FISH!!!!!! in the water Episode 3 - Only dead fish go with the flow
Summare under the cut!
There’s a short, mysterious sequence of scenes with a dark figure hiding behind trees and street corners and such, apparently following someone. Their face is hidden. As they sneak inside the fishing school, we can hear the narration by an unknown voice listing the schedule of the protagonists. Then the shadow opens up a locker by picking the lock and starts examining the fishing rods inside.
“2 meters, bamboo, old, anime and baseball stickers… Nostalgic and sappy. This is Friendo-kun’s no doubt. This one is thick and robust, fibreglass, neon colours, wants to look professional but isn’t… 4 meters… Must be Token-chan. Only that punk would use something this distasteful. What about this one? It’s one of the ones they give out for rent… And the line isn’t rolled back properly… This is the newbie’s, but I can’t figure anything out if it’s not his own rod… Shit!”
The figure sneaks around for a while and then disappears.
The scene cuts to Protag-kun, Friendo-kun and Token-chan in Friendo-kun’s room, just chilling out since they’re now Friends™. Token-chan starts asking Protag-kun about what happened with his family and Protag-kun narrates the story about how his father passed away when he was small and he had to move to a big city with his mother and sister. Then he also tells Token-chan about how this motivated him to participate in the competition, to which Token-chan is shocked and goes “NANI?????”. But directly after this, Token-chan’s stomach growls very loudly and her face gets kinda blue in that anime way. Friendo-kun declares that this is an emergency and they have to feed her as soon as possible or she might do crazy stuff.
The three go to the sushi bar and the shadow from previously is waiting for them sitting at the table in the darkest corner, camouflaged with a newspaper and silly hat. We can briefly see his eye as he secretly stares at them. He states that everything is going as predicted; they came at the right hour and sat down at the exact places he was expecting. Token-chan greets the barista loudly as soon as they enter - she’s a regular due to her eating habits. The protagonists sit at the counter. Token-chan orders 2304912031 different kinds of food, Protag-kun gets sashimi and Friendo-kun gets “whatever Protag-kun is having”.
Then, for a moment, Token-chan briefly mentions the competition and asks Protag-kun how he’s planning to practice for it. Smart-kun is in momentary shock and listens up more closely, musing on how he needs even more information. Meanwhile Token-chan talks and laughs very loudly with her mouth full and acts in a generally obnoxious manner to the point of irritating the mystery person to the point of snapping. They stand up and walk up to the three of them, only to reveal themselves.
“You people must be real professionals if you have time to stuff your faces before the competition instead of practicing.”
There’s a full visual of Smart-kun from head to toe with his name written on a small card along with his technique. There’s a closeup of his face as he adjusts his glasses, only to show his emerald green eyes. We can hear a short description by Friendo-kun of who Smart-kun is, how he’s part of a noble family and is very obsessed with analyzing and practicing. Nobody has ever seen him smile. He’s a genius and is respected by everyone.
 Smart-kun takes issue with Token-chan’s behaviour and they start bickering to the point of almost starting a bar fight, but Friendo-kun holds her back. Smart-kun then proceeds to ignore both of them, stating that he’s only interested in Protag-kun and the secret of his technique.
 “I’ve been watching you. I know everything about you” he says in a soothing voice. Protag-kun is shocked and slightly intimidated.
 Then Smart-kun starts interrogating him about his technique, but all Protag-kun can say is that he did it spontaneously. Smart-kun gets angry thinking that he’s just joking and making fun of him. Soon, he gives up on asking about Spontaneous Spirit, turns around and leaves with the phrase:
 “Whatever, you’ll never win this competition anyway. The only way to fish is to have control and to calculate your moves in advance. Without that, you’re not worthy of being called a fisherman.”
 Token-chan shouts insults at him as he walks away.
 In the next scene the three friends are practicing again but Protag-kun can’t get Smart-kun’s remark out of his mind and keeps getting flashbacks about the part where he was called unworthy of being called a fisherman. Friendo-kun notices that there’s something wrong with him because ‘he knows Protag-kun well enough to read his emotions just from his face’. He quickly realizes that it’s about Smart-kun and makes an inspiring monologue about how Smart-kun doesn’t realize Protag-kun’s real potential.
 Suddenly, Coach-san shows up with two new chicks he’s flirting with. He addresses Friendo-kun and Token-chan to tell them to clean up inside the school (since he wants to hang out with the ladies). Before they could protest, he starts walking away. Protag-kun instantly wants to go help them but Coach-san orders him to stay because he’s so terrible at fishing that it’s better for him to practice. This demoralizes him even further but he stays nonetheless.
 It’s sunset and Protag-kun is still fishing. His depressive thoughts are interrupted by a loud splash somewhere nearby. His reflection on the water surface is disrupted by a harpoon flying at the speed of light and literally impaling three fish before the line is rolled back and the only presence besides him by the lake collects the bleeding animals.
 Protag-kun is shocked. The person he sees is the scariest and edgiest man he’s ever come across - Antagonist-kun. He has a black, shiny fishing rod made of carbon fibre, wears leather and has bright red hair and piercing, cold eyes. Besides him is a bucket full of bloody, dead fish. He looks towards Protag-kun for a moment, their eyes meet for a few seconds. Antagonist-kun decides to ignore him.
 Protag-kun decides to ask him, in complete shock, if what he’s doing is even within the rules, to which Antagonist-kun replies that it doesn’t concern him and tells him to leave him alone. Protag-kun insists on stopping him in murdering fish like this and Antagonist-kun get so annoyed after a while that he declares that he’ll stop if Protag-kun can defeat him in a fish-off as a joke. Protag-kun challenges him seriously claiming that he wants to show the other how to fish properly within the rules.
 The duel beings and Protag-kun is about to be demolished miserably. Antagonist-kun’s moves are impossible to follow. The two had previously posed 5 fish caught as a target and the showdown goes horribly for Protag-kun. He hasn’t caught any fish when Antagonist-kun is already at 4. In the meanwhile, everything is commented by Smart-kun who was spying on them hidden in a bush, wondering what’s going on. He makes a few comments about how the competition against Antagonist-kun is more important since he’s dangerous. Antagonist-kun is about to catch his fifth fish and Smart-kun panics, thinking that Protag-kun won’t make it and suddenly runs out to implement his technique, Practice-made Perfection. Coincidentally, Protag-kun also uses Spontaneous Spirit in that moment. Their techniques combine in an explosion of motivation and mathematical formulas. Not only do they catch the next fish Antagonist-kun was about to kill, but seven more along with it.
 Despite it not being a fair win, Antagonist-kun is pissed. He makes a degrading comment on how Protag-kun couldn’t even win without being helped, but Protag-kun rebuts him with yet another motivational speech. He goes on about how this day made him realize that what makes a good fisherman is not control or never being helped by anyone but cooperation with others and strong will - with this, they even managed to defeat Antagonist-kun’s complex moves.
 Antagonist-kun takes his leave with a ‘Tch’ and announces that he’ll have his revenge at the competition with an evil smirk. Meanwhile, Friendo-kun and Token-chan come back and start wondering what happened. They find Protag-kun and Smart-kun trying to get their fishing lines untangled since they got stuck together due to the combined techniques. When they ask about it, Smart-kun blushes very slightly and comments on how embarrassing this is for him. Protag-kun tells them that Smart-kun has been very nice to him and helped him defeat ‘that weird guy’. Smart-kun denies all of it while the others are busy being perplexed about the situation. Protag-kun also brings it to his notice that being spontaneous brought more results in that moment than calculating every move, to which the other claims to have predicted everything since the beginning (which is obviously false). Protag-kun asks him why he helped him then and Smart-kun tells him he was too pitiful and it was painful to watch. Besides, he wanted to see Antagonist-kun lose. Token-chan looks oddly in thought when hearing that name. Smart-kun is too embarrassed and just leaves.
 Protag-kun tells the others enthusiastically about how he managed to use his technique again. They decide to celebrate and start walking up to the usual sushi bar. For a short period of time, Token-chan drags Friendo-kun with her so the two can lag behind without Protag-kun hearing them talk. She expresses her concerns about Protag-kun interacting with Antagonist-kun and makes Friendo-kun swear that they’ll try in any way to prevent the two of them to talk so that Protag-kun doesn’t find out about that thing. Protag-kun yells at them to walk faster and they all revert to their happy mood.
 We can lastly see Antagonist-kun in the moonlight, stabbing a fish with a knife mercilessly as he smiles. 
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Thank you for the new fanart, Token-chan will keep us entertained during the hiatus!
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Token-chan being token
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I'm tired of fish being used as decorations
I don’t care how rustic it makes your kitchen look. Betta fish don’t belong in mason jars.
I don’t care how elegant it makes your coffee table look. Goldfish don’t belong in vases.
I don’t care how relaxed it makes your living room look. Koi fish don’t belong in small tanks.
I don’t care how cute it makes your kids room look. Guppies don’t belong in modified mini gumball machines.
Fish need space. Fish need filters. Fish need heaters. Fish need specific amounts of sunlight. Fish need you to open your fucking eyes and realize that they are living creatures. Not decorations.
The moment a fish is taken from nature and put into captivity to breed and sell, is the moment that you need to step up and take responsibility for giving those fish a comfortable life.
If you buy it, you should care for it. The RIGHT way.
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Info card for Shota-kun
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Kawaii desu ne~! The next info card is for Depression-san.
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We apologize for the hiatus; due to Officialart-chan’s journey, she hasn’t been able to make character cards in the past days and will probably have to lay off the tablet for study reasons in the next week or so. For the same reason, she hasn’t/won’t be able to meet Storyboard-chan for a while, but the magical adventures will continue as soon as the mess is over!
Stay tunad! uwu
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This guy confuses me. He doesn’t want to hurt fish but he’s still fishing? Wouldn’t that kind of, you know, kill them??
Tumblr’s new system that doesn’t allow note replies is not facilitating this...
Fishlover-kun: People are already questioning the consistency of my principles......  Why...... I’m not even in the story yet.......... 😰
Sensei-sama: In reality, when it comes to sport fishing, the fish are almost always left alive! This way, the fish population of lakes can be protected, especially when they’re places specifically designated for the sport. Fishlover-kun has many thoughts about and personal ties to fishing, as does every character; all of that is to be uncovered in the future!
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New official art of Protag-kun in action!
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Info card for Coach-san
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He’s wearing his bishie suit here, but more fanservicey official art of him will be released in the future. Next up is Shota-kun!
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FISH!!!!!! in the water episode 2 - Fished out emotions
Summary under the cut!
Protag-kun and Friendo-kun arrive at the fishing school. There’s barely anyone there, but there’s a single presence… The handsome man is first seen from behind in a visual where we can first see his calves, then dat ass, then his muscular back. Coach-san then turns around and simply says ‘Yo’. Friendo-kun waves at him enthusiastically.
“Coach-san! It’s been so long!”
The two have a brief conversation about mundane things. In the meanwhile, Protag-kun gets distracted by a few people preparing their fishing equipment nearby. He has a moment of disencouragement and wonders how he will manage to win against all these professional fishermen. Friendo-kun taps his shoulder to introduce him to Coach-san. They shake hands in a manly way. Friendo-kun explains to him that Protag-kun came here in order to win the fishing competition, to which Coach-san asks him if he’s good at fishing. Protag-kun gets embarrassed and tells him that he doesn’t know anything. Friendo-kun interjects that he used to know how to fish as a kid and only has to reawaken his memories.
The three of them go to the fishing lake by the school where Coach-san starts teaching Protag-kun the basics. But then, a random hot chick turns up and Coach-san leaves because he can’t resist flirting with her. Friendo-kun shrugs and tells Protag-kun that this is just the way he is but he’s a good teacher nonetheless. The two of them are about to start fishing again but then suddenly!!! Token-chan appears!!! And declares that this is her fishing spot (because ‘she feels like fishing here’). She looks at Protag-kun and says she can’t remember his face despite knowing every fisherman in town, also tells him he has ‘the face of a loser’. She asks him if he can even fish at all and Protag-kun is too embarrassed to reply.
Friendo-kun challenges Token-chan to a ‘fish off’ to win the fishing spot (also in order to conceal the fact that Protag-kun can’t fish). They start duelling and it’s very intense. Token-chan is about to win, but in the crucial moment, her bracelet comes off and is about to fall in the water. Suddenly, Protag-kun has a moment of divine inspiration!!! His aura starts glowing, he takes the fishing rod and finally yells the name of his technique.
 Protag-kun manages to catch the bracelet mid-air and kindly returns it to Token-chan. The latter is shocked and is now convinced that Protag-kun is a genius. She humbles herself and leaves to go fish elsewhere, but does all of this in a tsundere way. Protag-kun is dumbfounded and can’t even say anything when Friendo-kun asks him what he just did. Friendo-kun then congratulates and compliments him, to which Protag-kun blushes and tells him he was just being spontaneous (badum pssh). The scene is interrupted by the return of Coach-san. 
The next day they go to the fishing school again and start practicing together with Coach-san. Token-chan turns up as well but is too shy to fish near people who are ‘better than her’ so she goes to the other side of the lake. From the distance, she can even see Protag-kun screwing up but convinces herself that it’s just a complex way of practicing. Meanwhile Friendo-kun is trying to help Protag-kun, even puts his hands over his to show him how to hold a fishing rod. Token-chan is slightly jealous and asks herself why a sensei like Protag-kun would let a newbie such as Friendo-kun get so close to him. She gets so tired of trying to understand throughout the entire day that she can’t help but walk up to them. Token-chan asks Protag-kun to teach her his ways and before he can even respond, she declares that she’ll be by the lake tomorrow at 6 am.
Protag-kun and Friendo-kun go home, it’s late afternoon. Protag-kun feels guilty about practically lying to Token-chan and decides to confess her the truth. He asks Friendo-kun where Token-chan lives and he tells him but also says he doesn’t want to go with him because she’s scary when she’s angry. Protag-kun sets out on a walk, right up to the cheap motel where Token-chan is allegedly staying.
He finds the right corridor and is about to walk up to the room, but then he hears yelling and bickering sounds. He decides to hide and spy on whatever is happening. Before his eyes, a dramatic scene unfolds where Token-chan is passionately arguing with another girl in front of her door. The two look slightly similar.
The other girl addresses Token-chan as her ‘sister’ and begs her to come back home in order not to ruin the family’s reputation. Token-chan then replies that she has no reason to come back because her family will never accept her the way she is and she’d rather live on her own as poor than go back to them. Her sister then asks her if even her isn’t a good reason to come back and Token-chan says something about how even her sis can’t understand her and tosses the bracelet at her (which then falls on the floor). The sister runs away, not even noticing Protag-kun, Token-chan sheds a few tears.
After the two of them are alone, Token-chan tells Protag-kun that she knows he’s there and quickly wipes her eyes. She tells her entire story in a stream of consciousness, how she’s part of a rich family but they never listen to her and she’s considered a black sheep because of her edgy lifestyle and attitude. Token-chan expresses her embarrassment at the fact that Protag-kun, her idol, now knows her secret, but Protag-kun replies that he also has a secret to tell and admits that he isn’t a fishing master and only did his technique by accident. 
Token-chan is very angry and disappointed, but Protag-kun tries to calm her down and explains that he also just wants to be accepted and admired by his family. He makes a motivational monologue about how life is hard and sometimes it takes time to get people to accept you but you just have to keep trying. Token-chan is moved for a moment, but because she’s tsundere, she gets back into her room and slams the door in Protag-kun’s face.
The next day they all go to the fishing school once again, but right before Protag-kun could get his equipment, someone throws a fishing rod at him roughly - someone who turns out to be Token-chan.
“Hey, loser! Let’s go fishing, I’ll teach you a few tricks.”
The episode ends with all of them fishing happily together. In the distance, there’s a mysterious shadow with only the shape of glasses glowing on the shilouette. The figure is taking notes furiously while observing Protag-kun’s moves and smirks evilly.
“New competition to eliminate? This is going to be easy.”
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Info card for Fishlover-kun
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He loves fish sooooooooo much... Next up is Coach-san and his beautiful, fanservicey body!
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Thank you for this beautiful piece of fanart, we are truly moved! Although Shy-kun is usually embarrassed to see depictions of himself, he can truly identify with this one; after all, we can see him engaging in his beloved hobby - gardening - which he’s very passionate about. Now he’s blushing even more...
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FISH!!!!!! in the water is a good show
@fish-in-the-water-official keep blessing us with quality content about fishing bishonen
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sensei-sama, is it true that you visited the most popular fishing locations in the world to produce this wonderful anime???
Sensei-sama: Unfortunately, I’m in need of more franchise money to travel around the world for research... But I can assure you that I have tasted a wide variety of sashimi to properly identify with Protag-kun’s perspective. For the sole reason of writing his character better, of course... No self-insertion anywhere... Who has even mentioned self-insertion... In any case, as soon as FISH!!!!!! in the water picks up, I will hopefully be able to visit every location relevant to my creation!
Thank you for your question! uwu
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Info card for Shy-kun
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He’s here but he wishes he wasn’t... Next up is Fishlover-kun!
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A quick update
We apologize for the hiatus! The living trashcan that draws the info cards has been malfunctioning lately, we will try to get it back to work as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
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Thank you so much for the first FISH!!!!!! in the water fanfic! The Staff (tm) is happy to see such talented people in the fandom; we were also moved to tears after reading this beautiful piece. The characterization is perfect, the drama is intense, the reader can feel their Special Bond down to the core. This is what ‘art’ means.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fish!!!!!! In The Water (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Protag-kun/Friendo-kun Characters: Protag-kun, Friendo-kun, Loveinterest-chan Additional Tags: FIRST POST BITCHES, Confessions, Drabbles
@fish-in-the-water-official So I puked up a drabble, I couldn’t resist. Protag-kun and Friendo-kun are just fucking cute. 
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are there 6 MCs in keeping with the theory that exclamation points symbolize number of protags i.e. 2 for hq!! and 3 for yuri!!! on ice ??
*Pulls out spreadsheet of characters planned out*
If there were to be a ‘main crew’, there are 5 positive characters that are certainly part of it, but I don’t know which among an antagonist and an important side character would count as sixth...
In any case, the possibility of introducing a New Cool Good Character (tm) in season 2 is always open.
Thank you for your question! uwu
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