fiberflxwer · 5 months
"Oh...sure!" Faye's attention is brought back to her fellow puncher once the shock of her fist going through has passed. Though the villager's new comrade is correct, while the stone has been roughed up pretty good, there is still a bit left before it is truly cracked.
And who is she to not finish a fight that she's already started?
Faye tries to release one more gauntlet thrust with her left hand to complete the job! Sadly, the emotional high of the moment only gets in her way this time, her punch only colliding with the rock and making the already broken bits blow aside rather than creating new ones. Also, her form was all wrong, leaving the girl with a somewhat hurt hand.
"Well...maybe it can wait another second," she sighs as her left arm recoils. "And, um. Could I watch you punch while I wait?"
This whole interaction started with the pinkette successfully smashing some rock in the first place. And if they were really friends now...perhaps she doesn't have to be alone during this whole thing anymore?
- end.
a stitch of love and care
          ⤷  non-mission task:  recovery  ( gauntlets +1 )
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
She only meant to take a quick peek at the source of all of the grunting and thumping of several boots. A quick peek that just as quickly turns into a minute, then a few more minutes, until Faye finds herself standing right behind the blue-haired man who seems to be leading this training.
Training? Is this even training, though? It's the first reasoning that comes to mind for running around and swinging all of those weapons. But even so, everyone (minus the blue man, who is wearing golds and whites similar enough to academy wear) looks so tired while doing it. Actually, how long have they been at it before she stumbled along? The men are too tired to even acknowledge the female newcomer while they divide off for a break.
...except for one, that of course being the guy who didn't even look like he broke a sweat.
"Oh!" Faye jolts up a bit at his question, even if she does not feel malicious intent from it. "Well...I just heard a lot of stomping and wanted to check it to see what was going on and saw everyone working really hard and-"
Oh, screw it. Just get to the point already.
"Those guys...you're working them out?" Faye asks, though she feels she already knows the answer from his directions for them to take a break. "Don't you think you're working them a little too hard? They won't learn much if they can't swing a sword afterwards..."
✦ —𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧.
any skill +1 (mission board: recovery)
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
She was only glad to help? Well, that does fall in line with someone just trying to be nice, which is exactly what this girl is doing right now. Even when the pinkette reminds me of the current competitive flair that was meant to be between them at this time, Faye simply gives a small shake of her head.
"You're fine, honestly...I nearly forgot about this whole rock-crushing thing myself," Faye readjusts the gauntlet she previously removed to handle her dusty apron. "Doesn't really help when all it's given me is dirty clothes and-"
Rock Crush Check: 20?!
Faye brings her fist down on the stone she was working on before the conversation shifted her attention. With no real progress done on it before, she only means to make her point of futility while speaking her last word. But perhaps it is due to that brief hiatus, or inspiring speech from the other girl, or a mix of both, that when her strike collides with stone, it finally slips through its defenses...leaving some more mineral dust in its wake.
Her focus is fully on the cracked rock now, practically in stunned silence at the successful attempt. It is far from a clean split, but the attempt being a success is what actually matters right now. Does a little support really go that long of a way?
a stitch of love and care
          ⤷  non-mission task:  recovery  ( gauntlets +1 )
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
This is the spot, right? It’s pretty warm…oh wait, fire in general should be warm.
Faye stands right outside of the opening of Ailell, though truly telling when the Valley of Torment begins or where it ends is difficult due to its unique structure. She could never imagine setting foot in a place like this back in Valentia! Sure, there were some mountains as they trekked over Rigel, but no place ever had the lava just pouring out like this!
Oh well, all that matters to the girl right now is that there is a small pool of searing rocks just ahead. The stones form a patch that could be walked over in merely under seven seconds…if the walker dared to risk roasting their toes. Fortunately, today that should not be a risk that Faye has to make, if this white magic spell does its...well, magic.
Some noble kid in her class was showing it off and bragged that it could work on any fiery substance. So was Faye here purely to prove them right? No, of course not! She just wanted to see for herself if she still had what it takes to cast white magic. The Gods have already blessed her before, haven't they?
Faye takes out a parchment containing notes of the spell's casting procedure. They usually want students to keep to casting with entire tomes, but surely some hard belief makes that optional rather than required! Plus, a whole book would probably burn in this climate. Better to tuck this paper back in her bag. Actually, should she even take the bag? That could catch fire too...
"No! We're doing this now!" Faye practically shouts her resolve out, already getting closer to the flaming path. She would be in and out, nothing to it!
...or actually, maybe just one short countdown before going? For good luck.
battle of belhalla minus the battle. also not belhalla
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
Faye finds it difficult to take in everything this city festival has to offer. Sure, Ram had their own little parties from time to time, but they would never compare to the flashing lights and numerous stalls of this one! In fact, she could barely remember the last time she has been to a celebration of this caliber, if ever. She is aware the time is meant for good cheer, but even so it all feels so foreign.
As a lucky break, the magic show held by this land’s School of Sorcery is tempting enough to catch her full attention. Some of the tricks shown are rather juvenile, yet they capture Faye’s unfamiliar eyes nonetheless. And then the performances that use actual magic are truly out of this world! Almost nothing could steal the villager’s gaze from this display!
…well, it was an “almost.”
A redhead boy slides onto the stage quite conspicuously only to make an immediate move on Faye. She isn’t entirely unfamiliar with the motion, but this guy’s blatant attempt is…bold, to say the least. He lays it just as thick as Gray. Or, like, not at all.
The performer doesn’t even have the decency to follow-up his offer, the sleight of hand ending up in ruin. Was she meant to be charmed by wilted flowers? Of course not!
She sighs loudly, rising from her seat to meet the other on stage. The staff seems fine for any spectators to get involved with the show. And if an utter failure like him is allowed here, then there should be no problem with her showing him up!
“You know that…wasn’t a trick. I can show you some real magic, though!” Faye speaks from her ego before her brain, already thrusting her hand out without even considering the spell. Uh….fire summoning! You peeked some of Kliff’s fire tomes sometimes, surely you remember!
The girl sticks her right palm in front of him, aiming to show off a swirl of fire for the crowd. She fails to recall the exact incantation, but it's the effort that matters, right? Blind faith fails to deliver, as she is only capable of spawning some stray fiery sparks before they flicker out.
…better than wasting a bouquet, at least.
charmed, i'm sure
The big centerpiece for the impromptu festival is meant to be the magic show put on by those at the School of Sorcery! It turns out, however, this is also meant to double as advertising to get new students and attention onto their prestigious academy. You may not be in any rush to transfer, but the students and faculty are still eager to help teach anyone how to cast these entertaining spells. Care to try your own hand at making a spectacle? [Grants Reason +1]
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
He does not initially turn to her despite the theatrics involved with her entry. He must have a very good lead then! Or…he’s just not into introductions. Not that Faye can blame him. Meeting up over paperwork isn’t the most exciting way for buddies to meet, let alone when you’re not even buddies. When she finally has his attention, it is met with a question instead of a statement.
“Pegasi and horses? Well um…” Faye begins to ponder, only now realizing the approach Gerome is going for. There are no books in his hands, so he must think they can make due with their own memories and knowledge. A rather practical application for a field soldier!
Unfortunately for them, Faye is only a former-field soldier.
“Oh! A bunch of allies rode them into battle! Yeah, and they would make up our front pretty often, and…” her voice slightly trails off, struggling to remember exactly what any of the Deliverance’s cavalry units really did. Faye was always in the back as support, so battle never truly occurred for her unless someone slipped through.
“…and, well we only had one pegasus. One real pegasus, I guess. There was this healer who can make some out of thin air? Yeah, never really understood that either. But they all flew either way!”
Faye takes a short breath and catches herself before getting further sidetracked. “So…that can help, right? Does any of that help?”
can wyverns eat homework?
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
Poe is quick with her movements of the cards, though that isn't a surprise to Faye. After all, she is the one that introduced this game to her in the first place. What does shock Faye, however, is the dealer's immediate shift to offense. With her two units in prime attacking range, the newcomer is unable to remark on Poe's small talk and is forced to skim over the memory banks for a proper rebuttal. The pinkette is adding cards from the pile to the support area...right, she does the same for a battle!
Faye's hand reaches over her own deck and pulls up two cards at once, flipping the first one adjacent to the unit that signifies Poe's first attack and following suit for the second. Her first support is...20 support! So 40 plus 20 should beat 50 and she wi - wait...the supporting card has the same look as her lord. Poe said those cards can't help each other. Makes sense, but it means she takes a hit.
Her second defense is more fortunate, as the Endearing Saint bumps the defender's strength up to 70, outmaneuvering her foe for real this time. It takes Faye a few seconds to crunch the numbers in her head, but when all is said and done, she takes extra care to discard the played cards properly and remove one of her Orbs. And the face on this one is just...
Well, she can't fret hard on that now, as the turn falls back to her!
"One down...mgh..." Faye groans from the aftermath of all of that math along with the realization that it is only turn 2. But she is the one that agreed to this match, so she must see it through to the end! Falter any more, and Poe is sure to deal with her swiftly.
She draws another card to start her phase, this one featuring a young boy labeled as an "oblivious childhood friend." Not really the kind of friend she would want to rely on...probably. Seems for the best to keep him in the back rather than have him fight.
"I'll place him in my bond spot!"
With two cards there now, she has enough to play a more expensive, yet more appealing fighter. "And I'll play the young mage in my back line!" Another magic user finds a spot on her side of the field. As attractive as it felt to attack three-to-one on Poe's own lord, a line on the Warrior Priestess' card appears helpful.
"I use Kid of Destiny to regain Mightiest Warrior!" Faye enthusiastically uses her whole left hand to flip the priestess and the childhood friend sideways and hovers her right hand over her Retreat Area to recollect the previously useless support card. Having more copies of her main character just...feels right? Sure, she recalls their tactical advantages, but he feels so familiar and safe to the touch.
"And now...attack!" she declares as she leads with the lord on the opposing lord, mirroring her opponent's previous assault. Her first support card is...!
"Seriously?" Once more, a copy of her lord, which has no effect on her attack. "...40," she mutters, relieved that the math is easy to perform at the very least. She is not done yet either, as her newcomer mage targets the lord as well.
"And.." she starts, getting another card from her deck. And it's another lord copy. Well, at least this one is contributing! "30, 20...and with his skill another 20...70! He's doing 70!" Faye's voice holds much tension, but she tries to keep her composure together with a certain smile.
starter trek
With the coming of peace, it allows people time again to enjoy leisurely pursuits. Art appreciation and games return. One noble re-introduces an old deck of cards, each painted with a monster, spell, or trap, to the people of Garreg Mach and the game spreads like wildfire again. Everyone scrambles to dig out their own decks, or gather new ones, and become the most powerful summoner on the continent. Merchants and artists even begin to sell new sets, breathing life into the game for those who had played it the first time, and providing a fresh entry point for newcomers as well. Care for a game? [Grants Authority +1]
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
"Greetings Faye." Panette hands a cup of cider to her former teammate before taking a sip herself. "I must say, you put up quite the fight out there. I'm certain your deadly skills could send your opponents away and afeard, if they are not already."
Faye instinctively takes the cup of yellow-ish liquid that is offered by the other's hands, initially nervous to speak of her past failure. However, even though she was unable to protect her fellow student in battle and unable to avenge her afterwards, Panette was...not angry? Faye could see herself fuming if in the same position as her, falling due to an ally's slip-up. And yet...
"Thanks, Panette," Faye glady speaks from her initial pause, the warmth of the beverage in her hand pushing back physical and metaphorical chills. "But you were super good out there too! I could never imagine lugging around an axe and using my fists at the same time! I could learn from you, if you uh...don't mind."
The villager goes for a small sip of the drink, discovering its identity to be a spicy cider. Not her...preferred pick for a relaxing refreshment, though the spiciness does cancel out the initial bitter taste somewhat. But sharing such a drink with a friend (Or comrade? Are we friends or comrades? Is there a difference?) makes it slightly easier to gulp down.
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
March Activity Check
Level Up! (Passed)
Status: Cleared! Points Obtained:
+1 Any (Monthly Activity) +1 Any (BoEL2024 Participation)
Total Points: 6 –> 8 Point Allocation:
Bow D+ -> C Lance E -> E+
New Classes Accessed: None Classes Mastered: None Inventory Changes:
Close Counter (tbc)
Threads Completed: 0 Threads Ongoing: 7
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
—  DEERLY BELOVED  ╱  shadow-tagging people had turned out to be more fun than he'd thought it'd be. he had a lot of talents going for him, but he'd never really considered sneaking around to be one of them, after all. but just for one day, right?
so when he spots a girl passing by who he doesn't know, but whose look really catches his eye, he knows just what to do.
"hey there! i'm rosado." but at the last second, he decides— stealth still really wasn't his thing in the end. so he comes up right in front of her instead, with soft smile asparkle and hand outstretched, passing over a slip of deer-shaped paper. "i wanted you to have this."
your look is super adorable. the rustic colors completely bring out your personality and uniqueness. your hair is so pretty, and the style is to die for. and those little bows are everything. share your tips with me sometime. hope you keep being you!
A Golden Deer corner...I mean, I have to sit by here don't I? It's my house! That is the line of logic of the student standing in front of the variety of dishes and activities that her fellow peers have set up in the dining hall. Faye's injuries have mostly waned off now, so there should be no issue in partaking in the festivities. And the bunches of cakes and chocolates do appear appealing after a day (or more like...a few hours, tops) of harsh fighting.
Her plight for sweet delight is delayed by the call of another, turning back only to twist right back around when the person moves back to where she was initially looking. It's a boy that she at least somewhat recognizes from overlapping classes. Rosado, if she is to believe his previous call. Instead of further words, however, he presents a deer-shaped paper with...writing on it? Faye reaches over and picks it up for a closer look.
He thinks she's...adorable?! There's all of these reasonable remarks on her personal choices as well. His handwriting is pretty fancy as well, yet easy to read through. Faye is more impressed at the eyes of this individual than truly thankful for the comments. Still, some gratitude that shines through.
But now she couldn't do anything else but return the favor, could she?
"Thank you very- actually, just wait there a sec, okay?" If he is exchanging papers rather than speeches, then she must comply with the same rules. Faye spots the stack of yellow deer papers nearby and pulls one over along with a silver-ink pen. It should compliment the pretty student's hair color perfectly! ...wait, what compliments is she even writing down, actually?
After some fast-paced scribbling that probably could have used a lookover, Faye sets her pen aside and rushes back to Rosado. "And you can have this!" Faye stretches her arm out in an attempt to reach the hand that gave her the other paper, only to lean in so much that the end of her paper sticks on his fingers. Oops. They are meant to do that, right?
Your hair is cool too! I've  never seen anythinglike it! I don't think I'dknow much, but I   can help? ​​​​​​​Oh, also I'm Faye.
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
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rivalries are put aside, and camaraderie takes their place. and for the golden deer, pulling neck and neck with the eagles and lions despite having the fewest contestants in the ring is all the reason to celebrate! or so rosado and hortensia thought. at the post-tournament grand banquet, the elusian pair have set up a golden deer corner, complete with yellow and cervid decor and drapery, and both hosts arrayed in house colors and face paint. "three cheers for knoll! three cheers for hilda! three cheers for eliwood!" "fear the deer!" a celebration lifting up the class heroes who'd carried them from underdog into the spotlight, and for all the deer who cleared the way valiantly to let them get there: —hip-hip hooray!
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—  CUPCAKE DECORATING  ╱  from yellow-sugar icing to pretzel antlers to cookie toppings shaped like deer, there's no shortage of supplies to make your cupcakes look any which way you want.
—  CARAMEL MERINGUES  ╱  a triple layer of chocolate and caramel in glass containers, tied off with a bit of string attached to a spoon. perfect to grab and take with you, or feed to a loved one.
—  DOE POPS  ╱  cake pops shaped like deer heads! and something sticking out of each one. a paper fortune? what does yours say?
—  GOLDEN SPICE CIDER  ╱  a warm and buzzy autumnal drink, perfect for the season and sure to banish any chills. both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties available.
—  CROUCHING CHOCOLATE, HIDDEN STAG  ╱  a culinary minigame? a table is arranged with a terrarium-like miniature woodland display, complete with moss, trees, golden deer flags, and a herd of deer themselves. one item in this display is made of chocolate. how many things are you willing to bite to find which one it is?
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—  THIRTY-POINT CROWN  ╱  craft your own glorious headpiece with paint, twigs, and twine to show off your deer pride! who can boast the most impressive rack? ( of antlers, duh. what were you thinking? )
—  WOOD CARVING  ╱  for the dexterous and crafts-minded, a setup with display and instructions to carve your own wooden deer to take home. organizers are not responsible for injuries.
—  DEERLY BELOVED  ╱  a stack of deer-shaped paper and pens greet you. "write a compliment and stick it onto its recipient!" the instructions say. if you're fast, maybe they won't even know it's you.
—  READY-TO-PAINT CERAMICS  ╱  a station of unfired bowls and plates and small vases invites you to decorate them however you want! several stencils are provided for the uninitiated, or you can go where your hart takes you.
—  DECORATE A FRIEND  ╱  from washable paint to stick-on sequins, glitter bombs and pinnable deer tails. find a willing victim to array in deer spirit — or make one.
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—  FÓDLAN CHESS  ╱  a traditional strategy board game using a triangle-shaped board that can be played by two to three people. the objective is to be the first to move all your pieces to one of the other corners by jumping over your opponents' pieces. are you up for the competition?
—  LIMBO  ╱  everyone knows that being a deer isn't just about strength or smarts, but flexibility. challenge mode: wear an antler crown while playing, and don't let it fall off your head!
—  ANTLER TOSS  ╱  you have five tries to land as many rings on the tines as you can for a prize. if a friend is willing, they can wear the antlers on their head for you to aim at instead!
—  DEER PONG  ╱  the classic party game, with alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions. some say that the non-alcoholic one misses the point of the challenge, but at least it lets everyone play, right?
—  HEADLOCK  ╱  in a classic show of strength, stamina, and bravado, it's time to wrestle like the stags do! put on a headdress of real oaken antlers ( not light, that ) and lock heads with your opponent to throw them to the ground! no use of other body parts or implements allowed.
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reblog this ask meme to indicate that your muse is participating! anyone who's reblogged the meme is automatically accepting asks, so no need to double-check.  
please be mindful of not only waiting for interactions to come to you, but try to be proactive about sending to others too. it's not quite polite to always expect others to do the work!  
muses from any house are welcome! it's a celebration meant for everyone.  
this is still narratively part of BOEL, but to keep things separate from the BOEL tags, you may use the tag #GDPride2024 for related posts if you wish!
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
"My goodness—Faye?"
The last time Celica had seen her was just after the war. But her old childhood friend soon returned to Ram, and as Celica settled into her role as queen, the distance between them only grew greater. Though, they haven't been particularly close over the years—not since those days in Ram.
Even so, there is nothing but compassion and concern in the queen's heart as she approaches the injured girl, her wounds having already been treated for the most part. "Are you okay? What happened out there?"
Why are you here? Part of her wants to ask. Did Faye not want to settle down in peacetime? Or did she have intentions on training to become a knight, like Gray and Tobin?
"Oh...hey, Celica."
Faye's voice is soft but holds a hint of shock at the newcomer to her medical tent. Of course, the existence of her queen here is not where the surprise comes from - the villager already had a suspicion before coming and Alm himself told her so. Instead, she'd much rather that Celica ran into her at any time other than now, where Faye lies in bed with her weakness on full display.
"This...?" Faye motions toward the bandaged wound that she was clearly talking about. Instinctually, her hand hovers over to cover it from both hers and Celica's sight. "The mock battle...could have gone better. They never hit me this hard back home...or I don't really remember the pain, I guess."
The dark blonde's smile at her friend (Friend? Are we still friends?) is frail, Faye putting on the best front she can with a throbbing headache. "It was against the blue house...oh, right. Alm's class."
Alm...that's all she can talk about when it comes to the two of them, isn't it?
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
🧃"Here darling! Take some time to rest."
Her eyes remain open while stuck in the medical tent bed. The staff told her that she needed to rest, but how can she rest when her head is unable to stop spiraling? Thoughts come and go, from the rush of battling once more, to the thrill of arrows landing on the other end of the battlefield by her hand, to the desperation of shaking of a blade aimed for her heart, to-
"Huh?" Faye squeaks, slowly rising from her cot to reach out for the offering from the older woman. A professor? No...another member of the medical staff, probably. The purple lady hands her a box with a fruit marking its contents. An...orange?
It takes her a second to unwarp the straw and stick it in the proper socket, Faye doing her best to not overexert herself. Its liquid contents enter her mouth and...yep, this is the juice of an orange alright. The taste reminds her of grassy fields, brighter than the ones she stepped in earlier, and peaceful winds. Even if they fail to erase her current pain, her mind does feel at ease for once today.
"T-thank you, miss..." Faye softly smiles, failing to find energy to say much more, but she hopes her expression is enough in exchange.
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
"...!" Kurthnaga starts to call out to the girl once they are both at the med tents, only to stop with only a gasp out of his throat when he realizes that he does not actually know her name.
"Um..." He pauses a few feet away from her, the smell of blood wafting off of her injuries, "Apologies, I can't get any closer than this, but you did well. Are you doing alright? Oh, and let me offer a belated introduction: Kurthnaga, of Goldoa."
She's taking another break in the medical tents when she gets another visitor, this one being one of the allies that fought on her side earlier. Or...is it? Faye recalls hearing a fierce roar from where a boy was previously battling, but that couldn't have been him, right? The archer's head is honestly a little screwy regarding anything that occurred after their first comrade fell.
"Oh hey, you're-" she starts, taking one step forward only to see the other immediately step back. His gaze falls upon the bandages around her body, still soaked in some blood even after a few hours. Faye can't blame him, she wouldn't be gung-ho about approaching someone who still reeked from battle wounds.
"It's alright, I get it," she replies, leaning back on one of the beds with a light smile to show genuineness in her words. "I'm Faye, from Valentia. My hip still stings a bit, but I'm okay otherwise. Sorry I didn't really help after the start."
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
"Hard knock life for the Deer out there, eh?" Python sidles up to Faye with a casual stride, hobbled only slightly by his still-aching knees. Truth be told, there's some relief in being able to relax so early—if only he didn't have to get so banged up to earn it. Seems he didn't get the worst of it, though. The girl's injuries are pretty visibly severe as far as mock combat goes. He sucks in a breath through his teeth. "Yeesh. Does the crowd here just hate Valentians? Archers? Commoners? Or do we gotta be all three to get our teeth kicked in so quickly?" It's more of an acknowledgment of their shared background than a true question. He dismisses his own line of questions with a low chuckle and a shake of the head. "Nah, bow hunting's just a dangerous game. You bag any Lions or Eagles before they clawed you up?"
Her wound has been cared for enough that Faye is able to at least hobble out of her tent and sit down outside. She doesn't linger too far from the tent that treated her, though. According to the rules, she was "out" of the competition, and there's no need to check in on something she totally failed in. Sitting on the grass of Gronder Field does put her mind somewhat at ease...despite the echoes of the ongoing battle in the distance.
To her surprise, one person ends up approaching Faye - not that the medical tents are lacking company, but she does not expect one would want to approach such a mopey girl. The voice that calls to her is enough of an explanation of who would come to her now though, as she sees Python standing aside her once she looks up.
Oh right. Alm did mention Python being a Golden Deer instructor...
Python's body appears to be worse for wear as well, even if her injuries seemed more severe. Based on his joking tone, she assumes he was out there in his own skirmish. Not the first thing Faye imagines Python doing at this academy...but knowing she wasn't entirely alone out there is somewhat comforting.
"Oh, hey- unf," Faye's speech is interrupted by the sudden sting from attempting to rise up so quickly. She insteads remains on the floor, seated a bit higher at a reasonable-enough height for conversation. "Hey Python! Yeah, I'm still getting used to this...bow-thing. Got some good shots in at least."
She does not address his rhetorical question, but a faint smile on Faye's lips is enough of an "answer." It is true that the two of them share a common background - although they never really connected with that back when they were comrades. There were bigger fish to fry at the time.
"We were against the Lions...the Lions are the blue ones, right? Anyway, I landed all my shots on this one red-haired guy, he was on the ropes and all that! But then...he managed to get away, and some black-haired lady got the best of me. She was really quick with a sword."
Not that her combat sputterings made Faye an easy target, but Python didn't need to know that much.
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
Pigtails bob behind the girl as she rushes down the reception hall, cursing the low quality of her academy map in her journal. She already knows the library is on the second floor, but no one ever told her there's only one set of stairs in this place! Now she has to make a break for it before she ends up being late for her meeting.
Fortunately, her feet do not betray her today, as soon enough Faye is slipping by the professors' offices and arrives in front of the library. She catches her breath and adjusts her hair to lay on her shoulders as usual. The chiming of bells from outside is her sign that Faye is at least on time while also pushing her to waste no more time and enter.
"I'm he-" the villager begins to announce her presence only to be met by a small classroom's worth of silent glares. Right. Library. Library voices. Faye already feels a light red fill her cheeks as she solemnly nods and steps further into the room. She'll save the greeting for when she finds her partner for the day. Her search does not take long thanks to said partner's distinct appearance.
Gerome's black mask and tall stature lets him clearly stand out to Faye in the library, although the room is not that crowded in the first place. She does feel rather intimidated when standing side-by-side, but she can't let intimidation stand in the way of the truly frightening foe: homework.
The two of them, being in the same house, were assigned to create a brief report on comparing mounted units. An assignment that would be right up Faye's alley - if it was given two years ago, back when she was fighting alongside them.
Lack of knowledge or not, the project is not going to write itself, a fact that Gerome seems aware of as well given he's already checking the shelves. Faye steps over to him, trying to keep it silent in comparison to her earlier outburst.
"I'm here now," she speaks in an audible whisper, giving a quick wave before turning her attention to where he is already searching. "Did you, uh, already find a good place to start?"
can wyverns eat homework?
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fiberflxwer · 6 months
She wants to shout more. She wants to scream. But the pain in her chest - and ever so slight opening of a wound - demands her to keep quiet. It is the swordswoman's final statement, telling her that this is enough. Faye struggles to stare her annihilator right in the eyes, but she can see just enough to make out a...softer face?
Why isn't she angry? She should be angry. I've been a terrible opponent.
All the girl can do in response to the victor's words is solemnly nod her head, the one part of her body not currently in pain. Although...her vision is starting to get very blurry.
"I....understand," she mutters. "I'm sorry..."
Faye looks like she wishes to speak one last word, the name of a loved one she used to rely on. But nothing comes out, as she is forced to turn back and lie on the ground. The spark of energy she found previously is nowhere to be seen on her exhausted face.
Faye has been defeated!
Current objective: Survive. @goldoanheart
pew pews on the nobility- boel round 1
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