femboy-discourse · 26 days
Just saw the phrase "fashion is fluid" and honestly I love that so much. Cuz ya, fashion is fluid. You can wear what ever you want. You should have fun and not worry about it. I think that's what people really should be staying instead of "gender is fluid" cuz the fashion is fluid is just a lot more accurate, freeing, and not revolving itself around gender instead revolving around just having fun.
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femboy-discourse · 27 days
the thing about whether or not trans women or even cis crossdressers and shit "tricking" cishet men is so dumb like i don't think the argument should be "we AREN'T tricking cishet men" i think it should be "cishet men should be open to having their own expectations of their own sexuality challenged because the world is not a sexual buffet for them to chose from" like sometimes a straight guy might actually just jack off to someone he thought he was a woman but is actually just a femboy or some shit. who cares. its just enrichment in their enclosures tbh
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femboy-discourse · 28 days
Speaking of pannies, top 3 worst definitions of pansexualiry I've ever read/heard:
"attraction to people of your same sexuality as well as other sexualities" (I've seen this unchallenged in two completely different circles online and iirc I even send you an ask complained about it when I first heard it lol)
"when you've dated with people of every gender and sexuality" (said by my sociology teacher in high school)
the twisted cousin of "attraction to men, women and trans people" that's like "Oh you're straight/gay and you're dating a trans person of the gender you like? Actually you're pan" (people keep saying this to my straight guy friend who's dating a trans woman)
I remember that first one, yeah, like ohhhh my god people need to be fucking stopped. It's already stupid as all hell to make Bisexual 2.0 as if there's something wrong with it as is, let alone "being straight is pansexual actually because I found a gay dude hot uwu"
I wish pannies a very fuck off
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femboy-discourse · 29 days
people need to accept that some gay/lgbt people are terrible and some gay/lgbt people are boring and it doesnt make them Actually Straight or anything
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
Do you guys remember how kidnap fantasies were popular on wattpad because young girls and queer teens were both made to feel shame at the thought of their own sexualities, so the fantasy of being kidnapped totally against their will was a way for them to engage with a romantic or sexual fantasy without feeling morally in the wrong for doing so? Added bonus that the fantasy involved being whisked away from repressive environments like home or school, right?
Finding out that Bram Stoker was in a sexless marriage and that scholars believe that he very likely was closeted gay puts the entire book into perspective as to WHY it reads EXACTLY like a self insert wattpad Dracula kidnap fic:
“I TOTALLY love my wife and would never do anything that an upstanding Good Straight Working Man wouldn’t do but oh nooo, big strong man with broad back and strong enough arms to carry me back to bed like a princess trapped me and claimed me as his, completely against my will 👉👈 But he protects me against the bad evil sexual women (who I assure you, I am TOTALLY sexually attracted to, as any straight man with a choice would be) but trust me, I do NOT want ANY of this. What’s that? The Count is not capable of feeling love? Would be a shame if I had the special ability to change tha-”
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
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see now THIS is how you do an introductory google form
edit: alt text provided by @/wytchcore. thank you!
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
I think that we as a society should get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes our friends will be attracted to us and sometimes we will be attracted to our friends and nothing needs to come of that.
You don't have to date. You don't have to stop being friends. You can just keep hanging out. Self control and respect exists.
And sometimes you will date your friend and figure out that your dynamic worked better when you were friends. And then you can go back to being friends. It's really quite simple. Mature and cool, even.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
me: i don’t want to see jellyfish so i will blacklist the tag #jellyfish
people with no common sense: je11yf1sh, je11¥fi5h, j*llyf*sh, je//ÿf!sh, j3ï||yf¡sh, gel lee fisk
result: cannot account for the sheer amount of possible ways to alter the word jellyfish
conclusion: i have to see jellyfish now.
Once again, tumblr is not tiktok, tag properly.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
Seeing so many posts recently from pans about "bi/pan solidarity" what solidarity? You keep pushing us out of our spaces, contribute to bi-erasure and spread biphobic lies and misinformation and when we try to correct you you lash out and screech about us being "panphobic" or better yet "terfs" (as if most definitions of pan aren't extremely transphobic...) I'm so tired honestly.
This blog is one of the few places I feel accepted, both in the real world and online, thank you for letting bi people have this small space to just talk or vent about their frustrations, I appreciate it 💞
I'm with you on the bi/pan solidarity shit. They do not care about us, and I'm certainly no friend of theirs.
I'm glad that you like my blog! It always warms my heart to get messages like this, I'm happy that I'm able to provide a place for bisexuals to just be bisexual, even if it's just as small as a tumblr blog.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
This is probably gonna sound wrong but whatever.
As a bi woman that is still trying to fully accept herself, I’d never marry/date another bi guy. And it’s not about struggles or insecurity but for the simple fact that I’ve NEVER come across a bi guy that actually has same preference ratio for both genders. And I really only want a guy that only fancy me. So as bad straight men are, I’d much rather have someone that only prefers my gender. Even if they cheated I’d be less insane knowing he didn’t chose a guy over me.
And also, honestly bisexual men are never even bisexual. All the ones I’ve talked to wished they were gay. You can’t even name one bisexual celebrity that has liked women or went for women... they’re into men only but will fake it so they’re accepted into society.
Also I really like masculine and REAL men that would know pussy is enough.
Can I just ask what your fucking problem is? I've got nothing against pussy but you're acting like a piece of shit. If you don't want to date bi guys, that's your right and your preference should be respected. But you can not date bi guys and also not treat them like garbage at the same time. Fuck off, and get off your high horse. You're no better than them, people hate bi women just as much as bi men, if not more actually. Trying to pick a fight with bi men is unproductive, it doesn't help anyone, it just alienates you from the community and makes you look like an asshole.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
i'm so fucking sick and tired of how bisexuals are treated. some of you say we're basically straight and don't face homophobia, that we can't speak on gay issues because we're not gay enough for you, or that our attraction is split into halves or percentages and you can use that against us. some of you insist bisexual is an outdated, exclusive term, and that we MUST adopt another one in order to be good people, that we MUST erase bisexuality from history for the "betterment" of the lgbt community. you compare us to cishets, to exclusionists, to predators, to impostors, and then you wonder why we're so fucking angry? i'm so tired of you all.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
from a linguistic standpoint, the “-sexual” suffix in the words “homosexual”, “bisexual”, “heterosexual” is NOT related to the physical act of having sex (= coitus), libido, or sex drive. it's about the biological sex (= sexus) of the people you're attracted to. etymologically, the word “homosexual” simply means “a person who is only attracted to the same sex”. now, of course, if you're sexually attracted to somebody, you're (hopefully) going to have sex with them, but the coitus (having sex) and the sexus (biological sex) are still two different things, even though they're connected.
that's why all those new labels and sexualities (like “demisexual”) don't make sense: the “-sexual” suffix is not about HOW you have sex, it's about WHO you have sex with. if you don't like hookups, that's not your sexual orientation. if you don't like men, well, that's your sexual orientation.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
how come that all the pro-pansexuality posts are always "SOLIDARITY!!!! YOU'RE JUST A MEANIE [buzzword of the week that doesn't apply in the slightest]"
like do y'all have any arguments beside that or
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
in retrospect, video rental stores *would* probably still exist today in some capacity had it not been for blockbuster. the nostalgia for the blockbuster browsing experience undermines the reality of how aggressively the chain snuffed out smaller video rental stores and would eventually become notorious for its abusive late fee collection policy once there were no significant competitors standing. the rise of streaming is often attributed to blockbusters demise, but what’s not often recognized is how netflix’ earliest (and most successful) marketing tactics were in fact advertising the absence of the aforementioned terrible late fees as opposed to the convenience of not having to go to the store. I was actually surprised to find out how much of blockbuster’s demise can be attributed to spiraling out of control as it attempted to manage viacom’s ever increasing debts than to the fact that people just naturally gravitated towards streaming (which is not to say that it wouldn’t have happened eventually, but).
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
Oh. I’m really sorry that you believe that you need dysphoria to be trans. I can understand where that reasoning might come from, it’s just sad to see that some people believe that others must suffer to earn a label that they identify with.
What do you consider trans people without do not experience dysphoria to be, then? Irrelevant?
I don't think dysphoria means suffering.
I believe all trans people experience dysphoria even if they dont think they do. Every non dysphoric person I've talked to has said they don't experience dysphoria but they experience *proceeds to describe dysphoria*. I just dont think they have a good understanding of what dysphoria is. or they just don't want to identify with dysphoria even though they experience it.
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femboy-discourse · 1 month
No, seriously. Look it up, there's more than enough evidence on tumblr. Terfs use ace exclusion as "step one" in the terf pipeline. They joke about how they lure people in with ace exclusion and then convince them to adopt terf ideology. Some terfs talk about how they started as ace exclusionists. It's not a joke or exaggeration. "Aces don't belong in the community" > "aces are very different from LGBTs" > "trans are very different from LGBs" >"aces and trans dont belong" actually happens a lot.
ive also seen terfs joke abt general man hate as a pipeline, smth very common in tucute communities. like literally everything is a terf pipeline that's kind if how a community that thrives by manipulating impressionable people work. ive seen transmeds turn into terfs, ive been tucutes turn into terfs, terfs don't care what you opinion is they will find SOMETHING to try to bait and radicalize you. im not new to discourse, i know about how terfs like to manipulate ace exclusionists. like i said they manipulate every community! thts kinda what they do. its not a joke or an exaggeration, its a stupid statement that ignores the real problem, that terfs manipulate everyone impressionable they care regardless of who they are.
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