fireandoil · 7 years
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Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 7 of 7. And with that, I think I'm done with Tumblr. I've been struggling for months with the sheer amount of hatred and lust on shameless display here. There are plenty of folks who don't fall into these categories but you're unfortunately drowned out by the pornography, racism, and sexism that seems to thrive in the Tumblr environment. Maybe I'll change my mind and come back at a later date. For now, I'm deleting the app from all devices so that I can try to minimize my misanthropy. Peace.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 6 of 7.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 5 of 7.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Forgot to post this yesterday. Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 4 of 7.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 4 of 7.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 2 of 7.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Seven days, seven black & white photos of your life. No people. No explanation. Day 1 of 7.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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I know you all know that I am into pipes but did you know that I’m also a writer? It’s true. Sometimes, I even write fiction. The fellows in the pictures above, along with myself, are part of a writing group called The Telltales and we’re about to launch a podcast with some of our favorite short stories.
More info to come soon. Also, I’m significantly shorter than the other two guys, it turns out. I’m like... Gimli to their Aragorn and Boromir, I guess.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Cruise prep. The clothes can get packed later. First things first.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Putting a bowl of aged Rhox blend through my new Colin Rigsby cutty. Serious fine tobacco in an absolutely fantastic pipe. You boys both win big in my books.
You guys, Colin's got this wild "tavern style" stem that is incredibly comfortable. I've got two pipes with this round button stem on 'em and they're spoiling me.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Details are coming together, friends. I can’t tell you how excited I am for this year’s show. October 7th, Fort Worth, TX. Mark your calendars.
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fireandoil · 7 years
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Just launched a new website for one of our local Texas pipe makers. Colin’s a great guy who makes awesome pipes. Go check him out!
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fireandoil · 8 years
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You know, as you do.
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fireandoil · 8 years
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Completely forgot to post an update on that Les Paul kit that I was working on. I finished it up a while ago and I am pretty happy with how it turned out despite the kit having some major issues. 
The neck pocket was poorly cut and had to be shimmed on two sides, the socket on the neck itself was cut wrong so had to be filed down to the correct length, whoever glued the binding onto the body spilled epoxy all over the thing which forced a change in direction for the finish to a more weathered look than I’d planned on. You can see that on the pics with the black contrast stain in particular...
That said, the end result looks good, sounds good, and plays well. I learned a whole lot in the process and I’m looking forward to the next one already!
Also, my daughter has named the guitar “Ivy” and she says that it's "the most beauuuuuutiful guitar EVER, daddy!" That makes my heart happy.
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fireandoil · 8 years
How's the Les Paul kit coming along?
Oh, man. I totally forgot to post an update on that! She's all done and sounds great! I'll get a pic up here soon...
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fireandoil · 8 years
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Was gifted this incredible pipe by a good man and great pipe carver, Colin Rigsby, today. I couldn't wait to give it a try. It's... Incredible. Seriously, this is an absolutely fantastic smoking machine.
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fireandoil · 8 years
A little taste of a site I'm putting together for a local pipe carver. I needed a video background so Colin let me invade his workshop while he turned a pipe. More to come...
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