ficwishlist · 7 years
Can I pretty please with cherry on top get a Sterek songfiction to 'Howling at the moon' by Milow? I just... want them to have a fluffy summer romance without blood, dead bodies or... you got the point, right? :D
we’ve added it to the list anon!
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ficwishlist · 8 years
I think the next fandom trend should be combining stock AUs. Imagine!:
Cops AU plus Hogwarts AU equals Wizard Buddy Cops, subtext, and as many wand jokes as you can make
A high school AU, only it’s high school in the future featuring space station hijinks and/or alien invasion, mixed in with serious concerns about who’s going with who to prom
The coffee shop AU, liberally spiced up with interactions with a mirror world where the heroes become the villains and vice versa—and can the adorably dorky new barista figure out how to make the perfect latte art and keep her girlfriend from falling in love with her eviler, sexier doppelganger?
Noir detective pirate AU, and the difficulties of solving gritty crime on the high seas
Vampire Western AU, and the challenges of cattle rustling on the sunny plains of the wild west, and making sure that none of those damned suckers take out any of pa’s herd again!
Prohibition-era speakeasy AU with fairy tale AU featuring the complications of being secretly magical and smuggling when you can’t actually lie
Okay, coffee shop AU + ANYTHING is hilarious to me
Regency coffee shop AU
Vampire coffee shop AU (BARTENDING IN THE DARK)
Gym rat vampire AU—getting pumped and drinking blood
Mermaid college AU
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ficwishlist · 8 years
Hi everyone! We’re well into the swing of winter break and new years resolutions are about to start happening and I’m sure that “write more” is going to be on at least some of your lists, so allow us here at ficwishlist to help you out! We’re a blog that asks people to send prompts they’d like to see fics for in and then asks other, unrelated people (usually) to fill those prompts! (Yes, it’s exactly like livejournal) It’s a fun time to be had by all! We actually already have a few prompts to choose from, but you’re always free to send your own too! (Even for fandoms that aren’t currently represented. We’re here to cater to you) 
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ficwishlist · 8 years
"I’m an amputee, and when I was getting out of my car I got yelled at by a guy for using the handicap spot so I took off my prosthetic [arm] and threw it at them. You watched this happen and are laughing so hard you had to use your inhaler. AU"
It’s been added to the wishlist! Anyone is welcome to come in and fill it!
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ficwishlist · 8 years
ot3 friendly AUs
‘so you know how i said i was polyamorous but it hasn’t come up in our relationship until now? well i met someone’ au
we all dated the same person and got together to complain about what an asshole they were au
you asked me to settle an argument about something ridiculous au
we’re all huge fans of the same band au
we’re all travelling alone and got put in the same row on the plane au
i’m dating someone but the person i was crushing on in high school has suddenly reappeared au
my significant other and i both met you separately and can’t stop talking to each other about this cute person we met au
morning after a drunken threesome au
i walked in on the two of you having sex and now i can’t stop thinking about you both au
grouped together for a school project au
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ficwishlist · 8 years
Breaking The Rules AUs
We both attend a boarding school and we aren’t supposed to be out this late. I thought I heard a teacher. Quick hide in this small space with me!
I tried to sneak out using my window and now I’m hanging from it can you help me?
I was skipping class to sleep in an empty class room and you caught me but the door closed behind you and now we’re trapped inside cause the inside lock is broken.
Teacher left us alone in detention wanna make out??
I may have brought my pet to school by accident and it may have escaped you have to help me.
You just caught me stealing my phone back from the teachers desk and it turns out you were here to steal the lesson plans. Wow you’re a thief….
I just accidentally kicked a rock too hard and it broke that window and you saw it happen
I run a (technically illegal) snack shop in school and you’re the student council president who caught me
You accidentally broke the clay figure the boss keeps on their desk and some how I’m helping you fix it???
I accidentally stumbled upon your makeshift hideout on school grounds let me nap here and I won’t say a word.
I may or may not be the one who set off those fireworks but on the off chance that I was what would I have to do to get out of trouble???
You know that I’m the one who set the teachers ringtone to boys moaning and called them during class now you’re using this against me.
Someone has been leaving post it notes with hyper realistic dicks drawn on them around the school and as Student Council President I have to find out who it is
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ficwishlist · 8 years
AUs for Disabled/Chronically ill OTPs
(I felt we were lacking in AUs for Disabled and Chronically ill characters, so here’s some! Please feel free to add your own! :D)
You thought I’d been staring at you all night and wanted you to come over, but really I’m just blind and was looking nowhere. At least your voice is pretty. AU
Nobody cleared the snow off the already not up-to-code ramp, and your wheelchair flipped as you tried to go up. I came to help you but I’ve slipped too and now we’re both on the ground. AU
I spilled an entire hot cup of coffee all over you I’m so sorry I have MS and my hands aren’t cooperating today. (I’m helping wipe you down and gosh you’re cute). AU
You’re the only other Deaf person at this university, and I don’t particularly like you. But you’re the only one who can talk smack with me in ASL so I guess we can be study partners. AU
The store kicked me out after saying that my psychiatric support dog wasn’t a real service dog so you bought the tea I was trying to get and rushed out after me to make sure I got it.AU
I’m an amputee, and when I was getting out of my car I got yelled at by a guy for using the handicap spot so I took off my prosthetic leg and threw it at them. You watched this happen and are laughing so hard you had to use your inhaler. AU
I have a chronic illness and have to work from home when I have a flare up/feel especially ill. You’re the one our boss always send to deliver me my work. AU
I have Cystic Fibrosis and you take the same bus as me everyday. I don’t know your name but you always have tissues to hand me with only smile when I have a coughing spell. AU
Your electric wheelchair ran out of battery in the middle of the side walk and now I’m trying to use my manual chair to help pull you to the nearest repair shop. AU
The office of accessibility paired us up saying that we would make good friends but I’ve never met you before and I already think you’re annoying. AU
I’m a defense attorney who has dwarfism and you’re the prosecutor I often go up against. We’re in court when the judge starts using infantilizing language and you pause the judge’s opening statements to complain about how many cases you’ve lost to me. AU
We’re roommates at the hospital and you won’t shut up. I’m trying to get some sleep over here. AU
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ficwishlist · 8 years
au ideas
they captured you and put me in your room because i can suppress other people’s powers so you hate me but i’m lonely and bored and want to talk to you AU
esteemed rival chefs find each other shamefully buying ramen at 3 in the morning AU
i know it’s the apocalypse but please can we keep this stray dog AU
i’m posing naked in your art class please stop giggling what are you giggling at AU
we’re at a murder mystery party and i’m convinced you’re the killer AU
i’ve never actually talked to you but i had a dream we were in a relationship and now i have a crush on you AU
you thought i was the leader and you’re treating me like royalty and i’m just going to go with it AU
your grandma is really forward even though i swear we’re just friends AU
we’ve been dating for a while and i finally showed you my pet snake and you look sick do you need to lie down AU
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ficwishlist · 8 years
yes but consider this for your otp:
being reunited after surviving the Zombie Apocalypse unknowing if the other was alive or dead AU
rescuing their partner from a recon mission gone wrong AU
drama school rivals being cast as romantic opposites because they have “crazy sexual tension” according to their director AU
“are we both robbing the same house oh fuck” AU
growing up together in a rough neighbourhood AU
mutual friends always dragged to the same inane barbecues AU
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ficwishlist · 8 years
Alternate AU idea: The protagonist has been prophecized to destroy the world
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ficwishlist · 8 years
List of First Meeting AU’s I need
“Whoops I just fell face first into your crotch and this is really awkward" AU 
”We were both hanging out at the bar I was eyeing you, but someone else came along and hit on you and now I'm pretending to be your bf/gf because you are obviously disgusted" AU
“Didn’t notice you until our dogs started randomly making love in the street” AU
“I went into a Taxi but someone else was there” AU
“I saw you getting robbed so I tried to help but you thought I was the thief and you punched me.” AU
“I was shopping for condoms for my sibling but I was rushing and I ran into you, therefore it began raining condoms” AU
“My friend dragged me to the nude beach, but Im fully dressed and you’re not.” AU
“I was actually screaming and moaning over a fictional death, but you thought it was sexual screaming and you came over to tell me to shut up.” AU
“Your headphones aren’t plugged in at the library and you’re listening to a hardcore smut thing.” AU
“Me and my friends were having a sleepover and tried Prank calling someone to tell them I love them, wrong number but thought it was you because you coincidentally have the same name” AU
“Basic blind date” AU
“We’re both on a cruise ship and I slipped and spilled my cocktail all over you” AU
“I was pulled over because you thought I was drunk, but I’m not, Im just really frustrated.” AU
“I was at the waterpark but my top/bottom fell off in the wave pool and you found it for me” AU
“I don’t know you but they just paired us up for the haunted house and im not good with scary stuff” AU
“We’re both single parents and our kids hate each other” AU
“I called you hot and randomly made out with you on the street for a youtube video, but you made out with me back so I don’t know what to do now” AU
“I was taking photos for my college class but your ass got in one of the shots and you knew it” AU
“Kiss Cam at a baseball game” AU
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ficwishlist · 8 years
Send me two characters or more and a prompt and I’ll write you a short fic
1. “Are you drunk?”
2. “You’re too young to hate the world.”
3. “I don’t want your pity, I want your absence.”
4. “We’re designed to be disposable.”
5. “There’s blood on my/your hands.”
6. “Could you be any louder?”
7. “I’ve never killed anyone before.”
8. “Your smile is not as bright as it used to be.”
9. “Don’t call me that!”
10. “Please don’t make me socialize.”
11. “Same time tomorrow?”
12. “I’ve been buying the wrong underwear.”
13. “How can anyone not be afraid of love?”
14. “You’re supposed to talk me out of this.”
15. “That was a perfect example of how not to do things.”
16. “If you want, we could go together?”
17. “I have contemplated becoming a hermit.”
18. “I’m alive… I can tell because of the pain.”
19. “Maybe you’re not thinking hard enough.”
20. “It’s 8:30, I have a hangover and you’re annoying me.”
21. “No one has a heart of stone.”
22. “Can I open my eyes yet?”
23. “So much for not getting involved.”
24. “I will if you will.”
25. “My nightmares are usually about losing you.”
26. “I didn’t intend to kiss you.”
27. “Can we go someplace high so I can jump off it?”
28. “I didn’t lose it, I just misplaced it.”
29. “Prepare to be amazed.”
30. “I’m fine.”
31. “Where’s your God now?”
32. “I’d ask you to stay but I don’t like you.”
33. “Something about you makes me want to commit extreme violence.”
34. “It’s not like I missed you or anything.”
35. “You look like a monkey who’s been strategically shaved.”
36. “Everything was fine, until you showed up.”
37. “Can you just shut up for five minutes?”
38. “Never mind, the moment’s gone.”
39. “You’re an idiot. I’ve met smarter sandwiches.”
40. “I believe you dropped this.”
41. “What are you doing in my house?”
42. “I don’t know if I should kiss you or slap you.”
43. “Why are you/we whispering?”
44. “If you really loved me there wouldn’t be a choice.“
45. “I think I made a mistake.”
46. “Shut up, I am a delight!”
47. “I can think of a million places I’d rather be right now.”
48. “Now, just hold on a diddly darn minute.”
49. “It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.��
50. “Why does anyone have to be naked?”
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ficwishlist · 8 years
Hey y’all! Guess what turned 1 today!!!
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That’s right, it’s our birthday!  I know this blog hasn’t been particularly active recently, but your mods are very much still here and looking for submissions!  Specifically, the two of us have gotten into a lot of new media, so if you send stuff from the list below, you’re likely to get your fic filled, either by one of us or by some of our followers!  For those of you who don’t know, we’re a blog that takes fanfic prompts and asks our followers to write fics for them! Then we publicize the fics, the prompter is happy, the submitter is happy, and everyone who gets to read the fantastic fics are happy too!  Because it’s been a while, I want to make a special shout out to some fandoms the mods have gotten into recently that aren’t incredibly represented on the blog as of yet. The list is below!
-Young Justice (can’t forget our roots) -Voltron: Legendary Defender -Miraculous Ladybug -Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra -Dragon Age 1-3 -All Percy Jackson and affiliated books -The Raven Cycle -Suicide Squad
Anyway, I’m going to reblog a bunch of prompt posts to get y’all thinking, but please spread this and send us prompts to show everyone that we’re still kicking and writing!
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ficwishlist · 9 years
star wars fic where, every time c3po has his memory data erased, he falls back in love with r2d2 and they get married again o v o
It’s been added to the wishlist!
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ficwishlist · 9 years
The Hermit's Son
For @cyberskeletor by @hellbeast-international
With a heavy sack of food in one arm and the baby in the other, Obi-Wan makes his slow journey back to the ship. Even squinting, his eyes sting from the hot and gritty wind. The baby is crying again. Luke—she had called him Luke, before she had fallen silent. Obi-Wan tries the name for the first time, his voice cracking slightly, but of course the baby does not understand.
 He sets the food down on the floor of the ship and then sits down heavily, watching the heat shimmer over the nothingness outside. Luke has fallen silent. Just a few more days, he thinks, shaking the sand out of his hood. Anakin had family here, if you could call them that—a stepfather and half-sibling he had barely known. Luke will be safe with then, and then Obi-Wan can disappear.
He has slept three days in the cramped cockpit of the ship, waking every few hours to feed Luke or chase away thieves and scavengers who come seeking spare parts. Mos Eisley is this planet’s idea of a bustling city, but compared to Coruscant it feels oppressively small, and it’s no place for an infant or for a man looking to hide. Luke is watching him with wide blue eyes that look so much like Anakin’s; Obi-Wan cannot look at him for too long or else fire and screams begin to echo in his head.
Just a few more days.
His pockets are heavy with coin from selling the ship. It feels strange to carry money with him, but that is far from the strangest thing about this place. The woman who sells fried food in the market taught him how to tie a sling, and now Luke is pressed against his back, leaving his hands free to control the lumbering creature—an eopie, the salesman had called it. It purred and grumbled under the heavy load, moving frustratingly slowly, and Luke seemed to have been lulled to sleep by the gentle sway of its gait.
Obi-Wan travels three hours outside Mos Eisley and sets up camp in a ravine, protected from the harsh winds and the harsh light of the setting sun. He does not sleep that night, stiffening at every sound, wrapping his fingers more tightly around his lightsaber every time he hears sand people in the distance. When he awakens, there are bruises on his fingers. He takes Luke out of the tent to watch the sun rising, and for the first time Luke smiles.
Maybe he will wait until he’s settled in a bit to send Luke away.
Building a house turns out to be much more challenging than he anticipated. Always fearing that some loose-tongued moisture farmer will stumble upon him, he does most of his labor without the help of the Force, though he breaks this rule a few times when necessary. Apart from occasional trips into town to pick up more supplies, Obi-Wan spends nearly all his time building. It feels good to throw himself into something with results he can see. He isn’t terribly good at it at first, but after a few collapsed walls and cracked stones he starts to get better.
The skin on his hands and his face grows coarser with the work and the omnipresent arid wind, but in the first week he has an alcove where he can sleep, and after a month the skeleton of the house is in place. Luke grows used to being carried on Obi-Wan’s back, and Obi-Wan grows used to talking to him as he works. He has never been one for quiet, and the baby’s tiny voice keeps the overwhelming silence at bay. Every night he plans to go hunting for Luke’s uncle the next day, and every morning he finds some project more pressing.
He loses track of the days and weeks, constantly making improvements even when the bulk of the construction is finished. He does not realize that he has started smiling again until he catches Luke imitating him. Though he has little affection for Tatooine, he begins to understand it, to learn the names the settlers have for its fauna and to grow comfortable navigating its treacherous terrain. He learns to imitate the call of the krayt dragon to frighten the sand people away, and starts sleeping more easily after that.
One evening, as he is sitting by the fire with Luke, the child picks up a handful of sand and offers it to Obi-Wan. He takes it obligingly, saying “Sand!” emphatically as Luke watches with his big blue eyes. After thinking for a moment, Luke repeats “San’,” to himself. Obi-Wan begins to laugh as he thinks how disappointed Anakin would be in his son’s choice of first word, but laughter swiftly turns to tears nine months overdue. Luke does not seem to understand, and he says the word again, trying to take the sand back from Obi-Wan’s hand.
The house is completely finished just a few days after Luke’s second birthday; he only knows because he asked for the date the last time he went to town. He tries to not to think of it as the day that his closest friend burned, but it is impossible not to see Anakin in Luke’s eyes, in the way he smiles as he plays with the tiny toy sword Obi-Wan made for him. This time, I will succeed.
It feels as if fate, against all odds, has given him a second chance.
Obi-Wan had always laughed when Yoda spoke of how quickly the years pass as you grow older, but he was beginning to understand. It seemed only yesterday that Luke was learning how to walk, and now he is taking his first cautious swings with a practice saber Obi-Wan built from foraged parts. Despite his inexperience, Luke’s talent is obvious, and he quickly graduates from fighting droids to sparring against Obi-Wan, though they use sticks instead of sabers.
Luke is fifteen when Obi-Wan finally realizes that the boy, strong and vibrant and kind, has surpassed Obi-Wan’s proficiency with the Force. They begin training less, practicing more as equals than as teacher and student, and Luke spends more time away from home. The emptiness starts creeping closer again, and sometimes when the house was empty Obi-Wan starts to see the fire around the edges of his eyes, to hear the screams of a man and a woman and two newborn children. He does not know the constellations of Tatooine, but he sometimes looks up at the sky and pretends he can see Alderaan. Luke knows he had a sister, but he doesn’t talk about her much, seeing the way Obi-Wan’s face hardens and his eyes grow distant.
Against all odds, Luke stays one year, and then another, though Obi-Wan can tell he is growing more restless. When he brings up leaving Tatooine to become a pilot, Obi-Wan does his best to encourage him, but that night the emptiness presses so close to him that he can hear it ringing in his ears. He is telling the truth when he tells Luke that they cannot afford passage off-world just yet. A few days later, seeing how dejected Luke is, Obi-Wan decides it is time to present him with his father’s lightsaber and the whole story.
Not two days later, two familiar droids unexpectedly arrive.
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ficwishlist · 9 years
Young Elites AU where Enzo is a cop and Raffaele is his criminal informant. He hates and doesn't trust the guy at first, but Raffaele has a way of pulling heartstrings...
Added to the list!
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ficwishlist · 9 years
Uhhhhm so I'm not exactly sure if it's any kind of prompt or certain fandoms but if anyone is willing to take this one up I think it would be so awesome if someone wrote a starwars au where Obi-wan took luke to tattooine but raised him himself rather than giving him to his aunt and uncle. O3O any length would be fine~
We accept prompts of all kinds! Even if you don’t think anyone knows your fandom, you’re welcome to submit a prompt!This one has been added to the wishlist!Also, just a reminder that anyone can fill any prompt on the list. Just send it to us when you’re done.
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