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synthogender flag stimboard for @spiralingants 💭💭💭
💾 💾 💾 | 🟦 x 🟦 | 💾 💾 💾
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Mom Said It’s My Turn To Do The Writing
This was supposed to be a small fluff drabble but i quickly realized that I can’t write anything under 300 words for the life of me so here’s a full one shot. Enjoy :D
Alex wasn’t really sure how long the two had been running for. Maybe minutes, maybe hours,maybe for just seconds. But Alex could tell by now they really couldn’t keep it up. Their legs were shaking which each step, their breathing had quickened, and everything seemed to be blurred despite having their glasses on. Clyde seemed filled with just enough energy to keep going, surely it wouldn’t notice if Alex took a small break to catch their breath and lean against a tree.
But notice it did. Alex watched through closing eyes as Clyde ran back over to check on them. 
“Sandwich Human! We don’t have time! They’re gonna get you!” Clyde hurried them. Alex held up a finger to signal for a minute. Then got off the tree and ran a bit further… before losing breath again and falling over.
Clyde rushed over to them, panicking. “Sandwich Human you are not dying today! There’s far more that needs to happen and your death is not for a while.” Clyde muttered. It placed a hand on Alex, which immediately made them sit up.
The duo had found out just a little bit ago the two can touch without Alex dying (immediately), Now after months of trying not to touch each other, it just felt… strange. It wasn’t like it hurt; Alex was just expecting to suddenly feel more teeth and to start coughing blood, and not just a semi-solid ooz hand (?) on their shoulder.
Clyde had already removed its hand from Alex, but still looked concerned. Then it seemed to have an idea. “Don't panic over what I’m about to do.” The veldigun told them. Before Alex could even question what they were about to do, they were immediately picked up by the veldigun. 
“Come on, let’s go find a cave or somewhere and get you some rest.” Clyde whispered as it began to run and locate a good place for the duo to sleep for the night. 
Alex really hadn’t been held like this since they were incredibly young. They had just grown out of asking to be carried and by then they were far too tall to be carried properly. Clyde was a bit taller than them, and was way stronger as well. It was odd, but strangely comforting to be carried around like they weighed nothing.
Just as Alex grew comfortable with being carried, Clyde looked to the side in joy. “Finally! A good cave!” It announced as it brought Alex inside. Clyde seemed to search around for some unknown reason before placing Alex down in a spot far from the opening. It readjusted the blanket Alex had been carrying to be wrapped around them.
“We need a nest, stay here.” Clyde whispered as it scurried away. 
Wow, tonight was a night of firsts for Alex, wasn’t it. They were hunted by the police for the first time, ran for more than half an hour for the first time, were carried for the first time in years, and now they were sleeping in a nest for the first time. Last time they had this many first was their 18th birthday, first time drinking and first time waking up in Mr. Jones’s shed with their clothes on backwards. What a night they still couldn’t remember.
As Alex thought about this in a headspace they were too sleepy to actually think about things logically, they had barely noticed Clyde coming back with a pile of supplies, which was now being used to make a makeshift nest. Alex examined the nest closely. It had what looked like some tree branches, leaves, some discarded trash, what was either a tent or a hammock, and fluff that they couldn’t identify (maybe it was cotton, maybe it was spider webs, maybe- actually, Alex didn't want to know). Alex was still unsure of how it was being held together because it looked poorly woven, until they noticed Clyde gliding a finger across the nest structure, leaving a trail of goo(?). So that was that question answered.
Eventually once Clyde had finished construction of the nest, it reapproached the human. “Alright, the nest is done, from the position of the moon it’s should be 4 or 5 am, so I’m gonna block the cave and sleep with you. So you hop in the nest, be there in a minute.” It told the human before grabbing leftover branches to cover the opening with. 
Alex made an “attempt” to move into the nest, but they were so tired they’d rather just lay on the ground then move another inch. It made them feel terrible cause Clyde just spent its time building a nest that it didn't need to, but here Alex was not getting in it. God they were just like their old family cat, Neptune, who never slept in the nice cat beds they’d buy him and instead sleep in the box it came in. Neptune was a nice cat, don’t get Alex wrong, just a tad annoying. Shame Neptune went missing mysteriously one day- actually no wait now that they think about it, it was highly likely Clyde had found him first and-
“Need help Sandwich Human?” Clyde offered as it towered over their body. Alex just made a vague yes noise and grabby hands. They heard the veldigun laugh as it picked them up. 
“Wow, your way more tired than I expected.” It chuckled as it laid the both of them in the nest. “Six, this must be what Winfrey felt when I stayed up past 6 am hunting and begged to be carried to our nest.” It chuckled again.
They stayed like that for a minute. While the nest was comfy, Alex found themselves unable to truly fall asleep. “Blanket maybe?” They thought as they unwrapped their blanket and threw half over Clyde. It was probably cold as well. Clyde seemed a bit shocked to have gotten half of the blanket around it as well, but grateful nonetheless.
Alex, however, was still having trouble sleeping. They were incredibly tired, but couldn’t get to that state where they were asleep. 
Clyde looked soft.
Alex wrapped themselves around the veldigun. This was something they probably would have considered a death wish maybe a few months ago, but at this moment it just felt… right. 
There was a small pause between the two. Maybe Alex had taken it too far, maybe this was the moment Clyde decided they were too much trouble, maybe-
Clyde wrapped its own arms around Alex, and its tail wrapped around theirs. This was… incredibly comforting. Maybe tonight had been, probably the worst in all of Alex’s life, but right now, in this cave, in this nest, in a moment of peace between human and eldritch beast, Alex had a thought they hadn’t thought in sometime:
“Maybe things will be ok.”
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Become the horrors, Alex.
Like what I do and feeling generous? Support me through my Ko-fi!
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happy pride month!
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request received, unfulfilled.
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We’re welcoming AM and HAL into the family this time c: , I’ll continue this family photo series as I release new papercrafts lol
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Signs of Alex turning into a veldigun, these were quick doodles i made and don't know if i might finalize them but have them for now
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My thought process for coming up with veldi-alex was just "Eyes in hair+Angel"
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Thank You, Clyde
(I could not find the original post. However, this fic is based on the idea that Clyde could mimic Lewis Williams/William Lewis' voice for Alex. Be prepared, it's a bit longer than my normal fics.)
Being on the run allowed time for a lot of thinking. Alex thought about many things; Clyde, Winfrey, Lankmann, Patient 66, the situation they were in, etc. The thing that came with a wave of grief every time they thought about it, was their brother, Lewis Williams. 
Lewis was the best little brother that Alex could ask for. They got along well, he was well-behaved, had many friends at school, and tried his hardest to make Alex proud. After the death of their parents, Alex had taken care of Lewis for a few years before his untimely death. Although Alex had seemed put together in that news segment, they were internally shattered to pieces. 
His death hurt less now, but sometimes the grief just came around every once in a while to punch them in the gut. It’s been happening more often now since Alex and Clyde were on the run. When they did think about Lewis, Alex wondered what he would think of where they were now; hanging out with the creature that killed him. How fucked up was that? They often thought that Lewis would be rolling in his grave at the thought. Then, they would remember that there was no grave for Lewis or the other children at all.
Alex hadn’t even noticed that they were crying until Clyde loudly cleared its throat. They wiped their eyes furiously, they hadn’t cried about Lewis in months. 
Clyde watched the human in mild concern, wondering if being on the run was getting to them. “What are you thinking about?”
“Thinking about my dead brother, Lewis,” Alex sniffled lightly. 
Clyde didn’t know how it had never made the connection before. Alex was Lewis William’s older sibling. And Clyde had killed him. 
Clyde had never felt any grief or remorse for the ones he had killed until that moment. Clyde never got particularly close with any of the humans he killed, but this situation was different. One of its closest frie- companions had been harmed by his actions. However, it then realized that it would have never met Alex unless he had killed Lewis, so it felt a little less bad. Despite that, Alex was still upset and Clyde did not know how to handle an upset human.
Suddenly, Clyde was hit with an idea.
“You can absolutely say no to this, but I can mimic his voice and create a hallucination of him for you. You could at least talk to him one last time,” Clyde suggested quietly.
“That’s kind of fucked up, but you’d really do that for me?” Alex sniffles again, eyes wet with unshed tears.
Clyde nodded, “Whenever you’re ready.”
Alex hops down from the tree they are hiding in. They knew it was probably unsafe to be so in the open, but they would rather fall to their knees on the ground than fall from the tree. Alex whispers almost inaudibly, “I’m ready.”
Suddenly, a small dirty blond-haired boy appeared in front of Alex. He looked disorientated for a moment before locking onto Alex’s face.
“Allie!” the boy cried, racing toward his older sibling.
“Oh, Lew,” Alex almost choked out a sob. They crouched and held their arms out for a hug for just a moment before realizing they couldn’t do that. As real as Lewis looked, he was just a hallucination. Alex frowned for a half second before smiling again at the young boy.
“Allie, don’t be sad, I’m right here!” Lewis beamed as if that would take all the pain away. He was still in his Halloween costume, Alex noted. They had saved up for Lewis’ Halloween costume and were so excited to take pictures of the boy, but they never got the chance before he was taken. Lewis noticed Alex checking out his costume. “I love my Halloween costume. It must have been a lot of money.”
Alex nodded, “It took me a bit to save up for it, but you had been doing so well in school that I thought you deserved something nice.”
Lewis sits in front of Alex’s crouched form, “You didn’t have to do that, y’know. I’m grateful for all you do for me.”
“I know, bud,” Alex sits down fully. “But, doing special things for you made me feel good because it made you happy. And I love you so much, I would’ve hated to see you upset.”
“I love you, too,” the boy smiled. “But I have to go very soon, my friends are waiting for me.”
“Ah, yes, of course. Friendship is very important,” Alex sighs. “I’m sorry I ended up in this situation, I hope you can forgive me. I just have to survive for now and Clyde is the only way for me to do that. I love you so much, Lewis.”
The boy smiled and tilted his head, “I could never be mad at you. I love you, too, Alex.”
And the boy faded away.
Alex had been holding everything in, so the moment Lewis disappeared, Alex began sobbing. Fat hot tears trickled down their face. Snot clogged their nose, making it hard to breathe. Alex almost threw up. They had worked so hard for that boy. They had struggled with taking care of him while Alex still had to finish high school and work a job to make ends meet. Alex worked so hard and he died.
Clyde hadn’t anticipated such a visceral reaction from Alex. It quickly and not so gracefully landed on the ground and wrapped Alex in a blanket. Alex hardly, if at all, acknowledged the action.
“Shit,” the veldigun sat in front of the human. “Can you hear me, Alex?”
Alex coughed harshly and nodded. “Okay. Uh… everything is fine. Just try to follow my breathing.”
It took several minutes for Alex to calm down. Even as they did, it seemed as though they were dazed and unfocused. The veldigun carefully placed its claws on the blanket covering Alex, hoping that the pressure would ground them. Slowly, they raised their eyes to Clyde’s and spoke.
“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t understand,” the veldigun looked confused. “What are you sorry for?”
Alex sighs, “Because you had to see me like this and I used you for something so selfish.”
Clyde removes its claws from Alex’s shoulders. “Eh, I’ve done worse to others. Plus, I’m using you for something selfish, too. Least I could do.”
Alex chuckles mirthlessly, “That doesn’t reassure me… but, thanks for doing what you did, though.”
“Like I said, the least I could do.”
The rest of the day was slow and uneventful. Clyde silently made plans on how to get food for the night while watching over Alex’s sleeping body. It had thought about running off to steal hot chocolate from somebody’s house but decided that he shouldn’t leave the human all alone. Another thing that crossed its mind was to sneak back to Alex’s house to get their scrapbook. It knew it would have to do that soon. Being on the run was difficult for the veldigun and it had no idea how the human would continue to respond to such dire circumstances. Getting the album would put Alex into higher spirits so they could keep surviving, Clyde justified, and not at all about the fact that sometimes it needed to see a smile on Alex’s face.
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In the hypothetical timeline in which Alex manages to break WInfrey out while still developing their Veldi form: Clyde & Winfrey offer them to find the specific features they want to have so they can go hunt together (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I was talking with @crystallizedday @grape-of-agayte and @tigerarainbowra-blog and this funny bit materialized
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fastest draw in hell
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machine learning
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Hurts a little less - a hurt/comfort AlClyde centric sitcom au fic
*clears my throat and taps the mic with loud feedback*
Hi! This is my first fic ever. I'm not exactly confident in my writing abilities, but this fandom is allergic to happiness and I had to take matters into my own hands. As promised, my hurt/comf fic that "might be a little gay" (/qp)
Word count: 780
Rating: T
Content warning: Skin picking, depictions of hallucinations, descriptions of hunger, Clyde's horrible case of emotional constipation, absolutely disgustingly bittersweet-but-mostly-sweet descriptions of a squish
Alex's voice was tiny, barely loud enough to break the deafening silence of the cold, autumn air. They shivered, pulling their jacket tighter, trying not to sob from the pain. The skin was peeling off of their bony hands at an alarming rate, revealing a leathery hide covered in stripes.
"It hurts."
"Clyde, it hurts," they groaned, unsure if their companion had heard them.
The demon sitting next to them looked over, doing its best to hide any emotion. Emotions get you killed in the world it lived in. Emotions make you vulnerable to attack, and while Alex was in no state to attack it, and it knew that there's no way they would, it was pure instinct at this point.
"I'm sorry," it whispered. It reached out a large, clawed hand to rest on their shoulder, but quickly decided it would be better not to touch them, wrapping its arms doubly around itself in a hug.
Clyde wasn't a dumb creature, or some sort of animal incapable of intelligence. It was fully sentient, and knew right away that all of the symptoms Alex was showcasing was because of it. It was its fault that Alex was coughing up blood, scratching and peeling at their skin, and writhing in pain every night in a fitful, useless attempt at sleep.
"I'm so, so sorry," it repeated.
Alex laughed sadly. "You say that like any of this is your fault,"
"....But…. it is."
Alex was simply confused. "What?"
Clyde sniffled and clung to itself tighter. "It is my fault. I'm the whole reason you're out here. I'm the reason you're on the run from the police. I'm the reason we don't have a home anymore. I'm the reason that you're…. you're…."
"Falling off the bone?"
Clyde had to stop itself from licking his lips, hearing its friend compare themselves to a piece of meat. It'd been well fed for a while, surviving off of sandwiches and whatever leftovers it could find in Alex's trash, but now that they were on the run, it craved. Alex was just so weak, and it would just be so easy….
Which was exactly why it needed to be more diligent in protecting them.
"I have a friend," it blurted out.
Alex simply looked at them in confusion.
"I have a friend in the asylum. My hunting partner. He's tall. And strong. Insanely strong. He's-"
Alex's gaze shifted towards the direction of the asylum, and their vision began to swirl with red waves. Their head began to pound, and they winced, grabbing at their head as they fell heavy against Clyde's chest.
Clyde jumped at the sudden contact, unsure of what to do. It followed their gaze, and could've sworn it heard the faintest familiar melody. It untangled its arms and wrapped them around Alex, who keened into its touch with a sharp, shaky exhale. Every inch of their skin that made contact burned, but at least they weren't cold anymore.
At least they weren't alone.
Alex's voice began to regain its strength now that the biting cold felt a little less intense. "We- we can get your friend out of there. Somehow. We'll have to come up with a plan."
Clyde looked down at them and smiled.
Alex couldn't explain it, but that stupid, horrible smile warmed their heart. Clyde was a thing of local legend, a sort of boogeyman to keep children from wandering too far at night, or too late out on Halloween, nicknamed for that same signature smile that made Alex feel proud to be its friend.
"He can keep us safe," Clyde said, as Alex turned in its lap to face them. "He can keep you safe."
It brushed a strand of their hair out of their face, tucking it behind their ear. Touching their face made it feel sick.
How dare it? How dare it touch Alex's face without permission, doing something so delicate and human? This feeling bubbling in their chest was so similar to how it felt about Winfrey when they first met. What was this? It felt horrifying, but it was so, so just…. good.
It quickly snapped out of its trance. Alex grabbed its arm with a grip so gentle and sincere it almost completely drowned out just how much it burned.
"You're shaking, buddy. Are you cold?"
Clyde shook its head and simply wrapped its arms snugly around the two of them, laying down with Alex on its chest.
"I think I just need some rest. You do, too."
Alex had no complaints to make. It never imagined cuddling something could feel so nice.
They both slept through the whole night for once.
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fixationstationbaby · 10 days
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Clyde inspired by @tigerarainbowra-blog 's biology nerding
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fixationstationbaby · 10 days
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BLOOD IS FUEL HELL IS FULL AND THE NEW ULTRAKILL UPDATE is so much fun,,,,,,,,,,,,, also i am spreading the tailed/dragonfly V1 propaganda
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fixationstationbaby · 10 days
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fixationstationbaby · 10 days
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