firebugsworld · 6 months
Halloween is my favorite holiday and it gets rushed through every single year so I am down for a second Halloween 👻🎃💀👻🎃💀👻🎃💀👻🎃💀👻🎃💀
Now how do I get the cute multicolored Halloween tags 🤔
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firebugsworld · 6 months
I just really need good luck please and thank you.
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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firebugsworld · 7 months
But I love him 🥺
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Saw a sad wet beast at the grocery store today
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firebugsworld · 7 months
I just think this description of Fox is neat ok 🦊
Fox is so unbelievably feral, it’s great. The field in which he grows his fucks to give is ABSOLUTELY barren. (Although Jon’s ‘I have no name’……ow)
Not only barren, but sowed with salt. He has never and will never give a single fuck ever, and he's shameless on top of it. Truly the best combo (for him) and the worst combo (for all of the other clones who have to deal with him).
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firebugsworld · 2 years
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Naw see it ain’t over fam it ain’t over cause Tawaret and both of Marc’s parents are gonna be in episode three… IM STILL HOLDING OUT HOPE FOR JAKE 😤
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firebugsworld · 3 years
And as a former retail worker I 100% SUPPORT this!!!!!
Mace: The Sith Lord is the Supreme Chancell— The Coruscant Guard, seizing this opportunity with both hands and all their teeth: a Sith you say? Well we can’t let *that* continue! Mace: wait what I just said the Chance— Stone, Thire, Fox, slapping a hand over Mace’s mouth as they gleefully pack as many weapons as possible: no! Jedi’s orders!
They saw the opportunity to fulfil the dream of every retail worker and weren't about to let it go for money or honor.
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firebugsworld · 3 years
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This came to me in a dream...
A shiny can't sleep, walks into the barracks' mess to get a snack, turns on the lights, and sees his Commander stuffed under a table with a mug of caf and a cookie in hand. The shiny stares. He turns off the lights and goes back to his bunk, determined to forget what he saw.
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firebugsworld · 3 years
I made it
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Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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firebugsworld · 3 years
Why not?
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firebugsworld · 3 years
I mean... they have a point.
Wear a fucking mask.
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firebugsworld · 3 years
Pretty please
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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firebugsworld · 3 years
I’m like a week late, but I’m gonna do it anyway.
it’s the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century.
you can only reblog this today.
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firebugsworld · 3 years
First I sent this too my favorite fic writer but now I’m sending it out to the internet at large!
I have Q U E S T I O N S people!!!
I had a thought, when Xanatos was talking about how Qui-Gon had disavowed Feemor. And it’s something that I see a lot in fics about Qui and his three padawans, and I’m not knocking it, I just had this thought.
Maybe I’m just being petty and spiteful today but I’m thinking Qui-Gon was awarded his Mastery because of Feemor. Correct me if I’m wrong but it was because he completed Feemor’s training after his original master was killed.
And I know that you can be granted the title of master without ever taking a padawan, (I’m looking at you Jon Antilles) BUT! In my mind if he was gifted his mastery for his first padawan, and his second fell, (and then he straight up lied about it to the council but I digress) then he went on to disavow (deny responsibility for) or repudiate (to reject as untrue or unjust) as told to me by the dictionary (thank you Webster) his first padawan.
And like I said, maybe I’m just being a petty and spiteful biotch today but like if he didn’t (by his own words) do the thing that he was granted his mastery for (ie training a padawan to knighthood) then by all rights WHY should he still retain the rank of Master.
I mean, didn’t he basically do the same things again to Obi-Wan on Melida/Daan, basically repudiating him and telling the council he was dead, if you count the Jedi Apprentice books? And even if you don’t he all but threw Obi-Wan away before the council in order to train Anakin.
I mean by that time he was old enough and experienced enough as a diplomat that he could have gained his mastery through that. But years before that, why did he still retain the rank of master?
Shouldn’t It Be KNIGHT Jinn!?!?!?!
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firebugsworld · 4 years
Fanfiction is awesome because you can watch your otp fall in love a thousands times , in a thousand different ways
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firebugsworld · 4 years
The fix-it we all deserved!
The only reason Fox was not in the zillobeast episodes is because he would have shot palpatine on the spot for making his life that much harder
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firebugsworld · 4 years
@blackkatmagic Honestly same my mind immediately went to Jaster/John with a side of Rex/John via Spring in Hell.
All I want to do is write this scene where one character treats another character gently and the other one is just totally undone by it in a “this gentleness upsets me far more than all the traumatizing things that have happened to me in this entire story because the suffering was pretty much expected whereas this is just…outside of my comfort zone” and somehow this is difficult. 
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firebugsworld · 4 years
This made me chuckle!
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