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So true !! Everybody, who says, that he loves animals, don‘t eat animals !!! In our time, we don‘t need animals for our meal !
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i’ll never understand how can people who eat meat have such passionate reaction to animal cruelty/death but ONLY when it happens to cats/dogs/maaaaaybe some endangered animal. they’ll type out death threats, express their outrage in most elaborate ways, and then go eat a sandwich feeling like they’ve accomplished something today. where is the disconnect and how can they not notice the hypocrisy in their actions? if you eat meat you don’t get to complain about animal cruelty 
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Stop eating meat ! Meat isn‘t good for your health!
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So right !!
To all those who insist that those horrible videos of animal cruelty “don’t happen here,” I can promise you that wherever you are, they do. Every nation thinks that their animal welfare standards are the best in the world, and everyone wants to dismiss those awful cruelties as something happening in some far away place, where the laws are different than they are where you live. The truth is that standard industry practices are pretty much the same everywhere, it just isn’t the case that some countries are cruel and others aren’t. You could show the majority of people a dozen slaughterhouse clips, all from different nations, and most would not be able to tell the difference. I’ve shown people where I live clips from local slaughterhouses, who supply the meat I know they buy, and they still just will not accept that this is something which could ever happen here. 
It’s just too easy to dismiss cruelties as something that happens elsewhere, because it means that you don’t have to feel responsible. The truth of the matter is that if an animal is being treated as a commodity and exploited for profit then their welfare will never be taken seriously, and that is true no matter where they are being raised. Where it’s free range, grass fed or organic they usually all end up in the exact same slaughterhouses, and slaughter is always cruel no matter where it happens. There is no nation on earth which has granted animals the fundamental rights they deserve.
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repost !
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Yes, this is satire.
All photos are creative commons, except for the skinny dog, which is my own photo of a dog I met in Kutaisi.
Feel free to use and share all of these.
It’s composite satire of various activist-run “sanctuaries” (or “scamtuaries”), like Big Cat Rescue, Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary, PAWS elephant sanctuary, The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, and more.
Not all of these points apply to all of them.
Some deprive their animals of good food or veterinary treatment. Some let their animals simply die. (“Circle of life” is a common AR-mindset.) Others have them in small cages while showing photos of vast fields, or “rotate” animals between cages and large enclosures. Some keep their animals in small, round, unsafe cages all the time, and advertise it as “better than a zoo”. Some do nothing to keep their animals safe in the case of natural disasters, and leave their animals to suffer the elements.
All exotic animal sanctuaries are not scamtuaries, but all scamtuaries put the welfare of their animals second, and money and agenda first. All of them are raging hypocrites who think no one should be able to own that type of animal, except for them and their friends.
The claim that anyone who opposes them are “animal abusers” is extremely common, and can be seen fired out by any scamtuary like a machine gun.
They are animal right ideologues, which is a type of person who should never own any animal.
And I bet you, that any activist-run “sanctuary” for whales and dolphins would be just the same.
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Rlly ?!?!
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The London Fashion week is now 95% fur-free! Omg so nice to hear ! Every one shouldn‘t wear fur ! The poor animals died for there fur! That’s terrible!
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???! Mehr Leute müssen es endlich verstehen😭
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Eine Seite für Tier-und Umweltschutz! Tierschutz gehört auch zum Umweltschutz! Dringend muss zu beiden Themen etwas unternommen werden !
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