firelordizumi · 3 years
Matteo is one of only two players who took a set from Djokovic this tournament, and the only one to do it in the second week when Djokovic was mentally and physically at his peak. He did that at only 25 when he has never won a Grand Slam. He should be incredibly proud and I look forward to seeing what his career has in store for him
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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Matteo Berrettini, Wimbledon Finalist.
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firelordizumi · 3 years
In my opinion, many of the changes to Kaz for the show were necessary.
I understand some people are upset with show!Kaz, not because of Freddy, who is honestly a revelation, but because of the writing/direction. While I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and has valid criticisms, and that these complaints show how much we all care about Kaz and how well written he is the books, I wanted to just add my own thoughts.
Some are upset that Kaz is bested by Pekka towards the beginning of the show. Kaz is not invincible. People can get the jump on him, and sometimes they do! You have to remember, in the show, KAZ IS AN UNDERDOG. Yes, he is a brilliant thief, earning money from the Crow Club, but even with his reputation, he is not running the Barrel — yet. He does not have a large gang under his command. This is a prequel. Kaz needs to grow in the show, and having him be an underdog sometimes who gets bested helps non-book audiences to root for him and will allow the future heists to be even better.
Some are saying that Kaz is too “on the back foot” in the show. I understand we are used to seeing Kaz as a mastermind who is never bested. But a lot of this is just impression. In the books, Kaz often is making decisions spur of the moment and improvising. And a lot of his plans, while meticulously laid out, do result in a degree of luck (I think Jesper’s POV in the books said, he wasn’t sure how much Kaz was 100% prepared for everything or just had amazing luck). Kaz is good on his feet — sometimes he has to reassess things, and we need to see it! For the purposes of tension within the show, these characters need to be struggling and their plans need to not go right all the time. Even the Ice Court heist had its issues. I understand there are some plot holes or contrivances, which is fair to point out. But I don’t think Kaz sometimes having to think on his feet or getting lucky reflects poorly on him. For the most part, doesn’t have the same resources or experience he does by the start of the first book and we need to see him start somewhere in order to grow as a character.
Some others are upset because Kaz is too “expressive”. I understand this complaint completely, however, remember that in a translation from book to screen, we do not have Kaz’s inner monologue to let us know when he is unsure, to let us know how he feels about Inej, to let us know when he is angry or upset. Show viewers will not root for someone, who lacks expression at all. While Kaz is supposed to be unreadable, the show needs to be able to get across some of his more humanizing qualities — moments of caring, fear, unsureness — because we do not have the benefit of knowing everything in his head and reading how he approaches responding and interacting with others. While it’s awesome to see Kaz’s more ruthless moments in the show, and I’m sure we will get more as time goes on, we have to be able to see other aspects of his character, which is harder to establish than in the books when you can read his thoughts.
Some are upset that Kaz and Inej seem too “forward”, or that Kaz is too obvious about his feelings. But let’s face it, Kaz has NEVER been good at hiding his feelings for Inej, at least not around the Crows. Everyone knows it. He is a mess when it comes to feelings. Now, around other people he needs to maintain that facade, he normally knows to keep his guard up. But the people that spend time with him know how he feels, at least as I see it. They’re still the slowest of slow burns imo.
There is a lot we still do not know about Kaz that is from the book, yes. There is so much more to come, and the show is certainly playing their cards close to their chest with him, which makes him more intriguing. I understand people want more but for book fans will get the subtle, caring references that show how much the writers get the character.
Obviously everyone is welcome to their opinions, but these are just my thoughts, especially as someone with friends who are not book readers who loved Kaz! Freddy did a great job imo and I’m excited for a second season already!
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firelordizumi · 3 years
“fuck you my child is completely fine”
your child is counting down the days to when they can watch kaz brekker, known as the bastard of the barrel, violently beat a man with his cane
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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a liiiiittle hint of ming-hua backstory
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firelordizumi · 3 years
i hope the scenes with isaiah bradley, the cops cornering sam, sam telling bucky he cannot tell sam what he does or does not have the right to do, sam being flat-out “this is something neither you nor steve would understand” regarding his decision to give the shield back, i hope none of that goes over yall’s heads.
isaiah bradley was forgotten about by history because (canonically) he was part of a project that experimented with the super soldier serum. experimented. remember what that word means.
the cops cornered sam because they thought he was bothering bucky, and likely would have arrested him FOR NO REASON had bucky not been there to testify to the fact that he really was an avenger. 
and it has finally been straight-up addressed now that the shield carries a notably different burden in relation to sam than it would to steve and bucky, and isaiah stands as a living testament to the complicated legacy of the shield.
it’s right there.
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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pictures like these always make me want to cry
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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pamela love jewelry dagger earrings
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firelordizumi · 3 years
I give you Fire Lady Mai 🤲
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That's it. That's the post
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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Their wedding would be MAGICAL✨
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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firelordizumi · 3 years
The holy saints make the trees’ tops shiver, / in the all-enclosing wind. And will love last / further than tonight?
John Berryman, from “313: The Irish sunshine is lovely,” The Dream Songs (Noonday, 1969)
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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Very happy to see them again 😌
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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Photography: Egypt. Alexandria. 1993.  Photographer:  Harry Gruyaert
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firelordizumi · 3 years
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Vincent van Gogh, Flowering Garden (details)
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