soaked through with sweat, and he was shaking like a leaf.
Bel reached up wordlessly and flushed the mess away before tearing off a wad of toilet paper and handing it to Romi. “How do you feel now?” he asked, giving Romi’s shoulder a squeeze.
“Better,” Romi gasped softly, cleaning his face with the tissue.
“Told you,” Bel laughed. He ran an affectionate hand through Romi’s damp curls. “Give yourself a minute to breathe and make sure you’re done. Then we’ll get you home.”
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feelingsick · 3 years
Im so glad you're back! You know that already, but I have a question that I'm sure others have too, what characters are you (and hopefully your lovely partner) still writing for?
We're still trying to rework the blog a bit, but for now, here's the characters we'll write with:
The Dance Crew (Bel, Angel, Romi) and Bel's boyfriend Josh.
Sunny and Matti
Foster, Ava, Rory, and Allegra
Kaj and Miah, and Azzy
Rhys and Florence
Amory and Bodhi
Jessy and Shinya
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feelingsick · 3 years
I'm so happy to see you here again
I missed having you around
That means a lot to me ❤️ I missed this community a ton
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feelingsick · 3 years
Boy, I am out of practice.
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feelingsick · 3 years
Welcome back my good man 🤗💙🥳
Thanks! Good to be back!
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feelingsick · 3 years
oh my gosh seeing you active again just answering asks makes me so happy. hope all is well xoxo
That makes me so happy to hear! Sorry I disappeared for like…two years (wow). Life’s been wild, but I’m back and working on a fic as we speak!
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feelingsick · 3 years
I'm new to this community but now I'm trying to make myself reach out to the people I've been following to say hello! So, hello!
Hello there! (Also sorry this is so late. I’ve been gone for a long while)
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