feral-house-wife · 13 days
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E-Offering to lady Hestia.
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feral-house-wife · 13 days
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feral-house-wife · 15 days
Hestia’s posture is impeccable.
She is neither tall nor short - and round in figure.
Her hips are wide - perfect for holding the children that she never birthed, but cares for anyway.
Her belly is round, from good food and a good family - and it bounces slightly when she laughs.
She has a mothers face, and a mothers hands, and auburn hair that falls in curls.
She wears dresses in muted oranges and reds, or browns - and her apron is off-white.
She hums when she cooks in the kitchen and grows her own herbs in the back garden.
She keeps a cleaning rag in her pocket, and always has a salve ready in case of scraped knees or burnt hands.
She does not yell, no - her honey brown eyes give a harsh enough stare to silence unruly children and self-indulgent adults.
Her doors are always open, to the forgotten and the lost - to the wandering and the wanting.
She always cooks enough for extra company and second helpings.
Her hearth is always burning, her love is never ending.
Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home,
Lead my way - and light my path. 🕯️
- Hestia’s Hearth; An original hymn
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feral-house-wife · 17 days
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House Incense Burners // Memento Incense
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feral-house-wife · 22 days
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I never want u 2 not have enuf. We’re too abundant 4 that. If u need some more, just say so & I’m definitely gon bring it 2 u. #decolonizingbeauty #saddikhaliphotos
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feral-house-wife · 24 days
the ladies' bathroom is the temple of Aphrodite
I make my pilgrimage through the crowd
I dance my way through the beer garden and enter her sacred space
past midnight, the sermons begin
the sink is the altar at the temple of Aphrodite
the priestesses are gathered around one tiny mirror
their giggles and cackles are ambrosia to my ears, the nectar has long before started flowing
it has to, else no service tonight
"oh my god," the high priestess says, invoking the prayer
"you're too good for him," says another of the women
"girl, I love that dress," says the third.
one of them offers her mascara. communion.
the stalls are the confession booths in the temple of Aphrodite
as the godess herself holds a girl's hair as she confesses her sin
"do not worry, child, it is not a sin to live in hedonism," she says, her voice like honey
"stall’s free," the girl stumbles out
it is a mess, the temple of Aphrodite
but not a repulsion. tear tracks are a mark of love,
not for the man who caused the tears but for the girls who wipe them away
you’ll never see them again, but tonight they voice the will of a godess
I ask the high priestess where she got her shoes
it is part of the ritual of the temple, and I have done my part now
"ooh, girl, on sale!" the priestess is pleased.
the godess herself is appeased. I go in peace.
the ladies' bathroom is the temple of Aphrodite
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feral-house-wife · 1 month
“Hestia is cozy-coded” -my non-Hellenic (questioning) friend, immediately followed by my uproarious agreement.
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feral-house-wife · 1 month
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feral-house-wife · 2 months
Hestia Devotional Activities
I was cleaning my room last night and found this list on a random piece of paper. I've been worshipping/working with Lady Hestia for roughly 2 years now so I have no idea when these ideas are from but I hope you enjoy!
Pick up rubbish in communal areas
Offer the first or last bites/portions of food your to her
Cooking/baking for yourself or others
Having a candle lit whenever possible (electric or real)
Alternatively, playing a video of a fire place. (This is my favourite)
Volunteering at or donating to homeless or DV shelters
Setting healthy boundaries with friends and family
Tea/Coffee magick is always a great devotional opportunity
Get involved with your local community in anyway possible.
Additionally, getting involved in politics! Advocating for policies you believe will better the community is absolutely in alignment with Hestia and her role in ancient Greece.
Allow yourself to rest (this is UPG but i've always found that she just wants you to take care of yourself more than anything).
Do a chore you've been putting off for a long time and dedicate it to her
Organise to hang out with some friends and/or family
Be kind to others AND YOURSELF!!
Veil or bind your hair!
Wear something red or orange (I normally opt for a red hair tie and bind my hair with it. 2 birds, 1 stone)
Make a devotional playlist for her
While we're on the topic of digital witchcraft, make a pinterest board or a mood board for her
Learn about kitchen witchery
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feral-house-wife · 2 months
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
i'm a hestia devotee, of course...
i'm a hestia devotee, of course my fireplace is running basically 24/7
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i live off of hot beverages
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i'm obsessed with bread
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i bake
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i listen to hozier
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i veil
i'm a hestia devotee, of course my favourite season is autumn
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i love red nail polish
i'm a hestia devotee, of course i have a weird fascination with fire
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
Some Aphrodite facts for people who want to know more!!
✶She’s the mother of Hermaphroditus, the god of effeminacy and the origin of the word hermaphrodite. They’re an intersex person born with male and female characteristics.
✶ Aphrodite was believed to have a magical girdle (or belt) called the "Cestus," which could enhance her irresistible allure and seductive powers.
✶ In addition to her romantic and sexual aspects, Aphrodite was also revered as a protectress of sailors, offering safe passage across the seas.
✶ She was also worshipped as a protector of prostitutes and courtesans, reflecting her association with love and desire in all its forms.
✶ Aphrodite's name originated from the word Sea-foam.
✶ The dove, The affectionate white or turtle-dove was the bird of love, was a bird sacred to the goddess Aphrodite. Doves were said to draw her heavenly chariot, and the Syrian Aphrodite Ashtarte was said to have been hatched from an egg nursed by doves.
✶ In most sculptures, she is often depicted with a round face and a pear body shape! Even having rolls on some of them.
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
🦚 Subtle Hera Worship 🐄
Star-gazing and cloud-watching
Making flower crowns
Wearing outfits that make you feel confident
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keeping a picture of her in your wallet
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of her
Wearing perfumes with bold yet sweet scents
Have a cow, peacock, or lioness stuffed animal
Having imagery of stars or lotus flowers around
Giving yourself compliments each day; pointing out one thing you like or love about yourself
Support women's rights or domestic abuse survivor organizations
Spend time with loved ones
Be kind to children; play them if offered
If you have a partner, send them a kind message or do something romantic together
Practice standing up for yourself; speak your mind and assert your personal boundaries
Do household chores; upkeep your living space
Take care of yourself emotionally and physically
Show support for any mothers in your life, especially new ones; help out when/if you can
Keep a self-love/self-care journal
Make yourself feel pretty/handsome/attractive; wear makeup, paint your nails, style your hair, wear your favorite outfits, etc.
Take a self-care bath or shower
Learn about astronomy; learn about the different myths behind constellations
Show compassion towards others, especially those who are hurting or in need
Showing compassion towards yourself, the same as you do for others
Prioritize your own well-being
Feed the local birds with bird seeds; bird-watching
Keep framed photos of loved ones; put photos of them on your wall, etc.
Eat pomegranate seeds
Have cow print items; have a peacock feather/peacock styled items
Give a kind gesture to a loved one; buying a gift, cooking a meal, baking pastries, etc.
Collect gold-colored items; golden ram horns are also a great symbol (maybe draw or paint this, since it's pretty niche)
Buy a bouquet of white flowers, whether for yourself or a loved one
Add honey to your tea, coffee, or other drink; a good drink to try is warm milk with honey and cinnamon mixed in (better than it sounds)
Start a skin/body care routine
I may add more down the line! For now, here's my list of discreet ways to worship Hera. Hope it helps, and take care! 🩵
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
Héstia, lar dos Deuses, senhora do fogo Canto de ti que é entronizada No bruxulear áureo da lareira Que perscrutas os ritos pelas velas e Impera sobre a junina fogueira Héstia das muitas bênçãos, a Deusa Possa eu honrar tua presença E chamá-la de modo decente Sabendo que vens, modesta e esplendente Saúdo Héstia de todos os lares! Fogo que aquece o coração dos mortais Vem afável, rainha da parcela primeva
Hestia, home of the Gods, mistress of fire I sing of thee who's enthroned In the golden movement of the hearth's flame Thou watcheth the rites from candles and Reigns over june's bonfire Hestia of the many blessings, the Goddess May I call presence thine And summon thee in decent modes Knowing thou cometh, modest and bright Hail Hestia of all homes! Fire whom warmeth our mortal hearts Come affable, Queen of the first sharing!
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
I have been having a hard time cleaning around the house for various reasons, but with it being warmer, I thought I would pick back up or, at least, be less difficult.
You can guess how that went.
So I wore my face mask at work while giving offerings of dance and song to Apollo. I gave offerings of being a good guest and song to Hestia while staying over a partners home for her birthday. I did skincare and took magical baths, and talked about wedding planning while giving offerings of k!nk to Lady Aphrodite. I gave offerings of research to Mother Hera and gave some local kids' craft supplies and kindness.
I rested and enjoyed myself and tried not to worry about the small things (and maybe drank a bit more wine than planned).
I started today with incense and a lit candle to Hestia while wearing one of her favorite headcoverings of mine. And well, it hasn't been a lot, but I've been cleaning and got more done today than I have in a long time. I'm not sure how much I will get done today, but I am very proud of myself!
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feral-house-wife · 3 months
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Glazed Raspberry Honey Sweet Rolls
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